Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: Raiding the Star of Hegon (IV)

Chapter 360

Raiding the Star of Hegon (IV)

It was a competent group--at least, that was what U’nul thought. They had good leadership and above average skills for their point of the climb. They had also improved considerably from their last attempt. But... it wasn’t enough. They wouldn’t be able to defeat her. Not even close. There were still many gaps in their damage output, their healers were already panicking and overhealing,

They’ll survive a minute or so into the 2nd phase before needing to leave. It was admirable, still. If they kept at it, her defeat was inevitable. But... in that group, hidden behind the fighting force, there was a figure. She noticed him immediately--she would have been blind if she hadn’t.

If she weren’t restricted by the damned chains wrapped around her soul, she would have ran--the feeling that the man gave her... was incomparable. Luckily, he didn’t act--he merely stood in the back and observed. When U’nul realized that, she also realized he was there simply as a contingency, to make sure that nobody died.

It still begged the question, however, how someone of his caliber appeared so early in the Trials. But no matter what she thought, she couldn’t come up with a solution. Whatever was the case, as long as he didn’t attack directly, they had no means of defeating her yet.

She observed them keenly, and noted several levels of skill present within the group--within the top echelon rested the two tanks, three healers, and some ten damage dealers. While there were still levels to them, too, they weren’t as pronounced as with the remainder of the raid. They didn’t seem to struggle with basic mechanics, and their continued output closed in on 85% of the time, which was considered fairly elite.

However, in order to defeat her, the entire raid would have to reach that point at minimum, with several of them hitting closer to 90% per-second-output. It wouldn’t be easy; she herself had fought a similar battle many, many, many moons ago. It took her world years of progress to get there. But, then again, they didn’t have a man like that by their side to ensure everyone’s survival.

For her, and for most if not all worlds, it’s a trial by fire--where every attempt meant that more than 95% of Conquerors would die. Of the few survivors, even fewer would have the fervor to return. And, as such, over the long stretch of time, a group of grizzled survivors would be formed that was good enough to Conquer the Trial.

She suspected, however, it would be different for this group; even before the man arrived, their casualties were minimal due to their two tanks and the single healer. They would have been far from enough during the 2nd phase, but they never got there before.

Many thoughts raced through her mind, but when she saw the man in question glance at her and smile, she shuddered. It wasn’t a dreadful smile--if anything, it seemed almost apologetic, as though he was saying ‘sorry that you won’t be able to kill anyone’. She almost wanted to smile back, but didn’t in the end; she had the battle to fight.

Shawn was sweating--in part because of the heat that the flames generated, but mostly because of the dancing health bars. Up and down, like a roller coaster they went. Even while being tested by Domin he never felt this pressured. Back then, at least, it was only his life that was in danger--but now, he held the fates of dozens of other people in his hands.

“Calm down,” a man next to him suddenly shouted. It was the raid’s main healer, Yuki. “You’re wasting too much Mana. You’ve healed Emma twice--ignore the tanks, they should be fine. Ignore other healers too. Ignore Emma, Jamal, Daniel, and Ethan. Make your primary focus the ranged damage dealers.”

“A-a-rlight,” Shawn stuttered. It was remarkable, he’d realized from the start--no wonder Cain categorized him as ‘barely passable’. Besides Yuki, there were two other healers--both women--who were similarly much more composed and far more precise in healing. It wasn’t the world-first party for nothing, he sighed inwardly.

He was complacent, thinking he would make a massive difference; while he was fiddling about and making mistakes, they were consistent. Beyond just understanding their own classes, they understood the incoming damage, the resistances, types of armor, other classes... they instinctively knew who to prioritize, while he simply eyed the smallest health bars.


Upon her orders, the raid once again reorganized as the two tanks dragged the boss back toward one of the Pylons. The passive damage output was... scary, to say the least. Every second, it felt, Shawn was tempted to blow his remaining cooldowns. But... he held back. It was in part due to his faith in other healers surrounding him, none of which were much worse than him, if at all, but mostly because of the man standing at the far back of the raid--Cain.

While most newcomers didn’t understand why they had a ‘dead slot’ effectively with the random man standing in the back looking at them like it’s a circus, Shawn understood. He was the safety net. While he had no clue exactly how strong Cain was, the fact that he had someone like Domin casually obeying him... it was scary. Domin, alone, could output more damage than their top 5 damage dealers combined. That wasn’t the kind of a pet that just anybody could get, let alone command at will.

Even if boss was scary, Domin, somehow, was scarier. The bundle of darkness that seemed insurmountable stood taller than the massive woman hoisting a beautiful sword, surrounded by flames.

The battle resumed, but the pace quickly went through the roof. Luckily, they had stacked many, many passive Fire Resistances and classes that were able to diminish some of the passive damage. Otherwise, Shawn shuddered at the thought of having to heal through it. Knowing that the group had already attempted this fight several times, with only 3 healers, made him respect the trio that stood above the rest even more.

While others, just like him, seemed to panic and were on the verge of blowing all they had every second, Yuki and the two women, Leah and Awa, seemed far more casual, their Mana pools remaining virtually still, despite casting healing abilities constantly. Aah, the road is long... he sighed inwardly, realizing he’d have to practice even more when they left to the outside.josei

As the boss began to approach the 80% health mark, Cain noticed that the calm in some of the ‘veterans’ of the fight began to wane. Most of the newcomers were hanging by the thread, and most of the most were, really, fighting at 40-50% of their maximum. It wasn’t strange. After all, even if they were the most talented among the talented, this was their first time standing at the absolute plateau of humanity, facing the absolute hardest boss imaginable in the Tower right now. And it just so happened to be the cut-off Guardian, one that, ordinarily, they would have all died fighting.

They were all brave, however. Cain couldn’t help but smile. It was much different than the last life’s attempt, where the cowardice reigned. Nobody tried to run away toward the exit on their own, and though they were scared and panicky... they still fought, trusting those next to them. It was a sight so inspiring that Cain took out a bottle of beer and cracked it open. Were the image to ever leave to the larger confines... who knows what kind of outrage would it inspire?

While they fought for their lives, he casually sipped beer. But, then again, he had his own fair share of battles that nearly cost him his life. And there would be many more to come. While his mind was adrift, there was a sudden change.

One of the chains attached to the U’nul’s back suddenly snapped and a heave of fire ripped out with her as the epicenter. Luckily, everyone had gathered around the Pylons, avoiding the instant wipe.

U’nul tossed away her sword, extending her left arm and summoning a spear that was nearly as long as she was. Her expression coated in the shimmering flames, she pointed the tip toward the raid.

“Blessed be the Fire,” she said. “And dead be those who deny it!

“SECOND PHASE HAS BEGUN!!” Emma hollered as everyone swallowed a gulp. First phase was over. It wasn’t scary, and though there were still things to optimize, they effectively cruised through it. But the real fight has just started. “SENNA, KEEP AN EYE OUT ON THE SHAPE! EVERYONE, BE READY TO MOVE THE MOMENT WE KNOW WHICH ABILITY SHE WILL CAST!! LET’S SEE HOW FAR WE CAN TAKE THIS!!”

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