Reversed Parallel World‘s Messiah

Book 1

Book 1: Chapter 2: Reversed Anotherworld City, Blossom

“To help you calm down, how about I show you around the city?”

Irene suggested to me while I was still blanked out, probably thinking I was still in shock of the series of sudden events. Did I look that pitiful?

Still, being suddenly thrown in an unknown world and all, there’s no reason for me to reject her goodwill. I mean, she paid a lot for me after all.

And so, I was taken on a trip to the city by Mayor Irene.

As soon as I got out of the ‘building’ where I was in, I looked back to it and saw that, though also present in my world, it was some sort of a cabin.

It’s not too sophisticated, but already enough to conduct negotiations in private. Also, as it was near the entrance of the city, it might be a measure to keep suspicious people from entering inside on the pretext of trade.

Right now, we just passed the gates of this mysterious ‘city’.

Based on how revolting the merchant reacted to this place, there should be something inside here, something dreadful and disgusting that keeps ordinary people out of this place.

I already had a hunch, but I still need proof. After all, I don’t want to be proven wrong for believing a merchant’s odd tastes as the standard of this world.

“……Strange, isn’t it?”

Irene spoke as we walk alongside each other.

She seems to be worried about something.

“Y-yes……” I gave a small nod in return.

Right now, at this point, the word ‘strange’ is already an understatement.

Based on what I’ve observed, there are only women in this city, and most of them are astonishingly beautiful.

A city where only beautiful women gather, it’s too wonderful for me as a man to just miss that point. But I didn’t speak it out loud. Who knows, maybe this was an insult to their culture.

We then arrived in an empty park. After walking inside for a little bit, we have found ourselves a bench to sit on.

“Here should be fine. For now, let’s sit down and talk.”

Irene and I sat down.

The park, completely void with the signs of life, is now completely dyed by the rays of the sunset.

By looking around the streets and the people’s clothing, I finally concluded that I got transferred into another world, in which I only believed to exist in fantasy.

The scenery was just too realistic that I couldn’t pass it as a dream anymore.

And speaking of clothing, almost every woman I saw wore skimpy clothing that barely covers the essential parts of their bodies.

Even though the sun is already about to set, I didn’t feel cold at all. I mean, with such a hot scenery before me, who would?

“Hey, Tomo, right? Can you tell me where you came from?”

“Uhm, you see……”

Well I can’t say that I came from another world, can I?

Irene, seeming to have noticed I was fumbling for the right words to say,

“It’s fine if you don’t want to say it. After all, this is this sort of city.”

She said unto me.

“What do you mean by ‘this sort of city’?”

“You really don’t know, huh. This is unexpected. Well, then, I’ll guess I’ll explain it to you.”

She smiled at me gently, then continued her story.

“The name of this city is Blossom. And all the people that you saw, and all that live in here, they have already lost their place in the outside world.”

“Lost their place?”

“Yes. Exiled, abandoned, forgotten, banished, you name it. All of them, including me.”

“Why would they do such a thing?”

“Please. I think you can already tell by looking at our faces……that we……we aren’t beautiful in any way.”

No, you’re ridiculously beautiful……or so what I wanted to say, but the atmosphere is just too heavy for me to say it.

I already had my suspicions, and now I am convinced by Irene’s words.josei

――In this world, the aesthetics of beauty and ugliness are entirely reversed.

In other words, the more beautiful a woman is, the worse the treatment she’ll receive.

“Because of our appearances, we were abandoned by our parents and were exiled in our hometowns. So, I gathered people with similar situations and built this city.”

“Irene did?”

“It was five years ago. Back then, it was just a place where several huts were gathered. Now it’s a formidable city.”

“It is. I also think it’s a beautiful city.”

A lot of brick buildings lined up really gave an otherworldly feel.

“But why did you create such a city?”

“Because of this appearance, I had a hard time when I was little. That pushed me the thoughts of wanting to save those people.”

“……It wasn’t easy, was it?”

“Of course, it was a lot of hard work. Still, it’s better than the awful experience I had when I was little.”

I can confirm that. The seller, or should I say, merchant? His reaction was just that awful. It’s as if he’s going to vomit anytime in front of me.

“Fortunately, I was born an aristocrat. I got a lot of money before I was banished from the house. Well, it was more of a consolation money.”

“So, the city……?”

“Yes. Now that you said it, I think I have created a magnificent city now.”

Irene continued briefing about the city’s history.

“Originally, it was all wilderness. No one lived in it, so we were like, its pioneers back then. With the people that I got that are similar to me, and the knowledge we gathered, we managed to get ourselves to be self-sufficient.”

Certainly, I think I saw a field when I came here.

However, their water source is manually drawn. I can already imagine how hard their work is, moreover from women who have lesser physiques than men.

“Once in a while, merchants come to us and do business, for which we don our masks to interact with them, but I guess you already know that part.”

“Yes, indeed.”

As I was about to listen more, two women showed up in front of us.

The two are also quite the beauties.

Upon watching them for a moment, they suddenly did something unexpected.


They kissed each other’s lips, kneaded each other’s breasts, and fingered each other’s pussies.

It wasn’t to the extent of just chilling and having some light fun quickie.

It was a serious foreplay to liven up their bodies before the actual sex.

As a pretty shy person with a good sense of morals, I couldn’t bear to look straight at them and turned my gaze to Irene, who’s at my side.

But, strangely, Irene didn’t even change her complexion.


In the meantime, one of the women took out something in the shape of a male cock, probably a dildo, then inserted it in the pussy of the other woman who’s already on her fours in front of her.

Sounds of flesh hitting flesh soon echoed, accompanied by a series of arrhythmic panting.

“Uhm, Irene……isn’t there something you should pay attention to? Like, right now, in front of us?”

I indirectly asked the girl beside me, who’s also the mayor of this city.

She, however,


And gave me a blank stare like I’m some kind of an oddball.

“Why you say…… isn’t that something you shouldn’t do in the presence of others?”

“……? Oh, that? Not at all. Isn’t that completely normal? In fact, it’s weird that you’re asking something so obvious. Did you come from a distant country?”


Wrong. Something is really wrong here.

But seeing Irene’s reaction, this is normal behavior for them.

I can’t make assumptions just yet, but I already have a guess.

Together with the issue of the women here showing themselves in such skimpy clothing….

“This city……no, in this world, this is normal, right?”

“Why, of course.”

“Aren’t you ashamed?”

“Not at all.”

A quick answer.

One more question.

“Also……isn’t it good to give your virginity to the person you love?”

Most women would say yes. Even if there are those with different preferences, women should want to protect their virginity as it was something to be treasured. After all, mating with the strongest male in the pack is already ingrained into mammals, as a strong male will keep the female safe, well, most of the time.

However, the answer of Irene was,

“Virginity…… It was something that women want to get rid of it quickly. Anyone should be fine yet…… it’s pretty embarrassing for us, isn’t it?”

Perhaps, the virtues of chastity may be reversed too.

It’s now very likely that my assumption will prove to be right.

“Tomo, you see, honestly speaking……”

Irene, with a slightly embarrassed look, spoke.

“No matter how much we beg our partners, the people in this city cannot have sex because of their appearances. But we women have a lot of libido, you see.”

No way……even their libido is reversed?

A world where women are more sexually driven than men.

“And because we have a lot of libido, yet we lack the partners to unleash them, we don’t have much of choice but to unload it to our fellow women instead, like the ones that we are looking at right now.”

The women in front of us are so aroused that they didn’t even care that they’re being seen.

One of them is even humping on her partner like a man. So, this is what she’s talking about?

“aahhh! Mo-mou ……”

A world where women think with their pussies……


Just when my thoughts are about to align, the couple climaxed.

Their breathing went ragged. Their eyes, however, were still glued to each other.

“Shall we do it ten more times?”

“Ten? That’s a bit lesser than usual. Are you alright?”

“Err, I don’t know.”

She said something so ridiculous for someone who has such a cute voice.

As for our mayor, she’s still unperturbed by this, so it is. Indeed, my hunch just came true. Their values and libido are actually reversed.

“Tomo, the sun will set soon. Let’s go to my house for now. Will that be okay?”

“Your house?”

“Yes. I’ll give you plenty of hospitality, so you don’t have to worry.”

Irene smiled as she licked her lips at me.

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