
Chapter 101 Interview 2

Chapter 101 Interview 2

"But the dragon was not stupid, he knows that the piggy would be a nice meal, but it was still too small for his big stomach, so he let it grow and grow... until one day, the dragon could not stand it anymore and attacked the piggy, eating everything from the piggy while the piggy could only look bitterly as he lost everything he had worked so hard to get.... he was the biggest piggy in the place, the one with the most riches, one of the biggest in the world... but from one moment to the next, he lost everything because of the dragon's gluttony... but as if that wasn't enough, the dragon didn't have enough with just the piggy and started to eat all the others in the area... there were actor animals, musician animals, but most of them were big and juicy piggies... that's all, do you like the story? I find it quite tragic."

"It certainly doesn't have a happy ending..." Sonia nodded as she processed everything she heard.

"Of course it has a happy ending, the happy ending of the dragon... but it leaves one question... if that dragon ate everyone in the area, will there be more mentally challenged animals that want to move there? We'll see about that in a few years."

"A few years" Sonia murmured, then looked at the boy and asked "The piggy they ate at the beginning, was it the biggest and richest piggy in the place?"

"Exactly, but not today, but in a few more years."

"What did the piggy do to get rich?"

"He sold different things for the internet of animals... everyone loved him inside his land, it's a pity."

"Something to tell the little piggy?"josei

"That he should be careful with his actions and what he says, because when he least expects it, he will disappear and his whole empire will be eaten by the dragon."

"And when would the dragon be hungry?"

"He has time... I would say a few years, approximately eight or nine... the dragon has already shown his tail and he looks quite animated, but he is still waiting for the piglets and animals to grow."

"It's certainly a controversial story."

Shrugging his shoulders, Christian speaks "I don't live for controversy, I'm just trying to warn the piggy. I find it quite nice from what I've heard of her and I wouldn't like that ending for a person who started from nothing."

"It would certainly be a shame" Sonia nodded "But let's leave that aside, Christian, we all know the truth you revealed to the world, can you tell me what the process was like?"

"The truth was exhausting" Sighing, Christian looks up at the ceiling in a daze and speaks "When I found out, I was afraid... everyone knows the important people that were involved and the more evidence I looked for, the closer people came to finding me... there was someone following my steps, but I was lucky that they could never track me down."


"As I said, at first out of fear I didn't want to talk and I didn't even look for proof... I stayed that way for at least 5 days, but the guilt and the possibility of more children being affected gave me the motivation to risk my life... I realized that I would rather die with a clear conscience than continue living in helplessness... it took me months to find everything I needed, but the more answers I got, the greater my fear became.... I could not tell the police, nor the FBI, nor the politicians... they were all tainted and my hands were tied, but I did not give in and made a plan... we moved to a safer house and hired security... you should have seen them outside, today we still have more than 100 people dedicated to our protection... as for the plan, it was simple... I know they can censor or silence any TV channel; no one could tell me otherwise... but they can silence hundreds of people... they can silence hundreds of people? Can they silence the television of other countries? The answer is no... so look for media that compete with each other, look for media that are from neutral countries or that are not allies of the United States... it may sound exaggerated, but when even the former president is mixed up in the dirt, I had no other choice."


"As for the outcome, you saw it... everyone knows the dirt on this 'Elite'."

"Christian, no doubt it was amazing what you accomplished and it is known that all of them were already imprisoned, some died inside the jail, but that's a separate topic... I just want to thank you on behalf of my audience for having the courage to continue, because if it wasn't for you, all this was still happening under our noses."

Smiling slightly, Christian shook his head "It's not something you should be thanking me for... I like to think anyone would have done the same, even if it's nothing more than a silly dream."

"You certainly have nothing childish about you, though you are still a child."

"I believe one loses childishness the day one knows one may die..."

"..." With a momentary silence, Sonia asked cautiously "Do you want to talk about what happened lately?"

"I have no problem with it." Christian said, nodding.

"Can you tell us what really happened? Because several versions have come out and we don't know the real context."

"We had a babysitter who took care of us two days a week while mom worked out of town... that day my trusted security had to take a vacation, so the next one was left in charge... we left the school and I found the attitude of the security suspicious, I also noticed that the other security was missing and I started to worry. ... so, after a few questions and seeing that they were taking another route, I called 911 and spoke in code while pretending I was talking to a friend, but the police didn't arrive and they tried to put us to sleep in an abandoned factory."


"I had to act quickly and had pretended to be asleep while the 911 call was still active... there were 10 dangerous women and they were all armed... my plan was just to pretend to be asleep while waiting for the police, but one woman's comment forced me to react."

"What did she say?"

"'Kill those two kids, we only need this one'... they wanted to kill my siblings..."

Swallowing saliva, Sonia asked again "And what happened?"

"I had a pen in my pocket.... I took the pen and stabbed the woman, then took her gun and shot all the women..."

"..." Looking at the boy with some disbelief, Sonia asked "If you killed them all... how did they shoot you afterwards?"

"There was a cop hiding... I was stunned by what I did and couldn't react well, I was talking to the 911 operator when I heard a warning shout to raise my hands... I did it without thinking and when I thought it would all be over and I could go home, I was shot multiple times in the body..."

"What happened next?"

"I was passing out... I was in a lot of pain and had no strength to move... but as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the police talking on their radio... she said everyone was dead in the area, including the children..."


"She wanted to kill my brothers after shooting me... so somehow, I managed to move, grabbed the gun and shot the cop three times... then she turned around and shot me one more time... next thing you know, I'm under house arrest, I have a tracker on my ankle and I have trial in a few days."

"..." Leaving everything silent for a minute, Sonia pulls herself together and asks "What do you think of the reason the police gave? Attempted kidnapping for money?"

"It's stupid." Christian scoffed before continuing, "It's impossible that some simple criminals have people infiltrated in security, nanny company and the police... I believe maybe a big mafia, but never some petty criminals... besides if they wanted money, they wouldn't have to kill my siblings, having the three of us would give them much more money than just me... those people wanted me for something and it backfired... now as for why is the police or the government trying to hide it? I don't know, but I can easily see the reality of it, and the official version is full of holes."

"Do you think it's an attack because of what you revealed?"

"I don't know" With a bitter smile, Christian continued "I can't guess the motive... but I feel anxious. I know the person who planned everything is free and the police are not even looking for him... lately I have some anxiety because I know this is not the end... I will be schemed against at some point and I will have to suffer... I just hope it's me and not someone else..."

"..." With silence towards the child's uncomfortable quietness when talking about these topics, Sonia tried to change the course and asked "Christian, we know you will be 13 and will have to change schools, do you have one already in mind? Have you thought about graduating quickly and moving on to college early?"

(A/N: Keep in mind that the one who says all this is a 12 year old boy who looks very tender, it is the same as a very tender little girl telling you straight out that maybe someone wants to kill her and you know perfectly well that they already had an assassination attempt against her, to top it all off she tells you all this as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I think it will obviously move your mind, even a little, in this case it made the interviewer uncomfortable).

"I haven't really thought about it, and honestly I'm not really interested in pursuing my studies, I find it irrelevant and pointless... but I'll go anyway, after all I have two little siblings to look after, I wouldn't want some random idiot bullying them."

"I see that you are quite overprotective of your siblings."

"I find it normal... I would think that many people who have been through certain unpleasant situations would do everything they can to make sure that the people they love don't go through the same thing."

"If everyone thought like that, everything would be better." With a wry smile, Sonia continued. "Christian, would you like it if we went through the questions from the audience?"


Nodding, Sonia nods towards her team. They brought in a laptop, then pushed a few buttons and turned the computer around.

"Christian, we have a few questions we selected for you, feel free to not answer the ones that make you uncomfortable."

Nodding, Sonia presses a button and the first person appears.

It was a white man about 19 years old looking at the camera with a big smile, a group of men could be seen waiting for him in the back looking at the people recording with curiosity.

"Hi Christian, can I know if your eyes are like this or do you wear contact lenses?"

"Actually, I don't wear contacts, but my eyes didn't use to be this color" Smiling, Christian looks towards the kitchen and speaks "Leslie, bring me my photo album please."

"..." Looking at the kitchen curiously, Sonia sees that after a minute a tall woman with an intimidating expression was approaching them.

"Thank you Leslie~" Smiling, Christian takes the album and pats the seat next to her "Sonia, come closer."

Nodding, Sonia sits next to him and looks at the album curiously, as the cameras were already moving and focusing from behind the couch.

Opening the first page, Christian shows photo of him as a baby "Mom spent the little money she had to take pictures of us when we were babies, the one you see here is obviously me."

Looking at the little baby with pale skin and flushed cheeks, Sonia smiled softly "They're nice pictures."

"Yes" Christian nodded, to then turn the pages and point to a certain photo in particular "Here, my eyes open, if you look closely, they are of a light blue color."

"It's true..." Sonia nodded, to then look at the photos after that one, where we could see more and more changes in the color of the boy's eyes "Light blue, light blue with pink, pink, pink and violet to end up only in violet... it's a nice transition."

"Mn" Christian nodded, then turned the page and showed his siblings when they were five and six "These are my siblings, the blonde headed girl is Hailie, she was five here, while the boy who was pouting is Alan, he was six at the time... aren't they cute?"

"Yes" Sonia nodded, looking sideways at the boy's bright gaze. "I see you love your siblings very much."

"How could I not, I love my whole family." Closing the photo album, Christian looked at Sonia and asked "Let's continue with the questions?"

After nodding and getting more comfortable, Sonia puts the computer on her lap and switches the video.

The next person was an older woman, about 45 to 50 years old, she had glasses and her hair had the color of old age.

"Hello young man, first of all, I want to thank you for your help within the field of mathematics and at the same time praise you for your bravery in causing the fall of those horrible people. But today I want to ask you something away from that topic, I would like to know what do you think about the youth of today and how do you think society will be in the next few years?"


Edited By: Joy_a

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