Returnee’s Life Report

Chapter 62

Chapter 62


King Arthur turned to me.


I looked at Jeong Gi-Hoon to translate what was said, and he promptly answered Arthur.

“We are Hunters.”


This time, Gi-Hoon did not answer Arthur’s question. I turned to him.

“I thought you wanted to collect information. What’s with your silence?”

“To be honest… talking with monsters is meaningless. Even if we have a whole conversation, we would still end up fighting to kill each other. What’s the point of talking?”

I understood his sentiments.

“I see.”

“If we need to get information about the gate, then fine, but having a private conversation with a monster would only make you feel bad. At least, that’s what I think.”

He was right. Without conversing with the monsters, it would feel more like just killing a beast, but if you were to kill those who you could talk to, then that was a different scenario.

“It’s like a Hunter’s manual. All interpreters ask the boss monsters where they are from, what they are, what this dungeon is, and so on. We asked such questions, but the answer was always simple. ‘I don’t know.’

Gi-Hoon looked at me for a while before turning to King Arthur and asking a question in his language. Arthur answered.

“They say the same thing as well. They don’t know. They also find it weird to be revived like this, but they think something else is very strange.”

“What does that mean?” historical

Jeong Gi-Hoon turned to look at Kim So-Eun.

“He finds it strange for Excalibur to choose such a young master.”

King Arthur added some comments and Gi-Hoon laughed as if he had just heard something absurd.

“Also, he finds it weird that the ego inside Excalibur is gone.”

“Is that it?”

“He also wants to fight with you.”

That was surprising to hear.

“He wants to fight with me?”

Jeong Gi-Hoon nodded. I looked at Arthur, and our eyes met. He was trying to say something else, but I told Gi-Hoon to stop interpreting. I can use my aura to communicate with him.

[ I want to ask you something. ]

The King’s eyes were filled with amazement.

[ I didn’t think you could use the ‘message’ ability so fluently. ]

Technically, it was more like telepathy, a method to send my intention directly to one’s head. But anyway…

[ I think it’s not the time for you to be amazed. Do you need more time? ]

[ No thanks. What do you want to ask me? ]

[ Do you remember nothing? ]

[ About what? ]

[ I thought you died ages ago. ]

[ Oh, that. Yes, I was dead. I assume about five hundred years have passed. I don’t know what’s happening now. It’s just that… ]

[ Go on. ]

[ I need to fight with you. That’s all I want to do now. ]

The reason behind this was clear. He was looking down at where Galahad’s dead body was lying.

[ He was just a child when he started to follow me. He may be a fool, but he was a kind and righteous man. He was my people. ]

Arthur touched Galahad’s body gently.

[ I have to get revenge for my people. That’s the lord’s duty. ]

With nostalgic eyes, he looked down at Galahad before slowly standing up. After observing me for a while, he spoke.

[ Your power is much voracious than I thought. ]

[ Can you feel it? ]

[ Just based on what I learned from experience. You are incredibly strong; I think you have some hidden powers… But that is not an issue. Shall we start? ]

His eyes were clear as he clenched his fists. I knew that Excalibur had once been his weapon, so I had to ask.

[ I thought you were a swordsman. Why are you using your fists? ]

[ The sword has chosen another person as its master. There’s no need to think about that. ]

I smiled. This man was interesting. In fact, he is the type of man I would like a lot. No matter how strong the enemy is, he will still fight for his allies. This man deserved my respect.

“Kim So-Eun.”

“Oh… yes, sir.”

“Hand me the sword.”

Without hesitation, she passed me the long sword, which I immediately placed before the King.

[ …Why are you doing this? ]

Instead of answering, I outstretched my arm toward Gi-Hoon and he passed me a sword. I held it and swung it for a bit, getting the feel of the weapon.

“This sword is cheap, Gi-Hoon.”

“…It was not that cheap.”

I shrugged. Arthur was still looking at Excalibur.

[ What are you doing? Just grab it. ]

[ …Why did you give it to me? ]

I thusly corrected his words.

[ I’m not giving it to you, I’m lending it to you. ]

[ …… ]

[ You told me you needed to avenge your person, so use your full power. I think that’s what Galahad would have wanted. ]

In short, I was trying to be nice to him. Arthur burst out laughing before he grabbed his sword from the ground.

Soon, the atmosphere around us changed, and a powerful aura emanated from his body. King Arthur and his sword became one as he assumed the posture of a swordmaster. He was an expert at it.

King Arthur was stronger than I had thought.

Oh, I forgot to mention something.

[ I saw that there was some magic inside that sword. It was bothersome, so I removed it.]

Arthur chuckled and sent me a message.

[ I am Arthur Pendragon. What is your name? ]

[ Lee Hwan.]

[ Lee Hwan… Great. I’ll write that on your tombstone. ]

I shook my head. That would never happen.


Arthur Pendragon had been a king his entire life. He killed the dragon who had threatened his homeland. Excalibur was his trusty companion, along with the ego inside it. That ego always tried to surpass him, but Arthur didn’t let it do that.

He had mixed feelings toward the ego of the sword, but he didn’t care about it now. It was the first time Excalibur was following his orders without complaining.

Arthur raised his head. The man in front of him was very strong, possibly even the strongest foe that he has ever encountered.

He grabbed the handle of his sword tightly. He was ready to use Excalibur’s abilities.

This sword had three abilities. The first was to increase its weight without hindering the wielder. It could increase its weight up to five tons. Second, the sword can be summoned by its master, but since the sword had chosen So-Eun as its new master, he couldn’t use that ability anymore. The third was awakening. This was the main reason why Excalibur was considered an evil sword. It stimulated the wielder’s body to enhance his physical ability. However, this came at a great cost: the wielder’s life.

Arthur used this ability and endured the pain of it for his country. He was the only hope of his people. After finishing his duties, he took an everlasting rest.

He considered himself a swordsman, but he had to live like a king.

Was this the will of fate?

Arthur couldn’t help but smile. There was a chance that he could still die as a swordsman.

Before his death, Arthur had lost one hand and two fingers because of Excalibur. His body couldn’t handle the cost of his sword’s ability. However, all his injuries were recovered now. He was in his best condition.

Arthur’s heartbeat, the red aura, covered his body, and soon his physical ability was enhanced. The aura inside his body rose up and he was more than ready to fight.

His eyes were red now, and he glanced at So-Eun. He doesn’t know her name, but he knew that she was the one chosen as the master of Excalibur. He sent her a message.

[ This is known as the ‘Awakening.’ ]

Kim So-Eun looked astonished. Arthur ignored her reaction and continued his lesson.

[ The sword will stimulate your body so that you can exceed your limit. ]

Arthur was turning red. His aura was getting much clearer now. As if he were teaching his apprentice, Arthur spoke.

[ I don’t think I can show this for a long time, so watch carefully. ]

He immediately rushed toward Lee Hwan, who raised his own sword to block the attack. Their swords clashed with a loud screeching sound, and a huge shockwave spread around the area. The entire forest shook.

Arthur immediately planned to go for the next attack, but something unexpected happened. Before he could even move a muscle, Hwan was already kicking him. He managed to block the kick with his arm, but he was pushed backward. As soon as he stood up, Hwan was already there to attack.

Lee Hwan was too fast, but Arthur managed to keep up.

He blocked Lee Hwan’s sword attacks with his own.

Lee Hwan was grinning. He was enjoying the fight now.

Arthur tried to grab his sword and find an opening for Excalibur to attack. To be honest, it would have ended the fight if he had succeeded. Unfortunately, it was Lee Hwan with who he was fighting.

Lee Hwan let his sword go and assaulted Arthur with his body. As Arthur tried to counterattack, Lee Hwan quickly grabbed Excalibur.

How did he do that? Is this what he has been planning to do all this time? The moves Hwan made were too swift and natural.

In the blink of an eye, Hwan had kicked Arthur hard, and he soared through the air. He landed roughly, enduring a harsh fall before getting up to his feet and trying to punch Hwan’s left side.

However, Lee Hwan was not there. Where did he go? All he did was manage to get himself out of Arthur’s sight, but that was already an impressive response.

In an instant, Hwan appeared beside him and attacked his leg, making him fall to the ground once again. As Arthur fell, Hwan clenched his fist and struck his face. Arthur, with his enhanced physical ability, barely dodged his attack and managed to get up on his feet. He then grabbed Excalibur and swung. Hwan raised his sword to counter the attack.

Surprisingly, it was Arthur who was pushed back. He had been utilizing his full power, but he was still pushed back.

Strangely, he could not stop laughing.

As a swordsman, Hwan’s skills were way above his. It was natural for him to laugh like that—this was the fight he had always been yearning for.

With the maximum weight it could be, Arthur swung Excalibur.

Lee Hwan thought of countering that attack but changed his mind. Instead, he chose to dodge it.

Excalibur’s attack wrecked everything nearby. If Hwan hadn’t dodged that attack, it would have been dangerous.

After swerving dexterously, Hwan took a step toward Arthur. With his left foot at the back and his right foot in front of him, he stabbed Arthur with his sword directly in his chest. Blood poured out of his wound, and Arthur swallowed the mouthful of blood that threatened to leak out of his mouth. Then, he tried to attack Hwan.

He knew that this was his last chance. He exerted every force he had left in his body and swung Excalibur. The strike had the maximum weight of Excalibur, and he had used all of his aura to enhance this attack.

His attack fell and the ground collapsed, forming a huge crater. Even Lee Hwan would have taken serious damage if he had been hit.

Arthur sensed that something was coming from his side. It was a foot. Before he knew what was happening, Hwan had kicked him. He was sent flying backward and collided with a tree.

Arthur looked up, dazed and in pain. Hwan was right in front of him, standing still.


I waved my hand to clear the air of the dust formed by my attack.

Arthur could barely stand up; my sword was lodged in his chest. It was simple, I had dropped my sword and dodged his attack, coming back to kick him. As I sent him flying up in the air, I had also stabbed him again in the chest.

That was it. Arthur wasn’t able to see me approaching.

He was spilling a lot of blood from his severe and fatal injuries.

As he struggled to stand, blood spilled down his body in rivers and stained the land he was standing on. He then asked me.

[ Was that your full power? ]

All I could do was smile. I suppose that answer was good enough for him.

[ So that was not your full power. Tell me, who are you? ]

[ I already told you my name. ]

[ …The world surely is a large place. ]

Arthur pulled out the sword impaled on his chest, placing it in front of my feet.

[ May I see your full power? ]

I scratched my chin for a bit.

To be honest, Arthur was a strong man. His physical ability alone was already stronger than Lee Ho’s. With his sword, I could say that he was probably the strongest person that I had ever fought on Earth.

He was stronger than Basmu from the other gate. In addition, he was also a wise man who could admire someone else’s power. I liked that type of person.

I looked around the forest. I guess I could give him what he wanted.

This sword from Gi-Hoon was cheap. I could probably swing it using full capacity only once, but since it was his last wish, I would do what he wanted.

[ If you are ready, then come. ]

Arthur brushed himself off and approached me. His body was covered with a bright red aura, using his remaining life force to enhance his physical ability.

He rushed toward me and tried to strike from above. That was when I showed him my real power. Dark black aura immediately blanketed the sword I was holding as I swung it.

It was just one swing, but every tree in the forest was neatly cut in half.

I could hear the sound of glass shattering, and a moment after that, Arthur fell.

The sword I was using was completely destroyed.

I turned my head to see Arthur bleeding heavily. As I walked up to his collapsed body, he sent me a simple message.

[ You are like a monster. ]

That made me laugh.

[ You should use stronger words to try to offend me; I’ve already heard that two thousand times. ]

[ Ha… That’s quite laughable. ]

Arthur could barely raise his arm. Excalibur lay beside him, surprisingly still intact.

[ You aimed the swing to not hit Excalibur, right? ]

[ That’s what I did. ]

[ If you didn’t do that, then the sword would surely be destroyed. ]

Arthur was satisfied. He seemed to be enjoying every moment, even his death.

[ Any last words? ]

I could see him thinking about something before he asked.

[ Do you have a cigarette? ]

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