Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Ars Nova Productions presents…?

"Here you are, Mother." Beta placed a cup of jasmine tea on the table in front of Yue and then walked around to sit on the other side of the table.

Yue took the cup with a smile and said, "Thank you, Betty."

After her father's abrupt departure... Or rather, after running away from trouble as usual, Beta cleaned up her father's office and prepared it to have her talk with Yue.

To give Beta and Yue some privacy, Alpha and Omega headed elsewhere. Beta wasn't sure exactly where, but Omega mentioned something about getting ice cream since Father had run off, and Alpha said that she would drive.

Which left Beta and Yue in their current situation, the former seated across from her stepmother at the now cleaned up table.

Beta poured herself a cup of tea and then said, "It is the least that I can do. Mother is spending her precious time with me instead of Father."

Yue picked up the cup of tea and said, "That's not true. I value my time with you, Alphy, and Meggie just as much as the time with your father." She grimaced. "...Though I have only recently been able to show it." She looked up at Beta and said, "For that, I still-"

"It is fine, Mother." Beta cut her off and smiled. "I understand. The Three Realms were..." Beta paused and tried to find a word to describe them.

Harsh? Unforgiving? Cruel?

They were all of that and more.

Beta thought for a bit longer and then said, "...Stressful. Let us leave it at that."

Yue nodded. "That's definitely one way to describe them." She took a sip from her tea and closed her eyes, enjoying the warm beverage. After that, she opened them and said, "It's definitely a relief being in this peaceful world. A bit strange still to be among so many mortals and lacking spiritual energy in the air, but... it's pleasant."

Beta sipped her tea as well before saying, "It truly is pleasant."

To have Father, Eldest Sister, Meggie, and Mistress Yue- Ah, that was 'Mother.' And then to have a baby brother or sister on the way... Such an event was one that Beta had never dreamed of. At the least, not in this manner.

A calm world where her father was both more mature and yet warm once more instead of the cold and calculating immortal that he became in order to protect them. One where Eldest Sister was free to explore her desires and express her emotions. Where Meggie could act as a proper child and where Mistress Yue could finally relax, finally resolving the internal struggle she had in trying to control and obsess over Father.

Yue placed down her cup of tea and then looked at Beta. "So what is this important matter that you wanted to discuss with me, Betty?" She frowned and said, "It doesn't involve your Father, does it?"

Beta laughed and said, "If we are to speak about Father, there are plenty of matters to discuss since he has arrived in this world. But no, that is not why I wish to speak with you, Mother."

Yue's frown deepened. "'Plenty of matters to discuss' you say... Hm. Perhaps I need to have a proper discussion with Husband later tonight..."

Beta had a feeling that her father would be in for a thorough interrogation later... but that was his concern, not hers. So, instead of addressing her stepmother's words, Beta said, "I wanted to discuss how you and Father met, Mother."

"Hm?" Yue blinked and said, "Ah." She nodded and said, "Did you wish to write a story involving us?" She smiled. "If so, I would be happy to go over it." Placing her hand over her chest, Yue closed her eyes and said, "Even now, I can still recall that time."

Beta nodded, quickly materializing a notepad. "Yes. Please, go on."

Yue giggled, her eyes still closed in reminiscence. "Such a brash man, daring to snatch a divine treasure away before my very eyes and then having the nerve to say that I didn't need it. Then again... I suppose he was right, in a way." She let out a soft sigh and said, "If I had pursued the path of Perfection to the end like I intended... perhaps I would have become an even more vile woman than I am now."

"Obsessed with perfection, a woman that could see no other man but the Golden Emperor..." Beta nodded and said, "That is an appropriate ending. But the aftermath... should it be tragedy or happiness? If the degree was amplified through certain interactions, perhaps it could grow to the extent of excluding all others?"

Beta muttered to herself and then materialized her smart glasses. Pulling up her stored notes and the current story draft to cross-reference, she glanced down at what she wrote and then sketched out some ideas about potential endings and affection point criteria.

Yue frowned and then opened her eyes. "I... suppose such a situation could have occurred, but- Hm?" She blinked and then stared at Beta's notepad. "...Notes? And are those eyeglasses?" Yue tilted her head and said, "Did something happen to your vision? Have your Seven Colored Treasure Eyes been damaged since arriving in this world?"

"Ah." Beta adjusted her glasses and then looked up. "My apologies, Mother. I did not mean to worry you." She gestured towards her glasses and said, "These are an auxiliary tool to store and record information, not to compensate my vision. I thank you for your concern, however."

"...I'm not entirely sure why you need such a device, Betty. But so long as you are well." Yue sipped on her tea. But then she flinched, placing her hand over her belly.

Beta frowned. "Did the tea not sit well?"

Yue smiled. "No, the tea was fine." She gently patted her belly and said, "Your newest sibling is just a bit energetic." She looked down and said, "I know you're eager to spend time with your big sisters, Child, but be patient. There's no need to rush."

A warm and picturesque scene. A young and beautiful mother, staring lovingly at her unborn child with a soft smile on her face.


Yue froze and quickly looked up. "What was that?"

Beta lowered her phone and said, "Nothing much. Just saving this tender moment for the future." She sent the picture to the artist for her team and added a message to create a similar CG.

Yue watched Beta type on her phone and said, "...It doesn't seem like that is all you are doing, Betty."

"Worry not." Beta tucked her phone away in her pocket and said, "I would never do anything to embarrass you, Mother."

Yue sighed. "You and Alphy take after your father in the strangest of ways... But very well." She picked up her tea cup again and said, "What were we discussing again?"

Beta adjusted her glasses and said, "We were discussing how you and Father met... Ah, but I suppose I should explain why I am asking." She paused and then said, "Perhaps it would be better to show you. Here." Beta materialized a tablet and then reached over to hand it to Yue.

She grabbed it and stared at the screen. "This is...?"

"The personal project that I am working on now. I suppose you could consider it my own Magnum Opus?" Beta waved her hand and said, "Please, tap the screen."

Yue frowned and did as Beta asked.


A short animation, the typical splash screen showing the studio producing the software.

A thick grimoire with seven jewels opened before breaking into a kaleidoscope of lights. Afterwards, it settled into a picture of an open book with the words [Ars Nova Productions] underneath it.

When a few seconds passed, the logo and the words slowly faded away, washing into a white screen.

[Play The Old Dream ~ Bamboo Flute]

A soft bamboo flute started to play a nostalgic melody, and then a female voice spoke, soft and musical, like crystal bells.

"Tell me. Do you believe in destiny?"

The white screen flickered before zooming out, revealing the white to be a flurry of snow. In the center of it, a beautiful woman with silver hair and an elegant blue dress stood, untouched. Raising her hand up, she tried to grab a few floating snowflakes, only to have the wind intensify and blow them all away from her.

Her beautiful face froze for a moment, showing a vulnerable expression. But it quickly hardened into one of cold determination. Lowering her hand, the woman spun around and walked off into the distance, causing the snow to fill the screen.

Wind howled and the snow died down a bit. When it did, the woman was gone. In her place, there was a young man with golden hair and bright green eyes. With a bare sword at his left side and holding out a map in his hands, he squinted and made his way through the blizzard, his dark gray tunic flapping in the wind. As it did, it revealed rusted and worn-out armor, along with a single jade talisman tied on a string around his neck.

The wind intensified, filling the screen with white once more as the snow picked up.

In the middle of that, the female voice spoke again. "I never did. But... I think this time, I'm forced to admit it."

More howling wind... but it quickly died down, replaced by the sound of dripping water.

Soft gray circles spread throughout the screen, rippling across the surface. Then it cleared up, revealing a pond surface reflecting the silver-haired woman's face.

The camera spun, showing her real face along with the reflection. In reality, her face was harsh. But reflected in the pond, her beautiful face showed a different expression. Soft and yearning.

Scowling, the woman reached out to break her reflection. But then she paused, as if hearing something. She stood up and then spun around, causing her blue dress to turn with her and revealing a jade talisman tied at her waist.

The camera zoomed in on the talisman before blurring. When the screen focused, it showed the golden-haired man walking in the middle of a street, surrounded by a young girl with crimson hair and an older woman with black hair. But as if sensing the woman's gaze, he paused and turned back, showing the jade talisman around his neck.

The girl and the woman with the man turned back when they realized he stopped, but before they could, he had already walked off screen.

The camera moved to follow him, but then a bright green light flashed, washing everything out before fading to black.

When it did...

"That idiot. Why did I have to meet you?"

A soft female voice filled with regret, longing, and faint hope.

With it, snow flew across the screen before resolving into letters.

[The Jade Talisman: Golden Oath unto Snow]

[In the old dream, life is like a play]

[Close the door on the ruined past]


Yue slowly lowered the tablet.

"Well?" Beta smiled. "What do you think, Mother?"

The culmination of long hours with her partner and team, countless more finding just the right people while also creating the engine that would allow the story to adapt and change depending on the player choices as well as whether they played through the story as Princess Snow or as the Golden Emperor.

It was still far from complete, but Beta was confident in the picture video for the concept.

Yue was silent for a long time, and then she looked up at Beta. "This... is 'our' story, isn't it? That of your Father and I."

Beta nodded. "It is similar. But it will also feature additional stories as well. 'Alternates' of-" She paused, wondering whether or not to admit the fact that there were routes of what could have happened if her father... or rather, if the Golden Emperor had chosen someone else, like Auntie Daji.

Yue sighed. "It's fine, Betty. Stories reflect your heart, and I won't fault you for wishing that someone else was with your father."

Beta froze. "Mother-"

Yue shook her head and let out a soft smile. "It's fine. Now, tell your mother- No. Tell me your story and what you want me to help with." She paused and then said, "You... do want my help. Right?"

A vulnerable and hesitant expression, not unlike the one that silver-haired woman had.

Seeing that, Beta nodded and started to explain. "Well, what I have in mind for the project is..."

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