
Chapter 32 Broken

Chapter 32 Broken

"Everything means everything!" David exclaimed angrily "From the mistreatment he received in his damn family, to the **** he suffered by his aunt!"



"Just look at him!" shouted David, pointing at Brayan "How the fuck do you have the heart to mistreat him after everything he suffered!!!?"

That's what I should say!" Eva exclaimed, feeling her fury rising again "How the fuck does that asshole have the heart to mistreat our children!"


"Where the fuck did you hear that he mistreats his children!!!?"





"FUUCK!!!" Eva shouted, kicking the bed hard.


"It must be wrong!" shook his head David "There's no way he would do that!"

"Watch what you say David" Replied Eva coldly "I will not allow you to treat my children as liars!"

"I'm not saying they're lying... it's just.... *sigh*" Answered David, then turned to Brayan with doubt "Brayan.... is it true what your children say, do you really treat them that way? I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding, explain yourself so everything can be solved..."


"Brayan... there must be a mistake, right? It's impossible for you to do something as that" David asked again, while the doubt became more evident as he had no answer from the man.



"Don't insist, he knows the shit he did" Eva snorted, as she looked at the man with narrowed eyes.

"Brayan...y-you... Why?" David whispered with a bitter expression, accepting reality for what it is.

"*Sniff* W-why?" whispered Brayan, as he slowly raised his eyes "Hahaha... you ask me why... haha"

Brayan's expression quickly changed dismay, fury, anger, joy, regret, then back to anger.



"EVERY TIME I WAKE UP, I SEE HER FUCKING FACE!!!!! EVERY TIME I TRY TO FORGET, SHE APPEARS!!!!! THAT DAMN FACE THAT DISGUSTS ME SO MUCH!!!!" Brayan shouted with a reddened face, pulling his hair with his hands, while tears were streaming from his eyes "I CAN'T STAND HER, I HATE HER, I HATE HER!!!"



"Brayan listen to me..." Whispered Eva seriously, quickly approaching Brayan, to then take him by the chin and forcing him to look her in the face "That girl you mistreat is your daughter and at the same time mine. I lived those hard moments with you, I was with you every minute, I suffered and cried with you, I share your anger, but... Ashley is not to blame, she didn't ask to come to this world, much less is she to blame for the shit you lived through with your family"

"*Sniff* B-but honey-" Brayan tried to reply, as tears flowed down his eyes.

"No buts Brayan, that little girl suffered a lot because of us. She calls me mother, and even though she's not my biological daughter, in my heart she's as much my daughter as Hailie is" Eva whispered, looking coldly at the man in front of her "So I won't accept the shit you do, let alone try to justify it"


"Besides... you still won't explain something to me" Eva whispered, as the anger returned to her, causing her face to turn crimson instantly "Can you tell me what the fuck Christian did to you? Because I'm really thinking about killing you Brayan, I already did it once, I don't mind doing it a second time, you know I don't play with my kids"

"..." Hearing Eva, both men in the room opened their eyes wide, but for different reasons. While Brayan was trembling with fear, David was shocked.

In a way David being a man, understands Brayan a little, he too would have found it difficult to live with his rapist's daughter, although he does not support her action, he chose not to comment or criticize.

But if it turns out that she also beat his son...

But what chilled she, even more, were Eva's words, which sent shivers through his whole body. To say that he murdered someone so normally is not something that mentally healthy people would say.

'He... really beat that kid?' David thought, as his brow furrowed, he knows Christian himself, and always found him quite adorable, just the thought of seeing that little boy being beaten makes his blood run cold.

'No, more importantly... Eva really killed someone? Brayan never said anything about that' Looking cautiously at the woman, David began to think if it was the right thing to do to relate to this couple.

"H-honey I-"

"Don't give me lies Brayan, I know you, I know when you mean one" Eva whispered coldly, as her hands trembled slightly "Give me a damn explanation because I feel like I'm going to lose my mind any second"

"*Sniff*" Looking up slowly, Brayan changes his expression, showing a face of pure hatred "What explanation do you want!? That damn kid ruined our lives! Because of him, we had to leave your parents' house! If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have to live in this shitty motel!"

"Y-you..." At his words, Eva's face turned pale, as she opened her eyes wide.

"H-honey, just t-think about it!" pleaded Brayan, looking at her with a hopeful expression, as he reached over to hug Eva's leg "I-if we give the kids in a-adoption, we could go back to your place and live comfortably, y-you wouldn't have to keep t-working in that shit! Y-you could even go back to boxing or playing the drums!"


"But then we could have more children!" Brayan exclaimed quickly, trying to fix his words as he noticed Eva's face getting paler and paler "I-it's just, for now, it's not that I don't want h-have kids with you!"


With those words said, everyone in the room fell silent, even David was looking at Brayan with wide eyes. But the most affected is Eva, who had a face as white as snow, even her lips turned purple.

After a few long minutes, Eva raised her trembling finger and stammered "y-you... N-no... I-I... my p-parents... w-were right"

Exhaling heavily, Eva shakes her head and whispers "I-I... I d-don't want to see you anymore... and don't even think o-you ever come near my children again!"

"H-honey!?" Brayan exclaims in bewilderment.

"..." Shaking her head with an extremely tired expression, Eva lets go of Brayan and turns around, walking weakly towards the exit, while David still looks at Brayan in astonishment.

"E-eva w-wait-!" shouted Brayan, quickly getting up from the ground to follow the woman, only to be stopped by David.

"You... don't move... if you want to try to fix the shit you did, just wait until another time" David whispered, as he approached the door, closing it instantly after Eva came out.

Hearing David's words, Brayan collapsed without resisting, as he brought his hands to his face "*Sob*"


The end.

It took me a while to change the names in the story, but I had already read a few posts on Harry Potter, those kinds of posts where they gave gender changes to different characters.

Today saw the birth of the famous wizard trio, Rhonda, Herman and Harriet, plus the great villain Lady Voldemort.

Sounds weird, but it will do.

Rule34 helped a lot in these cases, I still remember when I got to look for Harry Potter on that page out of boredom.

I still regret doing it, since the first images were not of my orientation and much less of my taste.

But well, I finished writing Harriet Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

And only in 5 minutes, I'm a freaking genius.


Something doesn't fit.

No matter how great it is, writing a 241-page book is not something I do in 5 minutes.

Although my hand doesn't even feel tired...

Did I write everything?

Flipping back pages for confirmation, I realize that I did indeed write the whole book, causing a frown to appear on my face.

How did I do all this in 5 minutes or less?

How long did it take me?

I'd better ask mom...

Turning my gaze to Mom, I am met with something that freezes me.

These breasts...

They're not mom's.

They're much smaller, plus they have clothes on, mom had them out in the open for my enjoyment.

Looking up over the cell phone that keeps me from looking any further, I notice something rather startling.josei

"S-sister?" I whisper in shock, causing Ashley to turn her gaze towards me.

"C-christian!" Ashley stammers as she pulls me down from her chest.

"What are you doing here? No, wait...what am I doing over you?" I whisper in confusion, only to turn around and look for mom "Where's mom?"

How the fuck did I appear over Ashley?

Did I confuse her in the first place?

No, I'm pretty sure she was with mom, I can remember it perfectly.

But... how did mom turn into Ashley?

"This... mom went out a few minutes ago, she left me to take care of you..." Ashley replied with obvious discomfort.

"She went out?" I mumbled in a daze, then turned to the door "How did I not notice?"

Did I fall asleep?

No, I clearly wrote the whole book, I'm aware of that.

"Sister... Why did I appear above you?"

"Well... Mom pulled you up on me before she left..."

"..." Opening my eyes wide, I turned dazedly to her "She moved me?"


Did she separate me from my source of relaxation without me noticing?

How the fuck did that happen?

But Ashley didn't lie to me, I can confirm that.

"Sis... Did I fall asleep? I don't remember that happening..."

"This...I don't know if you've noticed, but you always get lost in your own world when you do your own thing...we could blow up the house and you wouldn't even notice" Ashley smiled wryly.

"Oh..." I nodded absently "Do you know how much time I spent writing?"

"Mmmm... I'd say about 3 hours or so"

3 HOURS!!!

Holy crap!

How did the time go by so fast?

By my perception, it was no more than 5 minutes.


It makes sense, it's impossible for me to write so many pages in such a short time.

Is it a genius thing?

Is that why scientists spend so much time in their laboratories?

Is my sense of time affected by my intelligence?


Moving a little closer towards Ashley, I lay my head on his chest, deciding to rest a little longer.

"Christian..." Ashley whispers softly, as I feel a hand caress my stomach.


"You... hate me?"

Hate her?

Lifting my gaze to Ashley, I look at her quizzically and reply "Why would I hate you? On the contrary, I love you very much"

"R-really?" Ashley whispers shakily, as I felt her hand tighten a little tighter against me.

"Of course you do, you're the best big sister in the world" I smiled softly, as I leaned back against her breasts, but this time, with my face in my sister's direction.

As I finished my words, Ashley hugged me against her body, causing my face to sink between her breasts.

"Thank you Christian...really thank you" Ashley smiled sadly.

"I should be thanking you..." I mumbled inaudibly, then lifted my body and handed my book to Ashley "Look, it's my novel, read it"

"Your novel?"

"Yes, I wrote it just now, read it" I smiled, as I stretched my notebook towards Ashley.

"Well... my 8-year-old brother wrote a novel... it's a completely normal thing" Ashley whispered, taking my notebook in her hands, then opening it from the first page.

Smiling at her words, I lean back comfortably, not caring about the stomach ache she caused me with her lies.


Hearing the sudden noise, I turn to the door, meeting a sight that made me frown instantly.

Mom arrived, but in a rather pitiful state, her shoulders were hanging, her face looked pale and haggard, while her feet looked like they were being dragged to walk, something completely different from the woman who always usually walks with pride and confidence.


Spaces for the author's complaint about life:

Today, as usual, I was supposed to get up at 5 am to go to work, but for some reason, the universe screwed me, and the cell phone didn't tell me. Surely, I will have to receive 30 minutes of complaints from an angry boss.

The good thing is that I made some scrambled eggs, and they were delicious.

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