
Chapter 252 Chinese?

Chapter 252 Chinese?

"Good" Smiling with satisfaction, Eva laughed happily and spoke "Let's go inside, I'm bored of standing."

"Sister, what will you do with your security? We don't have so many accommodations" Looking at the large number of vehicles, Victoria asked.

"Don't worry, we bought the villa in front, they will use it for sleeping" Smiling slightly, Christian yawned and entered the house.

"You heard him, let's go inside" Patting Victoria's shoulder, Eva smiled and entered the house followed by Hailie.


"Sister... only nobles and those of very high rank can buy property here, no?" looking at Victoria doubtfully, Megan continued "I know Eva now has a lot of money, but everyone knows that money doesn't buy that kind of power, it takes a lot of influence for that and these people despise the nouveau riche"

"I know..." Turning around, Victoria squints at Eva's back "We missed something, it looks like it's all going to get out of hand."

"*Sigh* I still don't think we should do this..."

"You have no say, just comply" Looking coldly at Megan, Victoria gave the vehicles a long look and entered the mansion.

"That fucking bitch..." Clenching her fists tightly, Megan narrowed her eyes at Victoria's back and whispered coldly "Your time will come, even if I have to go down with you, I'll be happy just to see you in despair."

Meanwhile Christian looked around the big house with interest.

"This room is the main room, it looks nice, but in the winters it's hard to give you warmth, I still remember how I had to wear 5 pieces of clothes to not freeze to death" Smiling slightly, Eva presented the house with nostalgia in her voice.

"Mother, where is Alan?" frowning slightly, Christian asked.

"He must be in the other room with my parents" Walking towards the continuing room, Eva replied "Come on, I'll take you".

Walking around the place, Christian looked at the furniture and muttered "This is so pedantic and rustic, they are trying to give an image of nobility and I honestly find everything so ugly".

Laughing lightly, Hailie nodded "I'm sure this would be a grand mansion in the 1800's, but today it's a bit... old fashioned."

"There they are" Watching her father chat happily with Alan while her mother watches everything in silence, Eva whispered.

Entering the living room, Christian observes the scene and sighs, then walks over to the couches and sits down next to Alan.

"Lilith, settle in."

"Hisss~" Unwinding herself from Christian's torso, Lilith climbed off his body and stood still next to Kitty.

Sitting still next to Christian, Eva crosses her legs and looks at her mother "May I know what disease you have?"

"..." Looking silently at her daughter, Isabel replies dryly "Cancer."



"What did the doctor tell you?"

"6 months"

"..." Lowering her gaze, Eva bit the corner of her mouth and continued "Can't you treat it?"

"The doctors say it's completely expanded, even if I had surgery, I'd end up dead."

"..." Listening quietly, Christian looked at his watch and hummed, then looked up and asked "I understand Susan has a brother, where is he?"

"..." Squinting slightly, Isabel replied "He's entertaining guests, he should be here in a little while."

"I see, they must be important guests to send your grandson" Smiling slightly, Christian lifted his cane and placed it on his legs.

"Christian, I heard you were in jail, was it very difficult for you?" cutting off his conversation with Alan, Harry looked at Christian and asked with concern in his voice.

"Not at all, I met a lot of interesting people and sometimes I consider it my second home."

"I've never heard anyone who's been out of prison say that."

"Do you know many people who have been out of jail?"


"Mother, the guests have arrived" Entering the room, Victoria spoke.

"Bring them in, what are you waiting for?"

"Yes, mother."

"..." Frowning slightly, Eva looked sideways and asked "And Megan?"

"She has things to do."

"And my nieces?"

"They have things to do"

"..." Taking a deep breath, Eva lost all goodwill in her gaze and asked coldly "What tricks do you have?"


"Madam Isabel, London is indeed a magical city."

'They arrived' Looking up at the door, Christian observes the group of 5 people and frowns slightly 'Chinese?'

"Jarvis, information from the Chinese" Whispering towards his clothes, Christian instantly received the information, but the more he read, the more neutral his face became.

"Young Mistress Long, I hope your trip was pleasant" Smiling instantly, Isabel stood up and walked towards the group, then turned her gaze towards her grandson and spoke "I hope Thomas was hospitable."

"Jarvis, focus all your search on that woman" Staring intently at the young woman leading the group, Christian whispered.

Long Fei, she used to be an orphan... Actually her parents had to abandon her because of political problems, the old Long family in China, her grandmother has the position of general of the army...' Looking at the woman, Christian continued to see the gathered 'She was adopted by an old woman who knew martial arts and taught her everything, then she went to a mercenary group and ended up being nicknamed as the mercenary Queen, she returned to China and began to conquer everything... multiple problems along the way, and she overcame them, most of the problems are dead... then her family found it and took her back to the family... she ended up with several family fights and overcame them... multiple companies in her name, although she does nothing and only receives the profits... why is this shit so cliche? Is it because she's Chinese?'

'*Sigh* She already has much of China in her hands and now she wants to expand overseas... arrogant woman, thinks little but usually acts humble... although now she is seen to be more free... does she look down on us? ' Looking at the woman with boredom, Christian clicked his tongue and turned his gaze to the man at his back 'Cold face, sharp eyes, somewhat muscular body, stealthy steps and a sharp aura surrounding him... what a rookie assassin, I practically smell blood on him.'

"*Sniff*" Sniffing deeply, Christian continued his analysis 'That man has a deep relationship with this Long Fei... and this bitch has scent of 8 different men on her, one is similar to her, maybe her cousin? Maybe her brother... *sigh* Why is everything about her so cliche? I'm sure I read a story when I was bored similar, orphan man adopted by a martial artist, becomes someone fierce abroad and returns to his country, starts conquering everything in his path and has beautiful women, multiple enemies and then finds out that his family is powerful...'

'Let's put that aside... let's see what I can see of Long Fei' Turning his gaze to the woman conversing normally with his 'grandmother', Christian scans her entire body for anything relevant.

'Long dark hair, a confident smile, a common face to my eyes... although she is Chinese, the beauty there is different, maybe she is considered beautiful? White skin, slim body, I don't see anything special about her apart from the luxurious clothes she wears, maybe 2 million dollars in all her clothes... I don't get much out of her, no representative tattoos, no representative jewelry, at first glance she is an ordinary woman? but the person who accompanies her ...' Turning his gaze to the old woman next to him, Christian quickly saw her information 'Long yu, she is the sister of this woman's grandmother, she knows martial arts and is a colonel in the army, maybe her protector on this trip...'

"So..." Finished talking nonsense with Isabel, Long Fei turned her gaze to Christian and watched him with interest "This is my fiancé?"




Approaching Christian under the incredulous gaze of Christian's family, the woman stands in front of him and rubs her chin "He's quite handsome, the most handsome I've ever seen, although I don't like his look, he looks arrogant... but what can you expect from a rich kid, used to being spoiled"

Quickly drawing her gun, Leslie pointed it at her head and spoke coldly "Say one more thing about my master and I'll blow your head off"

"Mother, what is the meaning of this!?" With a face red with fury, Eva exclaimed "What does this girl mean that Christian is her fiancé!?"

"Every Grey family has its duties, a political marriage is the most common thing for us, have you already forgotten?" Looking coldly at Eva, Isabel replied dryly.

"Y-you... you're not sick, are you?"

"Somehow I had to bring you in, you're still so naive"


Turning his gaze to his mother and her pained face, Christian smiled for a second and whispered something into his clothes, then turned his gaze to Isabel "You know I won't agree to marry, right? Not to mention that legally we are not family, you expelled my mother yourselves"

"Expelled her? We never did that, in fact I have the family papers here" Pulling out a folder behind the sofa pillow, Isabel continued "You are my family, you must follow my arrangements"

"And what makes you think I will agree to something so absurd? Legally you can't force me to marry"

"Believe me my grandson, you will do it under your own free will" Smiling slightly, Isabel snapped her fingers and 10 seconds later, 4 policewomen appeared through the door of the room "Coincidentally there was an investigation against your mother a few years ago for murder, although it was closed and it was ruled that she was innocent, thanks to evidence found lately, the investigation was reopened and she will have a second trial"


"Mother... you..." Gritting her teeth as her breathing becomes agitated, Eva whispered with difficulty, while Hailie and Alan looked at everything with stunned looks on their faces.

Looking at the woman smiling with amusement in front of him and the victorious face of his distant 'family', Christian laughed "haha.... hahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

'Grace time is over, after this I will enter the radar' Without stopping laughing, Christian suddenly stood up and grabbed Long Fei's neck, then squeezed it and lifted her into the air.

"Young master! Suddenly pulling out a knife from his clothes, the man jumps across the sofa and runs towards Christian with obvious murderous intentions.

"Useless" Slowly turning his gaze towards the man, Christian whispers coldly, then reaches out his hand towards the knife slowly.

"..." With coldness in his eyes, the man suddenly moved his hand and changed the direction of the knife towards Christian's neck.

"As I said, you are useless" As if his hand was a snake, Christian suddenly increased the speed of his hand and tightly squeezed the man's neck, then lifted him into the air next to Long Fei.

Staring at Long Fei's face, Christian's breathing quickened as he saw the desperation in her eyes as he desperately moved "This is so nice, I definitely like these eyes much better than the ones you had a few seconds ago~"

"Ugh" Feeling the grip tighten on her throat, Long Fei tried to free herself from the hand with all her might, to no avail 'H-how tight is it so tight!'

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO HER!!!? LET GO THIS VERY INSTANT!!!" Her face red with fury, Isabel screamed as she pointed at Christian.

Grinning with amusement, Christian squeezed the man's neck a little tighter, causing his face to quickly turn a dark color.

Shaking his head to dodge a sudden kick from Long Fei, Christian moved his hand and threw the man hard against the wall.


Falling heavily to the ground after colliding, the man showed no more signs of life as Long Fei twisted in the air.josei

Looking up, Christian stared at the other desperate woman and smiled "What's wrong with you? Weren't you so arrogant?"

"You have 5 seconds to-" Suddenly pulling out a slender sword from between her baggy clothes, Long Yu spoke coldly, but suddenly 6 knives came towards her, causing her to quickly dodge them.


But the moment the knives passed by her side, they collided with each other and 3 knives changed their direction towards her body.

'I won't be able to dodge them!' Gritting her teeth knowing she can't change her direction in the air, the woman awkwardly moved her body, causing 2 knives to bury themselves in her thighs and another in her shoulder.


Unable to stand, Long Yu gritted her teeth and looked up with red eyes "THOSE MOVES ARE FROM THE HIDDEN WEAPON SECT, HOW YOU DARE TO REVEAL AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT!!!?"




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