
Chapter 218 Negotiation

Chapter 218 Negotiation

After waiting 5 minutes, Dimitri finally returned.

"Christian, let's do the following" Standing in front of Christian, Dimitri continued "I will take everything back to Russia, and when you go to visit the country, you will publicly meet with the president under any stupid excuse, and as a gift for your visit, you will be given what you asked for, although if you die, the treasure will return to the country"

"So we would form bonds publicly..."

"Exactly, but more importantly, we need our citizens to know that we recovered what was lost, all that was lost"

"Okay, I accept."

"I'm glad."

"Elder, did you know that Jesus was a man?"

"He is a man!?"

"Yes, I found a portrait of his face, I did a little research on where he came from, and it turns out that Jesus gave it to a queen for agreeing to let him pass on the words of the goddess in her country."

"Wow... I never expected that" Looking genuinely surprised, Dimitri spoke "What else did you steal?"

"The ark of the covenant, it has all the commandments of the goddess inside, they're written in gold, but I don't understand the language, so I'll have to see what it says later."

"Hahaha!" laughing loudly for a few seconds, Dimitri wiped a tear from his eyes and spoke "Those bastards must be furious and desperate!"

"That's not all, in fact, I found this" Walking over to a box, Christian reaches his hand in and pulled out a small hammer "You know what it is?"

"Hahaha, now they won't know when the Holy mother died" Laughing even more, Dimitri really enjoyed all this.

"I stole all the hidden library from them, I found records of many cultures, like the Egyptians, although I have to translate everything and try to encode the texts of languages I still don't understand"

"With all this the Church lost almost all its momentum, thousands of years of setbacks lost in a few months" Smiling as he looks at all the treasure, Dimitri asked "What else did you find that is interesting?"

"Now that you mention it..."

Walking over to another box, Christian opens it and pulls out a sword "This was chained in a white room surrounded by crosses, it had it written in Latin that, inside the door, was sealed the devil."

Looking at the sword with interest, Dimitri didn't even bother to take it and spoke "It looks normal."

"I thought the same thing too, but look at this" Approaching a gold bar, Christian throws it in the air and with a swing with his sword, splits it in two "This shit can cut steel like nothing else!"

Picking up the gold bar, Christian puts it back down and looks at the surprised Dimitri "I don't know how they got this, but this sword is great!"

"I plan to carry with me every chance I get" Stroking the blade with a smile, Christian continued "Old man, how do they plan to justify with the public the recovery of these treasures?"

"We take it from smugglers."

"I have a better idea" Putting the sword away in the box, Christian turns to Dmitri and smiles showing his teeth "You guys want to invade Ukraine, don't you?"

Opening his eyes a little wider, Dimitri chuckles slightly and nods "You don't miss a thing."

"I know a little about why you will do it and what will come next, I know I must prepare myself "Looking at the gold, Christian continues "I have an idea and a proposal for you, what do you want to hear first?"

"The idea."

"To start the war, you first need to start a conflict" Reaching over to a box, Christian pulled out a golden spoon of amber and smiled "I know you can say that there are Nazi vestiges in Ukrainian power, it has some truth to it, but how about implanting this inside a political headquarters in Ukraine?"

Blinking for a few seconds, Dimitri muttered "It would be a good idea..."

"You leave him hidden, and at the same time you put Nazi flags or something to incriminate him even more, after that they do a 'ransom' action and let it all leak out, proving that indeed Ukraine has Nazis among them and that they had in their possession a national treasure that everyone knows was stolen by those people."

"That's an interesting idea, we could do that" Rubbing his chin, Dimitri nodded.

"Good, now I'll tell you my proposal" Looking at the gold, Christian smiled "You know I can't allow the dollar to fall, I have all my assets in this country and if it goes down the toilet like they have planned, I'll be in trouble"

"You know who you will be fighting?"

"Saudi Arabia, China, Africa, Russia, Korea, South America, even Germany will turn around."

"You know too much" Squinting at Christian, Dimitri spoke seriously.

"I'm Luficer, you forget? I hear everything."


"The point is, even though I'm not supposed to help you, I need something Russia can supply me with."

"What do you need?"josei

"Plutonium, Californium, Gunpowder, several tons of Graphite, lots of Iron, and various metallic ores, I know you guys have much of the world's mining, so I want to make a deal."

"And what would you offer?"

"I know they will cement their Russian Ruble with gold, China will cement their Yuan with Gold and Bitcoin, so I can give them gold in exchange for the resources I need, I know they will need as much as they can muster."

"How much gold are you willing to give? So I know how much you need"

"Mmmm" Squinting, Christian "How about 1000 tons? That's quite a lot of money, approximately 60 billion dollars instantly"

"Only 1000?"

"Don't play games with me old man, Russia publicly has 2300 tons, maybe secretly they have another 3000 more, but still 1000 tons is a good amount."

"I still can't process that Church had that much gold" Scratching his head, Dimitri nodded "We'll give you a list with everything we can offer you along with its price in gold, you decide how much to spend.... We'll also talk to China, we won't give out your information, but we'll tell them we have who trades gold for certain things."

"I have a preference with absolute zero point research and the quantum computer, but I also accept blueprints of weapons, warships, tanks, whatever you have... I also have collector ideals, it wouldn't be bad if you add something historical to the list, maybe I would be interested"

"Okay, I'll send you a list later."

"You'll leave now?"

"Yes, I have to take this or little Natasha will go crazy."

"Who's Natasha? The head of the Bratva?"


"Is she pretty?"

"She's old enough to be your mother."

"Even better" Laughing lightly, Christian walks over to the boxes and separates 20 of them "Here's everything I found on you guys."

"Okay" Pulling out his cell phone, Dimitri sends a few messages and smiles towards Christian with amusement.

"Old man... what have you done?" squinting towards Dimitri, Christian positioned himself to fight and spoke.

"Nothing, I just asked to come get the boxes."

Looking towards the door, Christian watches 10 local female workers enter the warehouse, then grab the boxes in front of Dimitri and leave without looking any further.

"Old man... aren't those my workers?"

"Are they? I forgot, maybe I'm getting old" Sticking his finger in his ear, Dimitri replied with disinterest.

"Cheeky old bugger" Looking at the old man, Christian grumbled.

"By the way, I heard you wanted to recruit people, do you need a hand?"

"I want people who are reliable and loyal to me, not the Bratva."

"Well, I have some women who only listen to me and not the Bratva, maybe they'd be good for you to start with."

"Like who?"

"Like Strawberry, although her real name is Sasha."

"How many people can you give me?"

"Maybe about 18"

"Will do, I can give 3 to each girl and they'll look for the other two... then we'll see."

"I'll send them to this bunker, they speak several languages so they won't have any problems, just feed them and give them a place to sleep"


"That would be all, see you" Leaving the vault, Dimitri didn't bother with sentimental goodbyes and walked out, leaving a bitter Christian.

"How the fuck did that old man get into my bunker without my authorization?"


2 days later.

"Emily will disable all the alarms and sensors, and at that point you guys will come in, any doubt?"

After a two hour long detailed talk, Christian finally finished speaking and looked back at his girls.

"If you will turn off the alarms, why not turn off the lights so we have advantages in case we carry night vision?" Raising her hand, Sloth asked.

"Because we won't turn off the alarms" Sitting next to Christian, Emily continued "The prison system has something built into its core, whenever the alarms, lights or sensors are turned off, it will send an alert to the military for a quick arrival."

"So how will they disable them?"

"The sensors are programmed to recognize the passage of a person every certain hour, if a person passes a minute later than estimated, the alarms will sound."

"So you would change the schedules?"

"Exactly, even this would have been impossible if Lucifer hadn't managed to get us into the prison system."

"For my father it was simple" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian looked at the hand drawn blueprint in front of him and continued "Remember not to kill if you don't have to, everything will start when we place the song, my people will know I came for them with that."

Looking at the pictures of faces in front of her, Wrath asked "What if someone tries to sneak in to escape?"

"Make her sleep, worst case scenario, kill her."

The specialty of the mission is a gas that Christian bought with Dimitri, the sleeping gas.

It really is incredible, it practically puts anyone who inhales it to sleep in seconds and it's all over in that moment.

Smoke detectors are not able to recognize them, as the Sleeping Gas is something like a spray.

"Is the extraction secured?" Looking at the details of the mission, Envy asked.

"Yes, they have 15 minutes to extract everyone to the courtyard, then a truck will arrive to take them all to the airport, after that they will be brought to my island, if any of them have plans to leave without coming to the island, give them a weapon and leave them."

Looking at all the girls, Christian spoke "You know where the weapons and equipment are, take what has already been talked about and don't forget the extra masks for the inmates, we don't want them to fall asleep and be dead weight."

"What happens if a guard pulls the alarms before they fall asleep?"

"The signals on the panic buttons in the building will be cut off, the only way to activate the alarm is with their core defense, and it's something I won't touch about the system" Looking at the screen in front of her, Emily replied.

"Anyone else have questions?"


"Perfect" Smiling, Christian nodded.

Christian made sure every detail is covered, the position of security, the least protected place to enter, the rotation of guards, where doors exist and where they don't, which place is isolated and which isn't, he practically made sure his girls knew the place like the back of their hand.

"Study that today, you'll be leaving in two days for Florence" Leaving the meeting room, Christian stretched his body and yawned "Leslie, when we're done getting those people out of jail, let's go on a date?"

"A-a date?" startled as she followed Christian, Leslie stammered.

"Exactly, go shopping, grab a bite to eat, the usual."

"..." Looking at Christian's back with a blush on her face, Leslie nods "Mn."



"A young man who revolutionized the entire world because of his great intelligence and difficult life. A young man who was able to start an economic empire from nothing, managing to become the youngest person in the world to become a billionaire. At a young age, Lucifer managed to win several mathematical awards for his brilliant mind and his desire for justice once touched the hearts of the whole world" Looking at the camera with a big smile, a woman continued "With the introduction done, let's give a warm welcome to our guest today, Lucifer Morningstar, or better known as Christian Grey!"




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