
Chapter 111 Warning

Chapter 111 Warning

2 weeks later.

"What a curious child..." An old man muttered, looking at the screen with a twinkle in his eye.

"When do you plan to see him in person? He should have met you a long time ago" Standing behind the old man, a woman spoke.

If Christian were here, he would easily recognize the voice of this woman he named Strawberry.

"..." Looking at the boy sitting with his eyes closed, the old man said "I was studying him... when I saw him, I thought he would break easily, he is smart, but he looks very fragile... who would have thought he could last a month without showing signs of dementia or aggressive attitudes..."

"I find him pleasant" Strawberry replied.

"He has a certain charm" Smiled slightly the old man said, "Any news?"

"Yes, we received a letter for the boy with instructions" Taking an envelope out of his pocket, Strawberry approaches the man and hands it to him.

"Hoh..." Taking the envelope with interest, the old man opens it and looks at the pictures inside, then laughs lightly and says "These Americans have no mercy even with children"


Looking at the threatening letter he was given, the old man repeatedly shifts his gaze between the screen and the letter, then smiles and says "We know who took these pictures?"

"Yes, three subordinates of that family"

"Have them killed" Throwing the photos aside, the old man continued to watch the boy with interest, and even though Christian didn't move an inch, he found the whole situation interesting.

"Boss... it'll get us in trouble with the Rockefellers" The woman said with hesitation.

Raising his eyebrows, the old man turns and says "Since when do we care?"

"Sorry" Bowing her head quickly, Strawberry apologizes.

Squinting at the woman for a few seconds, the man simply smiles and turns back to the screen. "Take the heads of the people who took those pictures and stick them in that old woman's garden"

"..." Looking at the old man for a few seconds, Strawberry nods and says "Any other instructions?"

"Leave her a message. The child is now in my care, one more disturbance and I will visit them personally"

"I will give the order" Strawberry nods, then turns and opens the door to leave.

"Also, bring the child to my ward. The time has come for me to see him personally"

"As you command" Closing the door, Strawberry left the old man alone.

Looking at the screen with interest, the old man murmured "Я давно не видел такой хорошей жемчужинны." (It's been a long time since I've seen such a good jewel.)

Smiling slightly, the old man grabbed the cane beside him and stood up, walking slowly towards his destination.


With his hands cuffed and being held on the shoulder, Christian walked with a bored and almost lifeless expression, no longer caring to know more about the prison or the new path they took today.

"Come in" Opening a large metal door, Strawberry ushered Christian into the room, then uncuffed them and walked out of the place.

Blinking for a few seconds, Christian looks at the seated old man and frowns.

The old man is quite ordinary to his eyes, he had silver hair from age, a wrinkled face and a kind smile. But there was something that caught his attention, he had blue eyes that seemed to give off coldness, causing Christian to instantly become alert.

"..." Watching the boy silently, the old man simply pointed to a seat across from him and waited.

Still frowning, Christian approached with suspicion and sat down across from the old man, then settled back and stared into his eyes.

The eye contact was mutual, both staring into each other's eyes for a good amount of time, and seeing that the boy didn't feel pressured or nervous by his gaze, the older man smiled more and more.

After about ten minutes of staring, the old man said "Boy, you are interesting"

"I'd like to say the same about you, but I've been wasting 10 minutes of my life in a stare-off" Christian responded with boredom and an obvious grumpiness.

Raising his eyebrows, the older man simply smiled. "Let me introduce myself, you can call me John Wick"

With interest at the familiar name, Christian raises his eyebrows and asks "That's your real name?"

"In this place, yes it is"

"..." Looking at the old man quizzically, Christian watches him more closely.

The old man was wearing an elegant black suit, he was thin and his skin was pale, but even his back was straight as a spear, making it seem like old age never affected his muscles or bones.

"Who are you?" Christian asked with suspicion.

"I'm your therapist"

"A therapist who wears a suit worth hundreds of thousands of dollars?"

"Hoh, did you notice?" Looking down at his own suit, the old man smirked.

"That fabric you're wearing is one only great designers work with. Although I don't know who created your suit, it must be expensive"

"You have quite a bit of knowledge"

"My younger brother dreams of fashion, I learned a little bit so I can talk to him about what he likes"

"And you, do you like it?"

"I'm not very interested in being in fashion. I prefer to be comfortable in pajamas or something like that?"

"What nonsense. You should always be elegant" With an expression of wisdom, the old man said, "A man can't lose his elegance for things like comfort. Expensive clothes, jewelry, luxury cars, that's our thing"

"And who decided that?" Christian rested his chin on his fist and asked with interest.

"Me, obviously"

"You're arrogant for an old man"

"You're pretty disrespectful for a child"

"..." Staring at the old man, Christian thought, 'He doesn't seem to behave like the typical men of this world... who the fuck is this old man?'

"Christian, tell me about yourself" Taking a small notepad from his pocket, the old man smiles kindly.

"Will talking to you do any good?" Preferring to be in his cell rather than talking to a suspicious old man, Christian asks.

"I can get you out of jail easier" The old man smiled slightly.

Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked "Does that depend on my behavior or things like that?"

"You could say that"

Nodding, Christian asked "What do you want to know?"

"About you in general, what you like, what you do to yourself, things like that" Never losing his friendly smile, the old man spoke.

"Well..." Christian nodded a little hesitantly, then began to summarize his life with the old man for 40 minutes, relaxing more and more at having some human contact after so long.

"Well, that's all for now Christian. See you tomorrow" Looking satisfied, the old man spoke, causing Strawberry to instantly appear with handcuffs in his hands.

Nodding, Christian gets up and walks away, leaving the old man in his thoughts.


In a cozy room filled with books and a large fireplace in the center of the wall, two old women were sitting on a sofa talking quietly.

"The process of industries is presenting losses that will cause us to spend the emergency fund-"

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Cutting off her words, the woman who looked no older than 40 frowned and turned her gaze toward the door, but still remained silent.

"Come in" The old woman next to her spoke softly, looking at the fire in the fireplace calmly.

Opening the door quickly, a woman enters with a large wooden box in her arms, then setting it down in front of the women, saying, "We found this in your yard. We brought it in the moment we saw it"

Noticing the nervousness in the woman's voice, the old woman frowned slightly and indicated with her hands to open the box.

"..." Without delaying, the woman showed the contents inside, causing the two old women to have an ugly expression.

Three female heads were piled up. Blood dripped on the other heads and all of them had their eyes wide open.

"..." Frowning, one the old women stood up and walked over to the head on top, then fearlessly picked it up and looked at it closely. "It's Charlotte, Abby's subordinate"

Taking a closer look at the head, the old woman opens her mouth and pulls out a folded piece of paper inside, then releases the head and returns to her seat.

Looking at her daughter seriously for a few seconds, the old woman sighs and opens the paper, but before she reads it, she looks at the security woman and says, "Step outside, tighten security"

"Right away" Nodding quickly, the woman exits and closes the door.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a decapitated head..." Sighing, the old woman opens the paper and reads aloud its contents. "The child is under our protection, his family is our family, I don't want any more games with them or I will visit them personally..."

Frowning, the woman looked at her mother and asked "Who has the guts to threaten us?"

"Haha~" The old woman laughed lightly. "The first time I received a decapitated head was to warn me to stop bothering a man, the second is this... how can I not recognize your messages? Baba Yaga!"

Looking at her mother in disbelief, the woman asked cautiously, "The boy they're talking about..."

"We are not that bored, the only child we have affected is the one your daughter sent to jail, and now he has protection from the Russian mafia" Laughing lightly, the old woman looked at the paper wistfully and said "This man keeps his promises, now, we're in big trouble"

"..." Looking at the heads with a frown, the woman asked "But why would the Russian mafia protect that child? Money?"

"The child has potential. Anyone can see that" Looking at the note with a thoughtful expression, the old woman continues "But not necessarily the Russian mafia must want something from the child. Maybe the old man met him and liked him. That old man has always been difficult to understand, but if he decides to protect the child, the mafia will not deny him and will fulfill his whims"

"..." Nodding, the woman looked at her mother and asked "What shall we do?"

Raising her eyebrows, the old woman said "Nothing, obviously"

"What do you mean? We can't let that child go, our relationship is already fractured and he has a grudge, too dangerous to let him live" Frowning, the woman refuted.josei

"You don't understand Margaret, this old man has the same danger as the people who warned us the other day. We can no longer touch the child" As if all of this was none of her business, the old woman simply said calmly "Your daughter made a mistake and now we are in a danger like never before. I will take away her power in the companies and she will no longer have the power to make decisions in the family until she shows a change in her mentality"

"..." Simply nodding, Margaret thought for a few seconds and said "Then, we have to let the child go?"

Smiling slightly, the old woman replied "Who said anything about letting him go? Let's keep him in jail for a few years, that will make it so he can't keep expanding with his investments, besides that jail breaks people. Let's see if by doing that the boy loses his spirit and stops bothering"

"But the note said that-"

"The note warned us about hurting him or his family, it didn't say anything about getting him out of jail"

"I understand." The woman nodded, then stood up and looked at her mother. "I'll go talk to my husband and Abby. I'll break the news to her"

"Have these heads taken away"

Nodding, Margaret left the room.

Reaching into her pocket, the old woman pulled a picture of a man about 27 years old out of her pocket and looked at it wistfully "I haven't heard from you in a long time... I thought you were dead by now"


Edited By: Joy_a

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