
Chapter 276 Fears

Chapter 276 Fears

Looking down at the little girl asleep in his arms, Christian gently caressed the chubby cheeks as his thoughts wandered for hours.

"I haven't seen him like this in a while" Sitting on the couch across from Christian, Eva commented.

"I don't know what's wrong with him today, but he's been weird since he arrived" Looking worriedly at Christian, Elisa sighed.

As Elisa said, since Christian had finished his call with Lila, he had eaten, shared some time with Emily and Sarah, and finally spent his whole afternoon watching and caressing Helen's sleeping face.

Just as when he was a child, Christian was lost in his own world and not even loud noises brought him out of his trance.

As if right now he was connected in a separate world where only he and his beloved daughter existed.

"Emily" Turning her gaze to the young woman fiddling with her laptop, Eva looked at her with question marks in her eyes, feeling quite frustrated about everything.

She practically didn't see her child for a week and when she finally comes home, she is in a trance-like state and so far hasn't given him a glance.

It's practically impossible not to feel a little depressed about the situation.

"A traitor in their ranks" Without taking her eyes off her screen, Emily casually commented.

"Oh... someone close?" frowning slightly, Eva asked seriously.


"But it's still a first..." Relaxing her expression, Eva looked at Christian's stunned face and sighed, then moved her gaze to her granddaughter and murmured "At least now he has another pillar to calm down..."josei

Turning her gaze to Elisa, Eva asked "Is it okay for Helen to be asleep for so long? She usually stays awake most of the day."

"That's right, right now should be her nap time and if I'm not mistaken..." Looking at the clock on the wall, Elisa continued "In 30 minutes she should wake up, she's always on the same schedule, although..."


"She doesn't usually sleep that deeply, although well, she doesn't usually when she's not with Christian... now that she's in his arms she sleeps deeply" Shaking her head with a bittersweet smile, Elisa continued "She always usually wakes up for a while and then falls asleep for another while, but now she fell asleep deeply... this child really enjoys being pampered."

Smiling softly, Eva's eyes clouded over as she recalled the past "Christian used to be the same way as a baby...once in my arms he slept most of the day."

"It must have been nice to have him around when he was a baby." Smiling tenderly just imagining it, Elisa looked at the man in the distance and commented.

"He really is a lot like Helen, if you change the crimson hair for a white one, he would be an exact replica" Smiling fondly, Eva appreciated the scene in front of her and continued "Elisa..."


"We never talked about this... your relationship with Christian" Without losing her loving smile, Eva turns her gaze to Elisa and continues "We are women and we don't have much to talk about, but for what it's worth... I approve of any relationship you have with my son."

"..." Opening her eyes a little wider, Elisa looked at Eva in disbelief and stammered "R-really?"

"Yes" Sighing, Eva turned her gaze back to Christian and continued "As much as it bothers me to admit it, you're a good influence on Christian, you care about him and keep him happy... not to mention you gave him something as priceless as a daughter."

Biting her lips, Elisa turned her gaze to Christian as her eyes quickly clouded over.

Looking sideways at Elisa's tearful face, Eva sighed as she thought 'I don't know what Christian sees in Elisa... she acts like a man and often gives me the creeps'.


Blinking as clarity returned to his eyes, Christian focused his gaze on his little girl's beautiful eyes and smiled softly "Good afternoon sweetheart, did you sleep well?"

"Hug..." Stretching her little hands out towards Christian, Helen murmured in a sleepy voice.

"Of course I did" Pulling Helen's little body closer to him, Christian let her wrap her little arms around his neck and pressed his cheek against her head "There will always be cuddles for my pretty girl."

Honestly Helen is a sweetheart.

Although she can already walk a little and say a few words, her size is quite short, which is normal considering she is still 9 months old.

Measuring exactly 70 centimeters, Helen shines in Christian's eyes with her soft belly and chubby cheeks.

Well, being a baby, everything about Helen is chubby, her arms, her legs, even her little hands.

She is a very healthy little girl with an incredibly sweet voice, something that sweetens anyone's heart, but even more so for Christian who gloats knowing he is the father of this cutie.

"You woke up?"

Trembling slightly at the unexpected voice, Christian turns his gaze and looks at the smiling Eva "Did you just get here?"

"No, I've been here for a few hours" Rising from the couch, Eva walks over to Christian and stares into his eyes, so that after a few seconds she smiles softly and bends her head down, gently kissing Christian's forehead "How was my boy's trip?"

Closing his eyes contentedly, Christian chuckled softly and replied "It was nice, Dimitri is as attentive as ever."

"You must be full of gifts again"

"Well, now I have enough suits and clothes to wear for five more years"

"We'll have to buy a few more houses so we can store all your clothes" Chuckling, Eva sits down next to Christian and grabs him by the shoulders, then pulls him to her and gently hugs him "Now it's a 3 generation hug."

Smiling slightly, Christian strokes Helen's back and whispers "Say hello to your grandmother."

"..." Pulling her face from Christian's neck, Helen looks up at Eva and stares at her, then looks down at Christian and hugs his neck again as she murmurs "My daddy..."

Snorting with amusement, Christian chuckles softly and comments "My girl is so jealous."

"This little girl really gave me that look?" Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Eva continued "I've never seen her do that before, but it looks like it's no surprise to you."

"You should ask Elisa."

"*Sigh*" Smiling bitterly, Elisa looked at the little girl and commented "That girl has no respect for me, every time I get close to Christian and she sees me, she pushes me away or ignores me"

"Is she always like that?"

"Only when Christian is in the way, she usually lets herself be loved when he's not there"

"I don't remember Christian being like that, he used to be quite understanding with his brothers" Rubbing her chin while thinking, Eva finally shrugged and smiled "But it's cute to see this little girl act like that, no doubt she'll be a daddy's girl when she grows up"

"When she grows up?" looking at her mother teasingly, Christian commented "She's already daddy's girl."

Rolling her eyes, Eva replied "Whatever you say."

Smiling softly, Christian looked down and chuckled softly, then gently kissed Helen's head "How soon does she have to eat again?"

"In a few hours I have to nurse her, do you want to share food?" Squeezing her breasts gently, Elisa commented with a playful smile.

"That's a tempting offer, I guess I'll share dinner with my baby girl today."


Lying on his bed completely naked, Christian looked at his cell phone with boredom and waited patiently.

After spending a pleasant evening and eating a particular dinner taken directly from his wife, Christian took a shower and got ready for 'sleep'.

Coming out of the bathroom completely naked while drying her hair with a towel, Eva licked her lips at the sight of Christian's body and threw the towel on the floor, then approached the bed and lay down next to her son.

Hugging Christian's body, Eva pulls him close to her body and softly whispers "Put that cell phone down~"

Rolling his eyes, Christian tosses the cell phone aside and turns his gaze to Eva.

"Now will you tell mom what's got you so sad?" Gently stroking Christian's pecs, Eva asks softly.

"*Sigh*" Settling back, Christian lays his head on Eva's breasts and murmurs "I'm just exhausted."

"You want to talk about it?"

"It would be very tedious..."

"But mom wants to hear it" Pouting like a child, Eva slowly lowered her hand and took Christian's erect member "If you're a good boy mom could give you a reward~"

Smiling slightly, Christian closed his eyes and enjoyed his mother's soft hand "Could you lubricate it? It would be more comfortable..."

"Of course I do, all for my boy" Smiling with amusement, Eva slowly licked his hand and bathed it with her saliva, then lowered it again and started stroking Christian's member "Now tell me your problems~"

"They're not problems mom... I really feel exhausted" Without opening his eyes, Christian smiled bitterly and muttered "Even though I've worked so hard, trained so hard and fought for a year... I'm still far away from achieving my goal"

"The more I advance, the harder everything becomes and the bigger my worries... but as if that wasn't enough, my own thoughts torment me every second" Clenching his fists in frustration, Christian continued "Now we have enough power to be able to say that we are at the top of the food pyramid, money, contacts, personal army and a great backing power... but still instead of feeling secure..."

"*Sigh* Instead of feeling safe, everything becomes more dangerous" Biting his lips for a few seconds, Christian sighed "The Chinese, private armies, ancient families, among many other people who can threaten everything we managed to build... it seems that instead of getting closer to my goal, the more I move away..."

"But as if it wasn't enough to have those problems, my own people started to show their fangs against me..." Laughing wryly, Christian continued "Sometimes I think... does it really do any good what I do?"

"Let's put it in the case that I achieve my goal, I can cover the world with my hand and finally no one will dare to show me their teeth... will I have the security I desire?" Opening his eyes, Christian observes the calm face of his mother and continues "Of course I won't have that security... there are thousands of dangers that I cannot control... what if an asteroid suddenly hits the earth? What if by an electrical failure or something similar the plane you are traveling in crashes? What if by an oversight Hailie stumbles and ends up dead? What happens if suddenly my little girl dies an untimely death?"

"Everything is so uncertain that it disturbs me..." With pain in his eyes, Christian clenched his fists even tighter and muttered "I would go crazy mother... if something happens to you or my daughter... I couldn't stand it, I really couldn't..."

"I'm so scared... I feel so frustrated... I don't know what to do" Murmuring in a broken voice, Christian continued "Everything is so uncertain and dangerous... I feel so exhausted mom."

"..." Without showing any visible emotion in her eyes, Eva stopped moving her hand and smiled softly "But honey... life is like that, it's impossible to control everything."

"..." Smiling bitterly, Christian sighed "So you're telling me I should leave everything to fate? To luck? Just sit back and pray that my daughter doesn't die suddenly for some unknown reason? Pray that luck is always on our side so that we don't have some unfortunate accident?"


"I can't mom... I can't just settle for that, I would never be at peace if I did" Taking a deep breath, Christian closed his eyes for a few seconds and smiled "I just need time... asteroids? I will create a machine that will protect the earth. Unknown diseases? I'll make sure to improve the human race to the point where diseases will be a thing of the past. Accidents? I will make sure to create the most efficient and safest means of transportation in the world. Human hazards? I will make sure that the very thought of touching us will give them nightmares, and if they ever get over that fear, it will be the very moment those people die."

"But I know I can't control everyone at every moment" Opening his eyes, Christian smiled peacefully and commented "That's why I will make the safest country in the world on my island, nothing will happen if I don't want it to happen, we will have no criminals alive and all human danger to us will be non-existent... I will do that, I will make sure I do that"

"For now I will repress most of these fears... I will close my eyes to it and pray that luck and fate will be on our side... but when the time comes, I will make sure that I will not have to live with these fears anymore... it doesn't matter what it costs me as long as my people are well."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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