Revenge Sevenfold

Chapter 58 Cute Wifey

Chapter 58 Cute Wifey

After putting breakfast on the table, Hui Yin snuggled back to bed with the two little buns.

She couldn't help but poke both Baby Shang and Little Wuji's soft cheeks, studying the way their eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly's wings as they soundly slept.

She compared her hand with Little Wuji's, giggling as she realized how small his hand was.

"Cute little fingers, cute little hand," she said in a sing-song voice, her giddiness from getting the PV making her act silly.

"Cute little body, cute little bun. Nom-nom-nom!"

She pretended to eat him.

Without opening his eyes, Little Wuji said calmly, "Wifey is a cannibal."

Hui Yin choked.

Wasn't he asleep just now?

"How long had you been awake?" she demanded.

Little Wuji slowly opened his eyes.


That long?! Hui Yin felt embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were awake? Were you making fun of your Auntie?" Hui Yin pinched his cheeks.

Little Wuji smiled, and he looked so sweet that Hui Yin nearly tried to eat him again.

"Cute Wifey."


Hui Yin smiled helplessly. This little bun was only four-years old, so why did she feel like she was the one being teased instead? She knew from Jiang Xu that the twins had above normal IQ, and that they sometimes exhibited intelligence far above those who were older than them.

Hui Yin was sure that by the time Baby Shang and Little Wuji grew up, they were both going to leave a lot of broken hearts in their wake.

"Let's wait for your brother to wake up first, then we'll have breakfast," Hui Yin said, combing Little Wuji's disheveled hair. "Do you want Auntie to make you some hot chocolate?"

"Nuh-uh." Little Wuji shook his head.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, carefully adjusting his pajamas. He looked so serious straightening his collar that Hui Yin looked away to stifle her laughter.

"You're laughing at me," complained Little Wuji, and his voice had a hint of accusation in it.

But when Hui Yin hastily turned towards him with a solemn look, Little Wuji's eyes were warm. He made a face at her, and Hui Yin's soft and melodious laughter filled the room.

"You were the one who teased me first."

Tackling him with a sense of righteousness, Hui Yin began to tickle him. "Experience divine punishment!"

Little Wuji chortled, trying to wiggle away from her. But Hui Yin grabbed his leg and made him fall flat on his face.

"Pretending to be asleep and teasing this old Auntie...look whose being teased now!"

Hui Yin moved her fingers on his sides and on his stomach, cracking him up. josei

Then she moved to his armpit, and Little Wuji began to wheeze.


Little Wuji had tears on his eyes from laughing too much, struggling to escape from her grip.

But Hui Yin was ruthless, tickling him until he was squealing like a pig. One of his feet kicked out and hit Baby Shang's head, waking him up.

"Mmm..." Blinking his eyes open, Baby Shang rolled over and tried to focus on the bizarre scenario happening in front of him.

Wait, was he still dreaming? He pinched himself and rubbed his eyes, but the scene didn't change. In fact, it became even worse.

Baby Shang's mouth dropped open in shock.

Was that...Wuji?

He looked on as a small pajama-clad body half-shrieked with laughter, crawling pitifully on the bed and trying to burrow himself under the blankets.

But Wifey pounced on him like a predator, and the blanket-covered bulge squirmed, Wuji's gasps of 'stop' being decisively ignored.

Baby Shang felt like the heavens and the earth had turned upside down.

Why did he suddenly feel like his twin brother was acting...a bit lame?

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