
Chapter 72 Talk

Chapter 72 Talk

"Y? How about, it doesn't bother you that they are too big?" smiled Elisa softly, feeling the boy getting sweeter and sweeter as she shared moments with him.

"They are amazing and beautiful" Christian nodded, not letting go of Elisa's touch.

"I like them too, I don't know why others don't like them when they're so big."

"They're stupid."

"Sure they are" Elisa smiled, then looking down and opening her eyes a little wider and arching her eyebrows "Wow..."

Noticing that Elisa had a strange expression, Christian followed her gaze and came across something that made him blink dazedly 'NOOOOOOOO!!! WHY NOW!!!?'

Christian at 11 years old, had his first erection while touching his friend's girlfriend, an erection that was easily seen due to Christian's thin pajamas, but at the same time not wearing underwear under his pajamas affected quite a bit.

"Why is this happening?" muttered Christian dazedly.

Looking at the boy's dubious and dazed expression for a few seconds, Elisa came to an understanding "You said you only lived with your mother, right?"


"Did she give you any talk about what goes on there?" pointing between her legs, Elisa asked with a smile.

"No..." Christian muttered, still cursing all the gods for the inopportune moment.

"I see, I guess it's normal if you only live with your mother *sigh* women" Sighing, Elisa took Christian's hand and smiled "Come, lie on my lap."

Processing for a few seconds what Elisa said, Christian understood the woman's misunderstanding, drawing a sigh of relief inside his mind "Okay"

Laying down on her lap, Christian saw nothing but large breasts over his face, causing the erection to stand even more erect.

Stroking the boy's hair, Elisa spoke softly "Christian, before we talk about this, I want you to think of me as a man, understood?"


"You know I'm Sarah's girlfriend, don't you?"


"Then you understand that our relationship is different and we are different, right?"


"Well, the thing is that you will notice that I am something different, in Sarah you won't notice it, but in me it's something I never hid... do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"That your personality is like a man?"

"Yes, something similar... I could never identify myself as a woman, they are very gross in everything, I don't like it... with time I realized that I was attracted to Sarah more than a friend... and I came to the conclusion that inside I am something similar to a man... that's the summary" Thinking a lot about her words, Elisa spoke softly.

"I like your personality very much."

"Thank you~" Elisa smiled "The point is that in me you shouldn't see a woman, but a man, understood?"

"Yes" Nodded Christian 'I just see you as a woman from my world and that's it, simple'

"Ok, so now we're in a boy talk, have you had any before?"

"No, I don't have any friends, just girlfriends"


"I don't like boys, women are more fun."

"I see, I understand you..." Elisa nodded "You want to be my friend? You would be my first friend too"

"I'd like that very much" Christian nodded, moving on to swat Elisa's breasts by the movement of his head "But wouldn't it be weird for me to touch your breasts if we're friends?"

"Not at all, friends touch each other all the time, even women touch each other when trust and friendship is in between"

"Really? Why do they do that?" asked Christian with real confusion, instantly noticing the lack of a lie in the woman's words.

"I don't know, but it's kind of normal from what I've seen... but it feels nice to have you touch them."

"..." Thinking for a while, Christian realized that he loses nothing "Then I'd like to be your friend."

"Me too~!" Elisa exclaimed sweetly "Then as your friend, I'll talk to you about sexuality and the changes in your body."


"For starters, let's talk about that" Pointing towards the erection, Elisa spoke "What's wrong with you is that right now you're erect, something very normal for men"


"It usually indicates when a man is aroused, but it's not always the case, as many times he can get erect out of nowhere, especially when you wake up."


"I guess this is the first time you've been erect, isn't it?"


"Then most likely your body has reacted to the stimulation in front of a woman" Elisa nodded sagely "I feel weird, but at the same time flattered that it's with me."

"It doesn't bother you? I got turned on by your body..."

"Of course not, it's a natural thing and I understand, besides it's my cute Christian I happen to, I couldn't be mad at this little piggy" Squeezing Christian's cheeks, Elisa smiled softly.

"Now let's talk about sexuality."

With those words, I start a big and long talk, for then Elisa will get up and start wearing different kinds of clothes, showing all her outfits to Christian, quickly passing the hours in fun


November 05, 2011.

The months went by and the Grey family had quite a few changes.

Starbucks officially changed ownership 2 months ago, 61 factories were bought by Christian at a great price of 45 million dollars, coffee packaging factory, coffee making machines factory that are specially for Starbucks, coffee powder processing factories and finally 4 coffee bean processing factories, thus avoiding using other brands in its chain of stores.

But the good thing is that the coffee chain price ended up being only 100 million dollars instead of the previous 107 million, all because of the excitement of the old lady when she tasted the coffee created by Christian.

In addition to these large expenditures, Christian acquired 260,000 public shares of Tesla stock for the considerable sum of $25 million.

But, although the expenses were quite a lot, the money never stopped rolling in for Christian, receiving as much as $9 million for Uber profits, something that has drawn a lot of eyes on him when other investors named him as the creator of the UberX idea.

Although it may not seem like much, 9 million in more than 6 months, the truth is that it is quite a lot of money if we consider that Uber X is something that has just started, even without leaving the United States yet.

But what has brought in the most money are Christian's books, where each book surpassed 2 million copies, while Harriet Potter and Game of Thrones were crowned with 9 million sales abroad, having a total of approximately 15 million copies each if we include the United States.

Christian on average earns 3 dollars per copy sold, earning a total of more than 450 million dollars thanks to more than 150 million copies of his 18 published books.

Unfortunately, all that money was spent on Christian's investments, leaving him with about $88 million in his bank account.

Between buying stock in Whatsapp, Uber, Tesla, Airbnb, Zoom, and buying manufacturing and investing money inside Starbucks, Christian was left in the red because the investments still don't bring in much money, but even so, Christian was left with a smile on his face.

Overall, Christian has a lot of expenses to cover, among them his more than 1500 employees in his coffee company and factories alone, spending approximately 21 million dollars a month to pay them, something that has been sucking all his profits off the books, while the cafes are still being remodeled and the employees are still in the learning process.

But thanks to the speed of everything, in a few days, it should all be ready, finally finishing something that had everyone so busy and at the same time worried, after all the money and time invested was quite a lot, taking about a year of just planning everything.

Eva has been working as CEO for 2 months now, although at the beginning it was hard to keep up, little by little she was adapting and learning the basics of the industry, although she has quite a lot to manage, she does not neglect her children, spending the same amount of time with them as she did when she was a simple worker inside a fast food place.

Another project that flourished a bit is Bitcoin, whereas of today 250,000 new bitcoins have been mined, because Christian bought the pizzas, people have been spending more time mining to get even one free pizza.

Although well, Christian doesn't know that Emily advertised her untraceable currency on the DeepWeeb, attracting quite a few curious hackers.

Christian does not doubt that in a few months should begin the changes to real currency, something that he himself plans to do when Whatsapp is sold, create a platform to exchange bitcoins with money.

But it was not enough just to create Bitcoin, Christian has already prepared Ethereum to be launched at any time, but he knows perfectly well that he should wait until Bitcoin makes it into the mainstream, and then he should launch Ethereum to avoid problems with the market, it is not the right time right now to launce two different cryptocurrencies.

The plan is to monopolize Bitcoin coins, which have a limited number, and Ether coins, which are unlimited, by holding both potential currencies in his hands.

But the person behind all those moves right now is carrying out an important mission for humanity.

"Apollo 11, initiating launch process" Speaking in a robotic voice, Christian looked at Hailie who was dressed in a large knee-length shirt of their mother and a bag with holes in the head "Are you ready for your big mission?"

"Yes captain" Hailie nodded quickly with confidence "I was born ready"

"Good, board the space rocket" Pointing towards a large cardboard box with a cardboard triangle on the end, Christian spoke earnestly.

"Aye captain" With a straight back, Hailie stepped inside the box and closed its cardboard door, then spoke "Captain, liftoff process complete."

"May the goddess be with you Astronaut Hailie, mankind will remember your bravery and heroism."

"Captain... tell my family that I love them" Hailie whispered in a sad voice.

"Don't say that Astronaut, your family will wait for you with a smile so you can tell them yourself" With a strained voice, Christian spoke solemnly.


"Initiating launch process" Quietly approaching the box, Christian begins to shake it lightly "Initiating operation of rocket 1 and 2, boosters ready... initiating launch process on a count of 5"






"Take off!" Shaking the box hard, Christian shouted.

"Wooosh" With a sound from his mouth, Christian shook the box even harder.

"Captain, we have major turbulence!"

"Calm down Astrounaute, it's normal!"

"Captain, the rocket is opening up!"

Turning his head as Christian moves the box, he notices that the makeshift door fell down, causing a smile to grow on his face "Astronaut Hailie.... say your prayers!"

"Nooooo!!!" Hailie shouted and with a sharp movement from Christian, the rocket was disarmed with the girl collapsing on the ground.

Throwing herself to the ground, Hailie stretched her limbs and stuck her tongue out of her mouth, staring vacantly at the ceiling.

"Hailie!!!" Christian shouted in pain, quickly grabbing the girl's hand "Astronaut, please wake up, your family is waiting for you!"

"I can't, I died" Hailie whispered with difficulty, due to her tongue still hanging out as she stared at the ceiling.

"Wake up Astronaut!" Firming the collar of her shirt, Christian began to shake her "Humanity awaits you!"josei


"Nooooo!!!" Christian shouted sadly, as he wiped away imaginary tears, then closed Hailie's eyes and spoke with a broken voice "*Sniff* D-don't worry astronaut Hailie, I'll tell your cuter brother that all your toys and games will now be his... I know that's what you would rest in peace *Sniff*"

Getting up, Christian turns and smiles, walking slowly towards the second floor.

"No wait, I revived, I think I was just sleepy!" Hailie exclaims quickly, getting up with the same speed and smiling "Astronaut Hailie ready for another mission!"

"A zombie!!!" Christian shouted, quickly pulling off one of his slippers and then throwing it at the girl.

"Ow!" Holding her head, Hailie removes the plastic bag and looks at Christian with a pout "I'm not a zombie, it's me, Hailie!"


Edited By: Lord_Shiva_

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