
Chapter 109 First Day

Chapter 109 First Day

Freezing for a moment, the woman looks back with embarrassment, but still she didn't stop her work and checked carefully. Then she nodded and looked at the clothes the boy had left aside, checking every pocket in his suit "Clean"

"May I call my lawyer? Am I entitled to a call?"

Turning her gaze to the boy, the woman says "You have no rights here"

Raising his eyebrows and not noticing any lies, Christian simply nodded, then asked "What now?"

"You will be in the entry cell for three years, we will study your behavior and if you behave well, you can have a cell with more comforts"

"Three years!?" In disbelief, Christian exclaimed.

"It could be less, or maybe more, it depends on your behavior" Taking the boy by the shoulders, the woman didn't bother with putting him back in handcuffs and dragged him towards the corridors "You have one hour a day to sunbathe, that starts from tomorrow.... your first meal will be at 08.30 AM, if you are not awake to receive it, you miss it... the second one will be at 01:20 PM and the last one at 10:00 PM, you have to receive them in one minute or you will miss them. You will get a knock on the door when it arrives and you will have to eat inside your cell"

"I will have no contact with other people?"

"Only with us, you won't have any other contact" Nodded the woman, while they started walking along a completely fenced path resembling a corral "If you behave well, you will have another hour a day in the cement pool. There you can play Basketball for an hour or do whatever you want in that place, but as always, everything is seen in your behavior...that benefit you can get after three months"

"You explain this to everyone?"

"They usually learn it the hard way, but you look nice" Replied the woman, then coming to a hallway full of cells and opening the one closest to the door.

Looking at the camera in the hallway, the woman pointed at the cell, causing the door to open automatically "This will be your new home"

Nodding, Christian enters the cell and looks at the entire cell, instantly noticing that it is very small, measuring no more than 3.5 meters by 2 meters wide, something much smaller than his first room. In one corner was a window no more than 5 centimeters wide and about 15 centimeters long, causing almost no light to enter the place.

The bed was concrete with a dark mattress on top. It had a small concrete desk and even the chair was concrete. In one corner was a shower made of what appeared to be steel and the urinal was still next to the bed, being the same material.

Noticing a small television on the desk, Christian asked "What channels do I have there?"

"One religious channel and the other psychology channel for self-help"

"Don't we have movies?"

"..." Looking at the boy with amusement, the woman shook her head and continued "You can have a four-minute shower every day. You have to push the button so the water comes out for a minute. The soap and Shampoo also come out with a button, all that can be used only three times a day, so use it wisely"

Nodding, Christian looks at the bible on the desk and what appears to be a journal, curiously he walks over and finds it empty "This is for me?"

"Yes, you have access to all the books you ask for and we will give you a pen once you are locked up, if you try anything funny, you will lose all that privilege" Warned the woman "Now we will talk about your few rights in this place... the first thing is that you have the right to see you with your lawyer every time he comes, but we can forbid you if you misbehave. You also have the right to see your relatives and just like everything, you can lose it if you misbehave... you have the right to a cell in the sun for an hour and the right to visit a doctor in case you get sick or hurt... your last right is to see a therapist on site. As I saw in your confinement records, you have to see him daily, so it will start when the therapist sends for you... any doubts?"

"Yes..." Pointing towards the camera that records everything in his cell, Christian asks uncomfortably "Can I cover it with a sheet while I take a shower or change clothes? It makes me uncomfortable to know that they are looking at me naked"

"..." Turning to her colleagues, the woman turns back to look at them all being lost, causing a tired sigh from her "We'll give you 20 minutes a day to cover the camera, just tell us ahead of time so we don't send people to your cell"

"Thank you." Smiling, Christian sat on his bed while, then turning to the woman and said "Don't you have any pillows?"

"Yes, they will bring it to you along with the changes of clothes, we will see if we find something smaller" The woman nodded, then started walking out of the cell while saying "If you want any books, you have to ask for them with some note to send them to get them, you can only ask once a month, so write down everything you want in advance, maximum 10 books per month, don't forget"

Finished speaking, the woman looked at the hallway camera and automatically the cell door closed, instantly leaving a heavy silence in Christian's cell.josei

"*Sigh*" Leaning back, Christian brought his arm to his eyes and muttered "Will this be the end?"

Glancing sideways, Christian felt quite uncomfortable. His clothes were very rough, the mattress was hard, his shoes were too big for him, and worst of all, there was a very uncomfortable silence. Practically nothing could be heard but his own breathing.




A shout startled Christian, quickly rising from the bed in a daze.

Frowning slightly, Christian looked at his surroundings, instantly recognizing his current situation, drawing a tired sigh from him.

Getting up, Christian walked over to the door and grabbed the tray of food, then set it down on his desk and sat down.

Rubbing his eyes in a daze, Christian whispered "My first day..."

Looking down at his food, Christian grimaced as he felt the piece of stale bread, while a strange dark pastry was visible on the side.

Closing his eyes, Christian broke the bread and broke it apart with the paste, then popped it into his mouth and prepared for the worst.

"Oh..." Opening his eyes, Christian raised his eyebrows and mumbled "It's ground chicken with... something, but it's tasty... I ate worse things on the streets"

Eating in silence for a few minutes, Christian sighed and ate the last piece of bread, then looked at the glass of milk on the side and finished it in one gulp.

Picking up the tray, Christian set it down in the mailbox-style hole in the door and returned to his bed, staring at the ceiling uncomfortably.

"This silence is... stressful" Frowning slightly at such a heavy silence, Christian sat up and looked carefully around the cell, then sighed "Everything is so... awkward"

Rising, Christian pulled up the sleeves of his clothes and looked down at his scrawny arms, then looked at the floor and nodded "If I can't do anything else... I might as well exercise to pass the time"

Bending down, Christian began to do push-ups with difficulty, but after about 10 repetitions, he fell to the floor with a gasp "Fuck..."

Taking a deep breath for about 30 seconds, Christian turned around and went back to do another 10 reps.

Two hours passed quickly, constantly repeating push-ups, squats, sit-ups, crunches, and finally, stretching to develop flexibility.

Lying on the floor with a flushed and sweaty face, Christian smiled slightly and sighed "This helps quite a bit..."

"I can't exercise all would be good for my body...but I'm bored"

Looking down at his mattress with a sudden idea, Christian picked it up and leaned it against the wall, then grinned and started punching it like a punching bag.

Repeating everything Leslie taught him, Christian kept hitting the mattress for another hour, causing his whole body to sweat and soak his clothes, until he couldn't take it anymore and sighed "I can't take it anymore..."

Looking at the camera, Christian says "I'm going to take a shower, I'm going to cover the camera"


Waiting for a minute, Christian grabbed his blanket and walked over "I'll take a shower, bye."

Covering the camera, Christian stared at the door for a minute and seeing that no one was coming to scold him, he nodded and took off his clothes, then stepped into the shower and looked at it carefully. "Looks clean..."

Looking at the three buttons, Christian pressed the water one and gave himself a quick soak, then pressed the Shampoo one and started washing his hair.

After 4 minutes of cleansing his body and two minutes of water, Christian nodded and stepped out of the shower, then grabbed his towel and dried himself calmly.

Already dressed, Christian put the towel in his hair and took the blanket out of the chamber, then smiled and said "I'm finished, thank you~"

Leaving his sweaty clothes aside, Christian lay back down on the bed, lying there for an hour without taking his eyes off the ceiling.

"I see..." Christian muttered after a while "This cell is made to break you... it's silent and you don't see anything but the small cell... anyone would go crazy in this shit after a while"

Frowning, Christian stood up and looked out his window, seeing nothing but a large cement wall a few feet away.

"No scenery or anything interesting..." Bringing his hand to his head, Christian firmed his hair in frustration "This shit is going to kill me..."

Biting his lips, Christian thought of a thousand ideas to find something entertaining, but other than writing his thoughts in a notebook, or watching a religious TV channel, he had no other options.


With a sudden knock on the door, a tray came in, causing Christian to stand up quickly and say, "Thank you"

Taking the tray, Christian set it on the desk and sat down "Chicken and rice, not bad"

With a smile, Christian began to eat leisurely, while thinking deeply about what to do so he wouldn't go crazy in this cage.

After eating, Christian took the tray and left it at the door, then arranged her bed and sat her cross-legged.

Biting his lips, Christian whispered "I can navigate in my memories, but it will be worse for my mental health... there is something I always try to reach and never achieve voluntary connection, that ability of violet sight..."

Closing his eyes, Christian began to remember the sensations he had when this ability was activated, while every second he tried to feel his body like the first time, thus maintaining for hours with no results.


Another knock on the door startled him, causing him to sigh and get up.

Opening the door, the same women entered with their faces covered and said "Up against the wall!"

Furrowing his eyebrows slightly, Christian nodded and stuck against the wall.

"Hands up"

"Now on your knees"

"Hands behind your back"

With a tired sigh, Christian just followed the orders, then turned and glared "Something wrong?"

"..." Without speaking, the woman took Christian's shoes and helped to put them on, then took his arm and lifted him off the ground. "Follow us, I don't want any surprises"

"..." Nodding, Christian lets himself be led and walks at the women's pace, after a few turns down corridors, Christian reaches another enclosed outside path and arrives at an open cell in the middle of the sun.


Stretching out his hands, Christian lets himself out of handcuffs and walks to cell, then looks down at the concrete floor and says "I'll burn alive in this"

"It's either this or you don't get to leave your cell" With indifference the woman closes the cell and they walk into the shade a few feet away, looking directly at the boy.

Sighing, Christian looks around and saw more similar cells, but completely empty, then turns his gaze and sees the watchtowers with more people watching him, easily detecting sniper in his hands.

Bending down, Christian touches the concrete floor, then quickly withdraws his hand when he feels how hot it is "This shit is a punishment, not a privilege..."

Thinking seriously about going back to his cell, Christian took a deep breath of air and ended up sighing "At least I don't feel so cooped up in here"

Without sitting down, Christian began to walk in circles as he thought about what to do during this hour, only to look up and see the bars.

"Might as well get some more exercise..."

Approaching the wall, Christian put his foot between the holes and climbed upwards, then hung himself and gritted his teeth to endure how hot the iron was.

While hanging, Christian began to bear his full weight, so that after a few seconds, he took a deep breath and forced himself up, repeating the movement another 9 times before falling to the ground.

With sweat running down his body again, Christian rested for a minute and repeated the movement again, doing Pull-Ups for about 45 minutes between several repetitions, leaving his entire back and arms completely weak and somewhat numb.

Sighing, Christian leans back in a corner with his hands on his legs to avoid burning himself, looking wearily at all the arid sight around him.


Edited By: Joy_a

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