
Chapter 279 Frustrations

Chapter 279 Frustrations

"Leslie...where are we going?" Looking out the window with a neutral face, Christian asked.

"Inwood hill park" Driving calmly, Leslie glanced at Christian in the rearview mirror and replied.

"And why are we going to a park?"

"Pardon my boldness, but I think you need to breathe master"

"What makes you think that?"

"I've taken care of you since you were just a child, I can see perfectly well that something is disturbing your peace and your mind is not stable, I think you should go get some air to calm down... if you want to punish me for taking attributions, I will accept it."

"..." Looking sideways at Leslie's serious face, Christian sighed "How could I punish you? Just let me know in advance, I don't like surprises."

"Understood master."

'So stiff' Rolling his eyes, Christian smiled slightly and snorted.

The ride was silent and somewhat heavy in atmosphere, until they finally arrived at a small park facing the New York River.

Parking the car, Leslie took out the car keys and got out of the car, then opened the door for Christian and waited for him to get out.

Sighing, Christian got out of the car and stretched his muscles, then looked sideways and muttered, "It's empty in here."

"It's still early, it's usually full."

"Looks like you come here often" Passing by Leslie, Christian sits on the hood of his car and pulls out his pack of cigarettes, then lights one and begins to smoke quietly.

Sitting down next to Christian, Leslie looks at the cigar for a few moments and sighs.

"Want one?" Raising an eyebrow, Christian reaches for the pack and asks with a small smile.

"I quit smoking a long time ago."

"Yeah? Since when?"

"Since I work for you" Smiling slightly, Leslie moves a little more in the hood and stretches her arms out, then grabs Christian's shoulders and pulls him down, leaving him with his head on her thighs "Remember when you were a kid?"

Raising his eyebrows at Leslie's bold move, Christian chuckles lightly and settles himself on Leslie's soft thighs, then turns his gaze to the river and replies "I always used your thighs as pillows or as my personal seat."

"But now you're too big to sit on my thighs" Nodding with a smile, Leslie gently stroked Christian's hair and continued "But you can still use them as a pillow if that's what you want"

'How bold' Smiling with amusement, Christian let out a puff of smoke and chuckled "What's wrong with you today?"

"I know you well, I know how to deal with you" With amusement in her one visible eye, Leslie looked up and watched the river with a small smile on her face.

"Know me well, huh..." Muttering softly, Christian bit his lips and turned his gaze toward the river 'I guess that's just the way it is.'

Few people in this world can say they know 'Lucifer', better known as Christian Grey, well.

Leslie who was with him being his shadow for a long time is one of those people.

Although Christian's personality has changed quite a bit from how he used to be as a child, Leslie still manages to see who he is with ease.

Even if Christian shows a smile or a calm face, the reluctance and frustration in his eyes is very visible to Leslie.

The hard part is that Christian rarely takes his frustrations out, always bottling everything up inside.

That's why Leslie used a more aggressive approach, knowing full well that if he doesn't take the initiative he won't get anywhere.

So even though she wished it was a little difficult, she made the choice to keep her infinite respect and sense of loyalty in order to calm the mind of the person she served.

"So... will you tell me what's wrong with you?" Lowering her gaze, Leslie observes Christian with a soft smile and asks.

"..." Looking at the smile in front of her face, Christian blinks for a few seconds and comments "Your smile really is beautiful."

"Don't even think about changing the topic of conversation."

"*Sigh*" Smiling helplessly, Christian sighed and replied "I really don't want to kill Katy..."

"I thought you didn't care..."

"I didn't care before, but we had a little chat that reminded me of certain things" Turning his gaze toward the river, Christian continued "That woman has a beautiful family... a woman who would do anything for her children no matter the risks... honestly as a parent I respect her quite a bit and came to empathize with her.... she reminds me a little bit of mom"


"But it's not just that that bothers me" Biting his lips, Christian whispered "When I kill her, I'll break up a family forever... those girls will grow up without their mother and a good man will lose his wife..."


Reaching into his suit, Christian pulled out an old round pocket watch and opened it, managing to see a worn image of a family inside "I no longer know how many families I've broken up... how much pain I've caused by my actions?"

"That watch..."

"It belongs to a woman I killed... a Taliban soldier... when I was leaving I took it off her body and I always carry it with me... my plan is for it to be a reminder that my actions have consequences... I guess my plan worked, because I was really forgetting it" Looking at the smiling faces in the image, Christian smiled painfully and continued "I know I don't know them and this woman died in a fight against me... but I can't help but feel pain in my heart to think that I destroyed a family..."


"Not to mention that the Taliban are cruel to men... who knows what they will do to a family without their woman to lead them?" Squeezing his watch tightly, Christian covered his face with his forearm and continued "Just like this woman, I killed hundreds of other women... how many people would have expected those women to come back? Brothers, fathers, lovers... who knows how many people I ended up hurting..."


"And now this woman Katy... the very stupid one betrayed me, but I can't help but feel bitter... I really don't want to kill that woman, I don't want to break up that family... I personally saw her daughters and her husband, all because I had to investigate them... it's a united and happy family... but I... *sigh* I really don't want to kill her."

"Then don't kill her... if you don't want to do it, no one can make you, you know that very well."

"I don't want to but I have to" Shaking his head, Christian took a deep breath and pulled his arm out of his face, then stared at Leslie's face and continued "I don't kill because I like it, I'm not studying most of the day because I like it either, let alone I'm doing so much research and planning because it's enjoyable... I kill because I'm still weak, I study because I'm still weak, I research and plan because I'm still weak.... everything I do is because I am weak"


"If only I had the strength to protect everything I love" Clenching his fist tightly, Christian muttered "I wouldn't need to kill someone like Katy.... but if I don't kill her, there's a chance she'll betray me again... since I'm weak I can't have that many variables or I'll end up making an irreparable mistake."

"Then why don't you send her to your island? Didn't you want to start training with children? Make her a teacher for them, that woman has good combat skills... this way you keep an eye on her and make sure she is loyal to you... you know very well that there are two types of people in betrayals, the first will not hesitate to stab you again and the second will never do it again... I think that woman is one of the second ones."

"..." Blinking in a daze, Christian muttered "But that will make me look weak.... A lot of people already know about this in our group."

"That's obviously Envy's mistake.... Why do those minions know so much to begin with? They should just be watching out and nothing else."


"Not to mention that this information should be classified."josei

Frowning slightly, Christian muttered "That was because we planned to make an example of her..."

"Then make an example of kindness..." Smiling softly, Leslie cupped Christian's face with both hands and gently caressed his cheeks "I didn't follow you for your cruelty or your money, much less for your intelligence or your power... I followed you for your kind heart and your great kindness..."


"I'm glad to know that even today you manage to keep that big heart of yours... because I know that with everything you lived through it's already a miracle that you can smile" Bringing her face closer to Christian's, Leslie increased her smile and stood a centimeter away "You don't always have to intimidate to get to be respected. Never forget that you have to balance the scales."

"..." Feeling the warm breath on his face and the beautiful smile in front of him, Christian blinked dazedly and went over and over those words in his mind, so that after a few seconds he smiled and kissed Leslie's full lips.

Opening her eye in surprise, Leslie instinctively followed the movement of Christian's lips and intertwined her tongue with his, then closed her eyes and melted completely in this beautiful experience.

Parting their lips after a few seconds, Christian smiled softly and caressed Leslie's face "Thank you."

"I'm the one who should be thanking you master"

"You're back to your old self" Pursing his lips reproachfully, Christian shook his head and formed a bittersweet smile "You'll always be a second mother to me Leslie, you really do occupy a large part of my heart"

"I don't deserve it master-"

"For god's sake Leslie, bring me the other you" Rolling his eyes at Leslie's serious face, Christian gently kissed Leslie's lips and forced her to be quiet, then went back to leaning comfortably on Leslie's thighs and looking at the river with a small smile "I guess I'll allow myself to be somewhat flexible today...I'll also avoid studying my victims' personal lives too much if I don't have to, it's bad to carry too much emotional baggage"

"You want me to give Envy the heads up?"

"Yes, tell her that we will have a change of plans, to talk to Katy and give her the opportunity to train the new recruits on the island..... she is forbidden to leave and she is forbidden to have communications with the outside, but her family can visit the island when she can... also remind her that the family will be watched at every moment... if that woman refuses... you know what to do."

"Right away master"


"Rest Leslie" Stepping out of the elevator, Christian commented.

"Yes master" Staring at Christian's back, Leslie smiles slightly and enters his room.

"*Sigh*" Turning his neck in circles, Christian removes his suit jacket and leaves him on the couch, then glances at the kitchen light and removes his tie.

Walking into the kitchen, Christian looks out the window at the dark sky and mutters, "Who's up this early? Mom should be up in another hour."

Humming with interest, Christian enters the kitchen and raises his eyebrows, then smiles softly and leans his body against the wall.

"She's really beautiful..." Looking at the profile of the beautiful but tousled redhead in front of him, Christian murmurs in a daze.

There stood Elisa, smiling as always and gently grinding what appeared to be some kind of fruit on a plate.

Wearing only a baggy white t-shirt over her body, exposing her thick thighs with ease but keeping her ass perfectly concealed.

"Is she wearing panties?" rubbing his chin with interest, Christian stared at Elisa's still sleepy face and murmured "This woman... what is she doing awake?"

Sneaking closer, Christian stands on Elisa's back and wraps his arms around his wife's body, then clings to her and whispers "Who am I?"

"Good morning sweetie" Without stopping grinding food on a plate, Elisa smiled softly and replied.

"How come you weren't scared? I Could be some perverted thief~" Petting Elisa's stomach mischievously, Christian brought his face close to Elisa's ear and whispered.

"How could I not smell the scent of the person I love?"


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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