
Chapter 353 World Politics 2

Chapter 353 World Politics 2

"With Arabia backing them, certainly their currency will start to rise rapidly... all this will come to light when the war with Ukraine starts... at first the Russian Ruble will go down quite a lot, but when it is announced that they will back their currency with gold, they will literally recover all they lost and even increase the value of the Ruble like never before."

"After that almost everything will be a media fight, a lot of so-called war heroes will come out and nobody will give importance to what is really going on behind the curtain, the war for economic hegemony.... Ukraine is just a smoke screen and an action they will initiate to force the United States to act."

"Why do you think now President Trump has taken to traveling between so many countries to form better relations?" chuckling, Christian continued "With my advice, the President and Lila realized that the US screwed up and is trying to sugar coat everything again, but unfortunately it's too late and the coins have already been flipped"

"With Saudi Arabia out, the U.S. will literally no longer have the big reserves to back it up..... Venezuela is communist, Arabia betrayed them, Iran was badly beaten by the U.S. in many areas and will not hesitate to turn its back on them, Iraq.... well, who doesn't know what happened in Iraq? Alleged weapons of mass destruction that never existed and the leaks about oil theft by the U.S. were not few, if I were them, I wouldn't think twice about turning my back on the U.S."

Rolling her eyes, Eva commented "But you can't deny that that bitch leading Iraq was pretty cruel to her own people."

"For God's sake mother, what Middle Eastern country takes good care of its people?" Laughing, Christian continued "Unfortunately they are different cultures and to judge them by your culture and your standards, is totally stupid."

"Because if that's why, you could easily justify the genocide that Spain committed with the Aztecs and all the original peoples of a large part of the American continent with the simple reason that they did justice against the cruel Indians who made human sacrifices to worship their 'demonic' gods and that for that they deserve to be totally destroyed, plundered and trampled"


"Mother" Interrupting Eva, Chrisitian looked at her seriously and spoke "Please don't blind yourself. It's good that you love this country, and I admit that I am quite prejudiced, after all this is where I was forced to be separated from my family and locked up for years in a cell... but please don't be blind and admit the reality... I personally lived this so-called justice handed out by the government and believe me when I tell you that, while the dictator of Somalia was a cruel bitch, we were not the heroes either... we destroyed, massacred and brought down her entire structure.... Somalia became a river of blood and it wasn't because of the Somali army, it was because of the citizens themselves who didn't want the invaders who supposedly wanted to deliver justice to invade their own home and chose to take up arms against us... even the fucking children went to war to defend their homes... where's the justice in that?"

"*Sigh*" Looking at Christian for a few seconds, Eva sighed and nodded silently.

"But back on topic" Recovering his smile instantly, Christian continued "Almost the entire middle east hates America with good reason, and with Arabia being their only trade ally... they are literally screwed, since, even if America produces a lot of oil and has good relations with another oil biggie called Canada, it's certainly not enough to support the dollar... not to mention that America spends more oil than it generates"josei

"So I'm telling you right now, prepare everything because at the beginning of 2022, an all out war will break out against Ukraine and our company must be ready, because it certainly could bring us big costs if we don't make good choices"

"So... which side will we take? Will we go with the communists?"

"We will not take sides mother" Shaking his head, Christian continued "While it serves me better to cooperate with the communists because of the benefits I receive, I also cannot ignore that I hate their politics and prefer the freedom of this country, so we will just watch how everything happens... I will not deny you that I have some plans in the war, but I am not entirely sure yet if it is possible, I will tell you about that in the future, we still have a couple of years to come up with something better and it may be that at that time our situation will be very different from today"

"Just remember to inform me in advance, you know how important it is to plan ahead."

"Mn" Nodding, Christian looked at Eva for a few seconds and stood up, then walked to her side and took her hand.

"Is something wrong?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva asked.

"Let's go to the couches." Pointing to the outdoor couches, Christian lifted Eva up and they walked, then sat her on an edge and he lay down beside her.

Crawling over, Christian wrapped his arms around Eva's waist and lay on her stomach as he murmured "I want caresses on my head..."

Looking up at Christian with a soft but amused smile, Eva nodded and began to gently stroke Christian's hair as she murmured "My prince is a boy again?"

"Yes..." Responding muffled by the stomach covering his face, Christian smiled slightly as he contentedly enjoyed the soft caresses in her hair.

With sweetness in her eyes, Eva leaned over and gently kissed Christian's head, then leaned close to his ear and whispered warmly "I love you my little prince, I always will."

Increasing his smile, Christian gently turned and squinted into Eva's loving smile and chuckled childishly as he commented "Sometimes I wish I was a child again... just snuggling in your arms and not thinking about anything else... no wars, no politics, nothing to push me... just a child who rests in his mother's arms."

"Did you ever stop being one?" Laughing softly, Eva lovingly caressed Christian's cheek and whispered "Mom's arms will always be open to you, and even if Mom is at some point no longer in your life, rest assured that wherever I am, I will be watching and supporting you."

Opening his eyes a little wider, Christian lost his smile as his eyes quickly reddened, then frowned and spoke in a husky voice "Don't talk nonsense, you're not going anywhere".

Laughing, Eva nodded softly and replied "Of course I am honey, mommy's not going anywhere."

"..." Looking at his mother with a frown, Christian took a deep breath and snorted, then turned again and stood with his face hidden in Eva's soft stomach.

"What will you do now?" After a few minutes of silence and warmth, Eva asked.

"*Sigh* I'm going to Korea."

"You know you can't leave the country."

"No one will know that I left the country... even if I want to, it is impossible not to go to Korea... my army is already mobilizing and this time the situation will be a bit thorny not because it is a strong enemy, but on the contrary... the enemy is very weak and young, it could bring negative effects not having my presence in the place."

"*Sigh*" Shaking her head knowing that it's impossible to try to change his mind, Eva commented "Just make sure you're not seen and stay safe."


"When do you have to shoot in Ireland again?"

"In about a week and a half, they don't have an exact date yet as they are taking advantage of this time to polish the sets and the script."

"Did you enjoy recording?"

"I didn't get to experience much... it was kind of boring, no one wanted to talk to me apart from the director."

"No one wanted to talk to my little boy?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva smiled and asked "Why wouldn't anyone want to talk to you? You're cute and very nice."

"I don't know... the women just drooled and the men just leered... they're really annoying."

Laughing softly, Eva commented "You tend to cause that wherever you go, it's a relief to my heart to know that you don't like to go out in public or you'd cause chaos wherever you go."

"You know... now that you talk about public..." Turning his body, Christian looks at his mother and comments "What do you plan to do when you give her your CEO position?"

"I don't know yet, I was planning to rest and spend time with my family."

"Why don't you open a cafe or a restaurant?"

"Open a store?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva laughed "Don't we have thousands of them? Why do you want more?"

"I'm talking about a simple store? maybe a bar, a cafe or whatever... I think it would be a good way to pass the time... although you could also practice some sport or go on a trip".

"You don't want to have me in your house?"

"What nonsense are you talking?" snorting, Christian continued "I would be the happiest to have that pleasurable ass of yours at my fingertips whenever I want, but I also know that human beings need to have something to devote themselves to in order to be really happy... at least that's what I think."

"Hoh, my little boy loves his mother's ass?" with a suggestive, Eva continued "Why don't you show it?"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian looks up and glances quickly into the house, then turns to Eva and smiles "Come to think of it... I think we're short on milk and some meat, care to go out shopping?"

Swallowing saliva, Eva's eyes sparkled and she nodded quickly "I love to go shopping."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's ask security for a van and go" Smiling broadly, Christian stood up and stretched his body, then turned to Eva and continued "Remember to bring another pair of panties and a towel, we'll buy some water on the way".

Laughing, Eva stood up and nodded "I'll drive."

"No, I'll do it" Showing his teeth with his smile, Christian's eyes sparkled and he happily walked into his house, then quickly approached his little Helen and kissed her plump cheeks that were now even more puffy from the food in her mouth.

"Is something wrong?" Raising her eyebrows, Elisa asked.

"We had some trouble in Korea, have you seen it?"

"Well... it's all over the news" Nodding, Elisa looked at Christian with concern and asked cautiously "You... travel?"

"*Sigh* I must" Nodding, Christian moves closer to Elisa and gently cups both her cheeks, then kisses her softly on the lips and smiles brightly "But it won't last long, I'll stay 5 days at the most and come back to rest for a full week before leaving for Ireland, I promise".

Pursing her lips, Elisa stared into Christian's eyes for a few seconds, then sighed and murmured "If you don't bring me a present, there will be no more hair strokes."

Opening his eyes a little wider, Christian stammered exaggeratedly "E-everything but that!"

"Hmph" Dodging the look, Elisa smiled from the corner of her lips and giggled a second later, then turned to Christian again and kissed his lips quickly "Just don't be silly and don't make me worry."

"I promise~" Kissing Elisa's lips again, Christian turned to his little girl who watches everything silently and moves closer to her, then rubbing his nose with hers and gently kissing her forehead "Eat all the food so you grow up healthy and beautiful like your mother, yes?"

Swallowing the mush, Helen lifted her arms towards Christian and smiled showing her pink gums "Kiss!"

Laughing softly, Christian quickly kissed his little girl's entire face and rubbed his cheek with hers, then pressed their noses together and stared into Helen's beautiful eyes "I love you my little princess."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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