
Chapter 327 Fury

Chapter 327 Fury

The day passed quickly, there was no news about the hostile group and Christian was busy enjoying himself with Wrath and Emily's bitch.

Clinging to the necks of Emily and Wrath, Christian exclaimed with a big grin "I love you fucking bitches!"

"Get off me asshole!" With a flushed face from so much drinking, Wrath tried to free himself from Christian's tight grip, but obviously, to no avail.

Laughing herself silly with eyes clouded by drunkenness, Emily no longer had any strength to get up, causing her to be at the full disposal of Christian's grip.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Christian sighed and commented "Well, it's 2 A.M., go to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow."

"Tsk, you idiot" Rubbing her neck in annoyance, Wrath stretched her body and sighed contentedly, then patted Christian's back and nodded "I'll go to my room, good night."

"Would you like a late night visit~?" smiling mischievously, Christian raised his eyebrows and asked suggestively.

"Heh, even though I hate my mother, I always remember her words" Looking at Christian with disdain, Wrath continued "Never let madness get into your pussy, you'll only suffer"

"What an ill-mannered bitch" With a disgusted face, Christian stood up and carried Emily like a princess, then waved his hand and walked out as he commented "For today I'll let that tight ass of yours rest, but don't think you'll escape forever~"

Squinting at Christian, Wrath chuckled and muttered "You fearless bastard."

Walking down the silent corridors, Christian nodded to more than one armed woman along the way and reached Emily's room, then laid her on the bed and began to undress her, leaving her in just her underwear.

Opening the covers of the bed, Christian carefully placed Emily on the bed and covered her up, then kissed her forehead softly and whispered in her ear "Sleep well my sweet girl, tomorrow we will experience a new day inside a recording set".

With a last glance at Emily's flushed and smiling face, Christian left the room and sighed, then unfastened his tie and walked to his room.

Opening the door, Christian was not bothered by the darkness of the place and walked towards the bed, but suddenly, he opened his eyes a little wider and quickly pulled a knife out of his clothes, then waved his hand backwards and made a loud noise.


Feeling the collision of two knives, Christian closed his eyes for a second and opened them again, then quickly looked around and pulled out another 5 small knives from his clothes.

Positioning himself quickly, Christian threw all 6 knives at the same time, then turned around and used all his strength to strike backwards.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Splash*.

A second after his counterattack, the unmistakable sound of falling bodies enveloped the room, while the chilling sound of people choking on their own blood delighted Christian's darker side.

Staring at his fist full of blood, Christian shook them in disgust, knowing full well that with his current strength, he easily pierced the skull of some poor bastard.

Looking around for any other enemies, Christian didn't let his guard down and began to cautiously check around the place, from the bathroom to under the bed.

"Nothing" Closing his eyes, Christian opened them again and sighed with satisfaction, then walked over to the switch and turned on the light.

Just as quickly as the fight began, it quickly ended with six people dead.

It may seem impressive, but Christian had always been a specialist in dealing with melee enemies, something even Dimitri had praised in prison.

If this world wasn't ruled by firearms and gunpowder, Christian could undoubtedly rise to the top of the food chain, but unfortunately even a child could kill him if found careless thanks to firearms.josei

"N-no..." But looking at the corpses of the people who attacked him, Christian couldn't help but tremble slightly as his voice cut off at the unexpected.

"I-impossible for these bastards to do that..." Quickly shaking his head, Christian hesitantly approached the nearest corpse and bit his lips, then took a deep breath and reached out his trembling hand towards the dark mask of the assailant.

Slowly removing the cloth covering their faces, Christian observes the face underneath and closes his eyes in pain, while his breathing becomes agitated and erratic.

Now you may ask, why is Christian acting like this?

The truth is simple and unfortunately, cruel.

The assailants shared more than one thing in common, they all carry knives, dark clothes and a full mask that covers their faces, but what left Christian so affected, is that they all measure around 120 to 130 centimeters, and after seeing under the mask, Christian confirmed that all the assailants, were little girls.

"Sons of bitches... sons of bitches... sons of bitches... sons of bitches" Murmuring while gritting his teeth in anger, Christian took a deep breath to calm his turbulent emotions, then grabbed the mask and pulled it off completely with one pull.

"..." But as he did so, Christian's eyes trembled as his pupil quickly shrunk "Bastards... I can't believe it... no... impossible."

Shaking his head as his eyes reddened rapidly, Christian turned away from the corpses in a daze.

"Y-you can't do this... how... h-how did they find out?" staring at the crimson hair and blue eyes of the corpse staring up at the ceiling with a vacant stare, Christian bit his lips hard, causing blood to drip down his chin as he stammered "M-my little girl... those bastards... they dared to do this..."

Moving quickly towards the other corpses, Christian removed their masks one by one, as his face grew paler and paler.

Each of the corpses had the same striking features.

Little girls with crimson hair and blue eyes.

How could I not get the damn message?

All the dead are little girls with crimson hair and blue eyes, little girls like his little Helen, the message couldn't be more obvious.

"Sons of bitches... sons of bitches... sons of bitches... sons of bitches!!!". SONS OF BITCHES!!!" No longer able to stand his fury, Christian hit the wall hard and shouted loudly "I WILL KILL YOU ALL FUCKING BASTARDS, DID YOU HEAR!!!?"



"What's going on!" Knocking down Christian's door, Wrath rushes in while carrying an M4 in her hands, but upon seeing the furious Christian and the corpses on the ground, Wrath swallowed saliva as a single thought went through her mind 'Envy's plan went to shit'.


The night, was a real hell for everyone in the place.

Christian's screams of absolute fury could be heard for more than 20 minutes, while all the security in the place was on high alert guarding every window and door in case there were more intruders.

Christian's fury was enough reason for Wrath to contact Envy, while all plans to negotiate with China went to hell.

After more than 2 hours of complete tension, Christian finally managed to relax and looked at the corpses still in his room while smoking his 27th cigarette of the night.

"All these girls are Chinese, their ages range from 9 to 12 years old... their hair is dyed and they wear contact lenses" Squatting down in front of the corpses, Wrath continued "It's an obvious message, these people found out about your daughter."

"I wouldn't take it at all as a threat, but more as a means to play with your mind" Shaking her head, Wrath sighed.

"I know..." Turning his gaze to the window, Christian stared at the window in a daze and took a deep drag on his cigarette "Not to mention that it could also be someone else's handiwork to increase my friction with the Chinese."

"Envy is already looking into that" Nodding, Wrath continued "But so far all indications are that it was their plan."

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Christian took another drag on his cigarette and asked "They came in through the window?"

"Yes, the cameras recorded everything."

"We'll move all the plans forward" Turning his gaze to the corpses, Christian observed them with a blank stare and continued "Finishing this recording, I'll go straight to Italy, then Mexico and finish in Colombia. We will form the mafia alliance and I will go directly to the lab to start creating weapons."

"Obviously all this after killing these bastards that roam the town" With cold eyes, Christian continued "We will try to leave as many survivors as possible... I will keep my fucking promise... I will skin them alive and make sure they don't die... I will take them tooth by tooth so they don't cut their tongues, nail by nail so they don't cut their veins... they won't have the slightest chance of dying."

"But how did they find out about your daughter? Even I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for Envy telling me."

"I wasn't entirely careful" Sighing bitterly, Christian continued "It's a matter of researching my past and seeing that Elisa was my friend when I was a child... my little Helen is very identical to me, anyone would notice".

"Not to mention that I never decided to leave her locked up... Elisa was always hanging out with her and it would obviously draw attention to the fact that they live with me."

"Why don't you send them to the island? You know that place is the safest, not even a nuclear missile would damage it" Thinking for a few seconds, Wrath commented.

"I know... but I really don't want to lock them up... my girl needs to live in her home... she needs to know that she has a home" Shaking his head, Christian sighed "It is very important that a specific house fulfills that role... because if we live moving from one house to another, my girl will never have a home that she wants to return to in the future"

"..." Staring at the corpses for a few seconds, Wrath sighed and scratched her head "What will you do now?"

Gently tapping his thigh with his fingers, Christian thought for a few seconds and sighed "I want a proper burial for these girls, in a good cemetery and someone to take care of bringing her flowers every month"

"I'll arrange everything."

Nodding, Christian continued "Security at my house... I want security to be especially vigilant on the beach bluff, we already saw that these bastards are sneaky, also keep an eye on the sea in case of any snipers on boats"

"I'll give the message"

"No... I'll organize that" Pulling out his cell phone, Christian opens Leslie's chat and starts giving her instructions, then sighs and comments "I'll still wait a week to prepare the coup towards these mercenaries... as for the Chinese".

Thinking silently for a few minutes, Christian sighed "I will not act blindly. Tell Envy to investigate whether it was a Chinese government plan or just the Long family, depending on the situation it will be seen whether we negotiate with China or not."

"If it's the Chinese government's plan, don't even think about negotiating. But if this is all just from the Long family, tell Envy that as a negotiation I want the head of the one who planned this, I will accept no less"

"Understood" Sighing, Wrath stood up and looked at the blood soaked carpet of the room, then looked at the wall and managed to see brain fragments all over the place.

The truth is that Christian was brutal, the person he hit with his fist literally caused his head to explode.

But never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that he would be facing children, causing him not to hold back the slightest bit in killing his opponents.

"What a mess" Scratching her hair wearily, Wrath turned to Christian and commented "We'll change your room, this one will have to be cleaned."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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