
Chapter 250 London

Chapter 250 London

"Christian, don't bully her" Pouting, Alan continued "She couldn't prepare because she had to accompany me, she may not look like it, but Hannah is very smart."

"Ugh" Taking a verbal jab without expecting it, Hannah looked at Alan sadly.

Laughing lightly, Christian looked at the woman and spoke "I could help you in a thousand ways to get you the highest score... maybe I would if you chose another branch of study, but medicine is something you shouldn't be able to pass with cheating, one mistake and you'll end up killing people."

"I know..."

"But I'll give you a little help, I'll change the score you had from the Sat and leave you with 1400, now it's up to you how you'll use that score to get into a good university"

"You would really do that for her!?" Looking at Christian with excitement, Alan took both of Hannah's hands and continued "If you do that I promise Hannah won't let you down!"

"B-but how would you do that?" looking at Christian hesitantly, Hannah asked.

"That's something you shouldn't know, just commit to studying...who knows about the score you had?"

"Only my parents and now you..."

"Then tell them it was a system error and they called you to tell you the new score, don't tell anyone about this or you'll sleep with the fishes."

"Y-yes, thank you!"

"Talking about illegal stuff like it's nothing" Looking sideways at Christian, Hailie muttered.

"What college do you want to go to?"

"If it changes my score... I'd like to get into Harvard."

"Good luck" Yawning lazily, Christian gently stroked Helen's back and spoke "Has anyone seen Vikings?"

"Who hasn't seen Vikings? It's one of the most popular series."

"I'll be in the next season, I'll be Bjorn DragonEye."

"What!?" Looking at Chiristian with surprise, Alan continued "You'll be in Vikings!?"

"Yes, they contacted me and I accepted."

"So you're going to be an actor now?" Looking at Christian with interest, Hailie continued "Hollywood star? I'll have to see your face even in the movies?"

"What? Do you have a problem?"

"None!" Trembling slightly, Hailie exclaimed.

"Don't scream, my child sleeps."


"I have already decided" Suddenly speaking, Eva spoke seriously "We're going to England."


"Mmmm, I have to finish some business with those rats in the company, in 5 days we could be leaving."

"5 days... well, I can prepare everything in 5 days" Nodding, Christian answered.

"Prepare what?"

"I pray you don't have to know" Pulling out his cell phone, Christian gets into his system and gives the order to move a small army to England "What city are we going to?"


"Right..." Typing the order and preparing the most capable people in his organization, Christian nods and puts his cell phone away.

"Just don't do anything crazy... don't forget you're a father."

"Yeah..." Looking down at his little girl sleeping peacefully, Christian smiled softly and looked up "Mother, do we have any private parking?"

"Yes, about two blocks from here, why?"

"I'll buy a few motorcycles..."

"Just be careful."


"Now that I remember..." Carefully getting up, Eva goes to the room and comes back with a long wooden box in her hands, then puts it in front of Christian and opens it "You have received a delivery from Russia, Mr. Dimitri said to consider it as his gift."

"Hoh? But I didn't order any cane..." Raising his eyebrows, Christian gently stands up and looks at the beautiful cane in front of him.


A dark cane much like the one he gave Joanna, but a bit larger, measuring about three feet.

The top shaped like a silver skull, two red eyes made of Ruby and a sharp point at the bottom end of the cane.

Taking Helen with only one arm, Christian reaches out his free hand and grabs the cane "It's kind of heavy."

"It looks amazing" Raising her eyebrows, Hailie spoke with interest.

Raising an eyebrow, Christian fumbles with the skull and squeezes the back, causing the skull to rise in his hand and a sharp blade to show slightly.

"I see... a cane with sword included... the tip is sharp, the skull hard... this is amazing for fighting" Putting the sword blade away, Christian looks at the box and pulls out a paper inside "I saw you at the trial and the cane seemed to please you, I know your tastes so I had one made for you... the whole cane is titanium... with much love, your father, Dimitri."

Smiling softly, Christian takes the cane and sets it down next to the couch, then leans back and strokes his daughter's hair.

"Who is Dimitri? Your father?" leaning closer to Alan's ear, Hannah whispered.

"No, he's someone who took Christian as a foster son, I think I heard he met him in prison" Shrugging, Alan replied.

"Oh... he must be rich, that cane looks expensive."

"You better not know too much" Smiling stiffly as he remembered the old man was from some kind of mob, Alan replied.

"So we're leaving in 5 days..." Looking up at the roof, Christian murmured "Looks like I'll be walking away from my girl again..."


5 days later.

"Is it necessary for you to carry all that?" Looking at Christian's half-naked body with a frown, Eva asked.

"Yes, you never know when I'll need something to defend myself with, a good killer never goes defenseless" Placing several knives around his entire body, Christian continued "These sheaths are special, the knives won't damage my body and it's easy to take them out quickly."


"These needles are essential for silent assassinations" Placing needles on a dark wristband, Christian continues "And obviously you can't miss my firearm, you never know when I'll be outnumbered and in that case, the knives will make everything difficult for me."

"*Sigh* Christian, we're going to see my family, we're not going to war."

"You think so?" smiling strangely, Christian remembered perfectly everything he discovered 'It will be fun... those old people... that family... mom will have to see it with her own eyes.'

"The plane is about to land, get dressed quickly" Buttoning up her shirt, Eva sighed and spoke.

Rolling his eyes, Christian dressed in his dark suit and put on his jewelry, this time including Joanna Depp's ring and carrying his new cane.

Combing his hair carefully, Christian looked at himself in the mirror and nodded, then slipped on his shoes and gloves "Ready."

"*Sigh* I don't feel nervous anymore, I certainly needed a sex session first" Smiling with satisfaction, Eva finished dressing and spoke "Come to think of it, why did you bring Lilith and Kitty?"

"Just to take them out for a walk, I promised them we wouldn't stray now and I don't intend to break my promise."

"You plan to take your pets everywhere?"

"That's the idea."

"You know that's illegal, don't you?"

"Does it matter?"

"No, just make sure they don't bite anyone."

"You know they're not bad girls, besides I fed them a while ago, there won't be any problems."

"Alright" Looking at her watch, Eva walks over to the small window of the plane and opens it "We're over the city... we'll be there in a few minutes, let's go"

"Mn" Having everything ready, Christian opens the door to the room and walks into the main room, finding Leslie, Hailie and Alan "What's up dwarves"

"This meat is exquisite" Eating with satisfaction, Hailie spoke.

"It is said to be the best in the world, obviously it must be exquisite" Rolling his eyes, Alan replied.

"Leslie, did you sleep? We've been on the road for 10 hours now."

"Yes master, I took a full couch to sleep on"

"Good" Sitting down next to Alan, Christian looks at the snake lying next to Kitty and smiles "Looks like they're tired too".

"They haven't woken up the whole trip, I guess the plane ride was bad for them" Looking at the big snake and the ferocious tiger, Alan murmured "I still can't quite process that those little animals would turn into these monsters"

"More respect, they're still very adorable."

"Only you could say that... I'm sure if someone who didn't know them saw them head on and without warning, would be instantly scared shitless" Wiping her mouth, Hailie smiled and commented.

"Dear passengers, we are landing."

Listening to the loudspeaker, Christian sighed and muttered "The circus begins..."

After 5 minutes, the loudspeaker sounded again "We have landed successfully"

"Let's go" Getting up, Christian stretches his body and turns to Leslie "You will be the leader, are you used to your contact lens yet?"

"Yes master, it's simple"

"Good" Nodding, Christian crouches down in front of Lilith and Kitty, then stroking the two heads and whispering "Get up little ones, we're going on a trip"

"Hisss~" Opening her eyes, Lilith hisses towards Christian and slowly crawls up his body, then crawls up his leg and wraps herself around his entire torso.

"Grrr~" Growling softly, Kitty rubbed her head against Christian's leg and stood next to him.

"I still don't know how he can carry Lilith, I tried to pick her up and almost lost my arms from how heavy she is" Muttering bitterly, Hailie continued "I feel like she somehow beats me..."

"It gives me chills to see her curl up, she practically covers his entire torso with how big she is..." Trembling slightly, Alan murmured.

Stepping off the plane, Christian nods with a smile towards the crew and looks at the 10 dark vans in front of him forming a line, while in the center two Rolls-Royce Phantoms await them with the doors open.

"You said you prepared the transport, but I didn't think it would be a security fleet" Smiling bitterly, Eva looked at the stopped vans and asked "How many people did you bring?"

"60 in total, we have 40 people in the vans and the others are already deployed near your parents' house"

"Are they armed?"

"Obviously, for now they only carry pistols, but I have secure points with more powerful weapons surrounding your parents' house"

"Why are you so suspicious? I know they're shitty parents, but I don't see why you're acting so cautiously" Frowning slightly, Eva asked.

"Mother, you must understand that there can never be enough security, I'd rather a thousand times be called paranoid than have to suffer a loss because of my carelessness."


"Let's go to the vehicle" Taking his suitcase, Christian smiles slightly and walks to the first Roll-Royce, then hands it to the driver and turns to his family "Mom, Alan, Hailie, Leslie, you go in the back vehicle, I'll ride in this one with Kitty and Lilith"


Climbing into the vehicle, Christian leaves the door open for Kitty and whispers "Lilith, settle in."

"Hisss~" Moving slowly, Lilith uncurls from Christian's torso and twists steadily on his legs, easily making her size more moldable to the vehicle.

"Grrr~" Jumping into the vehicle, Kitty sat properly next to Christian and grunted softly.

Seeing everyone ready, the driver didn't even flinch at the animals and closed the door, then climbed into the driver's seat and turned around with a smile "Where are we going honey~?"

"I sent you the address to the GPS, and I'm with my family, behave my dear Lust" Smiling slightly, Christian replied.

"Of course master, the slave understands her position" Chuckling lightly, Lust winked at Christian and turned around, but not before giving Lilith a sidelong glance for the fear she keeps causing her.

"Is Greed in position?"

"Ready for anything."

"Well, let's see this distant family of mine" Chuckling lightly, Christian turned his gaze to the window and quietly.

Gently stroking Lilith's scales, Christian looks out the window at the scenery with amusement.

"I'm just worried about mom..." Frowning slightly, Christian was lost in thought for the rest of the trip, spending over half an hour in silence.

"Master, we've arrived~"

Turning his gaze, Christian notices a metal gate with two security guards outside, while inside numerous trees and grass surround a cement path.

"Tell them to enter the villa, if they don't let security in we won't get through."

"As you wish~" Pulling out her cell phone, Lust quickly types and waits patiently.

"Ready" Noticing how the first vehicles started to pass by, Lust nods and follows with the others.

"It's a nice house..." Noticing the vierad of nature around the place, Christian murmurs "I won't have any problems with Kitty, she'll have fun here."

"Here we are."




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