
Chapter 339 Tranquility

Chapter 339 Tranquility

Laughing, Christian left the room and walked out of the garage, then walked into the living room and saw Elisa who was now scolding Helen "Got it little girl? You won't get toys because of your bad attitude, you have to learn to share."

Standing in front of the baby chair Helen is in, Elisa frowned slightly and continued "Your daddy is your daddy, no one will take him away from you, but that doesn't mean you can stop anyone from getting close to him, even more so that I am your mother."

"..." Looking at Elisa silently and with her typical expressionless face, Helen suddenly turned her gaze to Christian and smiled, then got down from the chair and walked quickly to Christian "Daddy!"

"..." Smiling bitterly, Elisa looked at Christian reproachfully for interrupting her scolding, causing Christian to chuckle and comment "I gave you enough time~"

Taking Helen in his arms, Christian walked over to Elisa and stood in front of her, then looked at his little girl gently and spoke "Honey, you have to know that Daddy loves you more than anything in this world, but you also have to know that just like Daddy loves you, Daddy loves your mother."

"But that doesn't mean daddy will stop loving you, daddy will always love you no matter what" Gently stroking Helen's cheek, Christian continued "Mommy loves you very much too. She prepares your meals, she bathes you, she makes you sleep, she's even reading you stories."

Wrapping his free arm around Elisa's waist, Christian rested his head with hers and smiled towards Helen "We are your parents, we both love you deeply our cute little girl, and nothing will ever change that."

"..." Looking at the smiling faces of Christian and Elisa in silence, Helen blinked for a few seconds and spoke "Kiss..."

Smiling at each other, Christian and Elisa approached Helen and kissed both chubby cheeks, causing the little girl to close her eyes with a cute smile on her chubby face.

"Rarely will children listen to your scolding unless you hit them, and since we obviously won't hit our baby girl, it's much better to explain it thoroughly and give her love in the process" Whispering softly in Elisa's ear, Christian continued "Our little girl is smart, just like me, she will remember everything she's ever experienced even as a baby, so we won't have a problem with her forgetting what you want to teach her today, don't forget that~"

"Mn" Nodding softly, Elisa smiled and rested her head on Christian's shoulder, looking at the little girl still smiling at them "How can this little girl be so cute? Most babies are horrible..."

"Pfff~" Laughing softly, Christian commented "How can she not be cute? She is our daughter after all."josei

Turning his gaze, Christian asked "Where's Lilith and Kitty?"

"Just finished their brushing and scale moisturizing sessions, they must be getting lazy somewhere."

"Those two spend more money than I do..."

A laughable truth, is that between Lilith and Kitty, monthly expenses currently hover around $50,000.

Premium meat, brushing, grooming, grooming, nail care, vets, vaccinations and many other small expenses, cause that in a typical month, these two animals spend more money than Christian, Elisa and Sarah.

"Here" Handing Helen to Elisa, Christian pulled out his cell phone and commented as he walked over to the couch "I have to call mom."

"Do you want something to drink?"

"A coffee please."

"3 sugars?"

"4" Dialing his mother's number, Christian leaned back on the couch and waited in silence, then smiled and spoke "Hi mommy~"

"How are you my little prince? Have you arrived in America yet?"

"Don't you already know? I'm sure the pilot reports everything to you."

"But it's not the same as her telling me and you telling me~"

"Heh" Snorting, Christian looked at the little girl coming towards him and laughed "How's everything going at work?"

"Boring as usual, but have you seen the good news?"

"What's good?"

"As of this morning, we became the first trillionaire family and the first billionaires for the rest of the world."

[A/N: Keep in mind that for most of the world, 1,,000,000,000 does not represent a billion like the United States, but generally in the dollar, that figure represents a billion.]

"So fast?" raising his eyebrows in surprise, Christian muttered "I thought we'd only catch up with the pandemics..."

"Yes, although it's somewhat problematic this figure. The general public is somewhat negative to one family having so much money, you know, they accept billionaires but not trillionaires."

"You'll have to make donations?"

"Yes, at the same time they serve as our tax compliance."

"Mmmmm... buy a lot of mechanical ventilators, masks and hospital gloves."

"Make medical donations?"

"Within a few months, mechanical ventilators will be completely sold out worldwide, that's when we will come and donate to various countries."

"They are kind of expensive but we can get them at a good wholesale price... might as well cash in on political favors with this... not bad"

"How are the new movies and series going on Netflix?"

"We bought several studios including in South Korea as you requested. We have already started shooting several series including The Squid Game and the one from your book, Game of Thrones."

"What about animated movies?"

"It was a bit complicated to acquire those companies but with enough information to extort we managed to buy them successfully."

Chuckling at the lightness in his words, Christian asked "Did you start some movies already?"

"Yes, we started with Shrek and Kung Fu Panda."

"Shrek and Kung Fu Panda..." Smiling to himself, Christian muttered.

When Christian was writing scripts for various movies, he obviously could not leave out an area that could bring in as much money as animated movies, so having a large repertoire in his head, he chose a movie that caused a furor not only in the western part of the world, but even in the eastern part of the world.

Kung Fu Panda.

The movie may be one of many that are considered good, but there is something that even the Chinese government could not get past, how incredibly well the Chinese culture was adapted into the movie.

Even the Chinese themselves found it unacceptable that a foreign movie had made a movie more Chinese than the Chinese themselves, causing major changes in the red country's entertainment industries.

To begin with, the big problem in that industry is that the government has heavily repressed them, whether it's movies, series, novels or even manhuas.

They literally had a script for every story and if the author left it aside, jail would be their future.

But thanks to a movie like Kung Fu Panda, the government saw no other option but to release that leash a bit and innovate to fix something they considered a humiliation.

As for Shrek...

Well, Christian didn't really expect to get a lot of money from Shrek, because even though in his other world it was an amazing movie for its time, in this world it's already 2019 and Christian certainly has his doubts if something like Shrek will succeed in this age of cynicism.

And knowing all this, Christian still went ahead with this work just for the mere fact that for him Shrek is an object of culture, the only and first movie he could see thanks to an old DVD inside the orphanage.

Smiling slightly, Christian sighed "Business aside, how are those two dwarves doing?"

"Alan is still doing his own thing, it really seems that he still doesn't have a direction in his life and only spends his time practicing modeling, although... I honestly don't see him being a model, although it pains me to say this, I think Alan wasn't born for the big leagues and the only reason he chose that area, is because of bad friendships."

"*Sigh* And do you know of anything he wants to do?"


"..." Thinking for a few seconds as he wrapped his arms around the girl who came to his side, Christian pulled her up onto the couch and spoke "You know... let him do what he wants... this all started because I wanted a simple life for my family to begin with, so as long as Alan is a good man and doesn't become a jerk anymore, make him do what he wants."

"Are you sure about this? I'll do it because this money belongs to you and you ask for it, but honestly as a mother, I don't like that idea at all."

"I don't like the idea either, but Alan is my brother and if I can help him in any way, so be it... I will only give him one request and that is to be a good man, as long as he fulfills that, let him live free and look for what he likes... he is 18 and still young, it is normal for one to feel lost at that age."

"You forget you're 19?"

"I don't even know when my birthday is" Laughing softly, Christian sighed and gently caressed the cheek of the girl who had just climbed onto his chest "Mom, did you hear that Helen is smiling now?"

"Elisa sent me pictures."

"Tsk, everyone knew but me."

"Did you hear that your sister went to Korea? She's staying there for about two weeks."

"She went with Maya?"


"You sent security?"

"Six people, they'll be in civilian clothes around her, although by the laws, they won't be able to use firearms."

"They should be fine...they're good at fighting after all" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian nodded.

"Daddy" Hugging Christian's neck, Helen looked at him intently and spoke "Drawing"

"Mommy, my little girl wants to draw, we'll talk later."

"I'm in the middle of something important anyway, I'll talk to you later honey"

"I'll come see you in a few days, wait for me with something nice to see~"

"Haha, I'll wait for you, bye sweetie."

Hanging up the call, Christian smiles and puts his cell phone aside, then kisses Helen's cheek and carries her in his arms as he stands up "Let's go draw!"


"You're going out?" Turning her gaze away from the TV, Elisa asks curiously as she sees Christian putting on a jacket.

"I'm going to take a drive down the road for a while, I haven't driven in a while" Smiling slightly, Christian replied "Do you want to go?"

"I'd like to, but someone is eating" Smiling slightly, Elisa looked down at her chest and looked at the little girl nursing with her eyes closed.

"Do you need me to get anything?" approaching Elisa, Christian asked.

"Mmmmm... not really, we already have everything" Pursing her lips, Elisa happily accepted Christian's kiss and smiled "Have fun."

"See ya" Kissing his daughter's forehead, Christian grabbed his wallet, keys and cell phone, then walked to the garage and climbed into his Lamborghini.

Settling into the seat, Christian thought for a few seconds and mumbled "I've always seen people broadcasting while driving.... I haven't uploaded anything to instagram in a long time, let's do it."

"Jarvis, start a stream from the account logged into my cell phone and transmit the messages directly to the contact lenses with code 0" Leaving the cell phone on the stand to the side, Christian spoke.

Starting the vehicle, Christian smiled at the beautiful roar and pulled out of his garage, then drove through his beautiful forest to the exit.

Nodding towards security, Christian left the place and took the road towards the highway, while thousands of people entered his stream at the same time.

"Long time no see" Smiling towards the camera for a few seconds, Christian continued "What's new in this world?"

Instantly hundreds of messages in different languages began to flash across the bottom of Christian's gaze, causing him to smile at something as useful as these contact lenses.

Reaching the highway, Christian increased his speed and smiled as he read the comments "People, please don't talk to me about politics, I won't answer what I think about whoever and I won't lend myself to that circus. You can talk to me about anything else but that, because I really hate that topic of conversation"


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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