Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Ways of the Odd (V)

Ways of the Odd (V)

Emma and Kramer emerged from the steep mountains first, landing onto the Mirrored Lakes, appearing somewhat exhausted from the journey. Though they didn't run into a lot of monsters on their way back, walking through the soot-filled, cataclysmic landscape was hardly easy, resulting in both groups being quite weary.

The situation on the lakes, oddly, was similar to how it first was when they landed here, Emma noted; there were a lot of people standing around in groups, some looking at the city, some at the steles, and some at the mountains.

One thing that stuck out to Emma were the steles -- they had changed. Namely, at the very top of each, there were quite a few carvings. Most were just '???' with some numbers in line, though a few did have names adjacent to the numbers.

One line that caught Emma's attention was on the left stele, at the very top, next to '1'. Though there were only '???' in the name column, next to the numbers -- precisely 220 -- was an additional inscription -- 'Heroic Impunity'. The reason was that, ever since Cain beat the King, each member of their party had gotten a buff -- precisely 'Heroic Impunity'. The buff seemed nothing special, and was hardly even considered a buff by most, simply stating that their 'actions had garnered a considerable reputation within the regions'.

However, the buff did help her discern that it was them standing in the first place, some ways off from the second that only had 6 points in total. She chuckled inwardly and shook her head as the group made their way forward.

She, also, quickly discern that the massive discrepancy on the left stele was one of the main conversational points among the groups here, so much so that almost every single one they passed was discussing it. The chatter shifted, however, when people noticed the masked group walking next to another, unknown one. Even on top of the massive lake, other, smaller groups made way for them, practically carving a path straight to the city itself.

Kramer's group glanced oddly at the masked ones who all had their heads up, looking at the clouds, whistling as though nothing was wrong. The scene was quite funny, though nobody quite dared laugh -- at least not out loud.

"How are we gonna get into the city?" Kramer asked Emma as they neared the center of the lake.

"Well, if we're lucky," Emma said. "We'll be beamed up there. If not, I hope you have a head or two of an ugly-looking monster in your inventories."

However, neither of those things were necessary; as soon as Emma walked up to the lot beneath the city, a simple notification popped up in front of her -- 'Would you like to enter City of Mirrors?' with 'Yes' and 'No' prompts beneath it. She glanced around and quizzed others with her gaze, noting that everyone -- including Kramer's group -- had gotten the same notification.

"Well... let's go in, I guess," she shrugged as she pressed yes, a white pillar of light enveloping her instantly and dragging her up, others following shortly after.


Cain was watching the news on TV while Lana played with Cheebo on the floor. The former had a beer in hand, though no cigarette as he decided he at least wouldn't smoke in front of Lana if nothing else. It's been a few days since his return, and save for Lana, nobody else knew. He was almost rid of the pain, though the debuff still stood and will stand for almost 3 months more.

However, he didn't care much for it; he spent days either playing with Lana, lazying around, watching news or movies. It was back to the simple life, one without world-ending fights looming over his shoulders like thunderous clouds. It was nice, he mused, and comfortable. Due to his experiences and a lifetime of Tower-diving, Mana didn't impact his mind as much as it did with others; he suspected that most would start feeling jittery after a few days outside the Tower, and would want to go back in within one-two weeks tops.

Rick's determination, at that, was far more surprising as the man really only ever went back in once since his choice.

Cain was dragged out of his thoughts by a strange announcement on the TV, something that caught him off-guard as it shouldn't have happened for a few more months. He turned up the volume and focused on the blazer-tailored woman on the TV sharing the news.

"... upcoming week, the world will bear witness to the very first meeting of the 'Union of Nations', a recently-created group comprised of all standing countries in the world. The goal of the Union is to discuss the dealings of the seven Towers and to ensure the right decisions are made in relation to them. All countries have confirmed to be attending the meeting that will happen on Friday, 6 P.M., here, in L.A., inside the recently-constructed Tower Hall. As far as we are aware, the main goal of the meeting is to determine how to allow nations without Towers access to one, as well as a potential worldwide distribution network.

"Furthermore, each country will be represented by five people at most -- and only one of them will be a Conqueror, it has been confirmed. As United States' representatives, President McMullan will be attending as well as his Vice President Johnson, Secretary of Defense Jefferson, as well as the recently nominated Secretary of Tower, Mr. Garcia. The identity of the Conqueror that will be accompanying them is yet to be disclosed, though our inside sources have reported the decision rests between two at the moment.

"Due to the scale and the nature of the meeting, heavy security will be present at the scene, including 6,000 Conquerors of our military that will be patrolling the grounds, ensuring nothing untoward happens. Mr. President will address the nation tomorrow during a public, White House briefing when we'll be privy to more information about the upcoming meet. In other news, we have finally compiled the list of all the classes from all the Tower; please stay tuned after a brief break from our sponsors for a further breakdown..."

Cain stroked his chin gently, his brows furrowed; though one such meeting happened the last time around, it was... different, in many ways. Firstly, it happened a few months later, and it certainly didn't involve 'all the countries', but rather just 40. In addition, there were no government representatives -- only Conquerors. Nations without Towers basically poached and hired from those with specifically for this meeting. Additionally, it didn't happen in L.A., but rather in Canada. And Rick definitely wasn't part of the group.

It could be fun, Cain mused inwardly. I've nothing to do anyway. Seeing what crappers are politicians up to... maybe even discovering a talent or two... Though he hardly had the desire to thrust himself into the world of geopolitics and games of the 'highest' order, being in-the-know as far as the general situation was wouldn't be too bad. In addition, someone ought to be there to calm things down when they inevitably flame up.

He gingerly played with his phone for a moment before sending a message, returning to his beer right after. About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang as he smiled and got up, opening them to see Rick's steaming, reddened, and sweaty face. The old man was panting, leaning against the wall and trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, wow, you're out of shape, old man," Cain chuckled as he walked back into the apartment, with Rick following shortly after.josei

"Y-you... when... when did you... come back?" Rick wheezed a few words, quickly launching himself on a chair, startling Lana.

"E-eh? Grandpa Rick?!"

"Oh, hi... hi... sweetie..."

"Firefly," Cain said. "Why don't you take Cheebo and go grab an ice-cream in the kitchen?"

"Are... are you and grandpa gonna talk 'adult' stuff?" she asked queerly.

"..." Cain stopped, the look in his eyes changing. What kind of 'adult stuff' does she mean? Like, complicated stuff? Or sex?! Wait... who the hell spoke about sex to my ten-year-old daughter?!! I'm gonna kill the bastard!

"Yes, sweetie," Rick replied when he noticed that Cain froze up. "It's gonna be long and boring, like those meetings you followed me to. Remember?"

"Ugh," Lana groaned and quickly shot up, leaving the room. "Have fun!"

"Oh... she... she meant that kind of adult stuff..." Cain let go of a rancid breath that was burning through his lungs for a moment there.

"She's ten, idiot," Rick sighed. "What were you expecting?"

"... I don't wanna talk about it."

"Sure thing, tiger," Rick chuckled, reaching out and taking one of the unopened cans of beer. "So, why'd you message me?"

"That meeting," Cain quickly replied. "I'll attend it."

"That meeting? Oh, you mean one of the nations?" Rick said. "Wait--you wanna go?"

"Well, yeah, kinda. Sounds like fun."

"It won't be fun, Cain," Rick said. "It's a serious business."

"Oh, come on, Ricky," Cain groaned and rolled his eyes. "It's a meeting between hundreds of narcissistic maniacs with only self-interest in mind. We'll be lucky if it doesn't end up in a free-for-all."

"Exactly!" Rick exclaimed. "So, why do you wanna go? Wait--what are you even doing here? Are others back?"

"No," Cain shook his head. "Some things... happened. Had to leave early. Anyway, I'm going, whether you get me an invite or not. If you think I can be stopped--"

"--oi, are you serious?"

"I'm just kidding."

"You didn't sound like you were kidding."

"I'm always kidding..." Cain said.

"... yeah, that's true. Fine, if you wanna go, you'll go. Will be good to know nothing's gonna happen to us. What's your goal?"

"Eh, see what's what," Cain shrugged. "Maybe see if there's someone worth poaching. Anyway, Secretary of Tower, huh? You sure climbed fast..."

"... I wanted to reject it," Rick sighed, taking a few sips. "But, well..."




"Oh, shut up. Most of them are for you."

"Oh, well, if they're for us..."

"... you alright?" Rick asked after a brief moment of silence.

"Yeah," Cain smiled faintly and nodded. "Don't worry. Just went overboard a bit."

"Figured," Rick shrugged. "For someone who preaches 'take it easy' every step of the way, you sure ain't walking the talk."

"Any problems?"

"Some," Rick replied. "As you suspected, they went after my aides. Offers of money, items, level-boosting..."

"Got anyone?" Cain asked.

"A few. Nobody important, though. Most of those who could hurt me have been with me long since before the Towers. I'm safe on that front."

"Your trust is... admirable."

"And thus the kettle is called black."

"... I never quite knew," Cain said suddenly. "Do black people consider that saying racist?"

"... what?"

"I don't know, just wondering," Cain shrugged.

"... aaanyway, I'll get you when it's time to go. Do you have a suit?"

"A suit?"

"Yes, this grown-up piece of fabric--"

"--I'll screw a pencil through your eye."


"Though, admittedly, I don't. The one I do is old and very cheap. You buy one for me, grandpa Rick?" Cain grinned as he asked. "Oh, right. I'll be wearing a mask."

"A mask?"

"Well, more precisely, the mask."

"... no."


"You'll scare the living shit out of everyone!"

"That's the plan."

"... I am so gonna regret bringing you along, won't I?" Rick sighed, taking another sip of beer.

"Probably. But you don't seem like a man who can't handle a regret or two."

"Ah, whatever. Just don't blow the place up, I beg you."

"Oh, wow. I'm insulted! What kind of a man do you think I am?"

"Do you really wanna go there?" Rick asked, his look askew.

"... no, not really. Drink."

"Yup. Drink."

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