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Chapter 1225 - White Rabbit’s Seduction (2\/2)

Chapter 1225 - White Rabbit’s Seduction (2\/2)

Chapter 1225: White Rabbit’s Seduction (2/2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wu Liao ignored Wu An, he bowed towards the door deeply as he shouted: “Wu An has ill intentions, Wu Liao seeks an audience with lord, I want to report him!”

Wu An’s heart was frozen at this point.

He was scared, he was fearful.

He was afraid that at the next moment, this door would abruptly open and Lady White Rabbit would be thrown out with tears in her eyes.

Then he, Wu An, would be done for.

But no.

The door remained shut, as if Fang Yuan heard nothing.

But how could this be possible?

This was not an ordinary location, it was the internal space of the super Gu formation, a huge group of palaces had formed that could accommodate people.

Fang Yuan controlled two crucial Immortal Gu, he was fully aware of everything going on in Wu clan’s territory inside the formation.

Wu An and Wu Liao’s actions were extremely clear to Fang Yuan. josei

How could he not hear what Wu Liao had shouted earlier?


Seeing that Fang Yuan was ignoring him, Wu Liao, who was extremely confident, was stunned.

He knew that Wu An had been trying all kinds of ways to meet Fang Yuan, Wu Liao knew the purpose of his request.

Wu Liao did not obstruct him, because he knew that humans were greedy and selfish, many people were different from him, for example, the previous rank seven Gu Immortal from Wu clan.

But afterwards, Fang Yuan did not meet Wu An once.

Realizing this, Wu Liao was extremely happy.

He thought of it in his own perspective, since Fang Yuan rejected Wu An, he was definitely unhappy with the immortal opportunity business.

“Indeed! How can someone of Lord Wu Yi Hai’s status be after such small gains? He has just entered the clan, he must be concerned about his reputation, and how he would develop as a Wu clan higher-up in the future.” Wu Liao guessed.

Having such thoughts, he came to meet Fang Yuan, hopeful that Fang Yuan would receive him.

But now?

The hall’s door was shut, like a wall or a tall mountain that was blocking Wu Liao’s heart.

Wu An laughed heartily.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead, his mind returned to a calm state.

Wu Liao’s request to meet was the best probe.

Wu An instantly thought that he had understood Fang Yuan’s intention.

Wu Liao did not believe it, he shouted again, but the doors remained shut, there was no response.

Wu An laughed even louder now, feeling very confident.

He spoke: “Wu Liao, stop screaming. Lord has important matters to attend to, is it nice to disturb him like this?”

Wu Liao’s expression was dark and ugly.

Wu An sneered, shaking his head.

Wu Liao looked down on Wu An, while Wu An felt that Wu Liao was too obstinate, he was not reasonable in how to deal with people and relationships.

“Now it seems, even though I took a risk, it paid off well.”

“It is understandable, after all, Lady White Rabbit has a great appearance. When I first saw her in that attire, my heart almost jumped out of my mouth. I wanted so badly to cuddle her and rub all over her body!”

“Seeing a beauty like Lady White Rabbit, as long as one is a man, they would be tempted! Lord Wu Yi Hai is a young and vigorous guy, he has just gotten some authority, and a beauty comes to him immediately, it can satisfy his ego. Furthermore, he was an Eastern Sea lone cultivator, while Lady White Rabbit is also a Southern Border lone cultivator, between lone cultivators, they can understand each other and feel for each other. And the rarer thing is that Lady White Rabbit is a real virgin, when a man and woman meet, they would be like the fusion of fire and ice... hehehe!”

While he was thinking that, at the next moment, something happened that caught Wu An off guard.

Only to see that the doors opened, Lady White Rabbit stood at the door, appearing before the two Wu clan Gu Immortals.

“What happened? She came out already? Why has it been so little time?” Wu An was extremely surprised.

“Lord must have heard my words and sent this female immortal out.” Wu Liao was overjoyed, but when he saw Lady White Rabbit, his gaze froze.

Even though he felt a little disgusted earlier, seeing Lady White Rabbit’s divine beauty made his heart shook, he could not help but admit that Lady White Rabbit was beautiful.

“Such a short time has passed, did she not succeed?!” Wu An’s heart sank to rock bottom, he was in a daze, his throat went dry.

But soon, he saw that Lady White Rabbit had changed her clothes, it was no longer the white fur coat from before.


What attracted Wu An’s attention more was that Lady White Rabbit was wearing a pair of jade earrings, they were ball shaped and extremely thick.

This was Southern Border’s custom.

When a woman marries and loses her virginity, she would wear such earrings, to show that she had successfully become one with her man.

Wu An was overjoyed, he was extremely happy!

Wu Liao’s expression was pale, his eyes were sharp, he had already seen Lady White Rabbit’s jade ball earrings.

“Did, did you succeed?” Wu An came forward and asked carefully.

Lady White Rabbit had an odd expression, but she nodded and did not speak.

Wu An let out a breath of turbid air, he shut his eyes as pressure left him, he could not adapt to this feeling and nearly fell down.

“But, why was it so fast?” Wu An had a thought: “This shouldn’t be, don’t tell me that Lord Wu Yi Hai is... a two pump chump in that aspect? Such a situation is not rare in Southern Border, there are many guys who had cultivate until this happened to them. Hehe, if that is the case, I can offer many useful Gu worms to lord in the future. But Lord Wu Yi Hai is already a rank seven Gu Immortal, with so many dao marks in him, these Gu worms might not be effective.”

“These jade pearls were given to me by Lord Wu Yi Hai. He has instructed me to tell you, from now on, he will mainly focus on cultivating, you can carry on with your duties, do not disturb his cultivation.” Lady White Rabbit said.

After she said that, Wu An looked at Wu Liao smugly with the expression of a victor.

Wu Liao’s body shook, he took a step back, looking at Wu An angrily as he turned and left.

“Lord Wu An, let’s leave too.” Lady White Rabbit said.

“Don’t call me lord, how can I, Wu An, be any lord. Just call me by my name.” Wu An showed a sincere expression, as well as a courteous smile.

Right now, Lady White Rabbit’s status had changed.

Not only did Wu Yi Hai take Lady White Rabbit’s virginity, he had given her jade pearl earrings, he acknowledged her status as his concubine.

Lady White Rabbit felt Wu An’s change in attitude, she had a complex feeling inside her.

She spoke: “Actually, Wu An, Lord Wu Yi Hai has some words especially for you.”

“Lady, please tell me!” Wu An quickly turned solemn.

Lady White Rabbit said some shocking things: “Actually... Lord Wu Yi Hai did not copulate with me.”

“What?!” Wu An’s expression turned into shock.

The earlier scene appeared in Lady White Rabbit’s mind again.

When she went ahead to hug him with an extremely flustered feeling, a pair of strong hands grabbed her shoulders.

Next, strong force was emitted in these warm hands, without allowing for any resistance, Lady White Rabbit was pushed away from Fang Yuan’s body.

Lady White Rabbit’s expression turned pale, instantly, she felt that she failed.

But at the next moment, she heard Fang Yuan’s voice: “When I was in Eastern Sea, I was a lone cultivator. I know the pain of a lone cultivator clearly. Some things are sweet, but you will have to pay a price if you swallow them. I am sure that now, you understand why. However, I do not want to take advantage of someone in dire straights.”

Saying this, Lady White Rabbit saw that a hand had stretched out towards her chest, it was holding a Gu worm.

“This is a clothing Gu, wearing it before talking to me.” Fang Yuan’s voice could be heard again.

Lady White Rabbit obeyed him, the clothing Gu turned into clothes that covered her body.

When she raised her head again, she saw Fang Yuan smiling lightly at her: “Even though I joined Wu clan, I am still a lone cultivator at heart, it will never change. You can consider this Gu worm a gift from a fellow lone cultivator, I suppose.”

Lady White Rabbit’s heart jumped, she felt an indescribable sensation, she was extremely touched in both body and soul.

At once, she started sobbing, tears formed in her eyes as her vision turned blurry.

But in her blurry vision, Lady White Rabbit could feel that Fang Yuan’s smile was so warm and gentle, it was like the rays of the morning sun, shining into her heart, providing warmth and protection to her.

“However, if you leave like this, you might not be able to answer for the consequences. I am clear about you and Wu An’s intentions in coming here. Thus, bring this with you.” Fang Yuan said, taking out a pair of earrings.

With his abilities, creating such mortal objects would only take a thought.

Lady White Rabbit received this pair of jade earrings with tears in her eyes.

“From today onwards, you are my attendant and mistress.” Fang Yuan smiled and said.

Lady White Rabbit acknowledged his words, slightly nodding.

“Go ahead with the immortal opportunity business. But I will not take over, if anything happens, I can help out secretly, but I will not step up officially.”

“This is a matter that violates the interests of the other righteous path clans. After all, the entire super Gu formation was created with everyone’s effort.”

“I have just arrived in Southern Border, I have yet to establish myself, I do not need these meager gains.”

“You are so intelligent, you understand what I mean, right?”

“Yes, I understand.” Lady White Rabbit quickly answered with a shaky voice.

“Go back, and convey my message to Wu An and the people around him. My portion of the profits will go to you.” Fang Yuan sent her off.

Lady White Rabbit mustered up her courage, wanting to take another look at Fang Yuan.

But she did not manage to do so.

She lowered her head as she walked out. The moment her back faced Fang Yuan, tears fell down her cheeks.

The situation was much better than she had thought.

The name of Wu Yi Hai was engraved into the deepest part of her soul.

“I understand now, I understand now!” After hearing Lady White Rabbit’s recollection, Wu An’s forehead was full of sweat, his smugness was completely gone by now.

He subconsciously looked towards Fang Yuan’s residence, wariness and even more so, admiration and respect was hidden in his gaze.

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