
Chapter 55 Discomfort

Chapter 55 Discomfort

"I must tidy everything up!" Looking everywhere nervously, Eva leaves the room and goes to her other children's room, dedicating the rest of the day to cleaning the whole house, mowing the lawn in the entrance, and fixing everything she left for later.

Christian just looked sideways at his anxious mother, not knowing what was wrong with the woman, but not noticing sadness or anything similar, he just shrugged his shoulders and went about his business.

The day passed quickly, Eva was already exhausted from everything, so making sure everything looks presentable, she lay down on the couch "*sigh*"

Putting his sketchbook aside, Christian turns to his sweaty mother and asks "Did something happen?"

"A teacher is coming to see you tomorrow" Rolling her eyes, Eva replies with a tired smile.

"A teacher? What for?"josei

"He wants to meet you, and incidentally see your research in mathematics" Rubbing the boy's hair, Eva answered proudly.

But to Christian those words only made him frown 'Mom told someone about the answers to the 7 millennium questions... that has a lot of risks, the professor might be a bastard who wants to steal my research and since the theories can't be patented, I couldn't do anything'

"You don't like the idea?" Seeing the frown on the boy's face, Eva asks with concern.

"No, it's all right... thanks, mom" Knowing that his mother knows nothing of the scientific or mathematical world, Christian smiles nonchalantly, knowing full well that everything his mother does now, is for his good.


Saturday, February 27, 2010.

It was 9:30 in the morning and mother and son Grey were already on their feet.

Hailie and Alan were still asleep, Eva didn't bother to wake them up so early for something of no importance to them.

"Christian put on your clothes, the professor must be coming soon!"

"I refuse!" shouted Christian stubbornly, running from his mother who is chasing him with his clothes "If that professor thinks formal clothes are something important, it's because he's a fool!"

"But Christian, it's important that you are well presented, this can be an important opportunity for you" Explained Eva with frustration, looking directly at the boy who was watching her cautiously.

"Mom, you have to understand that, if that teacher sees me informal clothes, whenever I see him I will have to wear clothes like that, that's very uncomfortable!"


"But if he sees me in my pajamas, even if I join him in my bathing suit, he won't make a big deal out of it, since he'll take my casual attire as my normal!"

"..." Staring in disbelief at the boy giving her absurd arguments, Eva could only give up, knowing that when this boy says something, he follows through "Okay, wear your dinosaur pajamas, but at least close it tight, your chest is showing!"

Looking down, Christian sees that the zipper of his pajamas was already reaching down his stomach, exposing his nakedness underneath.

"Okay, it's a deal" Nodding, Christian zippers it up then turns around and rearranges the dinosaur's tail, since it had gotten bent from running.

"*Sigh*" Looking at the boy carefully arranging his tail, Eva couldn't help but smile softly at the tenderness she feels, thinking that buying those pajamas, was the best decision she could have made regarding clothes.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Freezing for a moment, Eva looks at Christian, who didn't even flinch from the blows "Christian must be the teacher, come with me to meet him"

"*Sigh*" Finishing arranging his tail to keep his pajamas from getting ruined, Christian stands up and looks at the door with narrowed eyes "Right"

Taking his mother's hand, Christian walks to the door with Eva, but upon opening it he didn't notice that not only was there an old man, but two women accompanying him, an older woman and a woman in her 30s.

"Ms. Eva?" asked Professor Andrew with a friendly smile.

"Y-yes, come in" Moving to the side, Eva invites the 3 people in.

"Thank you so much for your kindness" With the same kind smile, Professor Andrew enters, followed by the two women who nod in thanks to Eva.

Professor Andrew has an air of the typical kind and cordial professor, his face was slightly wrinkled, while his hair had black colored areas, while everything else was silver from his obvious old age, his height was 5'6".

The man was dressed in a black formal suit, while his back was slightly hunched, but considering that the man is approximately 60 years old, he is relatively in a good condition.

"Please have a seat" Indicating the couch to him, Eva smiles.

"Thank you" Nodding, Andrew takes a seat followed with the two women, but now staring at the boy in his pajamas and speaks to him "Let me introduce us"


"I am Andrew Tyson, head professor in the mathematics department at Harvard University" Turning his gaze to the other older woman next to him "This is my wife and co-worker, Jean Tyson."

Jean Tyson had a strict and serious look on her face, looking at the boy with furrowed brows. Her face was quite a bit more wrinkled than Andrew's, her hair was completely white, while she was a bit overweight.

"..." Jean looked towards Eva and nodded in greeting.

Turning her gaze to her other side, she introduces the younger woman "This is the head of the Psychology department at Harvard University, Kira Martinez"

Kira Martinez shared Andrew's kind and smiling gaze, ever since she walked in, her gaze never left Christian. Her face was quite beautiful to say the least, dark eyes and brown hair, she was about 5'6", while wearing a formal suit and quite tight on her mature body, accentuating her curves perfectly, causing Christian to look at her twice before acting normal again.

Smiling, Kira spoke looking at Eva and Christian "Good morning, Mrs. Eva, good morning little dinosaur"

"Good morning" Smiling, Eva waves, while Christian just nods towards Kira.

"Δεν νομίζω ότι αυτό το παιδί είναι τόσο ξεχωριστό" (I don't think this boy is so special-Greek)" Teacher Jean spoke, looking with disguised disgust at the house, but in Christian's eyes, her look couldn't be more obvious and irritating.

""Γριά κυρία, ούτε εσύ φαίνεσαι πολύ, τώρα σεβάσου τα σπίτια των άλλλων ή φύγε" (Old woman, you don't look like much either, now respect other people's houses or leave-Greek) Christian snorted, looking at the woman with narrowed eyes "I don't care who you are Mrs. Jean, but if we are kind enough to let you into our home, you should be grateful and ready, not look at everything with those disdainful eyes of yours. .. now if you find our home too humble for you, you can leave, it doesn't matter"

"Is something the matter Christian, did Madame Jean upset you in any way?" Raising her eyebrows, Kira asked quietly, while Eva was starting to worry.

"Ever since she walked in, Professor Jean took to looking at my house with disdainful eyes, when she sat down and touched our couch with her hand, she quickly wiped it off with her clothes, she puts me in doubt in Greek, among several things that bothered me about her" Turning to the psychologist Kira, Christian asked with a bored look "That enough to bother me? Because I think anyone would be annoyed in our place."

"..." Furrowing her eyebrows, Kira turns her gaze towards the woman, who was looking at the boy angrily, while Professor Andrew was looking at everything with interest "Is it true Professor Jean?"

"What nonsense are you talking child?" furrowing her eyebrows, Professor Jean looks at Christian with a cold look "I'm surprised that you speak Greek, but I didn't insult you, I just questioned what they talk about you"

"You don't have to lie to my face Mrs. Jean" Christian replied with a bored look "Shame on you for having to lie and excuse yourself to a child, if you didn't want to come to my home, just don't come"

"Christian, that's enough" Squeezing Christian's hand a little tighter, Eva reprimands him.

Frowning, Christian looks up at his mother and nods "Fine..."

But, even though Eva scolded Christian, she wouldn't let the woman's disrespect go, no matter that she didn't notice anything "Mr. Andrew, you told me you were coming, not the people accompanying you, might I know the reason you are coming with a psychologist and your wife?"

"I'm sorry I didn't inform you in advance but understand that I don't know these places and my wife used to live in Detroit, that's why she served me as a guide" Smiling guiltily, Mr. Andrew excused himself, then turning his gaze to Kira "And the psychologist came to see Christian, she heard about him with Jordan, causing curiosity to win her over and force me to bring her, I'm sorry if her presence made you uncomfortable"

Turning to Christian, Professor Andrew apologized "I'm sorry for my wife's attitude, she is very introverted and usually spends all her time studying, I had to beg her to come with me, that's why she doesn't know how to relate well with people"

Pursing his lips, Christian glanced sideways at the woman who was looking at him angrily "Fine, I'll be the bigger hearted person and let the grievances pass"

"Thank you very much, Christian" Smiling softly, Professor Andrew bowed his head slightly.

"Hmph" With a snort, Jean turned her head away, no longer bothering with the boy.

But, although Christian pretended not to notice anything, inside his wariness was at an all-time high 'That woman tested me, she spoke in a different language to find out if I knew, for something she looked me straight in the eyes at that moment, Professor Andrew let it all happen, observed everything while looking at me... he could even excuse himself with truths, without lying, keeping a friendly and passive attitude.... he also said he regrets that Kira's presence made mom uncomfortable, causing her not to be able to say more or else she would imply that the woman is not really accepted, something that breaks her purpose in having these people here... the only person who seems to have no ulterior motives is Kira, but I can't trust her, she comes with them after all... I don't like this at all'

"Christian, come, sit next to me" Smiling amicably, Kira patted the seat next to him.

Turning his head towards Eva, Christian asked with his gaze, receiving a confirmation from her as he nods his head.

Letting go of his mother's hand, Christian reaches to Kira's side, grabs his pajama bottoms, and sits down carefully, avoiding wrinkling or folding his tail.

"Tell me, Christian... I heard that you really like math, is that so?" moving a little closer to the boy, Kira asks kindly, staring into Christian's violet eyes.

"I don't know who told you that, but it's a big blasphemy, I've never liked mathematics, less now that it's so easy" Shaking his head, Christian answered truthfully, remembering how easy it was to write down mathematical theories with the little information he gathered.

"Oh, so you don't like math?" arching her eyebrows, Kira asked.

"It's not that I don't like them, I just find them boring and that's it, not everything has to be like or dislike, that's why I told you I've never liked them and not that I dislike them"

"I see, so you may be working on math, but you wouldn't like doing it would you?"

"That varies, as there may be areas that I like, I didn't study everything in mathematics as to say that I would never like to do it"

"You have some pretty complicated thinking, don't you think?"

"Lately I've noticed that I do, I always question everything, sometimes it's annoying as I question myself most of the time"

"That sounds difficult, does it?"

"I would say yes, but it helps quite a bit to have my family, they usually distract me from those thoughts"

"It's good that you think of your family as support, but don't you think just relying on them for your stability is wrong?"

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