
Chapter 347 Hardships Of A People, Hardships Of A King

Chapter 347 Hardships Of A People, Hardships Of A King

Thinking for a few seconds, Eva finally nodded and commented "Certainly there are many options, and if they are serious about being monarchs since childhood... maybe they can make it".

"We will also have the psychological test to make sure that the participant's mind is right and at the same time the physical test, having as a necessity to pass a fighting ability enough to defeat 5 trained soldiers."

"Those tests are much simpler than the previous ones, do you have any others?"

"Those would be the initial requirements" Smiling towards Helen, Christian continued "After that the monarch trials will begin, all in order to raise the fittest competitor"

"Monarch trials?"

"The hardship trials... hunger, thirst, injustice, betrayal, among others... for one week we will make sure that the contestants go through those hardships and feel with their own bodies what it feels like to live that... feel with their own bones the injustice of corruption, feel with their own bodies the hardship of hunger and thirst... all in order that they can connect with the possible problems that can affect their citizens."

"How do you plan to do that?" raising her eyebrows at such an interesting idea, Eva asked.

"To begin with, the hardship tests will be secret... at some point we will kidnap the contestant and send them to any place in the world where they can experience these hardships, and they will spend at least 15 days living this situation.... Whoever lasts the longest living each hardship and at the same time manages to understand the root of the problem, will be the winner."josei

"You plan to starve them to death?"

"That's the idea, although well, if they are capable, they will certainly be able to survive... it all depends on the place we use to do the tests and the tenacity for them."

Thinking for a few long minutes about Christian's ideas, Eva finally nodded and commented "If a person manages to fulfill all those requirements, he would certainly be a worthy leader... someone who knows hunger, thirst, injustice and has been a victim of corruption.... is someone who knows his people and if he has the right mentality, he will try to avoid it at all costs."


"But are you really okay with handing over the power of the country that you will put so much effort into?"

"It's fine, it's not like I'll be powerless when I hand over the throne" Smiling, Christian continued "I already told you that I plan to have almost everything to do with a future AI that I seek to create, the AI will make sure to investigate corruption, take real statistics of the population and the world, among many other things.... it will be an AI that not even the future leader will have the right to touch... with the AI in my power, I could control almost everything, and even if the leader tried something... nothing can move the founder of a kingdom, even if he retires... I created the army, I gave the positions of power, I created the kingdom, it is inevitable that loyalty will always follow me."

"You know that feelings like loyalty are quite fickle."

"Of course I know" Chuckling, Christian waved his hand lazily and commented "But the army we are raising, they will literally see me as a god in the near future... they will look out for my good as I will look out for theirs."

"You're raising another army?" raising her eyebrows at a new piece of news, Eva asked.

"We already have 250 children in our sights ready to be picked up all over the world... we have soldiers guarding them in the distance and for now they are just being watched" Nodding with a serious face, Christian continued "Children who used to have no future under poverty or cruelty... they will end up on the island with a new purpose, and that is to serve Demacia and its king."

"Demacia..." Hearing the name of her son's kingdom, Eva looked at Helen for a few seconds and commented "You don't feel uncomfortable manipulating those children?"

"I certainly feel uncomfortable about including them in my plans, but..." Looking up, Christian sighed "I know perfectly well that it is far better to have hope than to just wait for their death... besides, we will treat them well and they will have privileges for being the first generation of loyal citizens... they will not go hungry, they will not go cold, they gained a purpose and a new family within the army... and if any of them do not want to be soldiers in the future, they can always take up other official positions that will certainly help."

"You seem to have thought enough" Laughing softly, Eva continued "Will you have the army look after the city as policemen as well?"

"Not at all, I already told you some time ago that we will have two divisions. One will be in charge of keeping peace inside and guarding the walls, while the other force will be in charge of defending and attacking."

"Isn't that the same thing? Both will be inside the kingdom"

"Obviously not the same" Shaking his head, Christian continued "One is meant to be the spear of the kingdom while the other is meant to be the shield of the kingdom... in a future war, our biggest weakness will be the kingdom itself... if someone manages to infiltrate and cause chaos inside, we will be automatically defeated... the spear of the kingdom will be in charge of making attacks on the invaders or when we invade... ready to mobilize in the face of any danger."

"While the shield of the kingdom will only have one role, to protect the kingdom until its last breath" Stroking the snake that covers it, Christian continued "In a way it will do a police work while at the same time it will do a military role... it wouldn't be wrong to call it military police".

"And how will you decide who will be the spear and who will be the shield? You only have one army today."

"It will be rotating" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "If I just had the spear make attacks and gain experience, our shield would get rusty... we need people with experience and skills, that's why they will be one season being spear and another season being shield... soldiers need to connect with their people, they need to see with their own eyes what they want to protect"

"And who will defend your palace? The spear or the shield?" nodding, Eva asked.

"I haven't thought about that yet, but maybe I'll make a third force just dedicated to the palace" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "It wouldn't hurt to give jobs to soldiers who retire due to age either if they don't want to be either shield or spear. They would have skills and experience enough to protect the palace."

"But they would already be older and with less speed and strength."

"It's not that the palace needs so much security, we simply need people to guard against any possible infiltrators and at the same time to keep curious citizens at bay... I understand that England has its royal guard full of veterans, it wouldn't be much different."

Nodding, Eva asked "Do you know how your kingdom's progress is going?"

"I have been talking to the architect, they have almost all the land ready to start construction and we have been in constant communication to detail even the smallest part of the structures... you know I plan to make the largest library in the world? I even plan to translate the books that I stole from the Vatican to reveal them to the world".

"You will declare to the church that you stole from them?" frowning slightly, Eva continued "You know how dangerous that is, don't you?"

"Before maybe I should have been cautious" Nodding, Christian continued "But the church today is no threat to me. While they have several assassins and a private army, they don't rise to the scale of presenting a threat and even the now defunct Blackwater group was more dangerous than them."

"But I'm not talking about military strength, I'm talking about their fanatical strength or their political power" Shaking her head, Eva continued "The Catholic church will have no qualms about sending you some idiot with bombs in her body just to get their gold back, don't underestimate them"

"I know" Smiling reassuringly, Christian continued "Don't forget that my kingdom would be just ready to inhabit in about 4 more years, not counting that between calling the citizens and doing all the management to function properly, it will be at least 5 to 6 years... honestly in that amount of years, I hope I won't even fear all the great families combined"

"Are you so sure? Those families prepared for more years than you and I have lived together."

"Mother, haven't you noticed?" smiling slightly, Christian continued "I came back from the army in late 2017 and early 2018, and a year later we already have enough strength to negotiate with the Chinese, keep the old families wary, and annihilate the largest mercenary group in the world."

Turning his gaze to Eva, Christian smiled showing his teeth and continued "How much do you think we could improve these 5 to 6 years?"


"You don't have to worry so much, despite me being somewhat careless, that doesn't mean I act cautiously when necessary" Taking Lilith in his hands, Christian gently pulls her off his body and sets her aside, then kissing Eva's cheek and getting up "I'll go say hi to Leslie"

"I'll stay with Helen" Nodding, Eva looks at the painting beside her and smiles softly.

"Take care of your granddaughter~" Winking at Eva, Christian gave a quick glance at the distracted Helen, who was just now trying to climb on top of the quiet Kitty.

Turning around, Christian walked towards the entrance to his field as a big smile spread across his face.

The day couldn't have been better.

He had a good night where he deepened his relationship with Sarah, woke up with his little girl giving him love, and his precious mother came to visit him.

Christian's mood couldn't be better and seeing no need to restrain himself, he walked with obvious cheerfulness and lightness, then nodded towards the numerous security of the place and looked sideways.

Finding the beautiful woman with her characteristic dark suit and eye patch, Christian smiled and walked silently towards her, then reached with great stealth towards her back and covered her eyes.

"Who am I~?"

Waving her hand for the group of security surrounding her to back off, Leslie smiled from the corner of her lips and replied "Good morning master, did you have a good night?"

"It was a good night and an incredible morning, but no doubt it just keeps getting better and better" Releasing Leslie, Christian turned and cheerfully exclaimed "Follow me soldier!"

Shaking her head, Leslie suppressed the smile on her face and followed him silently, while her own mood was rapidly improving.

Reaching deeper into the trees, Christian looked at Leslie and motioned for her to sit down, then sat down beside her and rested his head comfortably on Leslie's thighs.

"Much better" Closing her eyes with a smile, Christia enjoyed the silence for a few seconds and asked suddenly "Leslie?"


"When my kingdom is up and running and I have to sit on the throne, would you like to be the leader of the royal guard? Would you always be by my side on the throne guarding my beautiful face"

"I would be honored" After a little initial hesitation, Leslie nodded.

"Good~" Smiling, Christian opened one eye and asked "What are you waiting for?"


"I want caresses on my hair, it feels nice when you do it."

"Oh... Good" Nodding, Leslie raised her hands and began to gently stroke Christian's hair, while her stoic face that was usually almost impossible to change, today seemed especially expressive as a small smile formed on her face.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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