
Chapter 292 Interview

Chapter 292 Interview

Pulling Helen to him, Christian gives her a quick kiss on the cheek and sits back down, then picks up the food again and starts feeding her with incredibly bright eyes and a happy smile.

How can he not be happy?

His cute and dear girl shows more and more emotions, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Christian's most cherished wish is a very simple one but very difficult to achieve at the moment.

See her little girl's smile

He may not care much that she is so expressionless, but he would be lying if he said he wouldn't like to see a sweet smile on her, even if it's just once in his life.

Now having something as uncommon as a kiss on the cheek, the future that seemed somewhat cloudy before, turned bright quickly, knowing that it wouldn't be long until his little girl could achieve a smile.

'She's even smarter than me' Looking at his little girl fondly, Christian recalled his past and nodded proudly 'She's certainly smarter than me'.

Although Christian was quite smart throughout his life, he couldn't even ask for what he wanted, always being repressed by himself.

But instead his little girl is quite open to what she wants.

If she wants hugs, she asks for them.

If she wants a kiss, she asks for it.

If she wants to draw, she asks for it.

This kind of behavior brought Christian immense relief, knowing full well that his little girl, unlike him in her early years, won't have to hold back or hide her feelings.

A smart, outgoing little girl, something he looks forward to seeing.

"Finishing this I'll read you your new story" Kissing the head of his little redhead, Christian smiled softly and looked out to sea, feeling incredibly relaxed and warm.

"It's a beautiful day."



Sitting in a brightly lit studio surrounded by cameras and with a woman of about 48 sitting across from her, Kim Haines or better known as '50 cent', laughed loudly, then nodded and replied.

"No doubt Marge, you would have peed your pants if you had met us on the streets."

Kim and her friends' musical careers are now well established after all this time.

Their musical styles that bring back the best of the 90's certainly became all the rage these days, adding fuel to the ashes of the hip hop genre.

Their careers advanced successfully and it is not uncommon for them to have a concert every week, constantly traveling around the country.

The newspaper interviews didn't stop coming in and as if that wasn't enough, television also focused on them.

How could they not?

The first musical group promoted by the Grey conglomerate, a musical group that was destined for success from day one.

After so many years and after a meteoric success, a belief was born within this world.

If the Grey conglomerate invests in anything or anyone, success will be your only way.

It may sound arrogant, but it's the truth.

Real estate, music, investments, streaming platforms, social media, books, food chains, among many other investments.

Each and every business under the command of the Grey conglomerate became a successful business.

Obviously this generated a lot of waves in the stock market world.

Many people were watching the conglomerate's movements 24/7, investing without thinking twice about every move it made.

Confidence reached such a point that the conglomerate could invest even in a piece of shit and automatically that piece of shit would be filled with investors' money.

All these beliefs caused several famous brands to sponsor Kim and her friends without hesitation. She was featured in commercials, TV shows, advertisements, Kim was even starting a perfume contract.josei

Her life of struggling on the streets to make a living was behind her, giving way to a respectable rapper.

"Kim, while we're on the subject, I have a question inside me."

The interview had been going on for over half an hour now, the mood was light and the banter was not lacking, but as always, it takes something interesting to keep the audience going.

"Go ahead, you know I'm not the quiet type" Chuckling, Kim replied.

"You know Christian Grey personally, don't you?"

Raising her eyebrows, Kim nodded "For a while now."

"What do you personally think about the song 'Dance with the devil'? I understand he sang it at an event you organized."

"..." Tapping her thigh gently with her fingers, Kim thought for a few seconds and replied "To be honest I find it to be the most raw yet realistic song I've heard in the world of Rap."


"I have no doubt" With seriousness in her eyes, Kim continued "I know there was a lot of controversy in the middle. Criticism rained down on him for the simple fact that he's white. I honestly find it laughable that he was criticized for that when what he sang was a true work of art."

"You don't agree with the criticism?"

"Not at all" Shaking his head, Kim continued "I've always thought that the thought that something belongs to one race is incredibly racist. Why can't a white person rap? Why can't a white guy wear dreadlocks? Just because he's white?"


"Isn't that the same thing they did to our people years ago? Didn't they discriminate against us for being black? What's different about what we do now than what they did?" Turning to the camera, Kim continued, "What we should be looking for today is true equality. Just like Christian said in an interview as a kid, the color of your skin doesn't matter more than the color of your heart. What does it matter if a white guy wants to rap? What if a black man wants to be a banker? What if a black guy wants to be president? Leave all those damn social stigmas in the past and let's come together as what we are, human beings."

Raising her eyebrows, Marge commented "That's the first time I've heard someone of your level say that, you certainly impress me."

"It's simply my point of view" Shrugging her shoulders, Kim continued "Not to mention that I have a lot of respect for that kid. Many may not like what I'll say, but that kid is the only white guy I know who knows what it feels like to be black."

"Yeah? Why?"

"That kid lived in extreme poverty, lived in squalor since before he could understand the world, lived in a damn motel and was lucky to have enough to eat" Speaking with a heavy voice and a frown, Kim continued "When he finally got a home, he had to live in fear of his home being a victim of stray bullets, people were killed outside his home, and to top it off, he had to go to jail because of the corruption of heartless people."

"I see you are quite fond of him."

"He had to grow up himself, he forced himself to grow up as a child. He used his great brain and managed to transform his poverty into a family that today is recognized as the richest in the world" Chuckling, Kim continued "How can you not admire him? That boy achieved the impossible, fought against his oppressors and touched success."

"Kim, may I ask how long have you known him?"

"I met him when he was a kid, in fact he lived in my neighborhood" Smiling slightly, Kim thought for a few seconds and laughed lightly "Actually this is a story I never talked about, but now that I remember it I can't help but laugh"

"Was it a fun encounter?"

"More than funny, but I don't know if I can say it" Rubbing her chin, Kim clicked her tongue and continued "Screw it, I'll say it."

"We were pretty young at the time, I already said once what I was into at the time and obviously my life was pretty hectic" Looking off into nothingness, Kim continued "I remember that day I had to make a delivery, in short it turned out to be a trap and we had to escape under threat with guns"

"They pointed guns at you?"

"Lots of guns" Chuckling, Kim continued "As we ran we ended up hiding in the backyard of a house, the lawn was pretty sloppy and could cover us well, but sooner or later they were going to find us and it all looked grim"

"How did you manage to escape?"

"A boy opened the door of the house, saw us and let us in."

"Was it Christian?"

"Yes" With a big smile, Kim continued "It was a tremendous relief to be safe. We walked in and he just looked at us in silence."

"He was alone?"

"Mmmm, his mother should be at work and maybe he was with his siblings, but we only saw him that day."

"Don't you think that was pretty dangerous? What if you guys had bad intentions?"

Laughing at the memory of what happened, Kim continued, "My friends and I got comfortable, the boy had a big TV and Ayana started touching it and talking really loudly. You know that crazy bitch, she can't control herself."

"That's when the boy looked at us seriously and told us to sit down, warned us not to touch his things and to behave."

"He wasn't afraid of you?" Raising her eyebrows, Marge continued, "What kind of a kid lets strangers into his house alone?"

"A kid with a gun."


"Ayana never liked threats, no matter who they came from, so she responded aggressively and mockingly asked him what he would do if she didn't stay quiet" Holding up her hand, Kim made the shape of a gun with her fingers and continued with a smile "He pulled a gun out of his clothes and pointed it at us"

"Christian had a gun?" Opening her mouth in surprise, Marge asked.

"Yes, the boy fearlessly pointed it at us and again told us to sit down and not cause trouble. He also reminded us that we only had a few minutes and then we'd have to leave."

"I guess they obeyed him."

"Not at first, he was just a kid with a gun, he didn't cause fear" Shaking his head, Kim continued "Ayana teased him that he doesn't even know how to handle it, but what he said back to us caused us to obey him without a second thought"

"What did he say to you?"

"With a cold look on his childish face, he told us 'I may not be able to kill all of you and maybe the recoil will end up knocking me off my gun, but I'm sure I can kill one or two of you... now who will be first?'"

Opening her mouth in surprise, Marge looked at her in disbelief "He really said that?"


"How old was he?"

"9 years old"

"Damn" Not resisting the surprise, Marge cursed.

"Now you'll understand why we stayed silent until we left" Chuckling, Kim continued "That kid had more guts than most adults I know. He didn't hesitate twice to draw his gun and his hand didn't tremble when he pointed it at us. I'm sure if we had done anything, that kid would have shot us."

"It's unbelievable just imagining it... but don't you think it's wrong what he did?"

"Not at all" Waving his hand lazily, Kim continued "Like I said, the kid saved our lives and in a way he did it to protect himself and his siblings. That day that boy earned my respect and I owe him a lifelong debt."

"I'm sure he will be pleased with your words."

"I doubt he'll see this" Chuckling, Kim continued "Even though I don't know him very well, I know he's not interested in watching TV or social media, he only responds by direct message or calls"

"What if he saw you?"

"Then I take the opportunity to tell him to release more songs because the ones he has already released have become my favorites."

[A/N: I will be introducing Christian's weight in the world little by little in situations like this, because after reading a reader's recommendation I realized that we were very focused on Christian's progress and we don't have a general idea of what is going on outside].


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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