
Chapter 62 Event

Chapter 62 Event

Touching her head with a grimace, Hailie nodded "Sorry..."

"*Sigh*" With a sigh of relief, Eva nodded towards Christian, then turned to Hailie "We'll talk later young lady."

"Yes, mom..." Ducking her head, Hailie nodded.

Clapping his hands for attention, Christian smiles "Good, let's go downstairs our transport should be waiting for us."


Leaving the hotel, Christian looks at the limo and walks with his family, but upon arrival, they find the woman driving yelling at a girl about 12 years old.

Frowning, Christian walks over and hears "I'm sick of people like you!"


"Because they just don't work and stop begging all over the place!"

Knowing what the conversation is about, Christian steps in between and looks at his driver with a scowl "Stop shouting"

"I'm sorry" Apologizing, the woman looked at the girl angrily "We always have to get her off this street, we've told her many times to stop begging for money around here because she annoys the guests, but she doesn't understand"

"It's okay, you can go back to the car" Looking boredly at the driver, Christian gave her no more attention and turned to the girl "What's your name?"

With embarrassment and visible discomfort, the girl replies "Madison"

"Where do you live madison?" looking doubtfully at the girl wearing clothes that look like rags, Christian asks.

"I live at Black orphanage."

Hearing the name of the orphanage, Christian's pupils shrunk to the point that they looked like pins, while his hands trembled slightly 'That orphanage shit... does this world exist too?'


Remembering all the shit he experienced in that place, Christian felt a certain familiarity with the girl "Tell me Madison, what do you need money for?"

"..." Awkwardly, the girl looks sideways.

"Don't plan to run away, I just want to talk to you" Knowing what she thinks from her gestures, Christian takes Madison's hand.

Startled, Madison waves her hand and lets go of Christian "Sorry, I can get you dirty"

Frowning even more, Christian thought 'In the orphanage... either you become an unbearable bastard or you become a shy child, this girl is the latter'

"Madison, what do you need money for?"

"I-I..." Grabbing her clothes, Madison spoke, "I want to pay for a gym and a trainer."

Arching his eyebrows at her answer, Christian asked doubtfully "What do you want to go to a gym for?"

"I'm going to be the best UFC fighter in the world" The girl murmured, causing Christian's eyebrows to arch even more at the conviction in her voice.

"How much do you need?"

"Five thousand dollars..."

"Why don't you work?"

With bitterness, Madison sighs "No one hires me, no matter what the job..."josei

Nodding, Christian remembers how many times he was rejected, but smiling, he approaches the girl's ear and speaks "Try dressing up in something interesting in Time Square, when you see a tourist make sure they take a picture with you and you charge them up to 15 dollars, it's a great trick to make money."

After saying that, Christian turned and walked to his mother "Mother, lend me your card for a moment."

With a frown, Eva took her card out, while Hailie and Alan were already in the car.

"Don't move Madison" Looking at the girl with narrowed eyes, Christian walked to the hotel's ATM and took out money, then took a plastic bag from the trash and put all the money inside.

Approaching the girl, Christian looks her straight in the eyes and speaks "Here is $15,000, you will know how to spend that money... but in the future I will come to collect it from you, don't forget my name, I'm Christian Grey."

The girl received the bag in a daze, while Christian turned and walked towards the vehicle "If I were you I would run, girl... you have a lot of money in your hands and that attracts bad intentions... don't forget to hide it from those people at the orphanage, because if they find out you will be in the bones."

With those last words, Christian climbed into the limousine with his mother and the car departed, but looking out the window, Christian saw the girl tightly clutch the bag to her chest and run, causing a smile to flash across her face.

"..." Eva merely looked at her son with a frown, making no attempt to talk to him about his rampant spending, as she too heard what the poor girl said, causing sympathy to win out over responsibility.

"It's awful, isn't it?" staring at the window in a daze, Christian spoke.

"What is?"

"We are wearing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of clothes, but that little girl must be lucky to eat 3 times a day."


"Cases like that are millions all over the world, but people just live in their bubble of safety, believing that everything in this world is normal."


"But those people when they see someone like Madison they get indignant about stupid things, not knowing what that poor girl lives through every day... all because inside it brings them back to the ugly reality, a reality that they don't want to accept."


"But the worst of all is that the people who get to see that reality do nothing... most of them talk about how unfair and ugly the world is for these young people, but at night they get to their warm homes, eat their 3 meals a day and go to sleep... without doing anything to change anything... days later they will no longer think about the issue and they will continue on their own"


"Do you know how many times a little girl on the street like Madison hears the word 'No'?"


"Approximately 2 million times a year..."


"After that, the kids who grew up in that environment mostly become criminals or something similar... in that case stupid people get even more outraged, accusing that they are just people without conscience."


"Without taking into account that they were an innocent child before... a child who in their worst moments was rejected by everyone... a child who the only thing they knew was the cold side of humanity."


With those words, Christian spoke no more, reflecting on his own words.

The car continued on its way, Eva only looked at her child with concern, as his words caused her bitterness, but not knowing what to say, she just remained silent and hugged her child, thus sharing her warmth.

But on the way, Christian abruptly got up from the seat and pressed the button for the driver to stop the vehicle.

As he stopped, the woman opened the middle window and hesitantly asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, give me 15 minutes, I want to buy something" Christian replied, then turned to his mother "I'm going to that store, I'll be back right away"

Without letting her answer, Christian got out and walked to the store that was still next to the car, so that 10 minutes later he returned with a ukulele in his hands.

Getting into the car, Christian leaned back on his mother's chest and they continued their journey.

"What's the ukulele for?"

"To engrave myself in your hearts" Christian smiled mysteriously.

The boy had been planning things for tonight for some time, but no one but him would know the chaos he would cause.


Arriving at the venue, Christian looks out and sees that the place is full of people and reporters.

"Where are we?" asked Hailie with confusion at the sight of so many people.

​ "Juilliard School, it has a big conservatory where the great scientists from all over the world will gather."

"There are so many people..." Eva murmurs as she sees how people keep arriving.

"It's a normal thing, these people are important in every country, a fundamental pillar for the evolution of society, not to mention that today shows who answered very important questions for science" Christian answered, looking with a sly glint in his eyes at the reporters outside the place.

"It's time to leave, but before that listen to me" Smiling, Christian looks at his family seriously and speaks "The trick to get the media to love you, is to be cute and cuddly..... no not that, it's to smile and wave, got it?"

"Smile and wave, got it" Hailie nodded quickly.

"Smile and wave... that's easy" Alan muttered, looking somewhat nervously at the people outside.

"*Sigh* Well, Professor Andrew told me to call him when I get there to come and get me" Picking up his cell phone, Christian calls.

"Professor? Yes, I'm here... yes, I'm in a black limo... hahaha, it's for my siblings to experience more luxury... fine, I'll wait for you" Hanging up the cell phone, Christian smiles "He's coming, mom, could you carry my ukulele?"

Nodding with a smile, Eva spoke "No problem."

After a few minutes, they see Professor Andrew approaching with his wife, while reporters follow them with several cameras.

"The time has come."

Clenching his fists tightly for a moment, Christian relaxed and opened the vehicle door, instantly being blinded by several lights above him, but knowing that was coming, he put out his best smile and waved to everyone.

"Hello everyone" Smiling softly, Christian got out of the vehicle and held the door for the rest of his family to get out.

Although reporters snapped pictures, none came over to interview or ask any questions, they all waited a few feet away from the children.

"Christian, you made it!" with a gentle smile, Professor Andrew walks up and hugs the boy, all being photographed instantly.

"Professor Andrew, is that the boy you've been talking so much about?" Quickly asked a woman to the professor, as she brought her microphone closer.

Finishing his hug, the professor nodded and spoke "Yes, the Christian Grey, known for his theories under the pseudonym of C. L. Grey, while the people next to him are his family."

But at that, a reporter approaches Eva and asks with a friendly smile "Hi, I'm Steve Miller from CNN, could I ask your son a few questions?"

"That's for him to decide" Smiling, Eva looks at Christian.

Looking at his new watch, Christian nods "Sure, but just a few, the event starts in 15 minutes and there is no time to spare."

"Thank you" Approaching Christian, the man crouches down a little to reach his height and looks into the camera "Christian, we'd like to know a little more about you, what could you tell us?"

"I could say a lot with that question, but I'll say the gist" Smiling, Christian looks at the man and speaks "I'm Christian Grey, son of Eva Grey, I come from a humble home in mile 7 Detroit, I'm 10 years old, I'm still in school... and I don't know what else to say anymore."

Smiling awkwardly, Christian looks at the man, waiting for him to ask more.

"Looks like you're still a little nervous" Smiling sweetly towards the camera, Steve then turns to Christian "Christian, thanks to Professor Andrew we found out that you were able to answer 4 of the famous millennium questions, could you tell us what your motivation was and how you arrived at the answer?"

"The truth is I had nothing that motivated me to answer them" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian continued "It may sound implausible, but I just saw the questions, and curiosity got the better of me along the way I ran into a lot of roadblocks, that's when I realized I was in a whole new world, it wasn't simple math. but that did not take away my curiosity, it increased it, causing me to end up looking for more information or people who could give it to me from there my mother managed to contact Professor Andrew and Miss Jean it was thanks to their guidance that I was able to absorb the right knowledge and achieve what you know today."

"Your curiosity must be pretty unbridled if that's your only motivation" Smiling, Steve continued "Christian, I notice you have a pretty mature attitude for your age, Harvard professors even call you a child genius, you think you are one?"

"..." Pursing his lips, Christian nodded "Yes, the truth is that it would be hypocritical of me to say that I don't consider myself a genius, because if I am, I have no problem admitting it."

"Those are pretty safe words" Smiling, Steve nodded "But that's the attitude a genius should have... Christian, today it came out that you were nominated for 4 science awards, setting a record as the youngest person to do so, what do you think of that?"


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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