
Chapter 321 Wrath

Chapter 321 Wrath

"Can you leave a team of yours monitoring this town?"

"I already have a team on the lookout for any signals, don't worry."

"Okay, that'll do" Nodding, Christian takes his watch and puts it on his wrist, then continues "That'll do for now, we'll be talking. Let me know any news"

"Okay, see you later"

Hanging up the call, Christian yawned and put his cell phone away, then grabbed his wallet and left the room.

Walking to the room next to him, Christian knocks on the door and waits for a few seconds, then purses his lips and pulls a key out of his pocket.

Entering the room, Christian walks down the short hallway and notices the woman asleep on the bed, causing him to chuckle softly and walk over to her.

Laying down with a jump, Christian smiles softly and wraps Emily in his arms, then attaches himself to her and hugs her from behind "Good morning dear~"

"Mmmnh~" Moaning softly as she wakes up, Emily slowly opens her eyes and blinks in a daze, then looks around and lifts her head slightly to look at Christian.


"..." Smiling lazily, Emily closes her eyes again and snuggles even more into the embrace, making sure to intimately clamp her ass with Christian's crotch.

"Did you sleep well?" gently kissing the nape of Emily's neck, Christian slips his hand underneath the woman's baggy t-shirt and gently caresses her abdomen.

"I slept well..." Almost purring at the soft touch on his skin, Emily smiled and murmured lazily.

"Yes~?" Slowly raising his hand, Christian smiled seeing that as usual, Emily doesn't sleep in a bra, as his hand gently squeezed his dear friend's modest breasts "Today is the beginning of our long journey~"

Gently biting her lips, Emily murmured "When do you start filming?"

"Tomorrow I should already be going to the set, but first they'll have me meet everything and everyone. After that they'll start adjusting my wardrobe and makeup, to finally start filming in about 3 days or so."

"How boring..."

"I think it will be entertaining, I've already seen all my dialogues and actions. I'll have to jump into a river, jump over some punishment walls and I'll have a lot of cool fights."

"Are you sure you won't use a stunt double?"

"That wouldn't be fun" Chuckling, Christian gently squeezed Emily's hard cheeks as he continued "I also asked them to do the 1v1 fight shots without so many cuts. It'll give it more realism."

"Do you think it will turn out well?"

"Of course it will, I'm the best after all" With a last squeeze on her breasts, Christian withdrew his hand and sighed, then kissed Emily's never and got up from the bed "For today rest all you want, then you will accompany me to work every day".

"Mn" Stretching out on the bed, Emily groaned with relaxation and murmured "Will you bring me breakfast?"

"I'll send someone with breakfast, I have to go check on some shopping."josei

Pursing her lips, Emily nodded and pulled the blanket over her head.

Fixing his suit, Christian took one last look at the bed and chuckled, then left the room and looked at his watch "It's already 9 am.... Where is that secretary of mine?"

Thinking for a few seconds, Christian walked to the stairs and went downstairs, then arrived at the inn's restaurant and looked at the beautiful albino drinking coffee while reading the newspaper.

Approaching the table, Christian sits down next to her and comments "Any news?"

"You already own the hostel, you have to sign the ownership documents and all the paperwork in between" Nodding calmly, Natasha replied.

"How much did it cost?"

"Three hundred thousand dollars"

"Not bad" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian continued "I'll give you the email of the lawyers in charge of our properties, they have the authority to sign for me these types of contracts"

"Well..." Putting the newspaper aside, Natasha looked at Christian for a few seconds and asked "What can I help you with today?"

"In a few hours a security team will be arriving, I want you to prepare everyone's accommodations and find out what areas you can leave them working in inside the hostel. Don't give them anything hard, I want them to be ready for any situation."

"Fire the current workers?"

"Send them away on paid vacation for these two months I'll be here. Then we'll sell this place so they should have no problem keeping their jobs."

"Understood... can I know how many people will be coming in to set everything up?"

"About 30 people, some will be camouflaged as clients and others as workers. I'll tell them to arrive separately so they won't be discovered."

"I'll get everything ready right away" Taking the rest of the coffee in one gulp, Natasha stood up and bowed slightly "Enjoy your meal"

"Thank you" Watching Natasha's ass with a smile as she walks away, Christian sighed with satisfaction and pulled out his cell phone "So you're coming my dear Wrath... I'll receive you personally."


"Get the boxes in and take them to the lobby" Getting out of a white truck with delivery clothes, Wrath gave the orders to the workers and entered the hostel, being instantly greeted by the smiling Christian.

"I missed you so much my little redhead" Hugging her instantly, Christian didn't take long and took her by the arm, then led her to a room alone and smiled broadly "How was your trip?"

"All good..." Looking around the room in silence, Wrath took off his disguise cap and sighed, then walked over to the couch and lay down wearily "I hate flying."

"Something you don't hate?"


"Are you sure you're not Sloth in disguise?"

"It's an insult to me that you think that."

Chuckling, Christian sat down next to Wrath and leaned over her. "How have you been?"

"All good..."

"Fine as in fine or fine as in 'life sucks'?"


Looking at the beautiful woman's cold face, Christian just laughed and stood up slightly, then wrapped his arms around her and forced her to lie down with him.

Holding Wrath in his arms, Christian gently caressed her soft cheek and whispered "Looks like I'll have to melt this cold heart of yours~"

"..." Watching Christian's face silently, Wrath sighed and closed his eyes, leaving himself completely at the mercy of the man beside him.

"How's your mother?" Without stopping stroking Wrath's cheek, Christian murmured.

"I don't know... I haven't seen her in a long time."

"Didn't I tell you you should go visit her?"


"*Sigh* What a stubborn girl" Shaking his head, Christian continued "You know you have to relax once in a while, it's not all about beating people up and working..."

"But I relax like this..."

"It disturbs me to know that it's true..." Sighing bitterly, Christian muttered.

While Christian doesn't actively watch over his people, he does tend to do so from time to time. Especially the most problematic of his team, Wrath, Gluttony and Greed.

Greed has already been in numerous fights in various Vegas casinos.

The woman is widely known in that damn place and her reputation is not very good to say the least.

Having an almost unlimited pool of money, Greed prefers not to use it and instead borrows from loan sharks for fun. Something that gets her into trouble every damn day.

So Envy's crew always has to do a cleanup to keep that bitch from going to jail for some random brawl.

Gluttony is no different, the woman seems to have lost her mind as time goes by and her temper is becoming more and more cruel, something that worries Christian a bit, who already has plans to force her to take a vacation with Sloth.

But among these 3, the most problematic is Wrath. She organizes clandestine fights, beats her targets to death and always ends up wounded in every fight, as if she deeply enjoys it.

Every assassination mission given to Wrath, ends in a bloody bloody bloody scene, where the victim always has his face smashed under the fists of this slim woman.

Christian always knew that war fucks people up. He himself is full of regrets and horrible memories thanks to this, but he knows how to control himself and he knows how to repress his impulses, something in which his team never shined.

Let's not forget that his 7 sins were on the verge of being expelled from the army due to their behaviors, aggressive, rebellious and hopeless.

"When we finish all this, you're all going on vacation."




"Understood?" squeezing Wrath's cheeks, Christian asked again in a more serious voice.


"Perfect~" Kissing Wrath's forehead, Christian pulled the redhead to his chest and started humming a soft melody, causing Wrath to slowly start falling asleep under the soothing ambiance.

Something that always causes Christian sadness, is that Wrath although she is angry and brutal, her behavior with him is always that of a little girl but with a serious lack of love.

Hiding her feelings in those beautiful eyes, Wrath always has an attitude that makes other people push her away, something that Christian can easily see and therefore tries to remedy.

Treat her with love, give her the affection she deserves and try to provide her with a security that she hasn't felt for a long time. All of Christian's actions with her are focused on these thoughts, something that works perfectly with her.

Feeling the soft breathing and easily noticing that Wrath is already asleep, Christian sighed softly and gently caressed the pale face in front of hers "Sleep well sweetheart... I'll be here for you."


"So you have a group targeting you and they could attack you any day?" frowning deeply, Wrath murmured, still being pampered by Christian having a lap pillow that the women of this world love so much.

"Yeah, I don't know when they'll try anything fun so they have to watch their every move and never leave their weapons behind."

"Well... I'll make sure the perimeter is secure" Nodding seriously, Wrath continued "But do you really have to record that series? It's too dangerous..."

"That's okay, I'm actually kind of anxious for them to make a move. It'll be fun."


"In the evenings they may come to throw small stones at my windows, I want you to first investigate these people and if you find out they are mercenaries or something similar... to disappear."

"And if they are just hired civilians?"

"Mmmm... it depends on the situation, whether to send them to the police or beat them up, it's your call. But don't kill them."


"I'll also give them only 7 7 days we will personally go to their rat's nest to finish this shit"

"Envy already told me about that... do you really want to wipe out all of Blackwater? It will cause a lot of international uproar."

"Not that I hate them or anything, but they got themselves into something they shouldn't have" Shrugging his shoulders dismissively, Christian continued "Besides, we won't attack the bases where they're just doing management. We will simply wipe out their military force."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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