
Chapter 173 Military Technology

Chapter 173 Military Technology

Approaching the couple, Christian looked around and saw no one nearby, causing him to smile playfully.

Arriving at their side, Christian affirmed the two women's buttocks and looked out to sea "How do you like our new house?"

"It's amazing!" Elisa exclaimed excitedly, quickly hugging Christian's arm "We can do so many things and the sound of the sea is so nice!"

"I'll put a desk in front of the windows, it will give me a lot of peace to write while watching the sea" Sarah nodded with a slight smile.

"Then it's settled, we're moving here today, I'll have to bring a few pairs of clothes and all that, but let's see about that later, I'll buy clothes in Malibu for now and when we get back to Detroit let's start organizing everything, for now let's enjoy that we have a kitchen full of food and a great house to enjoy!"

"Yes!" nodded Elisa excitedly "I'll bake a cake for us to celebrate!"

"I'll get some meat out and grill it" Looking at the grill on the balcony, Sarah smiled.

"I'll call my mom and then get busy being a slob!" smiled Christian, then pulled out his cell phone and spoke "Do what you want, I'll call mom to tell her I got here okay."

Walking to the other side of the balcony, Christian dials Eva and speaks "Mom, nice gift the one in the metal room."

"I knew you'd like it~"

"Are those people reliable?"

"Yes, I myself rescued them from certain situations with money."

"I see, I'll be here for a few days and then I'll come to see you in New York."

"I'll be waiting for you~"

"Are you busy?" noticing that his mother doesn't talk that much, Christian asks.

"Yes, I'm signing documents, but don't worry, let's talk as much as you want."

"Mom, how's the bunker on the island coming along?"

"Still under construction, why?"

"I'd like to make a bigger and deeper bunker, that you have to use an elevator to get down."

"That will be complicated... but not impossible, how big do you want it?"

"At least 60x60 meters, make it about 3 or 4 stories."

"Well... still not much progress on the other bunker, I'll have to get more people to see how to do it without going out to the public..."

"Mom, I think I can get people to help, I'll make a call and send you a message."

"Okay...just be careful, yes?"

"Yes mom, I love you, take care of yourself."

"I love you my boy, enjoy."

Hanging up the call, Christian took another cell phone out of his pocket and started typing on the keys of the old cell phone, then dialed the number typed in and waited.

"What's wrong kid? Don't you know how to respect people's nap!?" With an annoyed voice, Dimitri replied.

"I forgot it's night over there" Chuckling lightly, Christian continued "Dude, I have a secret room in my new house in Malibu, could you get me weapons to have here?"

"What do you need?"

"Everything, I'd like to have different designs to collect, that would be nice."

"Well, I'll bring you 2 of each gun that exists, do you have a place to put them?"


"How big is the room?"

"10x10 meters"

"I'll send you several gun racks with lights, do you want clothes and vests?"

"That would be ideal."

"Missile launchers?"

"Of course."

"Grenade launchers?"

"Do you have to ask? I want everything, even knives."

"Well, anything else?"

"Can you get me some two metal swords, two spears, some normal bows and some crossbows?"

"Do you want to practice with swords?"

"Yes, that would be fun."

"As you wish, what size?"

"One of normal European design, I don't know much about swords, you see the best one... the other one I want to be big and heavy... I would also like some Katanas, can you get them?"

"Yes, I'd better send you to create with a blacksmith several models of ancient weapons, you see which one fits you the best."

"Old man, I also wanted to ask you if you have the plans for Florence's prison and what security they have?"

"Yes, I will send them to you along with the weapons, anything else?"

"Old man, I was thinking of researching weapons technology, do you know where I can get introductory information on certain topics? I also want to see the subject of EMP Missiles or similar bombs, they catch my attention as they can melt everything electronic... last but not least... could you get the plans of a radar for airplanes or any kind of air vehicle? Besides the fact that it can detect missiles obviously, I want to build one for my private island, since I will use it as my base of operations... I would also like to see if you can get the plans and the basics of those machines that inhibit signals and at the same time prohibit drone approaches".

"That will be a little more complicated, but it's okay, I'll send you military technology from Russia, the United States and China, we have a lot of technology from the latter two countries, so you can get a broader view."

"Elder, while we're at it... do you know if Russia has any projects with quantum computers?"

"I think so, I would have to ask, why?"josei

"Do you think it's possible for me to go and see how they work and have a look at their designs? I'm interested in what those computers can offer."

"You would have to come to Russia, no problem getting into the program, the president is someone from the Bratva."

"Elder, now if the last thing, I need personnel specialized in underground bunkers, I want to make a fairly large one on my private island, but we lack experienced and reliable personnel."

"How big do you want the bunker?"

"The minimum would be 60x60, but if it is bigger is better, I want it to be about 3 to 4 stories and have two elevators, one for vehicles/trucks and one for people"

"It will be expensive"

"Money is not a problem"

"Good, I will send you specialized people from the army, who is in charge of the island?"

"My mother, I'll send you her number so you can contact her, she will finance everything."

"As you wish, I will look for the people tomorrow."

"Thank you old man, I love you"

"It's nothing, it's small stuff, your order should arrive in a week at the most to your Malibu home" With a lazy voice, Dimitri continued "I'll hang up the call, I need my beauty sleep"

"Good night" Hanging up the call, Christian looked out to sea and sighed "I have to plan everything for the rescue... I'll do it in the secret room of this house for now to avoid leaving visible evidence."

Looking at the Elisa who was watching the whole house with a smile, Christian smiled and licked his lips "How nice this life is."


Slowly opening his eyes, Christian blinked in a daze, then looked to his two sides and smiled.

Sighing with satisfaction at the incredible night, Christian stared at both women.

Looking at Elisa who hugs his body with a beautiful smile, Christian sighed at her incredible beauty, then turned his gaze to the woman hugging his body on the other side.

"Even asleep she is serious..." Smiling softly, Christian looks at the woman's naked body under the blanket and bites his lips.

Frowning slightly, Christian sharpens his hearing and hears his cell phone ringing, causing him to sigh and very carefully to avoid waking the women, walk out of the room completely naked.

Walking through his house, Christian picks up the remote control for the windows and turns them transparent, causing the sun's rays to illuminate him instantly.

Reaching for his cell phone, Christian looks at the caller ID and answers "Hi mom, did something happen?"

"I got my period."

"..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian whispers in confusion "You really didn't get pregnant after all this time?"


"..." Frowning slightly, Christian didn't know whether to feel happy or sad.

Sure, he still didn't want to be a father or anything like that, but the result really worried him, because if his mother who is obviously fertile didn't get pregnant after so much pouring into her, it's because he himself has a big problem for fatherhood and something that may affect him in the future.

"I will go to the lab, did Dimitri contact you?"

"I was contacted by one of your workers, she said she would send 80 specialized people, I already have everything prepared for the arrival of these people."

"Ok, I will go to the lab mom, I will call you later, have a beautiful morning"

"Bye my child"

"..." Looking at the sea with conflicting feelings in his gaze, Christian finally sighed, then walked to the bedroom and pulled out a white bathrobe.

Looking at the sleeping women now hugging each other, Christian sighed and walked to the garage, then opened the door and entered the secret room for the first time.

Walking down the metal hallway, Christian reached the camera room, but without giving it any importance, he continued walking and arrived at his laboratory.

Looking at all the technological equipment, Christian nodded with satisfaction, seeing a lab even more complete than the one he had rented in the past to get the formula to improve his coffee.

Looking at the microscope, Christian sighed, then walked over to the side shelves and looked at the box of surgical gloves.

Opening the box, Christian puts on the pair of gloves and looks at the sample glasses, then picks up a pair and takes a glass vial.

"How uncomfortable..." Pulling off his right glove, Christian looks at his penis and sighs.

But just as he was about to start masturbating, footsteps sounded from the entrance, causing him to stop his plan and wait.

Looking at the red-haired woman who was watching the place curiously, Christian smiled slightly and asked "I thought you were asleep?"

"I woke up when you went to get your robe, is something wrong? You look worried" Being completely naked with a pair of slippers, Elisa approached Christian and asked with concern.

"I... I think I'm infertile" Staring at the woman intently, Christian preferred not to lie and answered.

Raising her eyebrows, Elisa asked "Why do you think that?"

"It's a long story, but that's my current suspicion."

"What will you do?" looking at Christian with concern, Elisa asked.

"I have to confirm if that's the case or just my suspicion..."

"Oh..." Looking at the microscope and Christian's ungloved hand, Elisa smiles slightly and speaks "Let me help you with the samples~"

Walking over to Christian, Elisa crouches down in front of him and opens her robe, then smiles and takes Christian's member "I'll be quick~"

Nodding silently, Christian stroked Elisa's hair and sighed in satisfaction when he felt his member enveloped by the woman's warmth.

Lifting her gaze, Elisa stared at Christian as she bobbed her head, giving her all to make him come as fast as possible.

After about 3 minutes, Christian took the glass jar and spoke "Ready!"

Quickly pulling Christian's penis out of her mouth, Elisa took the jar and quickly placed it on the tip of his penis, then took her free hand on his penis and began to shake it rapidly.

"*Sigh*" Pouring everything into the jar, Christian sighed with satisfaction.

Looking at the nearly full jar, Elisa smiled and carefully set it down on the metal table, then picked up Christian's member and took it into her mouth.

Shaking her head, Elisa made sure to get every last drop out and let it go.

Standing up, Elisa licked her lips and swallowed what was left in her mouth, then looked at the bottle and whispered, "What's next now?"

Looking at the woman fondly, Christian stroked her head and spoke "Now I'll start testing with drips."

Putting on his glove, Christian took a pipette and extracted a small part of the semen, then placed the glass rectangles on the microscope and turned on the light of the equipment.

Adjusting it for a few seconds, Christian poured a drop onto the glass and placed another glass over it, then approached the microscope and looked closely.

"..." Silently, Christian repeatedly shifted the lens, zooming in higher and higher, but the more he saw, the darker his expression became.

Pulling out the sample, Christian switched pipettes and removed another sample from the bottle, then placed another glass and began repeating the process.

After half an hour, Christian sighed with resignation and bit his lips, then took the remaining semen and flushed it down the bathroom toilet, and then began to clean everything used in silence.

Looking at Christian silently and with concern, Elisa could no longer stand the heavy atmosphere and asked "What happened?"




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