Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: The Man(?), the Myth, the Legend

Sunday morning, 8 AM JST. December 1st.

The day of Project MirAI's first big concert. A huge event that would be streamed on all of their channels as well as the main channel. One where Titor released a custom software to allow people to virtually join the crowd and see the idols up close and (almost) personal.

In short, a really big deal.

And so, in order to prepare for the concert and make sure everything worked right, John had told the three girls to meet in the new lounge and wait for him to get them that morning.

Which was why Asako was pacing around the room.

"Argh... why the hell am I so worried?"

It was weird. It was just a single concert. Nothing high stakes or with lives on the line. Even so, Asako had been riled up all night and couldn't sleep.

She dragged over a chair nearby and then sat down, glancing around the room.

A pair of vending machines. Comfy chairs and fluffy bean bags scattered all over. A big TV hooked up with the newest game consoles. A few beds...

Since an entire floor had been converted for them to use, it was huge and packed to the brim with all sorts of things to relax and unwind.

There was even a hot tub and giant shower area in the bathrooms too.

Even so, while Asako looked around at all of that, she couldn't help but feel the pressure again.

She stood up again and then decided to head to the vending machine. "What the hell is wrong with me? I'm not usually like this..." Asako mumbled and then pressed a button for some cola.

The vending machine whirred and then a soda can fell to the bottom. Thankfully, without issue this time.

Asako took it out and cracked it open before taking a sip, letting the fizzy drink calm her down a bit. She turned around and then leaned against the vending machine, lost in thought.

The past few days had been a mess. Spending so much time with Rin and Alphy had been great, but Asako had been acting weird- No, soft.

People had noticed too. In the vods for the streams, she saw people commenting on why 'Aoko' was being so shy and being a carpet mat for Alfi and Hana.

Asako swirled her soda can and muttered, "It's not like I'm trying to be."

Rin and Alphy got along great. Almost like they had been sisters their whole lives. Hell, even now the two had gone off to do their own thing, with Rin having a sleepover in Alphy's room.

But Asako...

"...Maybe Betty was right?"

Asako never really had real friends or family, so she didn't know what was okay to do. And if she messed things up now-

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"@#[email protected]!" Asako flinched and spun around to glare at the speaker. And then she froze.

It was John. That voice was clearly John's. That smooth, charming, and way too unnaturally suave voice that seemed to linger in the air even when he didn't try to.

But that wasn't the person standing in front of her.

It wasn't Titor either, even though that guy's voice was the same.

No. The person standing in front of Asako...

She blinked and then rubbed her eyes. Seeing that it didn't change, Asako turned her attention to her soda.

...Was there something weird mixed in there? She took another sip, but nothing was off.

Asako glanced back, but the scene still hadn't changed. So she rubbed her eyes one more time... but when that person's appearance still remained the same, Asako couldn't help but accept it.

A beautiful young woman with dirty blonde hair and clear blue eyes. Soft pink lips and a pure and innocent looking face. Her hair was cut short, only reaching her shoulders, and gave off a tomboy feel. But despite that, the young woman let out an undeniably feminine aura. No, one that was even magnified because of that slight tomboy feel.

Her clothes were different from the ones that the members of Project MirAIs and their counterparts would be wearing in the concert, but it was still undeniably an idol outfit.

Tight black leggings that hugged her legs, paired with fingerless black gloves. A short white skirt that left just the barest gap between the top of her leggings and showing a glimpse of skin.

A purple blazer over a white dress shirt with a plaid neck-tie... And then a fashionable white suit, cut short just above the waist with rolled back sleeves and showing dainty arms.

A 10/10 foreign beauty that Asako would argue put even Alphy and Betty to shame. Not because she was more beautiful than either of those two. Instead, it was because of the young woman's sheer female presence.

Idly tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears, a soft and yet amused smile, delicate gestures...

But that voice...

Asako blinked again and then carefully said, "John?"

The young woman laughed. A pure and light laugh that couldn't be anything but that of a delicate young woman's. But the voice that came after...

"Yeah, I guess this might be a bit much for you, huh?"

Asako's mind stopped.

That voice was John's. Smooth, sexy, lingering in her head... yep. There was no mistaking that.

But the person in front of her was a beautiful super girly young woman that was completely opposite of that guy-

No. Now that she stared, she could see the similarities. Both of them had that trait of drawing the eye of whoever stared at them. A presence that almost demanded attention. But the difference was that where John's was cool and confident, the young woman's was bubbly and radiant.


Asako's eyes flicked down at the young woman's skirt and then back up to her chest.

There was nothing down there... but there was definitely something up there. Not much, but enough.

"Ahem." The young woman- No. John.

Right. That was John.

John cleared her- His? Throat and then shifted in place, causing his skirt to sway. At the same time, he covered his mouth and giggled. And when he spoke again...

"You know. Even if you're good friends with my daughters, it's a bit much to be eyeing me like that, you know?"

A bright and charming voice that lingered in the air. Clearly feminine.

Asako blinked and then downed her soda. When it was empty, she crumpled it and then turned around to walk back to the elevator. "...I must still be asleep."

Right. That had to be the only explanation for this. Because there was no goddamned way on Earth that the freaking adorable girl right there was John.

The young woman... because Asako refused to believe it was John. That young woman giggled again and said, "My, my. Am I that beautiful to make you think you're still dreaming, Asako-chan? Or maybe..." She leaned forward and winked. "I'm the girl of your dreams?"

A reflexive action.

Without thinking about it, Asako dashed forward and swung her leg in a roundhouse kick at the young woman's head. "FREAKING STOP!"

The young woman laughed and easily avoided the kick, stepping around it with some light steps, like a dance. After that, she held up her hands and said, "Fine, fine. I'll stop the teasing... After all, I think you've been through enough recently with Betty, Alphy, and Rin."

Asako took a deep breath to calm down and then crossed her arms, glaring at the young woman. "Who the hell are you?"

"Mm?" The young woman tilted her head. "I'm John- Ah, well my stage name will be 'Jenny.'"


The young woman nodded. "That's me!"

"...As in John Smith? Alphy and Betty's dad? The one who's in charge of all of this? That rich and stupidly handsome bastard who runs around doing all sorts of crazy shit?"

"...Yes?" The young woman tilted her head and let out a teasing smile. "Is it that hard to believe~?"

"It is when you're acting and talking like that, you bastard! The fuck?! How are you that girly?!"

It was a guy. That beautiful, girly girl young woman was a guy. But if that fucking *thing* was a guy, what the hell were girls even for?!

"Ah." The young woman cleared her throat. After that, John's normal voice came out. "Sorry. Old habit."


"Long story. But anyway..." John let out a soft smile and said, "Feeling better now?"

Asako paused and then she realized what that guy did. "Dammit! You and Betty always do that! Distracting me to take my mind off of things..."

John laughed. "My bad. Betty probably gets that from me... But are you alright? You that worried about the concert?"josei

Asako spun around, turning her back to John.

...Mostly because she felt like her mind would melt seeing that beautiful young woman and hearing John's voice at the same time. "No. I mean yes, but that's not it."

"Mm... Well. I won't tell you not to worry, but you should remember that it's all fun and games in the end. Project MirAIs is something that's built for you girls to do what you want in life, not for me."

"...You know that talking like that is why you make your wife so worried, John."

He let out a nervous laugh. "Er, yeah. Another old habit... but I mean it. And also... you should relax some more, Asako. There's no need for you to keep trying to be cool and confident or keep up that image. I'm sure your fans like you for who you are, rough edges and all."

"...I know."

And she did. Her fans were crazy bastards that hung out with her even through her nonsense and rambling.

"Also... You aren't alone anymore. Even if your fans eventually leave, you have Rin now. Alphy too... Not to mention that Betty probably won't leave you alone until the day you die considering how you've managed to pique her interest." John hummed and said, "Speaking of which, how did you manage that anyway? I wouldn't think that you were her type, but from what I've overheard-"

Asako spun around and said, "It's none of your business, okay?! And I'm still feeling weird about that so stop!"

"Hey now. I'm not a person to judge." John gestured towards his clothes and said, "I mean, look at me."

Asako did. And then she blushed and turned back around. "You're a freaking crazy bastard."

John laughed. "So I've been told. Anyway... Relax. Your life's on the up and up. Just have fun and enjoy your time with everyone, Asako. You don't have to worry about people stabbing you in the back or an insane madman holding Japan in a vice grip from the criminal underworld. It's your life now, you know? You're free to do whatever you want with it. And if you don't know what to do... Well, we're here for you. I mean, Rin said that Project MirAIs is like a family. And you don't turn your back on family. Ah, but I'll forgive you this time."

Asako blinked, wondering what the hell John was talking about. And then she realized she literally had her back turned to him.

Asako groaned and turned back around. "Even looking like that, you're still a dork, huh?"

John winked and flashed a victory sign. "But the best of dorks, right?"

Asako rolled her eyes.

At that time, a chime echoed through the room. The elevator doors opened and then two girls walked out. Rin and Alphy.

Rin walked out first and then waved at Asako. "Morning, Aneue!" She looked over at John and then said, "Who's that? A new member of-"

Before she could finish, Alphy squealed and ran towards John, jumping in a flying hug. "Papa!"

"A-Alphy! Wait, you aren't little any- Gah!"

John quickly grabbed Alphy and spun her around before setting her down.

Alphy giggled. "You really did it!"

"Honestly..." John frowned and said, "Did you really want to see me dress up like this again that much?"

"Mmhm!" Alphy looked at John up and down and smiled. "It's really nostalgic."

"...I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing considering that means I did this long enough for you to have memories to be nostalgic about."

Alphy giggled again.

"Wait." Rin blinked and tilted her head. "...Mister John?"

John turned towards her and winked before speaking in his girly voice. "In the flesh~!"

"But... What? I mean... Onee-chan said, but..."

John giggled, one that made it clear where Alphy got hers from, and said, "Well~ Sometimes it takes a real man to become the best girl, you know?"

"...Aneue." Rin turned towards Asako and said, "Am I still dreaming?"

Asako sighed. "If you are, so am I."

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