
Chapter 150 Visits

Chapter 150 Visits

"I won't leave the house anymore... I have enough resources to survive"

Pursing his lips, Christian went to his workbench and saw what he could build "I saw people with guns, but to me they appear blocked... I can build a couch, how nice"

Building the couch, Christian looked around his house and placed it in a corner, finding a couch that looked like it came out of a dumpster in front of him.

"What the fuck is this... can different skins be bought?" Opening the in-game store, Christian managed to see different weapon skins and other items "This one is beautiful, a sofa with dinosaurs.... 500 dollars... I'll buy it"

"A bow with a lion totem on the top at $200... I'll buy it"

"I'll buy it-"

After 1 hour, Christian looked at his aspect inventory and smirked, then looked at his bank account and pursed his lips "I spent over $15,000 on a game?"

"Never mind, let's make a nice house"

Spending all his materials and spending over half an hour decorating, Christian nodded with satisfaction.

Christmas lights on the ceilings, 3 different looking couches, a fireplace in one corner, twinkle lights in the corner, and a gamer chair with the game branding in front of a witch's cauldron.



With a sudden explosion in his headset, Christian frowned and muttered "Why is my house shaking?"

With another explosion, half of Christian's house opened up, as more than 15 people entered at the same time.

"..." Staring at the death notice in front of him, Christian leaned back in the chair and stared at the screen with vacant eyes.

Reappearing, Christian appears in his house, seeing that there are more than 20 people checking their chests "What are you doing-?"

He didn't finish speaking and they killed him again, and this time, his bed disappeared.

"..." With a dark face, Christian turns off the computer "Maybe another day"

Getting up, Christian left the room and walked through the mansion, then lead in front of a room and entered "Leslie?"

"Did something happen?" Getting up from the bed, Leslie asks.

"No, I just came to see you, what are you doing?"

"I'm watching a movie..."

"Let's watch it!" smiling, Christian put Lilith down on the floor and climbed onto the bed.

"..." Silently, Leslie lay back down.



Looking at Leslie, Christian smiled and hugged her, then rested his head between her breasts and spoke "How have you been?"


"You're still as expressionless as ever"


"Did you miss me?"


"I missed you so much, every second"


"Leslie, now you're coming back to me, are you excited?"


Smiling, Christian turned his gaze to the TV and remained silent, quietly watching the movie.

"..." Looking sideways at Christian, Leslie smiled softly for a second, then quickly returned to her neutral expression and looked at the TV.


December 24, 2017 (The next day).

Finishing putting on his jewelry, Christian looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction "Jewelry ready..."

"..." Behind his back, Leslie watched him silently.

Looking at the suit on the bed, Christian pursed his lips and spoke "I won't wear the suit jacket, I'll just keep the shirt on, no tie either, what laziness..."

Dropping his towel, Christian took his underwear and under Leslie's gaze, he got dressed quietly.

Already dressed and with his shirt buttoned, leaving only the first two buttons loose, Christian smiled and looked at Leslie "Have you met this president before?"

"Mrs. Eva had meetings with her"josei

"Mrs. Eva... will you also call me sir?" With an amused smile, Christian asked.


"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian walks up to Leslie and stared at her, then smiled "Just tell me Christian, I'd feel more comfortable"

"As you wish..."

"Thank you~" Kissing Leslie's cheek, Christian put the cufflinks on his shirt and slipped his shoes on.

"I'm ready, what time were these people arriving?"

"At 8 o'clock in the evening"

"What time is it?"

"7:00 p.m"

"Boring..." Looking at Leslie for a few seconds, Christian nodded "You look beautiful in that suit; I love your curves."


"Come on, I'll sing something while we wait" Stowing his gun in his leg holster, Christian fixed his pants and grabbed his cell phone as he left the room.

Arriving in the instrument room, Christian picked up the guitar and headded towards the main hall, smiling at each cleaning staff on the way.

Today, they were asked to work late to serve the guests, the pay would be tripled at the end of the month if you chose to stay and work for dinner. Not everyone accepted, but most did, causing the house to feel quite lively.

Sitting down on the couch, Christian looked at Hailie next to him and nodded with satisfaction "What a beautiful woman, would you give me your number?"

Raising an eyebrow, Hailie smiled slightly and turned her gaze to Christian "I don't know, you come for my money?"

"How did you know?"


Chuckling lightly, Christian spoke sincerely "You really do look beautiful"

Hailie was wearing a rather liberal style.

A black skirt that started above her belly button and reached hopefully a few inches above her knees, any higher and it showed off her ass. On top she wore a short plain white top, leaving a line of skin between the skirt and the top, easily showing off her toned midriff.

"Thank you..." With a slight blush, Hailie looked away as she replied.

"Hoh..." Smiling mischievously, Christian quickly approached Hailie and leaned against her "My cute little sister blushed?"

"N-nonsense" Refusing to look him in the face, Hailie replied nervously.

Smiling even wider, Christian brought his face close to Hailie's and blew softly in her ear.

"W-what are you doing!?" Startled, Hailie turned around with a completely red face and exclaimed.

"So cute~"

"..." Pursing her lips, Hailie folded her arms and averted his gaze.

"Hailie, do you want me to sing something?"

Quickly turning her gaze, Hailie asked "What can you sing?"


"Sing whatever you want, hold on, let me record you" Already watching many videos where Christian sang, Hailie didn't think twice and pulled out her cell phone.

Picking up the guitar, Christian settled on the couch and looks at Hailie with a slight smile "This song, I dedicate it to the girl who could never beat me in a video game, HailieGamer123"


"Yeah, yeah, now it goes.... This song is called Sweet Child O' Mine, dedicated to the beauty in front of me"


"♪ She's got a smile that it seems to me

Reminds me of childhood memories

Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky

Now and then when I see her face

She takes me away to that special place

And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry ♪"

Singing softly with a smile, Christian managed to perfectly complement the song with the guitar and take away the Rock touch of the song, changing its whole approach to a more loving and melancholic one.

"♪ Where do we go?

Oh, where do we go now?

Oh, where do we go?

Oh, where do we go now?

Where do we go?

Oh, where do we go now?

Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now

♪ Sweet child

♪ Sweet child of mine ♪"

Finishing singing, Christian looked at the young girl who's eyes were red as she recorded him "Do you like me?"

"Y-yes" Hailie nodded awkwardly.

*Pa* *Pa* *Pa* *Pa*

With a sudden clap, Christian turns his eyes and saw 6 people standing at the door.

Looking up with a slight smile, Christian spoke "Mrs. Ivana Trump, you are earlier than expected"

"It is a courtesy to arrive earlier than the estimated time" Chuckling slightly, Ivana turned her gaze to Eva standing next to him and spoke "I see that your eldest son has grown splendidly, I congratulate you"

"Yes, he grew up wonderfully" Smiling slightly, Eva looked at the rest of the Trump family and spoke "You may come in, come in"

Looking with a slight smile at the visiting family, Christian watched them carefully.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of Ivana Trump, born in the year 1986, 31 years old this 2017.

Mother of 2 children, she worked as a branch manager for the Trump company, and lately has several public appearances in politics.

Ivanka is a woman who could easily be called beautiful.

Long blonde hair, blue eyes like her mother and full lips. All accompanied with a body that was no slouch, D cup breasts, an elegant waist and a not very big, but but really precise butt with her slim figure.

The funny thing is that Christian noticed her first because the woman looked at him with her mouth slightly open and is visibly frozen while watching him.

Shifting his gaze, Christian looked at the eldest son of this family, who, according to newspapers or interviews, is Mrs. Trump's favorite son.

Bernard Trump, born in 1984 with 33 years of age in this 2017.

Father of two children, a girl and a boy, he has jewelry and fashion businesses, real estate, and lately he is given the nickname 'First Gentleman', easily taking the name from his father.

Bernard is a handsome young man, short brown hair, brown eyes, a professional smile always on him and a slim not to say scrawny body.

Turning his gaze, Christian saw the man's wife, who like his former world, generated a lot of controversy for her inexperienced position in politics.

Lila Kushner, born in 1988, 29 years old this 2017.

Lila is no slouch either. Long brown hair, green eyes and a body that fits the MILF stereotype perfectly, with a striking height of 196 centimeters, being one of the biggest women seen by Christian so far.

F-cup breasts, a voluptuous figure with an ass that took more of a discreet stare from Christian.

What caught Christian's eye was that the woman had a rather subdued look compared to her typical smile on television.

'Although on TV her smile also showed quite a bit of weakness... are you really stupid or are you just hiding... because you got elected? Just nepotism?' Thinking quickly, Christian really did not underestimate this woman for simple reasons.

That woman, Ivana Trump knew that by appointing Lila into her government plan, she would have a lot of controversy because of her young age and lack of political experience.

Many say it is just nepotism, but Christian seriously doubted that this was the case, all for the simple argument that Ivana could have given her more than 100 different positions with good salaries within her company, she could have even left some branch office for her to manage.

But leaving her in charge of external relations shows how much Ivana trusts Lila.

It's either that or watching too much South Park caused Christian some inherent suspicion with Jews.


Turning his gaze to the man walking next to Ivana, Christian saw the president's husband.

Will trump, Ivana Trump's current husband born in the year 1971, 46 years old this 2017.

The fourth to change his last name by marrying that woman.

The man could be considered handsome to certain eyes.

Brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and a slim body.

But the curious thing is that the man wore a small beard, something Christian has seen very little of in this world.

Although Christian on first impression, he no longer liked the man, finding his gaze rather cynical.

Turning his gaze to the woman watching him with interest, Christian only smiled slightly.

Ivana Trump, current President of the United States, born in 1946, 71 years old this 2017.

Ivana is something akin to the American stereotype.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, while her body was fat to say the least, but considering her high age, you can say that it was somewhat normal.

But if there's one thing Christian found funny, it's that the woman has the same proud or arrogant look of Donald Trump.


Edited By: Amiss


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