
Chapter 357 Proposal

Chapter 357 Proposal

Stretching his body as he turns his gaze skyward, Christian sighs and mutters "How was I so stupid to think that going out in these dark clothes was a good idea? How damn hot..."

Hearing the sound of the approaching motorcycle, Christian turns to the door and watches Sarah leave, then looks at the dark leather jacket over her slim body and chuckles "You couldn't help but act cool, could you?"

"..." Stopping still beside Christian, Sarah watched him for a few seconds and turned her gaze back to the road, then twisted the throttle and sped ahead.

Chuckling, Christian lowered his helmet as he commented, "As introverted as ever."

Twisting the throttle, Christian quickly accelerated and smoothly caught up to Sarah's speed, while on their route they avoided passing through the city altogether and headed straight for the highway.

Passing vehicle after vehicle while Christian made sure not to leave Sarah too far behind, the trip quickly became enjoyable and pleasant.

After all, both motorcycles are a true marvel to ride and just the feeling of riding something so great makes it all that much more satisfying, especially for Sarah who, although she adamantly denies it, loves to act tough.

Looking at the motorcycle's speedometer, Christian clicks his tongue and mutters "What a sin not to be able to run at full power... but hey, I'm a father... I wouldn't forgive myself for dying like this... if my chubby little daughter wasn't so cute, maybe I'd regret being a father so young."

Shaking his head, Christian turned his gaze to the motorcycle that was quickly catching up to him and smiled, then looked back at the road and continued the rest of the route with a smile on his face.

The road was a pleasure for this duo, the speed permeated their veins and the characteristic air hitting their bodies was simply magical and pleasant.

But once they arrived in Los Angeles, the horrible traffic caught them immediately and all satisfaction vanished instantly in front of a traffic that will hold them for at least half an hour.

Standing still next to Sarah, Christian gritted his teeth and turned to Sarah, then looked at her for a few seconds and raised his middle finger.

"..." Staring at Christian silently with her face hidden by the helmet, Sarah simply ignored him and continued to wait in silence.

Pursing his lips at being ignored, Christian sighed and shook the edges of the collar of his suit heatedly, then grabbed his helmet and pulled it off completely.

Shaking his hair to keep it from going in his face, Christian sighed with satisfaction and set the helmet down on the bike, then smiled and turned to Sarah as he spoke "Bitch, don't ignore me-"

But as he was speaking, suddenly the sound of a vehicle horn blared next to him multiple times, causing Christian to turn his gaze towards the vehicle and watch with interest the numerous cameras that were right now pointed at him.

'Fuck, forget I'm famous' Smiling slightly, Christian cursed inside his mind at overlooking such a big deal in this situation, and as expected, that horn was flashy enough to draw attention to the vehicle and in the process, notice the striking white-haired man on a luxurious motorcycle.

While Christian's fame has not yet reached the point where people are acting stupidly and jumping straight out of his vehicle to run towards him, it is certainly enough to make everyone in the area have the urge to take pictures of him and even get to the point of yelling at him to get his attention.



Although the shouts were few and the sounds of the surrounding vehicles covered the vast majority, Christian still smiled and took the trouble to wave towards every camera he saw, a task that cost him several minutes and when he saw that the traffic finally moved on, he didn't hesitate to wave his hand in farewell, ignore the other shouts and quickly put on his helmet.

Turning his gaze to Sarah, Christian raised his hand and waved his fingers forward, indicating to go around the vehicles and move forward without fear of a traffic ticket.

Nodding, Sarah instantly understood how problematic the situation could become and slowly accelerated around the side of the vehicles, while Christian kept pace.

'At least I still don't have to worry about a human avalanche' Looking at the road, Christian thought 'After I finish recording Vikings and finish my tour to form mafia alliance, I will have to spend more time on technological research and at the same time increase my popularity with the masses.... I will agree to do commercials, movies, series, upload several more albums... maybe I will also model for some brands... I need every person in this world to know my name and know who I am, no matter if they live in Antarctica or in the most remote part of Africa...'

'There is nothing more fickle but at the same time terrifying than public opinion... control it in your favor and the advantages will be enormous...' Sighing, Christian continued with his line of thought 'It is the only way to control the possible damage that the Grey conglomerate will suffer when it comes to light that I betray the country and set up a 'rebellion' to take over the sovereignty of an island.'

'Because if I don't control that...' Shaking his head, Christian muttered "All my mother's hard work in growing the company will go to hell..."

"Blessed nationalism... you'll make my life so complicated" Sighing, Christian turned his gaze to Sarah and sped up, then positioned himself in front of her and motioned with his fingers for her to follow him towards his future nightclub.

The rest of the ride was relatively uneventful, aside from the annoying vehicle traffic and the sweltering sun, nothing disturbed the quiet ride for the duo who just wanted to get out and ride their new motorcycles.

"We arrived..." Parking in front of the large construction au n process in front of him, Christian looked at the big cranes transporting materials while the infallible sound of construction enveloped the whole street.

"Is all this going to be your future nightclub?" Parking the motorcycle, Sarah took off her helmet and asked with surprise.

"The whole block was bought and everything that used to be there was demolished for the new construction" Nodding, Christian continued "It was a bit complicated and even more to have the approval of the nightclub in front of a school, but well, when you have direct contact with the presidency of this country getting that is not difficult at all".

"You like to brag, don't you?"

"Who else could I brag about my accomplishments to? The number of friends I have can be counted on one hand" Chuckling without even taking off his helmet, Christian replied.

Shaking her head, Sarah stared at the construction site and asked, "What will your club be like? The space is certainly big, but don't you think it will be difficult to handle? Usually clubs are smaller so that the atmosphere stays nice."

"You seem to know about nightclubs" Raising his eyebrows, Christian chuckled and continued "But yes, the place is pretty big."


"My plan is to divide the club in different sections, having in each corner a different theme in order to gather most of the tastes of the potential clients, while in the center we will have the main area that different musical themes every day... that will be the area where the main club will be" Smiling while imagining everything already planned, Christian continued "It will have 5 floors in total, it will have private rooms for groups of friends, VIP rooms for the private members of the club, a floor with balcony towards the main room to drink or eat with some more tranquility and-"

"VIP areas? Will you create zones for the rich bastards?" Instantly noting the intentions of the main area, Sarah interrupted.

"Actually yes" Nodding, Christian continued "The 4 outside areas will be less exclusive and while certainly not just anyone will get in, the requirements won't be as high as the main area."

"You do know that Los Angeles is full of nightclubs, don't you? You'll have a hard time getting the clientele you're looking for."

"When your eyes represent a seal of quality and exclusivity, everything is simple" Smiling arrogantly, Christian continued "The whole United States knows what the Grey family represents, that alone will give me the necessary publicity to make this club work perfectly... not to mention that the main room is the most important and certainly the money that will be invested in it will not be less than 10 million dollars just in decoration".

"My plan is to bring in different celebrities to liven everything up, be it singers, actors, I will even bring in some world class DJ's... maybe one every month" Rubbing his neck, Christian continued "The 5th floor is planned to make it totally mine, it will have a bathroom, bed, bar and everything I need to live in, something that will give me a pretty nice view"

"Yet another house?" raising her eyebrows, Sarah snorted "You've got like 1000 houses and hopefully you've been in 3, I assure you you won't spend more than a couple of days in this place and the rest of your life will be abandoned"josei

"Maybe" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian turned his gaze to Sarah and watched her silently for a few seconds, then smiled and continued "You know why I asked you to join me today?"

"To go out and show off the motorcycles?"

"That's not all" Shaking his head, Christian continued "I know that if I propose this to you while you're at home, you won't even think about it, that's how lazy you are."


"How about if I give you this?"


"How would you like to manage this nightclub?" Turning to Sarah with a smile, Christian continued "You would have to take care that everything runs smoothly and make sure the workers fulfill their role."

"..." Looking at Christian quizzically, Sarah asked "Are you sure you're feeling okay? Isn't that helmet of yours taking away your oxygen?"

"I mean it seriously" Getting off the bike, Christian walks over to Sarah and grabs her shoulder, then looks back towards the construction site and smiles "Just imagine how much fun it can be... the club is only a few minutes from the house, you can come whenever you want and you have plenty of free time... fuck, you've already written over 50 books, give yourself a fucking break before those bizarre ideas of yours like the monster with 50 pussies come up again"

Opening her eyes a little wider, Sarah blushed slightly in embarrassment and dodged her gaze as she coughed "*cough* That will never happen again."

Laughing, Christian sighs and looks at Sarah seriously "What do you think of this proposal?"

"Christian... you know what I'm like" Shaking her head, Sarah continued "I don't like noisy environments and for me there is no better pastime than lying on the couch playing something or doing other things."

"So you're not interested in running a nightclub?"

"I won't deny that it sounds interesting and kind of fun, but even if I were to accept it, I know perfectly well that with luck I would come once a month and that would only be at the beginning, since eventually I will get bored and leave it completely aside."

"Are you 100% sure you refuse?"

"I am."

"*Sigh*" Knowing full well that the chances were almost nil, Christian nodded and commented "Anyway, this place will always be open for my dear Sarah in case you change your mind."


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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