
Chapter 355 Talk

Chapter 355 Talk

Aside from encouraging his reading by reading to him every day and encouraging his artistic side by teaching him the basics of drawing, Christian has lately been teaching him how to name every object around him.

From furniture to trees to flowers.

And with all that easily taught thanks to little Helen's great intelligence, Christian continued with colors today.

It's not difficult at all, you just point to the color you're talking about and Helen seems to understand it instantly.

Grass, green.

Tree trunk, brown.

Christian's hair, white.

Christian's eyes, violet.

With those simple comparisons Christian is 99% sure that while his daughter will not fully understand today, every time she is alone with her thoughts, she will remember your words and sooner or later all this accumulated information will be absorbed by her little girl easily.

"*Sigh*" With a sigh of contentment, Christian sat up straight and leaned his back against the tree, then took Helen in his arms and cradled her gently.

Gently squeezing Helen's cheek, Christian rubbed his nose with hers and smiled warmly "I know I say this every day, but I want to tell you that you are my greatest happiness my little girl, daddy loves you with all his heart."

Gently rubbing his cheek with Helen's, Christian smiled softly and stared at her face, then hugged her against his body and exclaimed "Because you're so cute~!!!"

"Hehe~" Closing her eyes as a beautiful toothless smile forms on her face, Helen wrapped her chubby arms around Christian's neck and opened her eyes again, then blinked for a few seconds and opened her mouth, biting directly into Christian's cheek with much effort.

Chuckling softly as he felt the soft gums, Christian whispered "Daddy knows that feeling you have now... feeling so much happiness and love, it makes your heart overflow and you don't know how to cope with so many emotions... it's a heady but at the same time frustrating feeling when you're just a kid."

"Dad used to bite at every turn too" Gently caressing his little girl's cheek, Christian continued "Dad is glad that you will inherit his big heart... but at the same time you don't know how much I worry knowing that you will most likely inherit my strong emotions and my damn memory"

Closing his eyes as he sighed, Christian opened his eyes again and released his cheek from his little girl's mouth, then kissed her cheek and began to kiss all over her soft face.

"What are you doing?" approaching the duo, Eva raised her eyebrows and asked with a soft smile.

"Hehe~" Lifting Helen up, Christian turned her around and made her stare at him as he hung in the air, then pressed his cheek to his little girl's and smiled broadly "Mom, I still think it's a dream to hold this cutie in my arms!"josei

Giggling softly, Eva sat down next to Christian and watched intently at the smile on the little girl's face and then turn her gaze to Christian's smile, then sighed and commented "I still think it's amazing how much you two look alike."

Turning his gaze to Helen, Christian pursed his lips and stared at his little girl's face, while Helen as always, exactly repeated his movements and pursed her little lips even somewhat stiffly.

"I think my little girl is cuter" Turning to his mother, Christian commented, then cradling her again in his arms and gently kissing her forehead "The cutest."

Rolling her eyes, Eva settled back and asked "Are you going out today?"


"Where are you going?"

"I'm going with Sarah to see the construction of my future nightclub."

"The one that Lila gave you?"


"..." Pursing her lips for a few seconds, Eva snorted and asked "Why did you have to receive the club from her? You know you could build 1000 nightclubs if you wanted to."

Chuckling, Christian settled Helen in his arms and began to gently caress her plump belly as he replied "He just returned the favor I did him, after all finding the 'legendary' cornerstone of the white house brought a lot of prestige to that old lady named Trump, and that stupid stone cost me several million dollars, it wasn't cheap at all."

"Just don't forget that woman's real face" Shaking her head, Eva continued "If anyone is capable of stabbing you in the back with a smile, it's Lila."

"I know, that's why our relationship is based mostly on business and a union of interest. She's looking for something and I have what she's looking for, as long as that stays that way and we don't have a conflict of interest, that snake could be a good ally"

"As long as you don't forget that" Sighing as she nods, Eva continued "You're going to Korea?"

"In 2 days I leave for Korea, my people are already mobilizing and it's almost all set up... Hailie's coming back?"

"I didn't want to ruin her vacation, so I sent her south?"


"To the Maldives island, it's a nice place and it will help her forget the bad experience."

"You already gave a press conference?"

"*Sigh* Not yet, I went the easy way and we gave a statement on social media about what happened, although in a few days I have to go visit our people who are in the hospital."

"I guess I'll see you in Korea"

"Don't forget that no one can know that you left the country."

"That's simple"

"What will you actually do in Korea, do you have it figured out?"

"I really don't know at all... maybe eliminate that woman who created this group of criminal kids... or maybe blackmail the samsung family... I have many options and honestly I'm not worried, Korea doesn't have any big organizations that can make trouble and although that group of juvenile delinquents is quite big, it doesn't take away the fact that they are students without any experience in bloodbaths within war, something very different from my people who have experience either as soldiers, special forces or some similar profession"

"*Sigh*" With a sigh of satisfaction, Christian stretched his free hand towards Eva and intertwined his fingers with hers, then smiled slightly at her and commented "It's amazing, isn't it?"

"...?" Raising her eyebrows, Eva looked at Christian doubtfully.

"Everything we've accomplished" Turning his gaze to his large yard, Christian continued "We went from being a random family to being known as the richest family in the world to the public... we went from being a family with no power to a family who controls thousands of trained soldiers...we went from being a weak family to a family worthy of caution even among the most powerful people in the world... life is so unpredictable."

"I honestly never wanted this..." Turning his gaze to his silent mother, Christian sighed "When I was a kid my only plan in life was to have a lot of money so I wouldn't have any more worries and we could all spend together as a family... I didn't want us to be the richest people in the world, I didn't want to have a personal army let alone wanted to have so much power... I just wanted to live in peace with my loved ones and enjoy life."

"But well..." Looking down at his little girl, Christian smiled softly and kissed her head "I'm happy with how we are today, maybe life is not as peaceful as I would have liked, but I'm relieved to know that today no matter what happens in this dark human society, I have the strength to defend what I love".

"I have a family waiting for me at home, people who care about me, a beautiful daughter who cheers me up even on the worst days... my siblings spread their wings to start their own lives and I have my beloved mother by my side" Gently kissing Eva's hand, Christian smiled brightly towards her and asked "What more can I ask for?"

"..." Watching Christian's bright smile, Eva blinked dazedly for a few seconds, then formed a bittersweet smile on her face and held Christian's hand a little tighter and asked "Do you consider yourself fulfilled with all that you already have?"

"Accomplished?" Raising his eyebrows at the sudden question, Christian chuckled and shook his head, then brought his face close to Eva's ear and whispered softly to her as he directed his hand to her belly "How could I already be fulfilled if I haven't yet filled that beautiful belly of yours? I need at least 5 children to be fulfilled~"

"Wasn't it 11?" smiling softly, Eva asked.

"I wouldn't complain if I had 11 kids either" Laughing, Christian turned his gaze to his little girl and commented "Just look at this cutie, who wouldn't want to have 10 more like her?"

"She fell asleep?" raising her eyebrows at the sight of the closed eyes in Helen, Eva murmured.

"She always falls asleep when I stroke her belly, she relaxes too much." Sighing, Christian gently picked Helen up and carried her over to Eva "Can you stay with her? I'll go get ready to go out"

"Gladly" Taking Helen gently, Eva cradled her in her arms and smiled "I still feel weird thinking I'm a grandmother now... what a crazy world."

Chuckling, Christian stood up and stretched his body, then turned to Eva and asked "Shall we go to the house?"

"I'll stay here for a while, the weather is nice and unfortunately Helen only lets herself be taken for a long time when she sleeps" Shaking her head, Eva continued "I'll spend some time with my granddaughter."

"Enjoy" Quickly kissing his mother's forehead, Christian smiled and walked home, while Eva lay back on the lawn and stared at Helen's sleeping face with a slight smile.

Turning his gaze, Christian focuses on the beautiful view behind him and sighs contentedly, then enters his house and watches the beautiful redhead eating a piece of chocolate while watching television.

Approaching her, Christian sits down next to her and opens his mouth as he stares at her, quickly catching the woman's attention.

Pursing her lips in silence, Elisa looks down at her chocolate and stares at it for a few seconds, then smiling and staring into Christian's eyes, takes the whole chocolate into her mouth and bites into it quickly.

Opening his eyes a little wider in surprise, Christian gritted his teeth and exclaimed "I-I wanted too!"

"Hehe~" Laughing while his mouth was still full of chocolate, Elisa narrowed her eyes in amusement.

Suddenly lunging towards Elisa, Christian held her jaw gently and connected his lips with hers, then forcing his tongue inside her mouth and looking at her with amusement as he intertwined his tongue with hers.

"Y-you!" pulling away from Christian, Elisa takes a shaky breath and looks at Christian with an idignant face "That was my chocolate!"

"Tasty~" Licking his lips with satisfaction, Christian chuckled.

"Give it back to me!" pouncing on Christian, Elisa knocks him back against the couch and sits on his waist, then grabs his jaw and just as he did, forces her tongue inside.

Smiling at the corner of his lips, Christian moved his hands to Elisa's ass and squeezed it gently, while the woman on top of him made sure to roam every inch of her mouth as her eyes quickly clouded over with growing lust.

Parting her lips after a few minutes, Elisa breathed heavily as her clouded eyes stared at Christian, then turned her gaze sideways and sighed.

Leaning back against Christian, Elisa pursed her lips and murmured "Sarah's showering to go out, she should be ready in about 15 minutes."

"You're wicked" Smiling, Christian squeezed Elisa's buttocks even tighter and whispered "You take away my chocolate, you stir my blood and just when I think it's going to be a fun time, you leave me frustrated"

"Heh, like I don't know you" Letting out a snort, Elisa continued "If we start 'having fun' right now, then you won't want to go out and you'll leave Sarah grumbling, so don't even think about doing anything, pervert"

Pursing his lips, Christian stared at Elisa's watchful face, then chuckled softly and let go of her buttocks to hug her waist gently.

Gently kissing Elisa's forehead, Christian turned on the couch and lay on his side staring at the beautiful face of his daughter's mother "I love you."

"Me more" Smiling, Elisa gently caressed Christian's face and kissed his lips lovingly, then rubbed her nose against his and whispered "You're going out in those clothes?"

"I plan to go change into my motorcycle suit."

Biting her lips as her eyes sparkle for a few seconds, Elisa whispered "That one I saw in the bedroom?"


"Come on, I'll help you get dressed!" Quickly getting up, Elisa stepped off Christian's waist and blinked rapidly at him, clearly showing her sudden impatience.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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