Reversed Parallel World‘s Messiah

Book 3

Book 3: Extra Story 1 (LNExclusive) Light Novel Exclusives (Book 1 of the Novel)Chapter 1: Secret Double Tit-Fuck

On the evening of a certain day, I returned to the mansion after finishing my work as a gigolo. You know, the usual routine.

Even though it’s called work, I’m having an easy time as I’m not bound by quotas or a sense of duty.

As I’m not strong enough to deal with women in a clerical manner, either, this is a lot better. And when I arrived at the mansion and entered through the front door, I was greeted by a maid.

“Welcome back, master. Lady Irene is waiting for you.”

The maid took me to the dining hall.

Apparently, dinner was already served.

“Ara, welcome back.”

Irene was already sitting at one end of the long table.

“Ah, sorry. Did I keep you waiting?”

“It was just a little bit, don’t worry about it. By the way, good job today. Edith too.”

“Your praises are wasted on this knight. I was only doing the duty milady is entrusted to this one. In comparison, Lady Irene’s work is much harder.”

Irene really takes good care of us. I’m really blessed to have her in this world.

After chatting for a while, the food was brought to us, and we all started eating. I heard that today’s dish was made mainly of vegetables that Julie had just picked from her garden.

At first, I was hesitant to try these vegetables because I had never seen them before, but now they’ve become one of my favorite foods.

Well, I think it’s also partly because our maids’ cooking skills played a big part.

“Thank you for the meal.”

Ah, Tomo. Could you stay for a bit longer?”

“No problem. What is it?”

I was about to get up from my seat to wait for the maid to clean it up when I was stopped by Irene.

Many people finish dinner, take a bath, and go straight to the bed. I’m one of those people.

“You see, the city will have another meeting, and I was needed to be there. I think it will last long, so I plan to stay there overnight.”

If the mayor, Irene, is going there, then it must be an important gathering.

“I understand, I’ll take care of the residence on your absence.”

“Really, you will do it for me? But still……I’m a little worried.”

“It’s only or one night, and I’m already a man, you know?”

I got a bit quirked because I felt like being treated like a child.

However, to my actions, Irene sighed and furrowed her brows even more.

“That’s why I’m worried. The maids in the mansion might sneak up on you in a drop of a hat.”

“Ah, so that’s what you mean……”

Indeed, I couldn’t say it’s impossible.

Even I couldn’t guarantee to last a night if ten or more maids were to take turns in squeezing me of my seed, I might even collapse before that.

“If that’s the case, then please let this humble knight stay in the mansion. I would guard Sir Tomo of these infidelities.”

It was Edith who intervened between Irene and me.

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‘Really, Edith? You would do that for me? That’s a relief.”

Irene happily accepted the offer right away.

However, this is not good. My gut feeling is telling me that this is not good.

When I looked at Edith, she noticed my gaze and smiled back at me.

That smile, I know that smile. It’s one demanding me to do erotic things with herself in exchange for protecting myself from the maids that will devour me!

This means that either way, I’m going to get squeezed out!

“Well, now that it’s settled, I’ll be going out now. I’m counting on you, Edith.”

“This humble knight will not disappoint you, milady.”

And just like that, Irene left the dining hall regardless of my trepidation. The only ones left are Edith and me.

Soon as I looked at her sitting across from me, the smiling face that she had earlier is nowhere to be found.

Instead, it was all replaced with a nasty grin of a villain that is about to do something evil.

“Ohohoho, don’t worry, my master. I will definitely take care of you on behalf of milady.”

“……by the way, how do you plan on keeping an eye on the maids?”

“By watching your room, of course.”

By my room, do you mean inside or outside the room?”

“Where else would I be? If I were to wait outside the door, how would I be able to notice if the culprit went through the window?”

Well, she had a point there, but……

“Is it really necessary to go that far?’

“Of course.”

What a quick answer.

To be unable to refute to a younger one is really depressing.


On the other hand, Edith had a triumphant look on her face.

Now that I lost the small skirmish, Edith will come over to my room after this.

For now, I decided to wash my body first and wait for her in the room.

It feels weird to have the guy waiting for the girl to approach his bed in the middle of the night, but I guess that’s just part of what’s normal in this reversed world.

It hasn’t been long since I came here, so I still feel uncomfortable from time to time whenever I was put into strange situations, like this one, for example.

In the middle of contemplating such things, the door to my room opened.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Edith……wait, what?”

When I turned around, what I saw was someone I didn’t expect to see.

‘Pardon the intrusion……”

It was Julie who showed up.

“What? Why are you here? Where is Edith?”

“I met with Irene in the city, and she told me she was going to be away from the mansion for the night. I was wondering if I could ask her to have Tomo have sex with me in the mansion, and she agreed.”

Julie spoke without getting timid at all.

She’s usually very quiet, but by the standards of most women in this world, it was an indication that she’s a very lewd person.

“……Tomo, can I fuck you tonight?”

“I’d be glad to, but I have an appointment with Edith already.”

Or so I wanted to say, but before I knew it, Julie had approached my side, rubbing her body against my own.

I was about to say my refusal when the door opened again.

This time, it was Edith who came inside.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, master. This time, until morning……wait. Why is Lady Julie here?”

She blurted out upon seeing Julie sitting next to me.

“Tomo, what’s going on? Please explain.”

Wh-why are you staring at me like that……”

I felt a bit unfair, but as I had no other choice, I explained the whole situation.

“So that’s how it is. Uhm, Lady Julie?”

“……what is it?”

I had a prior engagement with Sir Tomo tonight. Can you please hold back just for now?”

“I……I can’t comply with that.”


Edith wants to keep me for herself, if possible.

I’m happy with that, but if I kick out Julie here, she’ll spend the rest of her time at home, masturbating in agony.

Edith knew this, but she couldn’t say it strongly enough.

The same was true for Julie.

“……It can’t be helped, now that we have come this far. However, I’ll go first, okay? Since I got him first.”


The deal was settled, completely ignoring my rights as a person.

Still, I’m happy, as this is just another way of expressing how they want to have sex with me.

At first, they despised their bodies at every angle, as it put them in the center of discrimination. I had successfully regained their confidence somewhat, but I never expected it to backfire like this.

Before I realized, they were already in their birthday suits and are ready to go.

“Now then, we will be going to rub you both in sequence, and you will tell us later which ones felt better. Understand?”

“……I can’t lose.”

“How will I decide which one feels better than the other? And are you really sure about this?”

Both will make me feel good, but I don’t really feel putting a comparison just to find out who’s the superior one.

How will you decide, huh……how about who makes you faint the most from pleasure wins?”

“Keep him cumming until he passes out……I wonder if I can do it well.”

Please, I beg you, anything but that!”

Just when I was about to give a retort, two goddess-like bodies came closer to each other, all while asserting their bountiful bosoms in front of me.

Edith’s taut white tits and Julie’s bigger brown tits swayed in the air. I couldn’t remove my eyes on them.


I swallowed my spit raw, which didn’t escape Edith’s notice.

“Ara, are you interested in tits?”

Edith looked at me, grinning.

I turned my head to the other side to look away, but my eyes met with Julie this time.

“……Now that I think of it, when I pinched Tomo’s cock with my tits before, he let out a lot of cum……”

“You sandwiched his dick with your tits?’

“It was really nice to see Tomo’s pleasant face up close that time……”

When Edith heard that, she grabbed my head and twisted it to make me face her direction.

“I can do that too……can’t I?”

“O-of course, you can!”

I gave her my immediate reply.

When she looked at me, I felt something like an obsession in those two eyes.

I wonder why she wants to give me a titfuck that badly……

Soon as she heard my response, she immediately sat on the bed and moved in front of me.

Then, she quickly took off my trousers and underwear, before opening my legs and leaving me bare.

“Fufu, to have it already erected like this.”

“I mean, how could I not, with both of you sticking together, naked and all.”


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Julie, in response to my words, went to the opposite side of the bed, just around where my back was located.

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“……then, how about if I do this?”

And from there, I was hugged from the back, naked.

“……So soft.”

The softness of the tits pressing the area against my shoulder blades cannot be measured by words.

I could feel the warmth of her body heat and the spasmodic feel of her breathing from the part we are in close contact, and I could tell how aroused she was.

“Your cock just got bigger. So, you’re getting excited by this.”

“……I’m glad.”

Perhaps Edith’s words made her feel better, Julie hugged me even more tightly.


That felt so good I couldn’t help but sigh with closed eyes.

If only I could spend the entire day in this state.

“Hey, don’t look away.”

As she said that, Edith lifted her own tits and pinched my prick from the left and right.

The meat stick of mine that has just gotten enveloped in soft flesh trembled with delight.


“It feels good, isn’t it? I see it throb all over.”

“Yes……yes, it feels good.”

“Of course, it will feel good.”

Then, after enjoying the feel of her tits for a while, I spoke to Edith.

Edith, can you try to collect saliva with your mouth and let it drip down to your cleavage?”

“So, you aren’t satisfied with just my tits? Fufufu, what a spoiled man you are.”

Still, she did as I said and made a lot of saliva by munching her mouth, before dripping them all down to her huge knockers.

Then, the tits that are gently wrapping around my meat rod had transformed into a pseudo-pussy that tries to squeeze the semen out of it.

The inside of her slippery tits now felt good in a different way compared to her vagina and mouth.

“Your dick is throbbing a lot, don’t you think?”

“It’s because Edith’s tits feel that great.”

“In that case, I’m gonna make you feel so good that you’ll be cumming in no time.”

Along with that declaration, her hands, which emphasized on rubbing her tits on my member until now, had changed into squeezing them, applying incredible pressure towards my member.

Because of that, the tits, which had become slippery with saliva, shook up and down as they made squishy sounds against my thighs.

“Ahh, Kuh.”

You’re letting out a cute voice out there. Are you already at your limit?”

Edith said to provoke me.

I can’t be helped, her titty-fuck is just that good.

Still, if I ejaculate here, she might say something that will infuriate me again, so I decided to fight back a little.

“Edith, try not to move, okay?’

“What are you, hyaa!”

I threw her hands which were squeezing her own breasts away and grabbed them with my both hands instead. Then, I started to move them around like another fleshlight toy.

“Your tits are really soft, Edith. I feel like I could rub myself on them forever.”

“M-master Tomo is using my tits on his own!?”

“That’s right. I’m using your tits to make me feel good. You don’t like it?”

I said this while directly staring at Edith’s eyes, causing her to divert her gaze in embarrassment. Still, her murmurs didn’t escape my ears after that.

“My……my tits……they are being used by master to masturbate……”

“Yep. So, Edith, I want you to masturbate too. I don’t like doing it alone, you see.”

I could feel her gasp hard at my words. That’s the sign of a woman holding back all the heat.

Then, she asked fearfully.

“I-is it really okay to shag myself while master wanks off with my breasts?”

Of course, it’s okay. Plus, I’ve always wanted to cum while watching Edith’s o-face altogether.”

“In that case……Nnhii! Fuu, aaahn!”

Edith ran her empty hand over her pussy and began comforting herself.


“Hyauu, kuuh, mguuuu!”

Guchu guchu, plockplock.

I did a self-titfuck with Edith’s tits, while she masturbated into it.

It was an unusual sight, but we were so aroused we didn’t care about it.

The excitement continued, and before we knew it, we’re already approaching our climax.

“Master……I’m about to cum.”

“Me too. I can’t take it anymore, either.”

Even as we said this, we didn’t rest our hands. Instead, we increased the pleasure even more.

“Please, together with master! I want to cum together with master!”

“Un, I’m cumming, Edith! I’m going to jizz your face!”

I stimulated my rod on the verge of ejaculating by applying even more pressure on the milk tanks surrounding it.

“Cum! Cum! Let it out all over me!!”

I took that as a sign and freed my dick from the restraints of her tits.

A lot of semen rained down on Edith’s face.

“It’s coming out, I’m cumming, I’m cummiiiiiing! Cum cum cum cummmiiiinnnggg!”

Edith also came from feeling the semen that was shot on her face.

The semen that I let out stained her bangs to her chin all over.

“I did it, I came in front of you, master……Nnn, haaah, it smells amazing.”

Of course, her nose didn’t escape as well, so every time she breathes, the semen-smelling air enters Edith’s body.

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When I thought so, an indescribable feeling of conquest shook my whole body.

As I was taking a break, Julie, who was behind me, went out of the bed to join Edith.

“Wow, to think her face has become like this……”

Then, she began to lick the semen on Edith’s face.

“Eh, Lady Julie?”

“Don’t move.”

“No way……Nm, nmuuh”

Julie kissed her all over her face as she licked her off the semen, before kissing Edith in the lips at the end.

“Semen, when dry, it will be difficult to remove……”

“Th-thank you very much.”

Perhaps she didn’t expect to be kissed by the same sex, Edith could only stammer in surprise.

After cleaning her off the semen, Julie came back to me.

“……Tomo……I’m next.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Then, can you lie over there?”

I lied on my back as Julie described.

Julie also laid down and approached me.

Then, she gets onto my crotch, stops there, and wraps my meat stick on her big tits.

But because it has just ejaculated from the climax recently, the excitement just cooled down, and I think it will take a while before it revives.

“Sorry. I just came, so it is not as stimulating right now……”

“It’s okay. It will get bigger soon”

After she said that, she began to rub her tits with a tight squeeze.

“Ugh, these movements of the tits are……!”

“It felt good when I did it before, so I practiced after that.”

“It feels good! Really good……!”

It was so good my withered meat rod came back to life in no time at all.

“……It’s already hard.”

“That’s because Julie is so good at it.”

“Then you should get excited even more. I’ll help you get it out of your system.”

Julie resumed her Titjob after that.

Her boobs, which are way bigger than Edith’s, is covering up my meat pole in its entirety.

Thanks to that, it formed a great pleasure that stimulated from the base to the tip evenly.

If this continues, my second ejaculation would be near.

At that time, an intruder appeared.

“Those techniques, can you show it to me as well?”

It was Edith.

“……we sandwich it together?”

“Well, we can do it with two people as well.”

“How about you, Tomo?”

“How about that, master? We’re going to put your dick in the middle of our boobs. You’ll be feeling two pairs of tits for one!”

“You can do as you please.”

I gave consent instantly.

I mean, how could I refuse such a wonderful proposal?

As soon as they heard my answer, they immediately split up on either side of my waist and wrapped my meat rod together in between them.

“Wow, to think it would be this amazing……”

I couldn’t let out any voice after that.

The soft sensations given by both sides are of the same nature, but when you feel them like this you can feel the individuality between them.

“……Tomo, you’re looking very comfy.”

“Ohohoho, you feel quite extravagant to have the two of us serving you, aren’tcha? But we’re just getting started.”

Then, they both started moving their tits at the same time.

“Uuugh, aaaah.”

I couldn’t speak properly anymore.

Gyuun, nurunurrun.

Soft meat pressed me from all four sides, alternately rubbing my meat rod up and down.

Occasionally, nipples get caught in between them, increasing the stimulation even more.

“Ahaha, your cock is twitching all over, master.”

“……un, it’s about to cum.”

They seem to be saying something, but I couldn’t afford to pay attention to them anymore.

“You don’t have to endure it, you know?’

“……just cum on our tits.”

“Cum, master.”

“Let it out, Tomo.”

Byuru, byurururu!

Semen soon gushed out of me with force as much as my ejaculation earlier.

Nevertheless, the four tits pressed up against each other even more. It created a boob basin that caught all that semen I let out inside of them.

It was a wonderful experience.josei

“He-he’s still ejaculating……”

“……It’s going to spill out.”

Even with that, the amount of semen was just too much, that the following ejaculations made the caught white stuff to spill out from the center and the sides of their tits.

The extreme sensation made me lose control of my hips, and all I could do was tremble helplessly in those conditions.

“It’s so much……I’d definitely choke if he came inside my mouth.”

“I’m glad he likes it. How about we invite Irene to join us next time?”

“That’s a great idea!”

This is what happens when the two of them do it together. How much more would it be when the three of them combined forces?

I felt a great deal of anticipation and a bit of fear at those words.

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