Rewind System: Vampire Harem In The Apocalypse

65 Chapter 65

65 Chapter 65

As already mentioned, in the Vampire world there is a hierarchy where only the most powerful of the Vampires are at the top.

And at the top of the world's hierarchy a select few Vampires contain special abilities which allowed them to reach the top.

Amongst these special abilities are the sins. The seven deadly sins.

The sin of pride, the sin of greed, the sin of lust, the sin of envy, the sin of sloth, the sin of wrath and lastly, the sin of gluttony.

The power held by each of these sins are unimaginable, it can even be said that it was the sole reason those who had reached the top were able to reach it.

Not much was known about the bearers other than the fact that they could identify one another.

There hadn't been any recent information however, of any of the sins dying. Only one of the same sin could exist at a time.

So if that was the case, how did Xavier end up with the sin? The glutton's sin, one of the most powerful, nonetheless?josei


The butler was snapped out of his thoughts, as the rapier which he had thrust towards Xavier was misdirected to the sides, barely grazing Xavier's cheeks in the process.

Xavier stepped in on the opening that had created before kicking at the butler's face from the side.


The butler went sliding down, still remaining upright with his guard up.

"Oi, stop getting distracted. Weren't you talking about correct my stance earlier?"

The Butler looked over at Xavier. The two had been fighting for almost an hour now.

At first, he wasn't sure, but after training with Xavier it became apparent.

Xavier had no knowledge on any fighting stances or techniques. He fought by solely relying on instinct and imitations.

The butler always found it strange why he'd always change his stance while fighting. It was because he knew too little about them.

'As he is now, Xavier will at most be able to deal with Nobles up to the Earl rank and 5th Ranked Vampire Lords."

Once an Earl, or a higher ranked Vampire Noble becomes a Vampire Lord, they are a given a rank.

The ranks range from 5th the lowest, to the 1st rank, the highest.

The one Xavier had defeated in the Vampire Camp was a 5th ranked Vampire Lord.

There was no telling how Xavier would fair up with those of the higher ranks, but

'His ability to adapt... Paired up with his fighting instinct and his sin which propels him to devour and grow stronger...'

'He's going to be one hell of a monster...'

"I think it's about time we take a break." Said the butler as he put on his glasses.

Xavier frowned.

"Don't tell me you're tired already."

"Of course not... There are simply more important things to be dealt with. For example... Food supplies."

Xavier placed the dent and almost broken metal knife on the floor before walking up the butler and asking. "Are you kidding me? You don't have any food in this big ass mansion?"

"Well, we're Vampires. We survive on blood so all we have are bloodbags. If I were you I'd go looking for something for your mother and sister to eat."

"They haven't eaten anything since yesterday?"

"There were a few ingredients here, but it was only enough for two meals which they had."

Xavier placed his palm on his face before turning to the door.

"I'll go get some supplies, if they ask, tell them I'll be back soon..."

"Very well." Responded the Butler with a smile.

Xavier who was walking towards the door, suddenly stopped as he quickly realised something.

"You said you had blood, right?"

Xavier's eyes had a sharp glint to them as they gazed at the Butler.

'If it's human blood, I'll be able to boost up my stamina and other stats... A simple and efficient way to grow stronger... The more blood I consume-'

"Yeah, but there's not much to spare. The supplies have already been gathered and assigned accounting to each and every member of the house because of the war."

"If you were to come in and suddenly take blood form the blood supplies, you're standing on the eyes of the servants would be even worse."

"Doesn't Sangrea have her own supply?" Xavier asked.

"I'm not sure, you'll have to ask her." Responded the butler.

Xavier pictured himself asking Sangrea for blood. He then pictured her sulking about her blood not being enough for him.

"Alright, I'll just raid a blood bank on my way back." Muttered Xavier after shaking his head.

'A blood bank... Hm... That's quite a risky move... Oh well, if he succeeds, he'll grow stronger.' The butler thought to himself as he watched Xavier walk away.

"Young man." The butler called out to Xavier.

"What is it?" Xavier asked as he glanced back.

"Don't stay out for too long. There's a limit to the amount of protection we can offer."

"I know." Xavier responded as he left the room.




*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*


Inside of a cold and dark room, a man was sat behind his desk in front of a large tinted red glass panel. He had long grey hair tied back into a pony tail with a trimmed straight grey beard.

His eyes held a much darker shade of red than regular Vampire, and the air around him was much stiffer.

Laying back on his chair, he slowly opened his eyes before asking.

"I believe I'd given you clear instructions to make sure she stays out of trouble and avoid any interactions throughout the duration of the war."

In the corner of the room, two shadows had manifested in the figure of two different people who were bowed as they stood on one knee.

The grey hair man looked over to that shadow and watched as it took the shapes of an old butler and a younger maid."

"The situation was one which could not be avoided. I accept any punishment, my lord."

The grey-haired Vampire sighed.

"The problem is that punishing you will not change anything. We have already been made a target. Some bugs have already ended up at my door."

"However I am aware of the situation and know you two are not at fault. You will not be punished."

"We thank you for your kindness and forgiveness, my lord." They said simultaneously.

"Before you are dismissed, tell me. What are your thoughts on him, should he be disposed of?"

The butler grinned at the question. "Not at all, my lord... I believe he is the key we were missing."

The grey haired man's expression grew serious.

"You are dismissed."

The two shadow's vanished from the room without a trace.

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