
Chapter 49 Fear?

Chapter 49 Fear?

"The police are on their way, can you tell me like your name?"


"That's a nice name Christian, how old are you?"


"Christian, do you have any adults around? Your mom or dad?"

"Mom's out shopping, I'm alone with my younger siblings"

"I see... where are you right now Christian?"

"Next to the body..." Christian muttered in a daze, staring at the woman.

"Is she breathing?"

"I don't think so... he's missing the h-half of his head... I see her b-brain"


"I... I-I'm scared" Christian murmured, as the tremors he had slightly controlled returned.

"Relax Christian, the police are on their way, everything will be fine"

"..." Lowering his gaze to avoid seeing any more of that frightening image, Christian saw something that made him ration again.

Looking again at the woman's face, for a few seconds Christian managed to see his mother's face on the woman, causing him to open his eyes wide, while his hands were shaking heavily.

Closing his eyes tightly, Christian shook his head "It's just my imagination"

Opening his eyes again, Christian sighed as he saw the woman's face return to normal.

Frowning, Christian lowered his gaze, not wanting to have that illusion again, but as he looked down, he was met with a metallic black object.josei

Clenching his fists tightly, Christian took a deep breath, looking at the object that seemed to gleam at the woman's waist 'That's it... A gun'

'A lot of variables... a lot of risk... what if she had wanted to hide in my house? She had a gun and so did the people who attacked her... I couldn't protect my siblings... I promised mom I would protect them... this woman could be Hailie or mom... I... I never want to be alone again' As he replayed those words in his mind, Christian staggered over to the woman and pulled a Glock 17 pistol from his waistband, carefully securing it with his clothing to avoid leaving fingerprints.

If someone were to look into Christian's eyes at this moment, they would be surprised to see his eyes darken a little more, already almost eliminating all light from them, leaving a deep violet with few traces of pink between them.

"Christian? Are you there?"


"Did something happen? You weren't answering me"

"I'm walking home... my siblings are scared because of the gunshots"

"There were gunshots?"

"Yes... those gunshots killed the woman"

"I see... the police are just a few minutes away Christian, please don't cut me off"

"I have to call mom... I'm sorry" Finishing his words, Christian cuts the call, quickly dialing the number Eva left, as he closed the door and walked to the second floor with the gun in his hands.

"Good evening, you are calling Mc Donal's what do you need?" after a few seconds, a woman answers.

"This mom?"


"Eva... Eva Grey"

"Oh, give me a second child, I'll put her on"

"Okay..." Still dazed, Christian reaches his room and looks at the gun, remembering where the safety was from the action movies he watched.

Nodding as he sees it secured, Christian lifts the mattress off his bed and tucks the gun underneath, while slowly his daze was wearing off.

"Christian!? Did something happen!?" After a few seconds, Eva's agitated voice was heard.

"Yes mom...someone died outside our house"


"A woman died outside the house mom...I already called the police"


"She hung up on me..." Staring at his cell phone with a frown, Christian sighed "She should be here by now."

Looking at his hands, Christian frowns as he sees them shaking heavily, but it wasn't that that made him frown, it was the lack of emotions "Why isn't the fear there anymore?"

"Seeing that woman caused me so much terror... so why am I now calm in my thoughts?"

Frowning, Christian turned his gaze towards the door of his sister's room "*Sigh* It doesn't matter, if my siblings see me in fear it would be worse"

Clenching his fists tightly in an attempt to control the control in his hands, Christian gives one last glance towards the mattress and left his room, walking straight towards his siblings room, finding it bolted shut.

"Hailie, it's me"

"C-christian?" after a few seconds, Christian hears a shaky voice.

"Yes Hailie, it's me"

As he finished speaking, a few quick footsteps were heard, until the door opened and a small blonde head peeked out.

"W-what happened?"

"Nothing, they were fireworks, the police are coming to take care that they don't throw any more"

"*Sigh*What a scary thing fireworks are" Holding her hands to her heart, Hailie sighed, then opened the door and let Christian in.

"Where's Alan?" frowning at not seeing the boy, Christian asked.

"He's under the bed, I told him everything would be okay, but he's scared" Hailie smiled.

"Alan, come out, it was just fireworks."

Poking his head out Alan showed his pale face "R-really?"

"Yeah, those people are weird, I don't know why they're using them now if it's not even new year's yet" Christian smiled nonchalantly, leaning back on the bed.

"I-I don't believe you" Alan whispered, not wanting to leave.

"Do what you want, although I'd be more afraid of the spiders that might be under the bed"

"..." Staring in a daze for a few seconds, Alan reacted and quickly got out, then shook himself in despair "Yuck, yuck, yuck! I was under Hailie's bed, now I have fleas!"

"Hey! I don't have fleas!" Hailie exclaimed, puffing out her cheeks angrily.

Smiling softly, Christian felt his body slowly calming down, soothing his worries with the warmth of his family "Hailie, Alan, I want a hug!"

Quickly grabbing the two children, Christian lies down on the bed, hugging his two siblings with each arm.

"I love you dwarves so much!"

"I'm not a midget!" Alan exclaimed angrily.

"..." While Hailie just remained silent at his comment and let herself be hugged.


But just as Alan wanted to continue fighting, a loud scream rang out below, causing everyone to get out of bed.

"I'll tell Mom you called me a midget!" sticking his tongue out mockingly, Alan ran for the exit, only to be stopped by Christian.

"Now is not the time" Shaking his head, Christian came out first "Mom is scared of the fireworks that's why she got here fast, let's tell her we're fine."

"...Fine" Alan nodded with a pout, walking out with Hailie.

They didn't even make it down the stairs and ran into a worried Eva, who was disheveled and sweaty.

"Are they okay!?"

Hugging the 3 children quickly, Eva asks.

"Yes mom, Alan and Christian were scared by the fireworks, but I took care of them" Hailie replied with a proud smile.

"Mom you're crushing me, let go!" Alan exclaimed, squirming to get out of the hug.

Moving closer to the ear of the confused Eva, Christian whispers "I didn't tell them what happened outside, I lied to them saying it was fireworks"

Understanding the situation, and more so seeing the dead body only a few feet away from her house, Eva looked at her eldest son with concern, but quickly adjusted her expression and smiled quickly "I see, I was scared since my children never heard fireworks up close"

"I wasn't scared Mom!" spoke Hailie quickly.

"I know, my little girl is the bravest and strongest" Smiled Eva, gently stroking the little girl's hair "I'm glad you'll take care of your siblings"

"Hehe~" Hailie smiled.

"Now go to your room and go to sleep it's getting late"

"But mom, I want to play with my console!" protested Hailie.

"Mom, I don't want to sleep yet!" continued Alan.

"I already told you that you must sleep, I won't accept retorts!" Reprimanded Eva in a stern voice.

With pouts on their lips, Hailie and Alan nodded.

Smiling, Eva kisses Hailie and Alan's forehead "Good night my children, sleep well"

"Goodnight mom" They spoke at the same time, causing them both to open their eyes wide then turn away angrily.

"Don't copy me" They spoke again at the same time.

"Mom, he's copying me!" Turning at the same time, they point at each other and exclaim.

Smiling at their bickering, Eva waved her hand "Go to sleep"

Looking at each other for the last time, they both nod and walk towards their rooms.

"*Sigh*" Seeing them leave, Eva quickly turned to Christian, hugging him quickly "My boy, what happened!?"

"Let's go downstairs mom" Shaking his head, Christian takes his mother's hand and leads her downstairs, then making her sit on the couch and climbing on her legs, hugging the woman's neck tightly.

"I was painting and... shots rang out outside the house" Christian murmured, resting his head on Eva's chest "At first I was afraid that someone wanted to break into the house, so I took my siblings to Hailie's room and told them to lock themselves in until I got there"


"Then I went downstairs and took a knife in case someone would come into the house, but no one came..."


"As I looked out of the window... I saw her... a person lying on the floor"


"I thought she might need help, so I went outside with your cell phone to call 911... but that's when I saw her"

"She was dead mom...someone killed her" Christian murmured in a daze, as his fist clenched tightly "she was just a woman...I don't understand why they would hurt her..."

Although Christian knows that this world is not like his, that women are not beings that need to be defended, he still cannot bear the sadness and discomfort of seeing situations like these.

"My baby boy" Hugging Christian tightly, Eva whispered "It's okay, mommy's here"


Saturday, January 23, 2010.

That chilling day was behind us, the police left the scene a week ago, returning the whole place to normal.

Christian was still wondering where the feelings he had at that moment went, but little by little he left the subject behind thanks to Eva who pampered the child every second, showering him with affection and love.

From that day on Eva quit her jobs and found another one in a coffee shop, where she was not required to work nights or weekends, thus spending all her time with her children.

Christian's book was already published 2 weeks ago, and in a few days they will tell him how it did in sales, while all his other novels were already patented, including the last book he decided to write, Da Vinci: The Secret Code.

Needless to say, he had to make a lot of modifications to adapt it to this world, but it is one of the books he most enjoyed reading in his other world, giving him a lot of motivation in the process.

At school everything has been going well, Emily learned to hide her tracks with his mother's second book and the girl is having a lot of fun filtering into different systems, something Christian watched in amazement.

Needless to say that Christian has already read and understood all 3 books, and his opinion is simple, those books are a beast.

He is sure that not even studying computer security would have as much information as described in those books, even Christian has the suspicion that getting into the FBI data would be easy, especially after reading the third book where they talk about the security of different companies and countries.

Emily's mother was so amazing, that she left data on how to get into Google's system without being detected, leaving a backdoor into their systems virtually unrecognizable.

Even Christian usually thinks what happened with that woman, because many times in his books he left words for his future daughter, remarking that the books were for her, implying that he planned to go somewhere, but her future daughter was still in his mind.

Right now Christian was with a big smile looking at the screen, while Hailie was firming her hair in frustration.

"Decapitated!" A bleeding image appeared on the screen, while a woman raised a head in the background.

"You're horrible at this~" Christian smirked, stretching out with the console controller in his hand.

"How come you beat me in every fight!?" Hailie exclaimed in frustration "You're a man, men aren't supposed to know how to play games!"

"I'm not just any man, I'm Christian Grey, the best at everything there is!" smiled Christian proudly "You should be happy that you lost to me, not everyone gets that chance!"

"I won't take it, let's play again!"


But when they were about to restart the game, Eva came to the side with her cell phone in hand.

Turning his eyes with confusion, Christian receives the cell phone "Who is it?"

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