
Chapter 67 Advances

Chapter 67 Advances

But that did not take away the success of the book, being currently one of the best sellers along with the first part of Lovecraft, having sold more than 12,000,000 copies in the United States alone, while the publisher is already in talks to publish it outside the country.

Christian is 100% sure that, if it were a few years ago, he would have been burned alive for this book, but today, it is something that attracts a lot of attention, proving that the more controversial a book is, the more it sells.

All this accumulated between all Christian's books, 53,000,000 copies sold, ending with a large sum of money for the boy, accumulating more than 160 million dollars.

As for investments, everything went great, Whatsapp already has 40 million users after the new improvements it had, Christian's investments and ideas were a great help in the whole process, making it be seen by many internet titans, but unfortunately for them, it was already openly said that they are not looking for investors.

Zoom, Airbnb, Uber, and Tesla were also apart of Christian's shares, having 23% of Zoom for $5 million, 29% of Airbnb for $4 million, 24% of Uber for $23 million, and finally Tesla, he managed to get 13.5% of the shares for $53 million, something that took more than half of the kid's money.

Thanks to the boy's help, Uber quickly changed its name, removing the 'Cab' from its name, thus avoiding the problems that were looming with San Francisco cab drivers. In addition, he made them see how profitable it would be to launch Uber X and allow the same people to work for themselves, giving a small percentage to the company, while giving them the idea of Uber Eats, something that still needs to be well discussed as investors were not too sure.

At Tesla, Christian hasn't stuck his nose in, he didn't even get together with Elene Musk, Sara did everything with the firms and that's it.

As for Zoom and Airbnb, the conversations were few, Christian spoke with the Asian woman who created Zoom and told her that he trusted her venture, and to continue with her idea and that he would support her financially, while in AirBnb, he warned them of the failures they suffered in his other world, advising them to get insurance in case of damage or theft for people who rent their homes or rooms on their platform.

Now in normal stocks, Christian alone invested $5 million in Tesla, holding 114,000 shares because of the prices that were constantly rising because of his quick purchases.

As for the child, right now he finds himself staring vacantly at the ceiling.

"So that's why everything happened..."

In 3 and a half months, the boy finished reading the 257 books he ordered, something that would set a world record, surpassing even the champion of his old world, who read 607 pages with clear comprehension in 47 minutes.

"The actions of the man's meekness caused the average genetics to drop, less testosterone, the voice doesn't get as deep, less body hair, they are even more emotionally sensitive."

"While women gained superior strength, but interestingly not by increasing their testosterone, but a different hormone called Womz, a hormone that gives them genetic superiority"

"The palate has 117 new taste pupils in men and women, I don't know the reason why, I can only leave it to evolution, but I know they are more than in my previous world, those taste pupils must sabotage the taste of certain foods and drinks like coffee, but I don't know which ones are now different, since I never tasted something that tastes different than what I remember"

"In 9 months I run out of the deadline the old lady with the coffee shop gave me, I have to raise 107 million dollars.... *sigh* who knew that woman would have 69 coffee shops all over the country... being in the best areas of every state."

"Although I appreciate her making me an offer... now if I keep her coffee business, I'd get $93 million off the original price she bought the stores for. This is all to keep her grandmother's dream alive"

"But what worries me most is if I will be able to change the flavor of coffee in 9 months, tomorrow should the lab should ready with the coffee and flavoring samples I ordered.... *sigh* I'm Christian Grey, I can do anything" With conviction in his eyes, Christian stood up and looked around, finding the whole floor full of books lying all over the place, but not wanting to order them yet, Christian took his cell phone and dialed.


"Hi Christian, did you know that Mother Noelia doesn't exist?"


"You knew!"

"Yes Emily, I knew, how did you find out?"

"I'm talking to some women over something called the DeepWeeb, they told me she dosen't exist."



"Emily, avoid those sites."

"But it's funny..."

Hearing her reluctant voice, Christian could already imagine the girl's pout, causing a smile to grow on him.

"Those aren't kids' places, they teach you ugly things, plus the police hang around those parts."

"The police!" Emily exclaimed quickly with fright, while Christian heard quick typing on the cell phone so that a minute later, Emily spoke with relief "I don't exist in those pages anymore."josei

"Perfect" Smiled Christian with amusement "Tell me Emily, how's the Blockchain coming along?"

"Oh, with what you gave me it didn't hinder me much, in fact, I already have that Bitcoin written down"


"Hehe~ alagame"

"Are you sleeping well?"



"Well, maybe I'm not sleeping the 9 hours you said I was... a few days ago"


"Well, it's been weeks."


"Well! I haven't slept the 9 hours in 3 months, but I can't help it!"

"*Sigh* Emily, if you don't get your 9 hours of sleep, you'll stay little forever, and little people won't be able to go out to other countries like you want them to."

"What!? Why not!?"

"Because the little people are not seen by the planes and they leave them down."

"I'll sleep my 9 hours!" Emily exclaimed quickly, not thinking about the lack of logic in Christian's argument.

"Good, so we can travel together when we grow up" With a soft voice, Christian replied, "Now when you can upload the Blockchain on the page I said, and then upload Bitcoin on the page system I left written on the side of your computer, I'll take care of checking them later."


"Ok, talk to you later, say hi to your dad".

"See you Christian!"

Hanging up the call, Christian smiled wryly "This girl never ceases to amaze me!"


Meanwhile at Emily's house.

"Hehe, I'm sure we'll see each other" Emily smiled mischievously, looking directly at the screen in front of her, where something that would surprise Christian was shown.

The screen showed Christian in his room, just putting aside the cell phone he talked to Emily on a few seconds ago.

"Getting into his computer and cell phone cameras was the smartest thing on my part" Emily smiled as she squinted her eyes "Now I can always be with my friend."

Putting her knees on her chair, Emily just watched with a smile at the boy who was staring dazedly at his books.


August 20, 2011.

"Test 4325, base ingredient 01-2CZ, natural base ingredient shows compatibility with coffee, no color changes or sudden spikes, start testing process" Wearing a white coat and glasses, Christian sets the voice recorder aside and proceeds to take a sip of his coffee, then sighs and sets it aside "Test 4325, 01-2CZ, failed result, coffee raises the acid level in it, taste bud x-23 is still causing problems."

Looking at the clock, Christian sighs wearily "Months without a real result... mom is at the end of her rope, I've skipped a lot of classes, I get little sleep and spend all day in this damn lab... deadline is approaching *Sigh* I'm stressed out."

Lying on the lab table, Christian stares dazedly into nothingness. His eyes had large dark circles under his eyes, his hair was disheveled, and his pale skin looked even paler, highlighting his physical and mental exhaustion to the max.

But after a few seconds of rest, Christian stood up and clenched his fists tightly "But I must persist, this small obstacle will not make me give up".

Taking another vial with a gray powder, Christian pours it over a trace of coffee and speaks into his recorder "Test 4326, base ingredient 05-2YS, natural base ingredient shows instant compatibility with coffee, color does not change and shows no visible negative reactions, start the testing process."

Taking the cup of coffee, Christian takes a sip and closes his eyes, so that after a few seconds, tears fall from them "A-alfin... this coffee is delicious *Sniff*"

Wiping the tears away with a beautiful smile on his face, Christian lowers his gaze to the coffee "S-successful test *Sniff* research time 5 months, 19 days, 9 hours and 31 minutes and 47 seconds, I will continue the experiments with other ingredients with the same base, so as to see if there is the possibility of any copy with the same result."

Setting the coffee aside, Christian turns off his recorder, puts away the dust sample, and leans back on the table, looking with a relieved smile towards the wall.

"For now... I'll stick to sleeping *Sniff*."

The exhaustion and mental strain were so much so that the boy instantly collapses on the table, while a smile is seen on his face as he sleeps.


August 21, 2011.

"Today I will show you the fruits of my labor, aunt Sara, uncle Jayden, mom .... take the result of my work" Bringing the 3 cups of coffee closer, Christian pours a sachet of gray powder to each of them and stirs them, then smiles and waits expectantly.

"What is that?" pointing towards the grey powder, Jayden asks suspiciously.

"Something I invented" Christian replied vaguely.

Shrugging, Eva takes the cup and tastes its contents, then opens wide and looks at what's inside "Th-this is coffee? Are you sure?"

"Yes, you saw me prepare it mom."

Raising their eyebrows, Sara and Jayden take a sip of coffee.

"This is...amazing" Sara murmured, as Jayden quickly downed the rest of the contents.

"Damn, this taste amazing!" Jayden exclaimed, looking sideways at Sara's cup.

"Don't even think about it man!" quickly moving her mug, Sara looks at Jayden with narrowed eyes "This is mine!"

"Honey please~" With a sad pout, Jayden blinks repeatedly at Sara.

With a snort, Sara lifts the cup and drinks all the coffee in one sip "I won't fall for that again."

"Christian, this is exquisite, you did a perfect job" Smiling warmly, Eva interrupts.

She knows perfectly well how much effort her son put into this recipe, an effort he had never put into anything else before, and the happiness at his new accomplishment only sweetens the woman's heart, even more so seeing his cute expression of happiness.

"Thanks, mom~" Smiling with delight, Christian looks towards Sara and speaks "Uncle Jayden, how is the team's work going?"

"Everything is going well, they researched the market and are ready to produce whatever you want, but they are still hesitant about what they will do, I'm sure if it wasn't for your mom's boss, they wouldn't come to work with us, even if we paid them double"

"Have they settled into the new Seattle office yet?"

"Yes, but remember that the tenant is asking you to pay for the year in advance, we have to pay off those debts."

"Okay, I managed to accumulate the necessary money in the last 5 months... I have another 180 million accumulated, so thats 107 million for the coffee stores and I will inject another 30 million for when the company consolidates."

"Are you ready for that?" with concern, Eva interrupted.

"Yes mother, but the question is... are you ready for the title of CEO?" With an amused smile, Christian asked.


Edited by: Lord_Shiva_

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