
Chapter 343 Fears

Chapter 343 Fears

Thinking for a few seconds, Christian walked to the garage and entered the bunker, then went directly to his armory and picked up an M4 with several magazines of bullets and a silencer.

Seeing the computer room with the light on, Christian sighed and walked to the door, then gently opened it and looked at the young woman typing rapidly on her computer with a frown on her face.

Moving closer to Emily, Christian gently kisses the top of her head and comments "I'm back."

"Mn" Without stopping typing, Emily continued "I already found the ones who planned all this, now I'm pulling out every piece of evidence of guilt and at the same time I'm making sure I don't leave anyone involved in the dark. I will find every last person."

"Are they from some organization?"

"A cult, a satanic one."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked with interest "Why would they want to kill me?"

"You sullied the name of their being of worship, they're quite mad."

"Do they have power?"

"In fact it's a circle with quite a few celebrities, millionaires and politicians... its level is not very different from that of the pedophile network you exposed a few years ago."

"What do they usually do?"

"In 19 years of existence, they have over 228 children sacrificed."

"Children... that's a big number" Frowning deeply, Christian continued "One every month, no?"


"Of what age?"

"Two exact age ranges. 6 year olds with 6 months and 6 days, but they also take 3 year olds with 3 months and 3 days."

"I see..." Without showing any visible emotion, Christian thought for a few seconds and asked "We will leave a group for 6 months with 6 days and 6 hours under the torture of the drop of water on the forehead, while the other group will be for 3 weeks with 3 days and 3 hours receiving the honey torture?"

Stopping writing, Emily raised her eyebrows and asked "What are those tortures?"

"The drop one is simple, you tie the victim down and make sure there is a constant drop falling on their forehead."

"But that doesn't seem to be so difficult..."

"The drops of water end up piercing even rocks" Chuckling, Christian continued "Your brain and your whole body come to feel after just one day, that there is no worse torture than this."

"And the other torture?"

"We will make a wooden coffin and it will have 5 holes for all the victim's limbs to come out, then we will bathe his limbs in honey and milk and at the same time we will feed him a large amount of the same... then we leave them in an area with lots of vegetation and you will see how little by little the insects will eat the area with honey"

"Sounds cruel..."

"That's not the worst of it" Chuckling, Christian continued "The insects will enter through their mouth, nose, eyes, ears and any orifice. Unable to get out of the box, the victim will defecate right there and, having the smell of honey, the insects will enter through its anus and start living inside"

"They will leave eggs and form large numbers of insects inside, and since the damage is cumulative, the victim will not die for a long time and it is very likely that if we treat him properly, he will survive the 3 weeks, although his death would occur with 100% certainty a few days later"

Laughing, Emily nodded and turned her focus back to the computer as she commented "A good punishment for these bastards."

"I'll leave you for now" Kissing Emily's cheek, Christian walked towards the door as he commented "Just another 30 minutes and then you go to sleep, we'll take care of this tomorrow"


"You'll sleep" Turning his gaze to Emily, Christian looked at her seriously and spoke "I will not take away your rest for this. Thirty more minutes and off to bed."

"*Sigh* Fine..."

"Perfect~" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian leaves the room and walks to the living room, then out to the terrace and down to his private beach.

Looking up from the stairs at the woman smoking a cigarette while sitting looking out to sea, Christian chuckled and came to her side, then sat down next to her and tapped her with his shoulder "Worried that your man was in trouble~?"

Snorting, Sarah turned her gaze towards Christian and watched him carefully, then looked back towards the sea and commented "I knew you'd be fine."


"cockroaches are particularly resistant"

"I see, I didn't know you had that kind of taste" Looking at Sarah quizzically, Christian continued "After all we have sex almost every day... and if I'm a cockroach..."

Rolling her eyes, Sarah replied "You're a nasty bastard."

"*Sigh* I love it when you're so disingenuous" Knowing this grumpy woman perfectly well, Christian leaned next to her and took the gun at his side, then smiled and loaded it under Sarah's curious gaze.

Putting the silencer on, Christian turned his gaze to the woman beside him and commented "Nice gun, isn't it?"

"Will you shoot?"


"You won't get in trouble?"

"Maybe" Passing a bullet and removing the safety catch, Christian pointed it out to sea for a few seconds and smiled, then turned to Sarah and asked "Would you like to try it? I told you you could do it at night."

"But I don't know how to shoot..."

"It's simple, let me help you" Getting up, Christian sits behind Sarah and wraps his arms around her, then helps her to take the gun and position it correctly between her hands.

Bringing his mouth close to Sarah's ear, Christian whispered softly "Close the opposite eye and take a deep breath, the gun is not a blast and will come out bullet for bullet, so don't panic."

"Mn" Nodding slightly as a tingle enveloped her spine thanks to Christian's whisper, Sarah took a deep breath and closed the opposite eye to the gun, then swallowed saliva and pulled the trigger with trembling hands.


Even though the gun had a silencer and the noise was quite low, no doubt the roar was not small for Sarah who heard a gunshot for the first time in person.

Having his hands resting the gun next to Sarah, Christian easily managed the recoil and smiled "You did well, but hold the gun tighter, you might hurt your shoulder."

Breathing shakily as her face flushed with adrenaline, Sarah nodded and pulled the trigger again.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"Okay, stop" Noticing how the recoil made aiming difficult, Christian commented quickly.

"Ha... haha... hahaha" Laughing as her hands shake, Sarah smiled brightly and commented excitedly "This feels amazing!"

"..." Looking at the big smile on the woman's face, Christian smiled softly and rested his chin on her shoulder, then kissed her cheek and commented "I love seeing you smiling like this..."

"*cough*" Opening her eyes a little wider, Sarah coughed sheepishly as the blush on her face increased from pure embarrassment.

Pulling Sarah against his body, Christian gently kissed her neck and whispered "I really love seeing you don't have to be embarrassed by it, much less try to look like someone else...if you're happy, just show it. If you're angry, say you're angry... drop that mask you always wear for the outside and express yourself more often..."

Pursing her lips in annoyance, Sarah looked at Christian sideways and snorted, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"*Sigh* It's okay, I like this shy Sarah too" Knowing how hard it is to remove the armor from his heart, Christian kissed Sarah's neck again and looked down at the gun in his hands, then lowered it and wrapped his arms around the woman's waist.

Being in complete silence for a few minutes, Sarah suddenly asked "Elisa won't worry about the gunshots?"

"It's okay, the sound of the sea suppresses much of the noise, not to mention that we are among large, thick cliffs, it's hard for the noise to get through to the house."


Rubbing his cheek with Sarah's, Christian sighed with satisfaction and commented "I think meeting you at the publishing house was the greatest blessing of my life... who would have thought that grumpy woman would end up forming a family with me".

"Forming a family?" Raising her eyebrows, Sarah muttered.

"Don't you think of us as a family" Looking at Sarah, Christian continued "Because I'm sure I think of you as one, just as I'm sure our daughter thinks of you as one..."

"Our daughter..." Lifting her gaze to the starry sky, Sarah murmured.

"If you know how much Helen loves you, don't you?" smiling softly, Christian continued "That little girl is imitating many of your expressions and I'm sure you notice it... just as Helen is my daughter and Elisa's, she would also become your daughter."

Remembering the little chubby girl who always wakes her up at the first ray of sunshine she sees, Sarah couldn't help but smile softly, causing Christian to chuckle and kiss her cheek "But obviously that won't stop there~"

Gently caressing Sarah's stomach, Christian whispered "Just like now, I'll take it upon myself every day to fill that pleasurable inside of yours and someday I'll see this soft belly completely filled with a sister for my little girl~"

Lowering her gaze, Sarah focused on the soft touch on her belly and blinked silently for a few seconds, then turned her gaze to Christian and asked with a complicated face "Do you think I would make a good mother? I'm not like Elisa... I have no patience and giving affection is not my forte..."

"Of course you would be a good mother" Smiling softly, Christian whispered "Being a good mother is not only being patient and giving love non-stop, you also have to be strict when you have to be and be able to set a good example."

"Besides... don't you have Elisa and me to take that role? I'm sure that having two loving fools is enough" Chuckling, Christian kissed Sarah's neck with affection and continued "Having a child won't always be easy... it's a big responsibility and it's normal to be afraid at first".

"But once you hold your baby in your arms... all that is easily forgotten and before you know it, all your initial fears fade away and only love remains."

"..." Nodding silently, Sarah gazed at the waves of the sea and quietly enjoyed the small moment.

'She's quite cloying and permissive today' Looking at Sarah's face from the corner of his eye, Christian thought with a happy smile.

Usually Sarah is very different from how she behaves right now.

It's not uncommon to receive an insult from her and it's not even uncommon for her to simply ignore you.

But make no mistake, this doesn't mean that Sarah doesn't care about Christian or anything like that.

No, in fact it's quite the opposite.

Sarah feels a great affection for Christian, but simply her prickly personality was molded to survive in an orphanage as poor and decadent as the one they came from, causing simply carrying on an honest conversation to be nearly impossible for her.

But today after all that had happened, Sarah was overcome by the worry that assailed her inner self and without realizing it, the armor in her heart temporarily vanished.josei

After several minutes, Sarah sighed and released herself from Christian's arms, then stood up and stretched her body "Let's go to sleep?"

"Come on" Nodding, Christian held the gun and stood up, then pointed it out to sea and fired a couple of kisses.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*


"*Sigh*" Sighing with satisfaction, Christian patted Sarah's firm ass and smiled "Walk bitch."

"You bastard..." Gritting her teeth at a far from gentle spanking, Sarah rubbed her bottom and looked at the smirking Christian with annoyance, then shook her head and smiled as she followed him down the stairs muttering "You're an annoying bastard..."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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