
Chapter 65 Short History

Chapter 65 Short History

"Indeed, but I use a pseudonym...the truth is no big secret, I write under the pseudonym C. L. Grey, the same name I used when delivering the mathematical theories."

"Christian, you're saying you're the writer of Harriet Potter, Game of Thrones, and The Lady of the Rings?" Arching her eyebrows, another reporter stepped a little closer and asked.

"Exactly, those are the books I published a year ago at Star editorial, I'm flattered you know them" Smiling politely, Christian replied calmly.

"Christian, if what you say is true, considering those 3 books are National Best Sellers, you could be considered the youngest man to ever become a millionaire?"

"I guess you could say that" Christian nodded.josei

"Christian, what do you think about the awards you won today?"

"I actually feel quite flattered to be recognized, even more so knowing that I was able to contribute to the scientific community that works so hard to better our society."

"Christian, we heard you talk about donating the prize to charity, how can we know you kept your promise?"

Turning his gaze to the woman who asked that, Christian spoke seriously "I don't care if the media or people confirm it, I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for those who really need it... that's why when I hand out the donations, it will be all in private, but if the organizations I choose want to talk about it, I wouldn't mind"

"Christian, every child is known to have a hero in their heart, can we know who you look up to?"

Blinking for a few seconds, Christian turns to the woman who asked and smiled "My mother obviously."

"Could you tell us why?"

Turning to his mother, Christian smiles softly "Reasons are in the thousands... you could say she is the reason for me overcoming every day..."

Turning to the reporters, Christian changed his expression to a serious one and spoke "I know that the details of our life will be known sooner or later, that's why I will go ahead and speak myself to avoid adding false information, with that, you will understand why she is the woman I admire the most."

Christian gave a detailed summary of his life, including his hardships, sadness, insecurities, even the abuse he received from his father and the children at school, but always praised his mother for her dedication to them and giving him the love he so very much needs.


"But what I love most about that she always unconditionally believed in me.... no matter what I tried to do, she always supported me every step of the day I approached my mother and told her that I wrote a book, telling her about how I would like to publish it for others to read."


"I think normally parents wouldn't take into consideration about publishing the book, or maybe they would see if the book was any good first... but my mother smiled at me right away and agreed."


"The next day we were already patenting it and a few days later she took me to see a publisher."

"We arrived at Lyon Editorial... because we didn't have an appointment, the publisher had rejected us... but my mother begged the receptionist and managed to get them to let us in... although it didn't work out well.

"At the publishing house we were greeted by a rude editor, she didn't even bother to read my book and threw us out with insults, the funniest thing about the situation was that she insulted us in French, a language I know"

"But we didn't give up and visited Star Editorial... there we were welcomed with a smile and managed to reach an agreement."

"After that everything got even better, mom spent all her free time with us, I managed to connect with my siblings, my books were published... I realized that I was happy and that I could smile from my heart"

"After that, I became interested in art, my mother didn't hesitate and bought me everything I needed, no matter that money was still tight."

"Then it was mathematics, again I received all her support, she even managed to get me in touch with the professors at Harvard so I could receive support from them"

"With my books, the money was coming in steadily, but my mother never wanted to use it at home, always insisting that it was mine and that I should keep it or spend it on whatever I wanted" Smiling fondly, Christian turned to his mother, who already had red eyes "You don't know how stubborn this woman can be... but I managed to get my way and forced her to let me help her at home"


"No matter how hard things were... no matter how tired I was... my mother always gave her all to get us through with a smile on her face"

"You don't know how much I appreciate this woman... she is my motivation to keep going... she is my reason to smile... she is my everything, she is my mother" Smiling with teary eyes, Christian finished his words.

The boy's words managed to touch the hearts of many people in the place, some people cried like children, while others just looked at him with sympathy, but overall, all the looks changed quickly.

'I guess it worked' Looking at everyone's emotional expressions, Christian smiled inwardly. Christian isn't stupid, he knows that there are people with even sadder stories than his, story where these journalists wouldn't even react, but there are two fundamental points that no normal adult can resist, children and tenderness, Christian has both, causing everything to be even more heartbreaking for these people.

"*Sniff* Sorry for asking something so delicate" Quickly wiping away tears, the woman who asked quickly apologized.

"It's okay, I chose to talk to you about my life" Smiling softly, Christian replied, then looked towards all the reporters and asked "Does anyone else have a question? We're tired from the event and want to get back to the hotel."

"Christian, could you tell us what you want to do now? But if you can't, don't worry" asked a woman with a soft look on her face.

Smiling, Christian shook his head "It's ok, I promised I would answer your questions and I keep my words... the truth is that I have quite a few projects in mind, from technology to more books, but right now I am looking at some companies within the internet sphere and I am interested in investing in them... I already contacted a lawyer and in a few days should start talks."

"So now you are thinking about creating technology and at the same time investing in them?" asked another woman.

"Something like that, I was researching the market and I found it fun, I guess in a while you should have results of what I am talking about today."

"Christian, from the studio they are comparing you to Henri Holmes, founder of the Theranos company, what do you think about it?"

Hearing that, Christian frowned and looked at the woman seriously for a few moments, then sighed and spoke "May I know your name?"


"Gabriella, look into my eyes" Pointing to her eyes, Christian looked seriously at the woman "When I said inside that my eyes can see things that others can't, I wasn't lying... just like now I can tell that your real name isn't Gabrielle, no?"

"No... Gabrielle is my work name" In a daze, the woman nodded.

"I don't like to start conflicts, but as you may know I'm a writer, so let me tell you the summary of a story" Smiling mysteriously, Christian looked up at the sky.

"A few years ago, a cute little boy was born... the boy was just like any other, he liked to play, have fun, and was happy."

"Until one day he discovered the world of luxury... that day, the boy dreamed of being a millionaire".

"His parents just smiled at his dream, as they found it adorable."

"But what they didn't know, is that this dream would become an obsession... this obsession made him manipulative, but at the same time intelligent... the boy grew up reading and watching stories of great people who managed to become millionaires and respected from nothing, causing his obsession to become bigger and bigger"

"People said, if you want to be a millionaire and respected, be like them... the man failed to understand the true meaning of those words and took the role of being like someone else seriously ..."

"With time, the boy became a man and changed everything about himself, his way of dressing, his voice, even his smile... everything to be like those great people, forgetting along the way, who he was."

"The man with his goal in mind entered the university as that great person he wished to imitate, only to later leave and fulfill his first step, just like those great people..."

"But the man had a big flaw, he didn't have the intelligence of that great person he wanted so much to copy nor much less had a sad story to tell like most of those great people... but the man didn't give up... in order to achieve his dream, he invented a sad past for people to see that he has a goal beyond money... and thanks to his great but stupid imagination, the boy managed to create an imaginary object... that object was strange, it had incredible legs and it came with a name engraved on it, it was called 'lie'"


"'Lie' was incredible, the man knew that it would be a great furor and that people would be shocked, everyone would want to see that object running with its incredible legs, thus achieving his great dream, but in everything, there was a problem."


"Knowing that people hate everything that is called a lie, he sent to create the best possible disguise, thus managing to disguise the object with legs and hide its true appearance, and then force that object to use its legs and run without stopping... but there he realized that the disguise had a problem.... . when 'lie' ran, the disguise came off quickly... but that didn't frustrate the man, who was already blinded by his dream... with a little work, he managed to make that every time 'lie' ran, the people who saw him would leave the place so that when 'lie' lost his disguise, no one would see him."

"But what the man didn't expect, is that the object as it has legs, would sooner or later limp from so much running... so the day he least expected it, the object limped and fell down in front of everyone, causing the costume to fall off and 'lie' to come out into the open..... people were outraged at the man, but in his little mind, the man never accepted that it was his fault, but constantly blamed those who created the object's disguise, even accused the people around him of trying to replicate his sympathy trick, but until the end of his days, the man always believed he was the victim, as his plan was always to pretend that 'lie' was 'truth', until, in some magical way, the lie became truth, regardless of all the hurt people in between... the end..."

Smiling, Christian looked at the reporters and smiled in such a way, that his eyes narrowed from his big smile "So how about it, did you like the story?"

"..." With silence all over the place, Christian accomplished his task.

After a few seconds, Gabriella came out of her stupor and asked with astonishment "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm not trying to say anything Miss Gabrielle" Smiling sweetly, Christian continued "I'm just saying that that man in my story, fooled everyone with that imaginary object, people thought it was amazing that that object ran, but no one ever took the time to fully see how that object ran, If was said that it ran for hours without stopping, then people would leave the place and come back when 'Lie' was already still and in it's disguise."


"But you know the worst thing?"


"Is that every time 'Lie' ran, it caused a lot of people to get hurt, because, although 'Lie' had legs, it had no eyes, causing it to hit all the people who believed in the object disguise."


"Isn't it sad? That a cute little kid loses his head over something as stupid as being a millionaire... I'm thinking of casting him as a psychopath since usually, psychopaths have the 'OBSESSION' of being a millionaire... or CEO"

Looking up, Christian asked with his same smile "Does anyone have another question?"


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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