
Chapter 212 Discovery

Chapter 212 Discovery

The day passed quickly, the night was extremely silent due to everyone's exhaustion and the hole was already 10 meters deep.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, while everyone was eating what was already prepared, a knock started to sound at the door.

Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Staring at the door silently for a few seconds, Christian got up and opened the door, then moved behind it to avoid being seen by anyone on the outside.

Looking at the 8 women who entered with suitcases, Christian closed the door and spoke in English "Family."

"Sisterhood" Replied a woman of about 35 at the head of the group.

Smiling instantly, Christian stretched out his hand and spoke "I've been expecting you, it's a final pleasure to see you."

"The pleasure is ours" Bowing slightly with respect, the woman took his hand and replied, then released him and looked sideways "Our mission is to make a facade for a garden store"

"Exactly, we'll be digging in the back room, so I need you to fix the outside so they think it's a building repair, I also need someone to drive the truck with dirt and dump it somewhere"

"It will be simple" Nodding, the woman turns to her team and nods, causing them all to drop the suitcases on the floor and start pulling out overalls with different tools and paints "We'll start right away, with your permission"

"Go ahead" Nodding, Christian didn't bother talking to them anymore and went back to the table to eat.

"You don't invite them to eat?" looking at the women doubtfully, Lust asked.

"They are professionals, they are dedicated to their mission and nothing else, as for eating and sleeping, they have their own place to avoid suspicion."

"Whatever" Shrugging, Lust continued to eat leisurely.

"Emily, during this time we will be working on the system and at the same time I will be talking to you about the quantum computer, I need the opinions of a computer expert"josei



2 weeks later.

"Happy birthday my beautiful little sister" Sitting on the floor with dirt all over his clothes, Christian smiled softly and spoke into his cell phone "I'm sorry I can't be with you today, but I left you a gift"

"Thank you brother" With a shy voice, Hailie replied.

"I love you so much"

"I-I do too"

"I adore you"


Smiling softly at the sound of her embarrassed voice, Christian continues "If you check in your room behind your furniture, I left you a cell phone, the password is 0,0,0,0,0. Never connect it to the internet, I left you pictures to make your nights warmer."


"Yes, but remember this, never connect it to the internet or put a chip in it, or we'll be in trouble."

"Got it!"

"I also bought you a Bugatti Chiron, it will arrive between today or tomorrow."

"Really?" Sounding even more excited, Hailie asked.

"Did I ever lie to you~?"


"Enjoy it my little girl, but don't go out alone, always bring security!"

"I promise!"

"Okay, I'll leave you to your thing, take care of yourself very much"

"You too, thank you for calling me"

"I love you"

"Me too brother"

"Bye" Hanging up the call, Christian sighed and looked at the completely renewed place in front of him "We already reached 200 meters deep... but the ground is so fucking hard underneath, not counting the giant rocks we found... many detours on the way, shovels break because of the hardness, with luck we advance 10 centimeters a day"

"Christian..." Entering the room, Lust looked at him wearily "Can we have sex? I'm feeling overwhelmed."

"I'm all sweaty"

"Me too" Smiling instantly as she had no refusal, Lust began to remove her clothes and was quickly naked.

Pulling down his pants, Christian smiled and let Lust sit on his lap, thus beginning the fourth round of sex today.



2 months later.

Hitting the ground hard with his digging rod, Christian managed to open up another few inches of depth, and then took the shovel and began to pull the dirt to his back.

After 3 minutes, Christian looked at the big rock in front of him with empty eyes.

"Another damn rock... we'll have to go around it."


Frowning slightly at Lust's shout, Christian throws down the shovel and runs towards the exit, only to come to a path to his left that is planned to connect to the sewer.

"Something wrong?"

"I got to the sewer, I have the structure in front of me" Lying on the ground, Lust wiped the sweat from her face and spoke.

"Perfect!" Having at last some good news, Christian looked at the structure carefully and brought his ear closer.

"It's not full of water, I hear a faint stream of water, it's safe" Taking the digging rod, Christian held it tightly and started to hit the cement, so that after 30 seconds, it formed a small hole.

Approaching the place, Christian takes a flashlight from his pocket and points it inside, while a strong smell of shit reached his nose.

Wrinkling his nose, Christian nods "Indeed, this is the sewer."

Picking up a rock, Christian places it in the hole and turns to Lust "We'll leave this covered up for now, first let's move further towards our objective and then explore the sewer, I need to know if this plan is up to date or did they make any changes lately?"

"*Sigh*" Nodding with a sigh, Lust looked at the spotlights hanging from the top of the hole and looked at everything they've done "It's comforting to have something completed."

"No shit, I never get so tired doing anything" Shaking his head, Christian sighs and walks back to where he came from "Take a little break, I'll get on with my work"

"Christian, can we have sex?"

"In a little while, I ran into a big rock and we're stuck again"

"Those fucking rocks" Clicking her tongue, Lust grabbed a bottle of water next to her and refreshed herself "Let me know if anything happens."

Nodding, Christian returned to his spot and continued digging.

But after continuing to pick at the sides for half an hour, Christian frowned and looked at the rock in front of him.

"This shit is abnormally big! there's no way it's the vault, we're only 347 meters out of 683."

Continuing to dig around the stone, Christian finally stopped after 1 hour, noticing that this is more than just a rock.

"There's no way a rock this size is here" Biting his lip, Christian grabs the digging rod and starts pounding against the rock over and over again.

After 20 minutes, Christian let go of the rod and grabbed another, as sweat poured down his face "This shit is like practicing with the spear."

Blow after blow, Christian already pierced 10 centimeters of the rock and seemed not to finish, but suddenly, his bar managed to reach the other side.

Withdrawing the rod, Christian took his flashlight and pointed it at the hole.

"What the fuck?" Looking down a sort of corridor in front of him, Christian frowned deeply and began to enlarge the hole.

After another 30 minutes, Christian let go of the bar and with a strong kick, a large portion of the stone collapsed in front of him.

"Lust, come quick and bring a fucking gun!"

Feeling chills as he saw the long dark path in front of him, Christian wasn't stupid and screamed, knowing that the most curious person is the first to die in the movies, apart from the blacks obviously... and the best looking ones.

After 5 minutes, Lust came running in with Leslie, both carrying guns in their hands.

"What's going on!?" Arriving quickly at Christian's side, Lust looked at the road in front of her and opened her mouth wide "W-what the fuck is that?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to go in unarmed" Receiving the gun from the silent Leslie, Christian pulls out his flashlight and points down the road "Let's go in cautiously and take the safety off his gun."

Positioning himself with his right hand loading the gun and his left hand with the flashlight under the gun, Christian began to move forward cautiously.

The sound of their footsteps enveloped them all around the place, Leslie took her flashlight and was walking backwards pointing down the path where they already advanced, while Christian and Lust go pointing forward.

"This shit gives me the creeps" Noticing that the path seems to get narrower and narrower, Lust whispered.

Without answering, Christian looked at the structure to their sides and frowned more and more, so that after 15 minutes, they noticed another path to their right with dark writing on the wall.

"I knew it..."


"Our team has that name in the military, hell in Latin."

"W-we're in hell?" suddenly trembling, Lust asked fearfully.

"No... we're in a catacomb."

"C-catacomb?" Opening her eyes even wider, Lust looked around "N-isn't this shit where the Catholics used to make art out of bones?"

"Yes and no, it was usually a cemetery, but yes, Catholics made art with bones" Looking down the dark hallway in front of him, Christian makes a mental map and speaks "This path goes straight to where we should go, let's go."

"*Gulp*" Swallowing saliva, Lust bites her lips and nods.

Walking around the place, Christian didn't have to walk more than 10 meters and started to see writings engraved on the wall.

"Peccatum solvetur dolore."

"What does that mean?"

"Sin will dissolve in pain."

"That's some scary shit."

"Dolor mundat animas nostras" Continuing on his way, Christian saw another engraving on the wall.

"Please tell me it's not another weird shit".

"Pain cleanses our souls"


"Let's keep going."

After walking for another 15 minutes without seeing any more writing on the wall, the group finally came to a large dark room.

"..." Looking at all the objects in front of him as a nauseating smell reached his nose, Christian sighed "I suspected as much."

"W-what the fuck is this!?" Stepping back, Lust looked at the scene in front of her in horror.

All the walls were filled with bones and skulls, femurs and columns hung from the ceiling while different ancient torture tools were visible in the center.

"This is a torture room" Approaching the rotten wooden table in front of him, Christian curiously observed its structure "This table was called as 'Potro', the method is simple, they tie the hands and feet and start stretching him until they reach dismemberment."

"Fuck..." Looking at the skeleton on the table, Lust asked "Th-that person died like that?"

"Most likely" Examining the skeleton, Christian spoke "She has dislocated shoulders, and although I don't see rope binding it, I'm sure she died in torture."


"Yes, this skeleton is female."


Looking at the broken wooden post on the other side, Christian walked over and examined the structure "This was also for torture"


"It was called 'Garrucha', they would tie the victim's hands behind his back and hang him several feet in the air, then drop the rope to such an extent that he was only inches above the ground."

"They were just scaring him?"

"No, that fall would dislocate his bones, and if he did not confess his 'crime', they would break his limbs."

"Master, what is this?" noticing something metallic inside a skeleton, Leslie asked.

"That..." Moving closer, Christian looks quizzically at the location of the device and smiles oddly "Lust, come see this, you'll love it."


"That thing you see inside the skeleton, it's called 'Pirum' in Latin, 'Pear' in English."

"A fruit?"

"It's shaped like a fruit, but its use was very sadistic" Without taking it for disgust, Christian pointed it out and spoke "That was put inside the mouth, the vagina or the anus"


"Oral if the victim was accused of being a heretical preacher, i.e. of another religion or belief. Vaginal if the victim was accused of witchcraft and Anal if the man was accused of being homosexual and refused to be with a woman."

"But it's not that big.... your penis leaves him in nothing"

"It's not the size that tortures" Pulling a piece of cloth out of his pocket, Christian takes the device and looks at it carefully, then sees the protruding metal and pulls it, causing the device to open slightly "It doesn't work properly, but this would open wide like a flower, tearing you apart all in its path"

"*Gulp*" Bringing her hand to her crotch, Lust took a few steps away.




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