Rewind System: Vampire Harem In The Apocalypse

78 Chapter 78

78 Chapter 78

*Step* *Step* *Step*

The sound of hasty footsteps echoed across the hospital halls as a duo ran down it.

Before them were a series of ghouls which had been prowling around in search of food. For the ghoul's they had come at the perfect time.

But for them, the ghoul's weren't even worth giving attention.


Xavier drew his sword, instantly decapitating the closest ghouls, while the ones behind them were penetrated by spears made of thread.

[You killed 3 Ghouls!]

[+60 XP!]

Xavier watched as the threaded spears expanded from within them, causing their body to burst upon contact.

Seeing this, he looked towards Sophie with narrowed eyes.

"You were going to use that on me?" Xavier asked.

Hearing his question, Sophie nervously looked away, avoiding eye contact as she murmured. "W-Well I thought I'd need at least that much to beat you..."

"...What do you think I am, immortal?" Xavier asked.

"Is that a trick question?" Sophie replied.

Xavier sighed before turning to the staircase. "I'm still a fledgling."

Sophie's eyes widened when she heard this.

"Wait really?" She asked with a surprised look.

"Yeah." Xavier replied before rushing down the stairs.

'Although I have to option to become a fully-fledged Vampire any time... I've just been holding back on it because I'll get more evolution options at Level 10.'

Sophie who was right behind Xavier as they descended the stairs, stared at him with admiration. To be a fledgling yet still this powerful.

She couldn't even begin to imagine how powerful he'd be once he'd completed his vampirification.

"Blood bags have to be kept under special storage conditions to be preserved... I'd say any storage room with a large refrigerator made to preserve things."

While leaping down the stairs, Xavier ignored the ghouls coming at him from the floor and leapt down onto the next whilst gazing at Sophie. Since Xavier didn't try to fight the ghoul's neither did she.

Their priority was getting blood bags for now.

"W-What...?" Sophie asked, as she started to get a little intimidated by his gaze.

"You're not just smart but wise too..."

"Eh?" She let out in a flustered manner.

Her cheeks were slightly red as when it came to compliments, she wasn't the best at taking them. After all, most of her life she'd been talked down on because of her background.

"How do you know so much?" Xavier asked.

Xavier's question seemed to have brought back an unpleasant memory as her eyes grew colder after he'd asked.

'Should I not have asked?' Xavier wondered while they continued their descent.

"I... Because I had nothing else to do..." She muttered.

Xavier raised his brows not understanding what she meant.

"Nothing to do?" He asked.

"Yeah, when I was a child I was locked up in a room filled with books made by humans. With nothing else to do I'd just sit read all day and try to solve the puzzles in them for fun."

Xavier instantly began to sweat the moment she told her story. He expected something dark but actually hearing it hit different.

"I-I see..." Xavier muttered, unsure of what else to say.


Suddenly, Sophie stopped in her tracks before looking down the hall. Thinking that she'd stopped because he'd upset her, Xavier scratched the back of his head nervously whilst thinking of a way to apologise.

Before he could however, she pointed towards one of the rooms down the hall.

The label on the closed locked door read. [Blood Transfusion Laboratory.]

"I think that's what we're looking fo-"

Sophie was interrupted by Xavier, who suddenly pulled her back, allowing her to barely avoid the ghoul which had lunged at her from above.

His eyes widened however, as the very same ghoul was split in half upon landing on the ground. She had set up a barely visible thin thread above herself before hand.

"Looks like you had it covered." Said Xavier as he let go of her shoulder.


Without saying anything she nodded before rushing over to the room.

Xavier followed after while keeping a look out for any other ghouls in hiding, but all the ones which were in the hall were instantly restrained by her and her threads.

'This ability is really useful... If the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the ability, what sort of noble bloodline does her Vampire half belong to?' Xavier wondered.


Upon reaching the door they swung it open, not wasting a single second.

Before them was a laboratory with countless microscopes and at the end of said room was another door. They could feel a cold breeze seeping in through said door.

Ignoring the breeze, the two rushed towards the door, slamming the door behind them close before creaking it open.

*Crackle* *Crackle*

Almost instantly after opening the door inside the laboratory, they were greeted by an ice cold frosty breeze which sent shivers down their spines.

Inside were countless giant advanced refrigerators set around. The power for them was fortunately still on as the power in the city had yet to go.

Even if it had, the hospitals most likely had a back-up generator so the blood-bags should have been fine.

The moment, they took a step towards the inside of the room. Their eyes widened.

At the very end of the room, in between the two refrigerators was the figure of a girl who was fast asleep.

Long platinum white hair, brows and eyelids. Her slim jaw and innocent sleeping expression made her resemble an angel.

Yet the sword resting on her waist, over her skirt indicated completely otherwise.

"Xavier..." Sophie called out nervously.

"Yeah... She's strong, even whilst sleeping I can feel that bloodlust."

The girl sleeping before them was no ordinary girl, her captivating looks aside, Xavier's danger sense was going wild at the sight of her.

He was getting the same vibes from her that he'd get from Sangrea in her unsealed form if not greater.

But Xavier wasn't surprised, after all, what kind of normal girl would possibly be able to sleep so comfortably in such a condition.

Sophie's reaction only further proved his suspicions.


Xavier was the first one to take the step forward, ignoring the danger before walking over to the fridge.

"Hey, careful you might wake her up."

"Look at her, she's at peace. She won't wake up, let's just get what we need and go."

Sophie nervously nodded before quietly walking over to the fridges. The two began opening one fridge after another, letting out another cold gush of wind before peeking inside.

After doing so, they looked at one another with bright smiles on their faces.

The blood bags were there.

"How long can these last out of the fridge?" Xavier asked.

Sophie closed her eyes to recall before snapping them open and responding. "Around 30 minutes, but as a Vampire you should still be able to drink it after. There's only risk of bacteria forming after a few hours but it doesn't really matter thanks to our immune system."

"It's also impossible to contract any diseases from consuming human or vampire blood regardless of where they're at." Added Sophie as she recalled that Xavier had only recently become a Vampire.

Xavier was at a loss for words. It was then and there that he knew that he hadn't made the wrong decision.josei

"Alright then... Throw as many blood bags till the bag's full... There's a decent amount of space left." Said Xavier as he pointed at the bag on his back.

Sophie complied and together the two began filling up the supply bag.


Once everything was filled, they both took a blood bag each before opening it and sucking on it's straw.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

Xavier's eyes widened.

Unlike drinking regular blood from the neck, drinking it from the ice cold plastic blood bags felt like having a sweet ice cold drink in the middle of summer.

It wiped away his thirst whilst also satiating part of his hunger. It wasn't bad at all.

Although Xavier still preferred drinking directly from the neck.

"Shouldn't we start getting out of here?" Asked Sophie as she wiped the blood off her small soft lips.

Xavier looked over at her only to open his mouth in surprise after noticing that her blood bag was empty.

'She already finished it all?'

Not wanting to overthink it Xavier gave her a slight nod before approaching her whilst pulling something out of his pockets.

Surprised by Xavier's sudden approach Sophie took a step away, backing herself against the wall. Xavier on the other hand stepped in.

The two were face to face with one another, while Xavier searched his pocket for something.

'W-What's with this tension?' Sophie wondered as her heart began to pound. 'What's he trying to do?'

"Got it." Said Xavier with a smile before pulling out a blue crystal.

[Teleportation Crystal (1 Use)]

[Crystal which can teleport the user and passengers to a chosen location.]


"What's that?" Sophie asked with her eyes sparkling beneath her luminous orange hair.

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