
Chapter 372 Talk

Chapter 372 Talk

"Goddess is dead..." Looking up with a slight smile as he wrote quietly, Eva commented "Don't you think that's a strong phrase?"

"It's just the title of a chapter of the book" Having his head settled between Eva's breasts, Christian smiled and continued "Under this title, it will talk about the many changes that the catholic church had to absorb other beliefs, especially many barbarian tribes in the Roman times... sincerely what is known today as religion, is nothing more than a chimera of what it should be, having totally changed what the son of the goddess wanted at a time... the most curious thing is that this information is not that this is hidden, if not that it is something that you can easily find in historical records, but still no one seems to talk about this".

"It's not strange at all" Taking a sautéed shrimp from the plate next to him, Eva brought it towards Christian's mouth and continued "The church has enough political and social power in most of the world, censoring something as detailed as this, is not difficult at all".

Chewing contentedly on his food, Christian turned his gaze to the window of the plane and asked "How long until we get there?"

"About 7 hours"

"How lazy" Yawning, Christian continued "How many shrimp are left?"


"Order another 40"

"Do you really like them that much?" Laughing, Eva asked.

"I love them" Nodding, Christian continued "Within the top 3 of my favorite foods, it certainly ranks number one, then would come mushrooms and finally truffles."

"And you don't like lobster? I find it much tastier than shrimp."

"I've never really eaten lobster."

"Never?" Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Eva continued "You've really never eaten lobster?"

"No... I'm pretty simple with my tastes, if you give me a good steak, shrimp and mushrooms, I'm the happiest man in the world"

"Should we hire a good chef? We might as well hire about 8, one of each specialty...Japanese food, Chinese, Italian, French and many more."

"That wouldn't be bad, but I'm really not interested" Smiling, Christian continued "I'd totally prefer to between eating Elisa's delicious food or my mother's lousy food~"

"Hoh, so my food is lousy?"

"Mother, I'm sure, if it wasn't for Google and my help, even the water would burn on you."


"But don't forget I said I prefer your food to that of professional chefs" Chuckling, Christian put the notebook aside and turned to Eva, then kissed her lips and whispered sensually "Well, let's continue where we left off~?"

Being already completely naked as well as Christian thanks to her fun of the flight, Eva giggled and commented as she wrapped her legs around Christian's waist "You better make double the effort to take away this bitterness of knowing I cook badly~"

"It won't be a problem~"


"Korea..." Getting off the plane, Christian put on a pair of fancy sunglasses and looked sideways, then turned to his mother and commented "See you at the hotel."

"Take care and don't forget you have a daughter waiting for you."

"I know" Grabbing his suitcase, Christian walked to the dark van with dark windows and handed the suitcase to the driver who met him, then climbed into the back seat and looked at the woman next to him "Did you wait long?"

Glancing down at her wrist, Envy looked at her watch and commented "22 minutes and 15 seconds."

"Is everything ready?"

"We're just waiting for the estimated time."

"What time is the attack set for?"

"At 22:00, it is the time when all workers should be at home without so many people in the streets, it is also the weakest time for the police, although well... honestly the police in this country are a joke, they don't even know how to use a gun properly and if they use it, most likely they won't hit anything."

"How are your police vehicles? Are they a danger to the escape?"

"It's an even bigger disaster" Laughing while shaking her head, Envy continued "Their vehicles are not much different than the ones the civilians have, in fact if it wasn't that they have a radio to communicate between the police, it would be no different than civilian vehicles... no engine modifications for more speed, no bulletproof glass, no armor on the wheels... a complete disaster, even small countries in South America have better protection."

"We won't complain about making everything easier for us" Chuckling, Christian turned his gaze to the window and watched his mother getting into her own vehicle, then looked back at Envy and asked "Main event still going smoothly?"

"All set for action, I was thinking about possibilities of failure and honestly the biggest impact we would have, would be to have one or two casualties."

"Try to avoid casualties, I'd rather blow up half of Korea than lose someone from our forces."

"I'll keep that in mind" Thinking for a few seconds, Envy asked "Where will you make your appearance?"

"Where is the leader's base?"

"Their main forces are gathered inside a functional school but it's really abandoned, the teachers' public funds are used for alcohol and similar shit."

"How many are in that school?"

"They usually gather around 100 people."

"How many on the murder island?"

"Out of those 100... 97 meet all the requirements, murder, rape, drugs and a lot of it... they really are the worst of the worst"

"And the other 3?"

"The other 3 really aren't that bad, in fact their people don't know it, but they helped the victims many times... we don't know if it's out of remorse or they just still have some humanity, but apart from some fights, they haven't done anything worthy of being killed"I think you should take a look at

"Then we have to let them live" Nodding, Christian continued "Give me 20 people and I want them to surround the school, kill everything that tries to get out except those 3 people... I'll go in and have some fun myself"

"Only 20?" Frowning, Envy continued with annoyance in her voice "Stop doing stupid things, last time you were just as confident and almost died, I'll send you 50 people at least"

"If we were in the middle of a gun war, I'd take them without hesitation, but we're talking about fist warfare, no one beats me at that" Smiling slightly, Christian adjusted his suit tie and continued "Send me just 30 and give me some medics in case of emergency, though I doubt I'll use it... also prepare a group around the Samsung family home, I'll pay them a visit by finishing with the headquarters"josei

"I knew you would do something like this, I've got everything prepared."

"Yes? How nice that you understand me so well" Chuckling, Christian thought for a few seconds and asked "How many will die today?"

"The final count ended at 2832."

"That's a pretty big number"

"We have 1500 soldiers ready to complete it."

"Is the escape route ready?"

"Most will escape to Japan by ship, the rest will travel with weapons and supplies by plane."

Nodding, Christian asked "Where do we go now?"

"We have a safe house just outside of Seoul, we'll be there for now until the planned time"

"Good" Nodding, Christian continued "Did you see the church announcement?"

"How do you plan to proceed? I estimate that in 5 days at the most they will know that you are the true carrier."

"We will take an aggressive defensive position, wait for the attack and then strike back... you have to be careful too, I guess you vetted them already?"

"We already have 176 Templars identified, but we believe there are many more and we are taking the time to check every suspicious person, I estimate that in a month and a half we will have every last one of them recognized."

"Ya open it up to the rest of the girls to keep a low profile for now, especially Wrath who is the loudest" Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "How is everything for Japan?"

"Japan is a very nice area for us just like China, as they have many surveillance cameras everywhere and thanks to that we can always keep track of your 'fiancée'... she doesn't seem too worried either, as she has no security with her"

"It's normal, after all she toured several war zones and the ego easily goes to her head... although it's pretty stupid not to have changed that mentality after she lost so miserably in England"

"Maybe it's just a front for us to attack her."

"Could be, maybe she's waiting for me" Chuckling, Christian continued "Last time I fought her I learned some interesting things, I hope she has some other surprises for me."

Rolling her eyes, Envy thought for a few seconds and spoke "Now the US presidential election is coming up, are you planning on supporting Trump?"

"It wouldn't be having the president on our side, but in this case, I think it's better to have another president come out... Biden is the ideal."


"Because with everything we have to do and everything that will happen in the world, it's better that Biden gets the bad image...we can also help her image to be tarnished even more and so in the future, they won't hesitate to vote for Trump again"

"Give her political party a hard blow...not a bad idea, but it would be problematic if he decides to piss us off."

"Heh, that old lady hopefully remembers her name" Chuckling, Christian continued "Politicians are easy to deal with, they're all so dirty that, relieve just one small part, and they go down instantly"

"Mn" Nodding, Envy asked "You made the smart glasses?"

"Plague is creating the serial codes for each goggle that will only work with each soldier's password, now the goggles with helmet... I was looking at the feasibility and it would have to be full astronaut style helmets, the problem I currently have is the material I should use and the weight feasibility... I plan to use graphite and at the same time make a full suit made of graphite... it's a pretty tough and flexible material."

"Any problems that limit you?"

"The cost of graphite is very high... if we make a complete suit with graphite, I estimate that at a minimum each suit including the two types of helmet will cost around 180 thousand dollars... but with that you make sure that even snipers won't really shoot you down that easily."

"But that's the unit price, isn't it? It's less expensive to do it wholesale?"

"Maybe..." Thinking for a few seconds, Christian continued "If we buy everything in bulk... it should be around the price of $130,000 per suit."

"That's a workable number if we just dress the Elites... we'd have to make around 2000 suits."

"We should start working on the assassin network" Chuckling, Christian continued "We'll need a lot of money with everything we have in mind."

"It would be a good idea that when you finish forming the criminal syndicate, you dedicate yourself to hit all the criminal groups that aren't united and steal their money."

"We would get a good amount of money" Nodding, Christian continued "But for that we should maximize and have groups affiliated with us take over those territories... Mexico has several cartels, we will talk to the Synaloa cartel and take over all of mexico"

"And Colombia?"

"Colombia is dominated by the Cali cartel, and while there are other smaller groups, they are nothing more than trash compared to them, nor are they worth looking at"

"But there are still big groups out of those countries, it wouldn't hurt to clean them up and loot them."

"..." Thinking for a few seconds, Christian nodded "We'll do that, but let's talk to my father first to see if there is a possibility to pressure the tax havens to remove the money from the accounts of these groups, so we can squeeze them out completely."

"Speaking of your father... we already started the collection of criminals, I think in a week we will have them all gathered ready to send them to Russia."

"Try to fish out some person from the church, with the new controversy they started, it will certainly draw attention."

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