
Chapter 8 Confrontation [Unedited]

Chapter 8 Confrontation [Unedited]


Brayan shouted, glaring hatefully at Eva.

"You what, you have something to say?" interrupted Eva, aggressively, "I work all day to bring food to this family, and your only job was to raise our children with all the love in the world. But today I found out that not only do you not do that, but you have a heart cold enough to beat them every day, so don't give me your victim bullshit, if you want to buy your bullshit, you work for them!"

"Honey, I would never raise my hands to our children! You shouldn't believe everything kids say, they're kids! They usually lie!"

Brayan shouted, his eyes widening in horror, causing a vein to bulge in Eva's forehead.

Gently getting up from Christian's side, Eva walked over to Brayan staring him straight in the eyes as her face distorted with rage.


At this point Eva's face was red with fury, while the grip on Brayan's face was getting tighter and tighter.

"*Sob* Yo-yo.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I... I don't know what I'm doing *Sob*"

Brayan whispered, releasing Eva's grip with his hands, then quickly running towards the street, closing the door behind him.

Eva just looked at him as he left, when she heard the door close her look of fury completely collapsed to change to a complex look, as she looked at the door guiltily.

But as she was about to take a step to go towards the man, she hesitates for a moment, she turns and looks at the peaceful face of her son as he sleeps with a small smile on her face, it is then that her sorrow fades away and with a soft look she goes to lie down with her little son.

Arriving at his side, she carefully observes her little prince, his beautiful pale skin, his soft features, his pale lips, his long silver eyelashes, his fine eyebrows, his slightly long hair, every little feature indicates that he will be a very beautiful man in the future.


All that scares her.

She already imagines the bunch of bitches that will come to drool over her little treasure in the future.

"Do I have to buy a gun?"

She whispers to herself, as she strokes her little one's soft hair.

"*Sigh* And as if his features weren't enough, there are his eyes...".

She still remembers when his eyes took on the violet hue overnight, they were so beautiful that even she got lost in them for a moment.

She never went to the doctor again to find out what was wrong with him, not because she has no money, but because she has known for a long time that her son is not normal.

Eva has seen many movies in which scientists do horrible things to unique people, and as she imagines what they might do to her son, she dismisses the idea out of hand.

They might tell her she's delusional, but with her son, she'd rather not risk it.

Besides, her son never had any health problems, never got sick, never lost his appetite, never cried, never let out a scream, not even at the moment of his birth. That's why for her it was so painful and at the same time exciting, to see Christian show two emotions in the same day, even if the reason is something that hit her hard, as long as her little boy can open up to her, she will be happy.

She is his mother and even if she is not with him, she has always been very concerned about his well-being.

Even if she disguises it, she always checks her children's things when she comes home from work, she wants to know if he takes notes, if they have any diary telling their things or anything that helps her to know about them, she wants to be present in her children's life in some way.

But it's all so difficult...

Her other children are very outgoing, they talk a lot and play a lot, she has no problem knowing what they think and what they want.

But her Christian is the most difficult, he doesn't talk much or express himself much, always in his thoughts from a very young age, even in his things she hasn't been able to find anything about him, other than the many books he usually carries.

Even today, she's sure that if she hadn't seen the bruise on his face, Christian wouldn't tell her what happened at school.

But for the first time, he tells her about something in his life and she ends up yelling at him.....

But she can't help it.

She doesn't want her little boy to suffer, she just wants her little boy to play with his friends, she wants her little boy to be happy, to show genuine emotions, she wants her little boy to be interested in more than just reading, even if his interest is fashion or clothes, she will make sure to give him everything he needs.

But on the way to the motel, Eva thought hard about everything that happened, and realized that she would rather her son have character than be submissive and delicate.

She's sure that women will go for him like ants for honey, and the last thing she wants is for some slut to take advantage of his shyness.

Her son hadn't grown up yet, but Eva was already starting to worry....

And how could she not?

Today, when her little son jokingly told her he had a girlfriend, she thought she was going to die, she instantly felt as if someone had ripped out a piece of her heart, leaving her momentarily breathless.

That little joke made her eyes open.

It made her realize that her son won't be a boy forever.

He will grow up to be a man.josei

It may be a joke now, but...

What will happen in the future?

Eva knows that Christian will have to get married and leave with his future wife.

But just thinking about it hurts her...

When Christian was 3 years old, on those rare occasions when she usually rejoices, he told her that he would marry her in the future, and although she knows it's just child's play, that day was the happiest day for her.

But now that her son is growing up, her hands shake at the thought of walking him down the aisle.


Christian murmured, looking at the still-stunned Eva.


Eva replied after a few seconds, she had been lost in thought for a good amount of minutes, not realizing that Christian had woken up until he spoke to her.


Christian murmured, snuggling comfortably in his mother's arms, though he was still slightly uncomfortable from the taste of blood left in his mouth.

He snuggled with her for about five minutes, as her head buried itself in his neck, not caring in the least about the fried smell his mother had due to work.

Until he was satisfied with the warmth, he looked up, meeting her gaze.

"могу гововоророрить по-руссски" (I know how to speak Russian).

Christian I speak, with a distinct awkwardness in pronunciation, but it is simply impossible for him to have an accent and fluency of speech. Even if he is a genius, he needs practice in pronouncing.

"What did you say?"

Mom asked in agitation, even getting out of bed and looking at him in awe.

"I said I could speak Russian..."

Christian replied matter-of-factly, looking at her earnestly as he inwardly gloated at her current expression.

"You... Since when?"

Eva asked, looking at him incredulously.

"A few years ago..."

Christian replied with a small smile, happy to release the burden that even he didn't know he carried in his heart.

"Anything else I should know?"

Mom asked cautiously, somehow sensing that that wasn't all.

"No... Well, yes, I also speak Japanese and French."

Blinking innocently, Chris smiled, expectant of her next reaction.

But what happened next surprised him enormously, although in a way he had expected something similar.

"My son is a genius..." Eva whispered over and over, as she stared dazedly at Christian, until she couldn't stand the emotion and pounced on him.

She kept him in the air for at least a minute, spinning him around and tossing him in the air and then catching him, to say the poor boy was just dizzy would be to greatly minimize his condition.

"Mom I'm getting dizzy!"

Christian exclaimed, he no longer knew how long he had gone without touching something firm and he was starting to feel his stomach turn all the way around

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my little boy is a genius!"

But Eva didn't listen to him, she kept tossing him into the air only to catch him as he fell.

Even though Christian was happy to see her beautiful smile, he couldn't take it anymore.


Christian had to yell at his mother to bring her back to reality, because the last thing she wants is to end up vomiting.

But apparently the scream wasn't in vain, because Eva set him down on the bed a few seconds later.

"S-sorry, I got carried away...ha...ha...ha...ha"

Scratching the back of her neck, Mom foolishly replied.

Eva was happy, so happy that she lost her composure in front of her little boy.

"It's okay..."

Chris muttered with a tired look, still feeling nauseous.

"Now tell me everything!"

Eva laughed happily, jumping on the bed to then lift him up and sit him on her stomach, happily taking his little hands.

"Do you really believe me?" Christian asked in bewilderment, as he stared in disbelief at the beautiful woman smiling in front of him.

He practically just said that he speaks more than one language and that he is a super genius, but Eva didn't even doubt his words and was happy, surprising Christian enormously.

"Of course he does! Why would I doubt my little prince?" replied Eva quizzically, then spoke to him excitedly "Now tell me what else you know!"

"Well I don't know what to say..." Smiled Christian softly, feeling this blind confidence caress his heart in a way he never experienced before "Ever since I was born I was aware of everything... Even though I couldn't see when I was first born, I could hear everything... Let me tell you, it's very scary... I would hear weird things that I now know were people talking... And people touching me everywhere, making my fear go up another level... I don't remember anything before I was born, but I feel somehow I was just sleeping, although everything changed when I was born was one of the ugliest things... I felt so cold, so much cold..."

"Also the blow on my butt hurt me a lot... Those people at the hospital have no feelings..." He grimaced at the memory of those moments "But I felt mom... That calmed me down from fear, it's really hard to explain how I felt you, I just know that I fell asleep with you..."

"After that I don't have many memories, I spent most of the time asleep and most of the memories in that time was when you fed me... I also remember when you almost threw me out of bed when you were sleeping... Oh and also when you almost dropped me from your arms because The Lakers had scored a point..." The more he spoke the more menacing Christian's gaze turned to his mother, making her swallow saliva at his action "I remember when I took my first steps... It was very annoying, I felt like I could walk, it's like an instinctive thing, only my legs were like plasticine..."

Now that he thinks, he has no memory of his mother spending time with his father, there are two possibilities, they did it when he was asleep or sneaking around, something he is deeply grateful for, because he wouldn't know how to act with those memories that would disturb him for life.

"Hahaha~" Mom laughed awkwardly, turning her face slightly away from her son's gaze.

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