Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 19 - Class 1S

Chapter 19 - Class 1S

Chapter 19 Class 1S-

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

The moment Leo stepped inside his portal, he found himself transported inside a classroom soon after. Observing around, he noticed that there were around 20 students with him inside this classroom, and each of them was wearing a dumbfounded face, too.

It was obvious, really, out of everyone's expectation that the portal would actually lead them into their classroom.josei

Observing around, Leo didn't spot Cassandra inside, "I guess we aren't classmates."

Since they were transported inside a classroom, Leo then started walking in front of him to choose his table. Since it was a classroom, then what else would a student do when they come inside? Obviously, it is to choose their seat!

Just like before, Leo chooses a spot in the far right corner, near the window. The spot was inconspicuous, so he won't be bothered by anyone.

Watching Leo choosing his table, the other students immediately followed after.

"Yow! My name is Alfred, may I have the honor of knowing the person who has done a one versus tens with the rejected students just to defend a portal?" A blonde man with a pretty boy face suddenly spoke to Leo with a wanting-to-shake of the latter's hand gesture.

Leo was quickly taken aback for a moment since it was really out of his expectation that someone was actually able to see his fight. Everyone was busy trying to defend their portal Afterall, yet unexpectedly someone has actually watched his fight.

Leo quickly let out a short laugh before he introduced himself, "Leo Heart, ruler of the Heart city!" He then humbly accepted the handshake.

"Ahhh, you are actually the ruler of the city that was promoted in advance. That explains why you are so strong!" Alfred said with a hint of admiration in his voice as he finally realized the reason why Leo was able to do one vs tens. If a person always hunts Magical Beast for a living, he would naturally become strong like the latter, right?

Leo was amused at his description of the Heart city. 'Owner of the city that was promoted in advance?' He can't help but let out a short laugh. 'What a courteous description."

Everyone under the Silver Kingdom was actually calling the Heart city as the 'Meaning of Poor'. Leo doesn't really care about how the people of the Silver Kingdom describe the Heart city as the meaning of being poor since the only important thing for him was the citizens living within the Heart city were proud and honor to have him as their lord.

So, Alfred's seemingly normal description of the Heart city could be labeled as a courteous way of describing Leo's Heart city.

After introducing each other, Leo and Alfred immediately changed the topic as they talked about the brawl that just happened.

However, after a few minutes of Leo and Alfred's conversation, someone suddenly interrupted as a man in his forties walked inside the room. Unexpectedly, it was teacher Marvin who did Leo and Cassandra's assessment.

"Good morning, class! I'm Marvin, your adviser for your first year at Silver Mage Academy." Teacher Marvin introduced himself while he observed the students in front of him. He quickly noticed Leo, who was sitting at the very right corner of the room.

Just like what teacher Marvin had expected, Leo was promoted to become a member of this class.

After the courageous action that Leo had done inside the stadium, a lot of teachers immediately proposed for his promotion as soon as they received his personal information.

"You might have a lot of questions in your mind, so I'll give you the permission to ask me one question each. After everyone finished asking questions, it would then be the end of today's class." Teacher Marvin said before he sat on his chair.

The students immediately felt a good impression towards their adviser. With twenty students, they would immediately be dismissed after 20 questions. Who on earth doesn't want to have early dismissal?

"What section do we belong, Teacher Marvin?" A voluptuous woman immediately asked.

Leo immediately rated the voluptuous woman in his mind after knowing about her existence, "83/100! Her breast is just too big, it destroys her great figure."

"Class 1S-!" Teacher Marvin said with a nod of his head as if he had already expected such a question.

"What does it mean, Teacher Marvin?" A tough-looking guy immediately followed up.

A lot of students became really curious about the meaning behind Class 1S- after hearing it from teacher Marvin, hence someone quickly asked its meaning.

For a class to only have a little over 20 students, everyone would indeed want to know the reason why. Especially if their section has the letter S with it, it just added more reason why they should be curious.

"Class 1S- simply means your classroom belongs to the top three in the ranking of the 1st year class at Silver Mage Academy. Silver Mage Academy has eighteen total Classes; From Class 1E- to Class 1S+. Simply put, your classroom is the top three in the Class Ranking."

Hearing such a reason, everyone was immediately taken aback as everyone thought, "Our classroom is actually that outstanding?!"

However, they were also confused and curious about the reason why they were qualified in such an outstanding section. After all, everyone here was all aware of their own capability. So, if the Silver Mage Academy had decided in their section base on their physical strength, their IQ, or their capability as a Mage, then they know for sure that they would even be considered as a lucky person to become a student at Class 1D or 1E. In short, it was close to impossible for them to be qualified to become a student of Class 1S-.

Even Leo was astonished. He wasn't expecting such a situation to unfold to him. If he can evaluate himself, then he could at most be at 1C+ or barely become a student from 1B-. He was smart, and he was also strong, really, but he had only got to know of his affinity as a Mage for less than a week. He doesn't even have any idea how to cast a spell, yet. So, in his opinion, he was not qualified enough to be part of the 3rd section in the Class Ranking.

"How did we become a member of Class 1S-...?" A timid looking 18 years old youth said while he trembled in excitement.

"To be honest, the teachers of the Silver Mage Academy didn't base you according to your strength, IQ, or your capability as a Mage. But base on how you had acted during the opening ceremony." Teacher Marvin answered honestly.

"Doesn't that mean that as long as we listen attentively well during the whole 2 hours long speech we could even be students of Class 1S+?" A tall 18 years old young man with eyeglasses quickly followed up.

"Yes, and No. Yes, but only if you can memorize all the words said in the opening ceremony. No, because there are other factors to be assessed and consider, such as your morals, ethics, character, bravery, temperament, etc... Basically put, how you had shown your character during the 2 hours of speech!" Teacher Marvin calmly explained.

"Then, doesn't that simply meant to say that being a student of the top 3 in the Class Ranking, even those from the 2nd and 1st, wouldn't necessarily mean that the student was strong, but was actually just because they had acted well during the opening ceremony?" An 18 years old female Loli quickly asked.

Leo also rated the Loli as soon as he knew of her existence in his mind, "A solid 84/100! A loli with big butts and big boobs. Though her figure is somewhat chubby, it instead just made her more attractive. I also need to take into consideration that she's a legal Loli!" He nodded his head repeatedly.

"Yes!" Teacher Marvin nonchalantly revealed the truth of the matter.

Everyone finally realized that they weren't actually special. Anyone could have been a member in Class 1S- too, or even higher if that person had behaved meticulously during the opening ceremony.

Their excitement vanished quickly, like thin air. However, the question and answer still proceeded as normal. But, at this moment, no one had asked any more questions related to their section in case of making the room more depressing.

"Are you single?"


"How old are you?"


"When is your birthday?"

"11th-month 1st day!"


The question and answer continue until it was finally only Leo who didn't ask any question.

"How will the Academy fix the unfair allocation of students?" Leo suddenly asked solemnly, which has then made the room curious as to why he called it unfair.

Leo quickly stood up as he explained further, "I asked such question simply because I noticed an unfair treatment. Since the Silver Mage Academy is allocating us base on how we had behaved during the opening ceremony, wouldn't that also mean that those Mages with great potential would receive resources unfairly?"

"A Reward System was discussed during the opening ceremony that explained about the resources a student would receive was depending in which rank the class section he/she belongs to. The lower a student's section rank was in the Class Ranking, the smaller the resources they will receive. Likewise, the higher their section rank, the more resources they will receive."

"But, since the school put the students into the class base in how they had behaved during the opening ceremony, a situation where a Mage with great potential was put into the lowest ranking would surely happen."

"How will the Academy fix this problem? Obviously, the Academy should have a solution for this problem, right?" Leo said as he sat down back on his chair, finally signaling the end of the reason behind his question.

Teacher Marvin suddenly stood up and clapped his hand after hearing Leo's question.

"Just what I expected from someone who was recommended by the Sword and Magic! ��� Teacher Marvin immediately turned serious after he clapped his hand.

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