
Chapter 178 Spy

Chapter 178 Spy

"Sure, it's the only way to get them to give up" Smiling slightly, Eva continued "Do you want a coffee or something to eat? We didn't eat breakfast"

"I'd like a coffee loaded with 3 tablespoons of sugar, I'd also like... some hamburgers from McDonal's, I miss them."


"I haven't eaten them for many years"

"As you wish, you have a button under the desk, push it."


Pushing the button, Christian looked curiously at the door.

After a few seconds, a handsome man in his 30's walked in with a big smile "Do you need anything Mrs. Eva?"

Looking at the way the man walked, Christian frowned slightly.

The man actually looked pleasant to the eye.

Brown hair, blue eyes, a face that could be considered handsome and flawless skin, but there was something about the way he walked that alerted Christian.

"..." Glancing towards the desk, the man blinked for a few seconds as he saw a man in Eva's booth, but then he turned his gaze and saw the woman on the couch.

"Harry, good morning" Smiling slightly, Eva continued "I want to order you some food, are you free?"

"Always" Harry nodded with a smile.

"We want 3 coffees, one with 3 sugar, one with no sugar and the other as usual, I also want about 5 hamburgers from McDonald's"

"Anything else?"

"No, that's all, thank you."

Nodding, Harry turns around and prepares to leave.

Quickly grabbing his cell phone, Christian looks at the man and tosses it in his direction as he speaks "Catch"

Startled, Harry turns and grabs the cell phone quickly, not having any trouble or dropping it.



"Leslie, don't let it come out" Resting his chin on his fist, Christian looks at the man coldly.

Looking at the man with narrowed eyes, Leslie nods and stands in front of the door.

"..." Looking at Christian with a frozen smile, Harry didn't move an inch.

"Mother, where did you find this man?"

With hesitation for the situation, Eva spoke "He came in asking for a job, he had a good background so I took him myself, why?"

"Where is he from?"

"From England, in fact, he comes from my own town."

"I see..."

Looking at the man, Christian spoke "Will you talk nicely or will I have to be tough?"

Blinking for a few seconds, Harry recovered his reactions and spoke hesitantly "Excuse me, I don't understand."

"It doesn't do you any good to keep up that facade with me, I recognized your walk at the first second"

"I really don't know what you're talking about"

"What are you? Secret agent? Commercial spy?" Staring at the man's face, Christian continued "MI6? NSA? MI5? INIS? CIA?"


"So you're CIA" Smiling slightly, Christian had no trouble noticing the slightest facial movement from the man.

Turning to Eva, Christian sighed "You let an agent into the office..."

Rising from his seat, Christian looks all around and squints his eyes, then closes them completely for a few seconds and opens them again, instantly changing the entire color of his vision.

With a cold face, Christian began to walk slowly around the office.

Arriving in front of the library, Christian reached into the books and with a little force, pulled out a hidden cable.

Looking at the device in his hands, Christian turned to the man who showed no emotions and smiled "Listening and video device, now you're in trouble."

Frowning deeply, Eva looked at Harry "I gave you my trust and you abused it to harm us..."

"boss, they really are making a mistake, I didn't do anything" Changing his expression to a tearful one, Harry looked at Eva in panic.

"You'll talk or I'll have to do it by other means" Standing in front of the man, Christian looked him down with coldness in his eyes.

"I didn't do anything!" Looking at Christian with tears in his eyes, Harry shouted.

"Fine, let's see by other means" Pulling out his cell phone, Christian was preparing to dial Dimitri's number, but suddenly, the cell phone in Harry's hand rang.


"Hoh" Quickly taking the cell phone from Harry, Christian unlocks it and looks at the file that suddenly appeared on its startup.

Reading the file, Christian smiled slightly and spoke "Special Agent Jerry Brown, nice"

Widening his eyes, Harry or rather, Jerry, turned his gaze to Christian in disbelief.

"Currently on a mission within the Grey family, his mission is to seduce Eva Grey and manage to marry her."

Widening her eyes, Eva looked at the man in disgust, but still remained silent and let Christian finish.

"Jerry Brown, you're in big trouble" Returning his gaze to normal, Christian smiled showing his teeth.

Quickly looking around, Jerry lost his mask and his face showed real panic.

"I'll cut you down to see what to do with you" Smiling, Christian puts his cell phone away and approaches the man, but as he got closer, he saw in slow motion how he approached him with obvious aggressive intentions.

Smiling slightly, Christian grabs the man by the arm and turns, then swings his leg and kicks the man's, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.josei


Grasping both of the man's hands, Christian squeezed them and smiled as he saw his desperate face "You made a big mistake trying to touch my mother."

"You can't do anything to me, I'm an agent of this country!" looking at Christian with a red face and breathing heavily, Jerry shouted.

"I don't give a fuck, it's you that's in trouble not me, the CIA is not supposed to work on national soil and now your superiors will have to explain themselves, to us and everyone else" Turning to Leslie, Christian spoke "Give me something to tie the pig to"

Nodding, Leslie pulls some handcuffs out of her pockets and walks over to Christian.

"Wow, how convenient" Smiling, Christian slips the cuffs on smoothly and smiles "You have something to tie his feet?"

Taking off her tie, Leslie walks over to the man's feet and ties him up tightly.

Standing up with a smile, Christian looks at Eva's furious face and sighs "It's not your fault, they're trained to influence others, it's surprising he didn't achieve his goal after all these years."

Clenching her fists, Eva takes a deep breath and nods "I know... but I really trusted him.... I even told him about you guys..."

"And now you feel betrayed... it's okay, we'll make him and his institution pay."

"They won't admit anything, most likely they are already pulling me out of the files" Looking at Christian with derision, the man spoke.

Crouching down beside the man, Christian smiled showing his teeth "They don't have to admit to anything, they negotiate for you or I leak all the data from the secret CIA agents."

Opening his eyes wide, Jerry shouted "You can't do that!"

"Sure I can, and I will if they make me do it, for now shut up your voice really irritates me" Getting up, Christian walks over to Eva's desk and starts searching through the drawers, then pulling out a duct tape and approaching Jerry "Don't try to talk or it will hurt"

Covering the man's mouth with the tape, Christian smirks and approaches Eva "Give me your cell phone."

Nodding with an annoyed face, Eva hands give him her cell phone.

Dialing the number, Christian waits patiently for a few seconds, then speaks as he hears them take the call "President Ivana, good morning."

"Christian? What is this call about? We already solved the previous issue"

"Yes, for now I have no problem with that, but let me ask you a question"


"The CIA can't legally work on national territory, can it?"

"It can't... Why?"

"It's just that I have a Jerry Brown infiltrated my mother's company a few years ago, I was doing some research and someone generously donated the necessary information to me, the man had the job of seducing my mother and getting into our family."


Noticing the silence, Christian continued "He used a false name with an identity from England, Harry called himself, my mother's secretary."

"The CIA will admit nothing" After a few seconds, Ivana responded dryly.

"Mrs. Ivana, let's not be naive, you know perfectly well that the CIA doesn't have to admit it for them to be in trouble, all it takes is for me to know it and the game is over."


"Are you interested in negotiating?"

"I'll make a few calls, I'll talk to you in 1 hour at the most."

"You have all the time you want, for now we have your agent downsized to prevent any accidents from happening, you know, this world is dangerous"

"Appreciated" With her last words, Ivana hung up call, drawing a chuckle from Christian.

Turning to Eva, Christian pouted and spoke "Now who will bring me my coffee?"


After 2 hours, and a long talk with Eva to make her understand that spies can be everywhere and it is very difficult to detect them for an ordinary person, Christian finally received the expected call.

"You said one hour, it's been 2 hours and 7 minutes."

"I had a little chat with some people, it took me a while to finish."

"Y? What will you do?"

"Let's negotiate"


"What are you asking for?"

"I want to see your research with quantum computers and have my private island taken off the map."

"We can't give you the research, it's confidential files."

"I just want to see your work and keep an eye on your process, I'm not asking for your scientists or a copy of your work to take home with me."



"Fine, I accept, but you are forbidden to come in with cell phones or anything to record."

"No problem, what about taking the island off the map?"

"Google map?"


"We can't do that, Google is a private company, you have to talk to them."

"Don't take me for a fool, we know perfectly well that Google is in the hands of the government a long time ago"


"I'm not asking for difficult things Ms. Ivana, keep in mind that you guys were spying on my mother for years, what I'm asking for is irrelevant with the real punishment you deserve"

"Fine, in an hour you will have your island wiped off the map, as for the investigation, you have to let me know a day before to prepare for the visit."


"Our agent..."

"They can come for him right now, we're in the company, but I guess he already knows" Looking out the window, Christian smiled and spoke.

"They'll be coming for him now."

"Mrs. Ivana, I don't want this to happen again, I'll be watching all around me, don't plan on playing games with me."

"Understood, I guess I shouldn't remind you that this never happened either."

"What happened? I don't remember."

"Until next time, Christian Grey"

"Ms. Ivana, I really like you compared to the former president, I also understand that this spy has been here for years and it was before you came to power, so I don't blame you, just keep that in mind"

"Until next time."

Smiling slightly, Christian stretches his tired body and looks at the man on the floor "We negotiated your exit!"

"..." Looking at Christian with a defeated expression, Jerry couldn't even sigh.

"Leslie, uncuff him and release his feet, but make sure he doesn't move or remove the tape from his mouth, it really stresses me out knowing he exists, I may lose control and throw him out the window"


Looking at his mother who was silently sipping coffee while looking at her computer, Christian sighed and spoke "I'll go check the top floor."

Nodding, Eva pulls out her card and leaves it on the desk "Just swipe it over the elevator buttons and you're done, let me know if you need anything"

"How will my team get on if I'll have the card?"

"I have some spares, call me when they arrive and Leslie will bring them up, you keep that one."

"Right..." Looking at the woman who still looked discouraged, Christian shook his head and sat down "I'll wait for them to come get that guy and I'll go out."




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