Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Tell me why! (END)

...Once upon a time, with the heavens as their witness, John and Yue exchanged their vows. For him, it was the traditional marriage vow. But for Yue... It seemed like she had forgotten, but he could clearly remember it. The words she said that day.

"I'm madly in love with you. I don't know what I would do without you. And... I don't know what I can give you. I'm stubborn and I don't know any other way to live. But I promise. Every day of my life, I'll try to change. So that I can be just a bit better. So that you can be proud to have chosen me... I love you, John. I don't need the heavens or the stars. If all I have is you... That's enough."

Her words. That fragile and delicate tone of voice that she showed him for the first time. The quiet and solemn vow she made from the depths of her heart.

Remembering them, John kept a polite smile on his face as he stared at the five... No, four since Zhaojun came with goodwill to support him. He politely smiled at the four who came to guilt trip and ruin his wife's already low self-esteem.

But it was hard. Even after all he'd been through, even after training his heart to weather countless trials, guilt, sins, and tribulations, this... this was different.

His wife had been hurting. She was already feeling guilty, but those actions made her guilt increase so much her powers almost overwhelmed her. Her and their unborn child.

To say that John was seething would be understating how he was feeling.


If he had to describe it... his anger would be enough to power past the heat death of the universe ten times over.

But he forced himself to let it go. He had to. After all, this was a delicate situation that he couldn't afford to handle with a hot head.

...John had it perfectly planned out.

He knew how Yue was. He knew what he was getting into when he married her. And even so, he chose her because he knew that she was a kind girl beneath all of that.

A girl who just never knew what it was like to be loved and allowed to be who she truly was. Who wasn't allowed to make a single mistake.

...Just like him when he ran away from home.

So he set things up and made precautions. There was a lot he had to apologize for, and there was a lot that he had to convince Yue about. And he anticipated that she might get mad or lash out like she did in the past, so he took the appropriate countermeasures on the likely targets.

Maji was already keeping an eye on Yuri, so she was protected from any potential backlashes by Yue.

Betty was always watching Asako, and Asako was with Rin, so they were protected.

Yue treated Sakura as a friend, so he didn't have to worry about her.

Zhaojun, Daji, and Xuannu had each other, so he didn't have to worry about them getting wrapped up into trouble... Well, at least he could count Zhaojun to take care of things rationally.

In short, the most likely targets were accounted for. And with them accounted for, John could slowly get his wife to loosen up and break free out of the vicious habits and mentality that she had lived with all her life. Just like with Alphy and Betty, he wanted to gradually get her to change and accept the peaceful world they now called their home.

And then Titor messed everything up.

...No. That wasn't fair. It wasn't that Titor messed everything up, but that it was his old habit of thinking other people could tell what he was doing without him telling them. Of thinking other people could see how things worked like he did.

'Yeah, the only person who can read your mind is me, you know?'

...Right. And even then, John couldn't read his own mind sometimes. Like how he couldn't tell what Titor was doing right now or what he was thinking even though he was basically John.

Communication. That was the most important thing in relationships. And he knew that.

...Well, he remembered that after the few mishaps here on Earth. But it seemed that he forgot to apply it beyond his immediate family.

So John smiled. He smiled and ignored how guilty and ashamed Xuannu and Daji looked. He smiled and ignored how Bai and Qing looked like they had eaten a sour plum. He smiled and then gently patted Yue's head. "Don't worry, Wifey. I just invited everyone here because I figured it was about time we have a big get together."

Yue frowned and stared at the guests. "...It doesn't look like they're very happy though, Husband. Are you sure-"

"That's because they're being put to work." John set Yue to the side and then looked to the others. "You don't mind, right everyone? Daji? Xuannu?" He looked at his sisters.

Daji flinched and quickly nodded. "Y-Yes, Big Brother. I... I can cook."

Xuannu averted her gaze. "...Yeah, Johnny. I'll help out."

"Good." John glanced at Bai and Qing and said, "How about you guys? Qing... I remember you being decent at tea, right? Why don't you prepare the tea ceremony? And Bai... Mm, go on a shopping trip to grab more ingredients. Ah, and don't forget to invite Miss Iyasu. Or Sitri, Qing."

The two Divine Beasts froze.

John laughed. "What?"

"...It's nothing, Master." Qing bowed his head.

Bai coughed. "Y-Yeah. Nothing, Boss."

"Mm. Go grab your girls first before you start doing anything. We should properly introduce everyone to each other now that we're all mostly settled in... Well, I'll grab everyone else, so you guys just do your thing and then get things settled here." After saying that, John looked to the last person in the group. The only one who came here with goodwill and support instead of good intentions and righteousness.

Zhaojun smiled, as beautiful and elegant as ever.

But John could see it. Her powers were completely drained, her body recently healed. And her usually serene ruby eyes were a bit dim, fatigued.

It didn't take hard to guess why considering how Daji and Xuannu reacted.

John looked at Zhaojun and said, "Little Zhaojun."

Zhaojun smiled. "Yes, Senior Brother?"

John walked over and then patted her on the head. "You did well. Thank you."

Zhaojun's eyes widened, but then she let out a soft smile. "...I will always support you, Senior Brother."

"I know. So..." He patted her on the shoulder and said, "Keep an eye on things here for me, alright? And could you also keep Yue company?"

Yue suddenly spoke up. "W-Wait a moment, Husband!" She stood up and said, "T-This is..."

"A fresh start and a chance to make friends, Wifey." John smiled. "Don't worry. Just have fun and chat with everyone, alright?"

"B-But...!" Yue still looked worried and started moving towards John. But before she could, Zhaojun closed the distance and grabbed Yue's hand.

Yue flinched. "Z-Zhao-"

Zhaojun shook her head and smiled. "It is just Little Zhaojun or Zhaozhao, Senior Sister. Now please, this is the first chance we have had to speak properly. I heard from Senior Brother that you sing a bit as well?"

"A-Ah. Yes. I haven't in a while though..."

"That is a shame. You have a lovely voice."

"I-I do?"

Zhaojun nodded. "Yes... Ah. But please, sit with me and talk. It is no good for one with child to strain herself too much." Saying that, Zhaojun gently led Yue back to the couch and sat her down.

John smiled.

That was good. He could always count on Little Zhaojun to take care of things.

With Yue successfully occupied and with a trustworthy guardian... John swept his gaze towards everyone else and sent out a single mental transmission. 'Behave.'

After that, he turned around and left.


Back at Maji Toraki Udon.

A phone rang in the small restaurant. Maji's.

Yuri huffed and crossed her arms. "You should pick that up, Maji oji-san."josei

Maji rubbed his jaw and said, "Well, guess I know you're Maki's kid alright. You've got the same right hook..."

Yuri rolled up her left sleeve. "I've got a decent left too if you want to try my latest recipe for knuckle sandwich?"

"I'm good, Kid." Maji sighed and then picked up his phone from the counter. Leaning across the counter, he brought the phone to his ear and answered the call. "Yeah?"

"Wow. I know it's been a while, but you sure got comfortable around me, huh?"

Maji instantly straightened and said, "Boss?!"

Yuri straightened as well, frowning. "...Boss? Is that-?"

Maji swept his arm out, gesturing for Yuri to be quiet.

She huffed and crossed her arms, but she nodded.

John laughed. "No need to try and hide it. I know about how you've been checking up on her."

"...Hah." Maji sighed. "Of course you do." He leaned back on the countertop and said, "So what, this just a courtesy call or something?"

"No. I'm having a potluck baby shower for my wife and I'm inviting everyone over. Think you can swing by?"

Maji glanced at Yuri. "I would, but uh... Some unfinished business came up. You know?"

Yuri frowned. "What do you mean, unfinished business?"

"Oh, Yuri's invited too. And tell her that if she comes, I'll tell her the secret to that ramen. That's all... Ah, and thanks for keeping an eye on Little Xuan and Little Wu. I appreciate that."

Maji shook his head. "No prob, Boss. But uh... You sure that I should-"

"Meet us there in a few hours around... 6 PM. The storm should have died down by then and our prep should be ready too. K, bye."

"Wait, Boss-!"

The call ended.

Maji sighed.

Yuri glanced over and said, "So what did that bastard want?"

Maji shook his head and said, "Watch your mouth, Kid. That 'bastard' you're talking about saved your life and your grandfather."

Yuri flinched. "...Sorry."

Maji waved his hands. "Just get your act together. We're heading to a babyshower in a bit."

"...A babyshower?"


Ars Nova Productions studio. A small chime echoed in the room. A notification from Beta's phone.

Emily looked up and brushed a strand of her orange hair away from her head. "Did something happen, Mistress?"

"...No. But it appears my father wants something." Beta frowned and then stared at her phone. As she did, her frown deepened.

Sakura looked over from her laptop and said, "What's wrong, Betty? Did that guy cause trouble again?"

"For once, the answer is no." Beta slipped her phone back into her pocket and said, "He is throwing a babyshower for my mother and wanted me to return home."

Sakura blinked. "Babyshower? Ah, for-"

Another chime echoed. Sakura's phone this time.

Rin's mother paused and checked her phone too. "Huh. Looks like I'm invited too... Though it seems like he doesn't know I'm working with you yet."

Beta nodded. "I would hope not. I intend for this to be a surprise, so that would defeat the purpose."

Ichiro Torabu scratched his head, ruffling his curly brown hair and said, "...Should we come too, Boss?"

Emily rolled her eyes. "You dummy. What did Mistress *just* say?"

"Oh right. Secret. Er..."

Beta laughed. "I appreciate your camaraderie, Ichiro. But not yet. Wait until Comiket first. But in any case..." She stretched and said, "We have three hours until I must return with Sakura. Before then, let us run through the narrative one more time with the recent ending path..."


While John went around contacting everyone for the babyshower, a certain mad scientist had escaped from his captors... Mostly because John called them and told them to get ready.

So, as Little Xuan and Little Wu grabbed their bags and the toys that he made for them, and while Kiri and Saji watched the kids, Titor walked outside for a break.

Stepping out to the balcony, Titor leaned over the rail and stared up at the sky.

It was still gray and snowy, but the storm clouds were clearing up.

"Seems like that guy got the message and handled it pretty well." Titor muttered and pulled out his phone, idly staring at the screen.

He had been worried for a bit there. After all, there were so many tangled webs that things could have gone either way. Though it seemed like he forgot just how much of a 'cheat' John was when it came to things like these. Though...

Titor held up his phone to his ear and said, "Are you done now?"

Silence. And then static echoed from his phone. The wind picked up, causing Titor's lab coat to flutter. And when it calmed down...

"...So you noticed."

A beautiful young woman with light green hair stood beside him. One wearing a flowing white dress.

Titor lowered his phone and gave her a sidelong glance. "I did. Though I expected a copy of her instead of you to emerge from this storm of karma."

"Hmph." The young woman tossed her hair, causing it to shimmer and distort. "There only needs to be one of that Jade Princess in the world. But... I must admit, I was surprised too. I didn't think that something like this was possible."

Titor nodded. "I didn't either. But..." He reached up towards the sky and muttered, "Amadeus, the one loved by the gods. The one who can't exist at the same time as his Orihime." He lowered his hand and then turned to look at the woman. "Isn't that right... Zhuque?"

The young woman's form flickered. Her light green hair turned a soft auburn hue and her dress turned into a white lab coat over a dress-shirt and black leggings. She leaned over the balcony next to Titor and said, "...That person doesn't exist anymore. Just like how you aren't John, I'm not her. Just a bundled mess of memories from tangled karmic bonds given form." She laughed and said, "I'm not even entirely sure if I'm 'her', or if I'm just Yue's idea of 'her' given life after the mess you made. And don't get me started on how I have all of Yue's memories either."

"...That's how you're going to justify it, huh?"

"Shut up. Since I can't make that guy change his mind and take responsibility even after all of that, you're going to have to do it in his place. And weren't you getting lonely anyway?"

Titor didn't respond, only staring up at the sky.

Zhuque... No, 'Amadeus' did the same.

After a while, Titor said, "You were that mad at me, huh? Or should I say, both of you were that mad at me?"

"You have no idea."


Silence. Nothing but the sound of the wind.

Hearing that, Titor closed his eyes for a moment, as if to resolve himself... No, to decisively give something up. When he was finished, he opened his eyes and turned towards Amadeus.

She stared back. And when she did, Titor could take in her features.

...She was right. The young woman standing in front of him wasn't Zhuque. After all, she spoke too harshly to be her. But at the same time, she wasn't Yue either. The young woman had as sharp of a tongue as she did at the start and her looks took after Yue more than Zhuque... but she also wasn't Yue.

The same but different. A confluence of astronomical coincidences bundled up with karma, regrets, and made possible through the system Titor created and his 'wish.'

"...Yeah." Titor nodded and said, "Definitely gotta tell John I accidentally made a holy grail and summoned an Avenger class waifu before things get out of hand."


Titor laughed. "Nothing. Anyway... Since I technically don't know you... and since we're at bond level zero, how about we start over?" He held out his hand and smirked. "John Titor, MirAIs Operator from Earth 1202-19."

Amadeus frowned and opened her mouth to talk. And then she paused, tilting her head to the side. "Amadeus Christina...? MirAIs Operator from Earth 5710-82?"

Titor froze and then muttered, "I was just joking, but it looks like I really do need to talk to John about all of this."

Definitely better to nip this in the bud, ASAP.

It would be *really* bad if-

No. Murphy wouldn't get him this time. Titor had learned his lesson.

He'd just keep those concerns to himself, thank you very much, and let John know in private when there wasn't data being parsed across the screen to some omniscient person that was-


Titor looked back at the sky and squinted.

Amadeus shook her head and then looked at Titor. "What?"

"...Nothing. Just a sudden epiphany about the nature of existence... and that some people really need to learn to give their friends some R and R sometimes. Especially considering what troubles he's put them through."

Amadeus tilted her head.

Titor laughed and patted her head. "Don't worry about it. Now come on, let's introduce you to my cute nieces... And then get ready to head to the babyshower." He paused and then said, "You'll play nice, right?"

Amadeus rolled her eyes. "Yes. I'll play nice, 'Hubby.'"

"I wasn't talking to you... But yes. Please play nice as well, 'Wifey.'"

"Not talking to... Argh, you're just as weird as you were back in the Three Realms."

"Hey, you're the one who couldn't live without me."

Amadeus coughed and averted her gaze. "...Is it too late to take that back?"

"Definitely too late. Now come on. Before things drag on too long and that guy gets antsy again and decides to fire more of Chekhov's guns on us."


"I'll explain later. Now let's go."

"A-Alright, I'm... W-Wait. Where are you grabb- H-Hey! W-Wait a-!"


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