
Chapter 206 Leslie-POV

Chapter 206 Leslie-POV


I could spend the rest of my life like this...

Watching the man reading quietly in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Many times I think about my life, what I am, what I have done and what I would be able to do.

I used to feel lost, without a reason to live, without a reason to keep breathing.

My family was gone, my friends died and I finally got to avenge my family.

I always said that after I achieved my goal, I would commit suicide and leave this dark and horrible world.

It was something I had already accepted and I managed to come to peace with my impending death.


I would never have thought that I would meet my current master.

From the first day I knew he was unique.

I met a lot of rich kids during my security work, most of them so stupid that I wanted to beat them until they couldn't breathe.

But Christian...

The kid had a clarity in his eyes that from the beginning drew me in.

His demeanor was mature in serious moments, and sometimes he acted like a child, honestly I never quite understood him.

He accomplished so much at such a young age that he caused a stir all over the world, he made my revenge easier to complete and at the same time he accomplished something that I thought would be impossible.

Causing me to want to go on living...

I wanted to see what else he managed to do, I wanted to be with him as I watched him mark an era in this world, I wanted to see his growth and what he would become.

But again, that was shaken when I started spending time with him.

The kid at first was stressful, he wouldn't shut up and I came to understand that he likes to play pranks on you.

The more time I spent with him, the more I grew attached.

Day after day, hour after hour, every second I spent with him, I understood something new and felt new things.

Eventually I began to grow fond of him without even realizing it.

I started to enjoy watching him smile, I enjoy watching him act serious, I enjoy watching him think, I even got to enjoy watching him eat.

Every action he did, I enjoyed it with all my heart.

I started cutting his hair, I started dressing him, I even helped him clean himself while he showered.

Without realizing it, my whole life began to revolve around him.

But even with all that, my thoughts of suicide were still there.

I just prolonged my stay in this world until I got to see what he became.


I made a mistake, I left his side to tie up ends in my revenge and left him alone.

That mistake almost got him and his family killed.

Somehow he managed to keep them safe, but at what cost?

He was in the hospital on the verge of death with multiple bullets in his body.

The moment I heard that, the world seemed to collapse on my shoulders, I felt guilty and miserable.

If only I hadn't left his side, if only I would forget those people and do my job....

I still remember how cold everything felt in those moments, I still remember how desperate I felt.

But again, he did the impossible and managed to survive in the face of such injuries.

When I heard that he woke up, I was scared.

My hands were shaking, my legs didn't seem to obey my commands, and everything in me was sweating non-stop.

Multiple questions assailed my mind.

Would he hate me?

Would he blame me for everything?

Would he tell me he never wanted to see me again?

If so, I couldn't blame him, I knew it was all my fault, it was my mistake.


The screams and the expected hate never came.

He just welcomed me with a smile, hugged me and told me it wasn't my fault, even though I knew it was.

I did my best not to cry when I was in his little arms, I felt so miserable to see his soft smile, I felt so miserable to be consoled instead of scolded.

I had never really wanted death as much as I did that day.

But as always, he forgave me as if it was nothing and encouraged me to stay by his side.

I came to the conclusion that I would not move an inch away from him until I could find someone better, someone worthy of his care.


Even that faded away after a certain event that marked me.

It is impossible to forget that day...

It started out normal, I scrubbed his hair while he was in the bathtub, then I cut it and helped him put on his favorite pajamas.

But as if he knew about my death wish, he started talking about how much he appreciates me and asked me to work for him directly.

He told me that I am the person he trusts the most, that he sees me as his shadow.

When he asked me with a smile if I would like to spend the rest of my life with him, my mind instantly left the depressing thought and I accepted.

I still remember perfectly the smile he gave me at that moment, I still remember his beautiful voice as he sang to me, I still remember the smell he gave off when he caressed my face, I still remember how special that little moment made me feel.

After that, I realized something.

Humanity is horrible, something I am sure of.

But my master...

He is the most perfect being to walk this earth.

No matter if we talk about the outside or the inside, skin or heart, he is a being of light that only brings happiness to those close to him.


Envy is in everyone and those corrupt pigs are not enough to almost kill my master.

Suddenly my master began to say that something was wrong, that something bad was going to happen to him.

My master was preparing many things, papers, recordings, songs, he even transferred all his companies to his mother, as if he always knew what his destiny was going to be.

Not much time passed and my master was locked up by the vile corruption of this rotten world.

They locked up a child who only wanted good, they locked up a being who treated even street people with kindness, they locked up a child with a big heart.

I really felt at that time that I was going to collapse, all the hope that I managed to accumulate with him was lost at the very moment I saw him leaving with handcuffs on his hands.josei

At that moment I could only grit my teeth and watch everything happen with bitterness.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to help him, I was completely lost.


Once again, he managed to get me back together with the contents of a disc he had prepared for me.

He gave me instructions, left me words of encouragement and reminded me many times how much he appreciated me and how much he loved me, he left me in that little disc a reason to keep me alive, a reason to keep me hopeful.

I followed his wishes and protected his mother, I protected Mrs. Eva.

During those years, the home that always used to be warm became cold.

Mrs. Eva, who was always smiling and kind to everyone, became cold and calculating.

I took it upon myself to help her with all my skills, kill her enemies, incriminate people, intimidate enemies, all to achieve what my master started, the most prosperous and powerful economic empire in the country.

Although it is bitter to have to hide this from my master, I promised Mrs. Eva not to talk about what happened, something I accepted because I did not want to give him more problems.

Finally, my master arrived after a long and bitter journey, he grew up just as I expected, a splendid and perfect man in every aspect.

He hugged me and told me how much he missed me, I could feel his warmth again.

Everything went back to normal.

Days passed, again I took care of him again, although now I knew that his skills are even better than mine, it doesn't matter.

Even if I have to use my life to save him, I will do it, no matter how strong he is.


One day I heard something I shouldn't.

I heard him having sex with Mrs. Eva, his mother.

I didn't know how to react, I didn't know what to do, I never thought that would ever happen in my life, and the worst thing is that I felt very bad without understanding why.

But seeing that she seemed happier and happier, seeing that her smile became even more radiant, I didn't think about it anymore and I repressed my feelings.

Until one day something happened that I never expected...

One day after training, he asked me to find a husband, to have a family.

I felt desperate, my panic overwhelmed me as many questions had consumed my mind.

Did I do something wrong?

Did he dislike something about me?

Did he finally decide to hate me?

Because he wanted to push me away?

But to my relief, he just wanted to see me happy, as always thinking of me at every moment, always advocating for my happiness.

He gave me some time to think about it, but I didn't need him and gave him my immediate answer.

I would stay with him until my last breath.

That decision was the best of my existence and to this day I can't believe what happened next.

My master...

My reason to exist...

My god...

My everything...

The only person who cared about me in my worst moments, the only person who treated me with affection and gave me the hope to live, the only person who embraced my imperfections.

He kissed me...

He told me how much he wanted me, he showed me how much he loved me.

He touched every inch of my skin, to finally give me the ultimate sign of his love, he entered deeply into me and gave me the greatest happiness in my entire existence.

He touched me as if I were the most delicate and beautiful object he knew, he made me scream with happiness no matter how hard I tried to repress myself, he painted me with his colors and he marked me forever.

He gave me his love...

Since that day, my convictions became even stronger and now I serve him with my body as well as with my heart.

All for my beloved master, the owner of my soul.

"Leslie, could you help me down here? I'm frustrated..." Looking up from his book, my master smiled softly at me and spoke to me in his beautiful voice.

I really love him.

"Yes master" Approaching him while suppressing my excitement and smile, I kneel between his legs and proceed to fulfill his request happily.

[End of Pov]



"This looks good..."

Taking the leather handcuffs, I watch her while smiling foolishly as I imagine how she would use it.

"Can I help you?"

But as I started to imagine all its uses, a female voice came to my side.

Turning my gaze, I carefully observe the saleswoman and smiled slightly "Yes, I'm looking at what to buy, but for now I'm wearing these handcuffs."

Great, she doesn't seem to know me.

Raising her eyebrows, the woman smiles lustfully and speaks "I see you're enjoying yourself."

"At least 3 times a day" Puffing out my chest a little, I reply confidently.

Watching the woman's jealous face, I couldn't help but feel happy.

I have sex every day with the most beautiful man in the world, my son!

No matter if I walk around in my bleeding days, he plugs my hole and uses the ass, always taking care of my dark desires.

Fuck, how much I love my son.

"Ma'am?" waving her hand in front of me, the woman looked at me quizzically.


"I asked if you needed any advice."

Looking around the store for a few seconds, I finally asked "What do you recommend?"

"That depends on how adventurous your boyfriend is" Smiling instantly, the woman answered me.

"He always encourages me to try something new..." Looking all around, I approached the woman and wrapped my hand around her shoulder "In fact on the second day of our relationship, he fucked my ass under his own desires."

Opening her mouth a little wider, the woman's eyes instantly filled with envy "Tsk, you don't know how long I've been waiting to try that, but bitches today are such pussies."

"I pity you, it feels amazing."

Rolling her eyes, the woman looks around the store and points to a wall "You could buy that, so you can enjoy twice as much in their sessions."




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