
Chapter 341 Problems (2)

Chapter 341 Problems (2)

But now, thanks to all these events, the number of people watching it has risen rapidly to 5 million people and the reality is not a surprise.

After all, the situation is so unique and gripping, Even Christian would call his acquaintances to come see this madness if he were them.

"Focusing on the police on the ground, Christian continued, "The police stopped me and from the beginning they had a strange attitude, then they pointed a gun at me for no reason and forced me to get down. More police arrived and magically a brick of drugs appeared in my vehicle, and then they surrounded me with their guns and shot me."

"If it wasn't for the fact that experiences like this were a daily occurrence during my time in Afghanistan, I would have been killed right now. So I managed to disarm them and cut them down.... Now I'm waiting for the ambulance and other officers to come and see what happens, I will most likely be detained and then subjected to a tedious interrogation in which I will be involved for days.."

"I want to make this clear" Focusing his face on the camera and knowing that what he says during this time will be vital for a future trial, Christian continued "I had no other weapon, all the time the camera was focused on me and you will have seen that I never took my hands off the back of my head. These people tried to execute me in broad daylight, not even the fucking Taliban treated me like these fucking police."

Turning his gaze to the road, Christian watched the multiple bright lights approaching him and sighed, knowing full well that today would be a long and eventful day.

"Hands in the air!"

After a few seconds, Christian was completely surrounded as multiple police officers pointed a gun at him.

Raising his hands in the air, Christian got out of the vehicle and shouted "I'm the victim here!"

But seeing 4 officers lying on the ground, obviously no one believed him and continued to yell as they slowly approached him "Get on the ground!"

"*Sigh*" Nodding, Christian slowly lowered his body, then lay down on the ground with his hands on the back of his neck.

Quickly running over to Christian, a police officer grabbed his hands tightly and quickly cuffed him, while the rest of the police checked his pockets for any weapons.

"Officers, I'm the one who called 911, I have proof that these cops tried to kill me" Frowning slightly, Christian commented.

"Get up!" grabbing Christian by the arms, the cops forced him to stand as the other group quickly moved toward the people on the ground.

"Don't uncuff them, they really tried to kill me!" resisting slightly from being taken to the police car, Christian turned to the woman next to him and spoke seriously "It was all recorded and broadcast live, please check before you untie them because my life will be in danger!"

"You have the right to remain silent" Looking at Christian coldly, the woman refused to listen and continued to force him to walk towards the patrol car.

Watching as the only uninjured woman was untied, Christian watched in slow motion as she walked quickly towards a gun, causing him to grit his teeth and slam his shoulder into the woman to his left, Christian pulled out of her grip and wrapped the handcuffs around the neck of the policewoman to his right, then forcing her to move towards the nearby patrol car and shouting "TAKE THE GUN AWAY FROM THAT POLICEWOMAN OR I WILL BE FORCED TO DEFEND MYSELF!!!"

Drawing their guns again, the cops quickly pointed them at Christian, while the woman in his arms flailed to struggle.

"TAKE THE DAMN GUN AWAY FROM THAT WOMAN OR I'LL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY TO DEFEND MYSELF!!!" Moving closer to the woman's ear, Christian whispered "If you keep struggling you'll hurt yourself, stay calm and don't give me any more damn trouble!"

"LET THE HOSTAGE GO OR WE'LL HAVE TO OPEN FIRE!!!" Completely surrounding Christian, an officer who seems to be the squad leader shouted, as the tension in the area reached its peak.

But Christian without paying attention to her, turned to the police who were now pointing at him seriously "TAKE HER WEAPON AWAY FROM HER AND RETURN TO HANDCUFF HER AND I PROMISE TO LET HER GO SAFE AND ALIVE!!!"



"DAMN IT, WILL YOU LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY OR WILL I HAVE TO BREAK MY NECK!!!?" With his face red with fury, Christian shouted.

"..." Thinking quickly, the leader turned to the woman and then to Christian "If we take her gun away and cuff her, will you let the officer go!?"


Nodding, the police chief turns to the woman and speaks, "Put your gun down."

But instead of heeding him, the woman raised her gun even higher and pointed it at Christian, then pulled the trigger and fired.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Opening his eyes a little wider, Christian took the woman in his arms and jumped to the side, then stood up and broke her handcuffs with one pull.

Grabbing the police as bullets from all the police followed in his wake, Christian ran behind a patrol car and punched the back of his hostage's neck, then grabbed the gun and removed the safety catch.

Quickly running towards the woman, the police chief knocked her to the ground and took the gun from her, then looked back and shouted "STOP SHOOTING!!!"

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

With her command, the shooting stopped instantly, as the police chief quickly pulled out her handcuffs and with the help of her colleagues, restrained the woman.

"Officer Smith, what the hell are you doing?" Breathing heavily, the police chief shouted angrily "You were going to kill your partner!?"

"..." With a stoic face, the woman gave her a sidelong glance and snorted, having barely any strength from a sharp pain in her throat thanks to Christian's earlier blow.

The situation in seconds escalated completely in an area never expected for the police.

As soon as they released one of their colleagues, the woman stood up and before they knew it, there was a man holding a policeman hostage and from one second to the next, a hail of bullets erupted.

*Bang* *Bang*josei

Firing two bullets into the air, Christian who is still behind the vehicle shouted "Is everyone involved down!?"

Taking a deep breath knowing that today's situation is not normal, the police chief shouted "I'm Officer Karter, may I know your name!?"

"Christian Grey!"

"Christian Grey?" Frowning deeply, Officer Karter finally took to analyzing her memories of Christian's face and opened her eyes wide "C-christian Grey from the Grey family!?"

"That's me!"

"Put down your weapons!" Turning to her colleagues, Officer Karter shouted, causing all the female officers, though confused by everything, to follow her orders "Can you let the hostage go!?"

"Can I trust you?"

"I promise I will be impartial!"

"I trust you officer Karter" Knowing he's not lying, Christian tosses the weapon to the side of the vehicle in full view of everyone, then drops to the ground with his hands behind his head and shouts "I'm down on the ground and drop my weapon, your partner is knocked out but she'll be fine, you can come confirm that!"

Nodding, Karter looks sideways and advances accompanied with the officers, but although she asked them to lower their weapons, she herself drew hers to avoid danger.

Reaching the side of the squad car, Karter slowly moves forward and looks at the man on the ground, then scans his violet eyes and trademark white hair, causing her to curse inside her mind knowing that today the entire LAPD is in trouble.

"Check her" Approaching Christian, Karter points to the sleeping policewoman on the side and speaks, then takes Christian's hands and cuffs him "I'll do this as protocol, but I'll keep my word not to remove the cuffs from the others involved."

"I appreciate that" Nodding as he sighs, Christian got up with the officer's help.

"He's breathing and doesn't appear to have any injuries" Turning to Karter, another woman commented.

"Well..." Taking Christian by the arm, Officer Karter looks sideways and sighs, then comments "I will take you to the patrol car, right now you are under arrest and your case will have to be studied."

"You have the right to remain silent and to an attorney, if you can't afford one, one will be appointed for you."

"It's ok, I know my rights" Chuckling, Christian who is still on the adrenaline rush commented "Can I make a call?"

"..." Thinking for a few seconds, Karter continued walking towards the patrol car and put his hand to his chest, then turned off his camera and nodded "I shouldn't but considering you saved my colleague, I'll allow it."

"Thank you."

Removing Christian's handcuffs, Karter lifted him into the back seat of the squad car and commented "Do you have a cell phone?"

"Hidden in my clothes" Chuckling, Christian pulls one out from under his shirt and sits comfortably, then dials his mother's number.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Without letting him speak, Eva exclaimed quickly, while the agitation and worry was easily felt through her voice.

"It's okay, I'm in the patrol car right now and the officer in charge managed to understand what happened, but I need a lawyer who knows LA law and that you keep the instagram stream recordings."

"*Sigh*" Noticing Christian's light tone, Eva sighed with relief and exclaimed angrily "Who are those assholes!?"

"I don't know..." Shaking his head, Christian sighed "But then we'll see about that mom, I really am fine and this situation was nothing more than a walk in the park."

"First I need you to calm down and act cool" Knowing that his mother's heart must be beating a mile a minute right now, Christian spoke with the softest tone possible "For starters you have to get me out of custody, because if I go into that place I'm open to many variables."

After a few seconds of silence where a long breath could be heard, Eva finally spoke "I already called the lawyers and right now there is a group studying your case, we will get you out of that place today and if necessary, we will put pressure on the judges".

"Good, now listen carefully to the following" Making sure he didn't have a microphone nearby, Christian held the cell phone to his mouth and whispered "Talk to Leslie and have her increase security in the family, including Hailie, Alan and obviously you. Until I know who did this, we could all be in danger."

"You want me to investigate-?"

"Mother, leave this to me" With a serious voice, Christian continued "The way they acted was crude and unorganized. The assassin they used was an inexperienced one who couldn't even control his own emotions in the middle of his work, not to mention that they couldn't even identify that I was live-streaming and I was doing it for about 30 minutes."

"It's obvious that the people who planned this have power, but such a vain power that I'm sure I could take care of these people in one day" Looking towards the window with boredom, Christian continued "So don't worry and let me take care of this, but I'll ask for your help in the legal stuff, it's not my forte".

"*Sigh* Okay, we just have to prove it was self-defense and after an interrogation plus the evidence we have, you should be released without much trouble. Although you may have restrictions on leaving the country, but that can be arranged if you justify your travel as work."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

I formatted the computer and lost my notes, my accounts, everything. I was lucky to be able to recover my inkstone email address since I didn't even remember the @.

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