Returning From The Magic World

Chapter 213 Erick's Arrival

Chapter 213 Erick's Arrival

Today, the man looks very neat. In addition to wearing a suit, his mustache and beard were shaved off. Even his hair is combed to the side. If he claimed to be the director of a certain company, people would still believe him.

"Boss," he said as he arrived in front of Arthur.

The latter responded with a question. "Is everything going well?"

"Yes, for now there has been no interference. We didn't find any spies either. Maybe other people who know you think it's just a normal store." Robin replied.

"I see! Keep watch..." Arthur then continued his walk to the store.

Amanda probably saw him from inside. She came out as he got closer to the door of the store.

Her expression did not change despite Carla and Bella following behind Arthur. In fact, she only glanced at them for a moment.

"Dear, where have you been?" she asked Arthur, without hesitating to use the word dear.

Bella didn't react, but Carla frowned.

However, Bella answered before Arthur did, "there's something you don't know."

"What does that mean?" Amanda was confused by Bella's words.

"Hehehe..." The girl laughed softly.

"We just saw something I'm sure you never saw." She smiled mysteriously.

Amanda who knew that she would try to play mystery with her chose to look at Arthur, and asked, "dear, what does this little girl mean?"

"Who do you call a little girl? Amanda, don't think of yourself as an adult." Bella was immediately angry because of the way Amanda called her.

Unfortunately, Amanda completely ignored her.

Arthur didn't change his expression as he replied, "just 20 tons of gold, no need to think too much about it, but if you want to see it, just call Rose."

After saying that, Arthur stepped inside the store.

Of course, it was impossible for Amanda not to be surprised when she heard the number mentioned by Arthur.

She froze but then hurriedly turned around to stare at the man's back.

"Y-you're not joking, are you? Where is there that much gold?"

"Hehehe..." Bella laughed and smiled mockingly.

"My dear sister, please don't act like a poor woman who has never seen treasure," she said before following Arthur.


Meanwhile, the hotel where the casino is located hasn't completely calmed down.

Herny and the manager had been taken to the hospital, but someone else had arrived. Erick and Jhonny, the bald man who was his subordinate.

They were greeted by the director, who ran the entire hotel.

He was a rather thin middle-aged man, with a face that seemed to smile even when he wasn't smiling.

"Boss!" He called Erick by the word boss.

"Explain everything that happened to me," Erick replied to the man.

The latter quickly said it.

"Everything happened in a casino that didn't have surveillance cameras, so I only know what the people saw.

"That man came with Henry and he seemed to know him well.

"Then, that man played dice, played twice and won both times.

"However, due to a conflict with Henry, he then hit Henry and had to be taken to the hospital. The casino manager wanted to take the matter to the police, but he was also hit. The result was the same, he had to be taken to the hospital. At the moment, both of them are in very bad condition."

"Do you have a picture of that man?" Erick asked.

Until now, he still didn't know if it was Arthur. After all, no one knew Arthur was there other than Henry, Anna, and William.

"This is a picture of him in the lobby..." The director quickly showed his cell phone to Erick.

When the latter finally saw the photo on the phone, he spontaneously said, "him again!"

"Boss, you know him?" The director couldn't help but ask.

Erick didn't answer, but Jhonny snorted softly.

"Boss, I think we need to teach this kid a lesson, he's really insolent," he said.

However, Erick knitted his eyebrows. He started thinking about Arthur again.

The first time they met, he was able to tame a beast. And now, he won two dice games.

This practically couldn't be a coincidence, there must be something special there.

Unfortunately, until now he really didn't know anything about Arthur.

The reason was because Jade, who was sent by the military, did not get any information.

If the military knew, his father, as a Two-Star General could get information, and he would then get information from his father.

The thing was; although General James had some cooperation with the Armstrong Family, he was still not part of their group. He was still a European Nationalist, it just so happened that he had a corrupt attitude, so what the God Eye Organization knew was unknown to him.

'I think we do need a rougher way so that we can see what this boy is like?' Erick thought.

His eyes flickered before becoming rather cold.

He began to think of a plan.


Arthur entered the store to look around.

There, everything was in order, each agarwood had been put into glass boxes on the tables.

A magazine-like book with a picture of a large tree lay beside each glass box.

There were also small lamps that formed a circle, surrounding the glass boxes.

When night falls, they will light up and beautify the scene, something that is usually only used for luxury items like jewelry and such.

And even though it's not night yet, the waiters are already dressed in neat uniforms, each one beautiful and elegant. They also looked experienced. Amanda probably transferred them from somewhere.

"People will be confused and might not come if they know that this agarwood sells wood," Carla said.

Bella laughed, agreeing with her words.

"But well, after they come, I'm afraid this agarwood will continue to be visited," Bella replied.

She glanced at Arthur and added, "I feel sorry for those who will come but won't get anything because of the limited stock of goods."

Of course, Arthur didn't really care about that.

He would try to produce as much agarwood as possible, but he knew there was a limit so there would be quite a few people who couldn't get it.


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