
Chapter 360 My Little Girl Is Special

Chapter 360 My Little Girl Is Special

"*Sniff*" Swallowing saliva as a bitter lump tightened his throat, Christian held back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes and took a deep breath, spending the next few minutes inside Elisa's warm embrace slowly regaining his composure.

Being calmer now, Christian took a deep breath and looked up at Elisa, almost intoxicated with love as he saw that loving look in her eyes.

"Elisa..." Gently wrapping his hands around Elisa's cheeks, Christian pressed his forehead to hers and whispered earnestly "I don't know why you suddenly decided to completely come clean with me today... you caught me off guard but you don't know how much I'm lightened by all this..."

"But it bothers me that you think I would ever cut you out of my life" Shaking his head, Christian gently caressed Elisa's lips and continued "Just like you love me, rest assured that my heart beats violently every time I see you... just having you in my life was already one of the greatest blessings I could have had, and believe me when I tell you that the only way they will be able to separate me from you, is with me dead, and even then I will make sure I will take care of you wherever I am"

"How corny" Letting out a small laugh being much calmer thanks to the previous silence, Elisa sighed and kissed Christian's forehead softly.

"I just felt the need to talk about all this... in a few more days you will have to make another trip and in the future you will have to make many more... I won't deny you Christian... I'm afraid"


"What if someday you don't come back?" biting her lips, Elisa whispered "What if someday we only get your cold body? How could I go on living knowing that I lost you and I did nothing to avoid it? It would drive me crazy Christian, I really couldn't bear it..."

"Every time you walk out that door, worry eats at my mind no matter how much I know how skilled and smart you are... I worry about losing you..." Gritting her teeth with a sudden annoyed look, Elisa stretched Christian's cheeks and snorted "You're so dumb!"

"W-why?" blinking in a daze at the sudden change in mood, Christian stammered.

"You always do so many crazy and stupid things, you get on my nerves!"

Frowning slightly, Elisa looked at Christian silently for a few seconds, then sighed and quickly deflated "No... it's impossible for me to get angry."

Laughing softly, Christian gently caressed Elisa's soft cheek and kissed her full lips affectionately, then pressed his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes affectionately "My dear Elisa... I would feel so empty if I didn't have you in my life... although inviting you to live with me was nothing more than a random impulse, I can say that it was without a doubt one of the best decisions of my life."

Smiling softly, Elisa laughed and commented "I'm glad to hear it, but... can't you leave your hands alone for a minute?"

Blinking for a few seconds, Christian felt the warm, soft skin his palms touch and chuckled softly, then gave Elisa's great ass a gentle squeeze and replied "Would you believe me if I told you I just realized I was doing this?"

"So you got under my pants without realizing it?" Raising her eyebrows, Elisa asked.

"That's exactly what happened" Slowly lowering his hands, Christian gently caressed his beloved's warm crotch and sensually bit his lips "Do you remember the last time a situation similar to this happened?"

"Mmmm... I don't remember that we talked about all this before."

"It wasn't that deep of a conversation but you let out a lot of tears because you didn't want me to leave" Slowly weighing his fingers across Elisa's soft, fleshy lower lips, Christian whispered "That night we ended up having a long, heated lovemaking session before I left"josei

"Oh" Opening her eyes a little wider, Elisa chuckled and nodded "I'm sure that day Helen was created that day."

"I thought so too" Nodding, Christian continued "After that day I traveled for several weeks and the date coincides with your pregnancy... how amazing it feels to know that if for some reason you hadn't cried that day, most likely Helen wouldn't exist..."

"But it wasn't like that, that's the important thing" Bringing her face closer to Christian's, Elisa slowly moved closer to Christian's ear and began to lick it slowly while whispering heavily "We have a beautiful baby girl fruit of our love story, a girl who would be very happy with a sister~"

Closing his eyes in pleasure while biting his lips, Christian quickly felt the wetness surrounding his fingers as his face began to flush due to the sudden increase in his blood flow.

Gripping Elisa's buttocks firmly, Christian stood up and carried her in the air, then slowly walked to the room overhanging the bluff and began to entwine his tongue with his 'wife's'.

Laying her down on the couch, Christian took the zipper of his motorcycle suit and began to slowly unzip it under Elisa's misty but attentive eyes, thus initiating another long and passionate session of fun.


Slowly opening his eyes, Christian yawned lazily as his brain quickly came back to life as it did every morning.

Blinking lazily, Christian gently moved his head, clearly feeling a now familiar softness enveloping his face, easily catching a glimpse of two beautiful breasts in front of his eyes.

After a lovemaking session, the rest of the day went on as normal.

Family meals were eaten, peace was enjoyed and after a quiet day, everyone went to sleep.

But having slept all these days in his bed next to Elisa and Sarah, and knowing that he had already 'fed' his two women during the day, Christian didn't think twice about deciding to go to sleep with beloved mother.

"You woke up?"

Hearing the soft voice whispering to him and feeling the caresses in his hair, Christian smiled softly and looked at the breasts in front of his eyes.

Opening his mouth, Christian took a nipple into his mouth and began to suck them gently, causing Eve to chuckle and whisper "My prince is hungry already~?"

Squinting with satisfaction at such a pleasant morning, Christian hugged Eva's waist and draped his leg over his mother's, then closed his eyes again and simply enjoyed the moment.

"It's already 8 am, your little one will wake up in a few minutes and you know the first thing she does in the day is to look for her daddy" Gently stroking Christian's hair, Eva whispered.

"Five more minutes..." Opening his eyes slightly lazily, Christian took the nipple out of his mouth for a few seconds and murmured, then took it back into his mouth and closed his eyes with a peaceful smile.

"What are you doing today?"

"*Sigh*" Taking the nipple out of his mouth, Christian sighed and murmured "I don't know, I think I'll check how the mobilization of the troops to South Korea is going... then I'll spend time with my little girl, in a few more days I'm leaving for Korea and I'll be without her for a long time, so I want to make up for lost time while I can."

"I'm getting everything ready to go to Korea too, shall we go together?"

"How could I refuse that offer?" smiling, Christian lifted his head towards his mother and lifted himself up slightly, then gave her a soft kiss on the lips and lay back down on her breasts "Stay in some mansion we have in Korea, so I can go stay with you"

"And who says we have a mansion in Korea?"

"Don't we have one in every country?"

Chuckling, Eva replied, "But they're the company's, not ours."

Rolling his eyes, Christian snorted "Isn't it the same thing?"

Thinking for a few seconds, Christian commented "I plan to advertise bitcoin as my creation."

Raising her eyebrows, Eva replied "You know that will bring big moves, don't you?"

"I know... I really plan to open a page to trade bitcoins and several other currencies... the great amount of pages with that style, are of unreliable people and in the future they will shred our currencies... I dislike the fact that nowadays they have to show IDs to trade, bitcoin literally loses all sense".

"What are you going to do about the laws? It is known that a strong repression is coming"

"We can start the company in a legal paradise" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian continued "Besides I already asked them to mold the law a little bit so we won't be affected, the rest I'll leave to you"

"When do you plan to release it to the public?"

"Mid 2020, first I will talk to Emily to see the possibility of the site being launched from the quantum computer, so we avoid the problems with hackers and at the same time the speed of the site would literally be magic for the users."

"Mmmmm..." Thinking for a few seconds, Eva nodded "Well, we will have to prepare everything to avoid collateral damage... for starters we have to pull more strings to shape that law, since if everything goes on as it is now, we will get a big bite for taxes... after all, we have dozens of billions of dollars in bitcoin... if they enable taxes on withheld bitcoins, we will have problems with so many taxes."

"But we can avoid that if we open the main branch of the site in a legal yet tax haven, there are several countries that will accept us with open arms."

"But if we add that future company to the conglomerate, even if the tax is much lower, we will still have to shell out billions if we don't take the right steps"

"Mn" Nodding, Christian sighed "Take care of that, if you need any help let me know and I'll make some calls."

"Criticism from the public will increase" Quickly planning in her head everything necessary to take this new integration, Eva sighed "People really seem to detest that one family has so much money"

Chuckling, Christian replied "Those people have no relevance, all that criticism is easily silenced by donating a couple of million dollars to charities... never mind if those charities are yours and you just use them to launder money."

"We've never done that."

"It's for the best, we do not have to give tools that can sink us in the future" Nodding, Christian continued "You have to make sure you keep the company clean of anything that in the future they can use against us, as I assure you that in a couple of years they will be looking for even the tiniest thing to give us sanctions or try to get into the company"

"I always take care of cutting the weeds after they do their job, we don't really even avoid taxes" Shrugging, Eva continued "Sure, we make a thousand moves to pay a small percentage of what we really should pay, but even so everything is within the law and we just take advantage of those loopholes in the law"

"Speaking of laws... how is Aunt Sara?"

"Sara? She's fine, although she's still on vacation while they raise her little boy."

"The child is fine?"

"Of course she is" Smiling softly, Eva continued "You have to see the stupid face Sara has every time she's with her little one, that pair really enjoys every second... although well, the dark circles under their eyes I wouldn't wish on anyone"

"They didn't hire anyone to help them with the baby?"

"They wanted to experience everything as parents, aren't you similar?"

"But our little girl is special-"

*Pa* *Pa*

Hearing a soft tapping on his door, Christian cut off his words and chuckled softly, then sighed and sat up in bed as he whispered, "Get dressed."

"Mn" Smiling warmly, Eva got out of bed and dressed in her pajamas, then grabbed everything dirty from the room and tossed it aside.


*Pa* *Pa*

"I'm coming" Smiling softly, Christian finished putting on a t-shirt and underwear, then walked to the door and looked at the little girl standing in front of him.

Looking at Christian for a few seconds, Helen stretched her arms out towards Christian and murmured even with a sleepy face "Hug..."

Squinting his eyes tenderly, Christian carried Helen in his arms and closed the door, then walked over to the bed and lay down next to Eva "How did you sleep my pretty princess?"

Resting her head on Christian's chest, Helen yawned tenderly and rubbed her eyes, then looked up at Christian and watched him silently, all the while ignoring her smiling grandmother at her side.


Edited By:


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos

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