Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 253 - Journey To Heart City Part 3

Chapter 253 - Journey To Heart City Part 3

Chapter 253 Journey to Heart city part 3

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Based on Olivia, instead of only having Factions in Mage Academies, she also wants to have Guilds, which is the next level of Factions. This was in order to have a separate group of students. The former would be purely on internal missions, while the latter would be for external missions. Simply put, the Faction inside of Silver Kingdom while the Guild would be outside of the Silver Kingdom. In such a way, they can increase more the exposure of their Mage Academies, and hence be able to recruit students from other Kingdoms and Empires.

Although all of the Mage Academies before were also aiming to achieve such a thing in these past few years through different methods, Olivia actually doesn't believe that they would really be able to achieve it.

The Mage Academies of Silver Kingdom training is very lacking since they were overprotective with their students, resulting in the risk factor becoming low due to the teachers secretly protecting their students every time they were on a mission. If other students from different Kingdoms and Empires enrolled in the Mage Academies of Silver Kingdom, then instead of becoming strong after graduating, they would instead become overly reliant.

The Magical resources they have were almost all from Silver Kingdom only, which were only a range of Common and Uncommon rank Magical resources. Although they have a few that were exported from other Kingdoms and Empires, it was pretty obvious to see that even they were having a hard time getting some for themselves due to not only the existence of the other Mage Academies but also the numerous Noble Households that needs the Magical resources as well. So, students from other Kingdoms and Empires that want to enroll in the Mage Academies of the Silver Kingdom would definitely have a much weaker and slow growth rate.

Their teachers are only at the level of 4 Star to 6 Star, with Deans in 7 Star, and their Vice-president being an 8 Star, which are all considered weak. Say, how can weak teachers teach students how to be strong?

The only positive thing is the intensity of the competition between the different Mage Academies students. But it also resulted in the weak remaining weak while the strong keeps on growing stronger. Even though they have prepared a loophole for the weak students, its effect is still not enough to fix this problem.

In other words, their plans are full of flaws and facade, or maybe the appropriate term is, they are so conservative, not daring enough to risk any of their students. And this then resulted in almost all of their students not being as good as Olivia's three disciples, Leo, George, and Charles. They can hardly even be compared to the other members of the 12 Zodiacs.

If the Mage Academies opens a competition, the Mischievous Lion organization would surely be able to easily claim all the top spots and dominate the competition.

Although there is nothing wrong with being conservative, since they are only thinking of the safety of their students, but it would result in the students not being able to easily adapt the moment they face the real Celestial World. Not only that, but the growth rate of the students has also become conservative, meaning they are all so slow in becoming strong, and they also became subconsciously scared of taking a high risk.

Another problem was the dozens of Mage Academies in Silver Kingdom, specifically not only the Royal Mage Academies but also the Normal and Elite Mage Academies, resulting in the Magical resources being split into many portions. This effect might not be noticed in the early run, but in the long run, they would definitely notice that the amount of Magical resources they could find has decreased.

However, with the creation of Factions and Guilds, all of those negative effects would no longer exist. There would no longer be any facade or any conservative stuffs, and everything would be for the sake of grooming powerful students.

Death rate would surely increase, but the number of students would keep on growing in every generation. Until eventually, the death rate is no longer a problem they should even consider anymore.

Anyways, death isn't really something that Mages should even feel fearful about, since it is a common Fate of being Mages. Therefore, instead of fearing death, why not face death with a mischievous smile on their face, right?

To be honest, all of this was in preparation for Olivia to form a Sect in the near future, something even more powerful than a mere Empire like Dragon Horn Empire or an organization like Sword and Magic. Although it is still far, but it will definitely be slowly realized once she is able to conquer the entire Silver Kingdom.

"Since you guys are now students of Mischievous Lion Academy, as someone you should consider as your senior, then it's my obligation to help you. So, come with me back to our camp, you need to rest and recuperate to heal those wounds, especially those 2 seriously injured people." Leo said as he then turned to look at Charlotte, "Bring all of these Magical Beast, they are enough for our dinner."

"Okay, Master Leo!" Charlotte nodded her head before she went towards the Magical Beast and slowly picked up all of the dozens of carcasses, seemingly without any problem.

Claude and the others were dumbfounded the moment they saw a woman picking up dozens of Magical Beast, seemingly like picking light objects.

"Leo, may I ask what is her cultivation?" Claude curiously asked.

This was also another problem that Olivia has considered. The knowledge and experience of the students in the Mage Academies of Silver Kingdom are like infants, though that's an overstatement.

"She's a 9 Star Battle Mage." Leo smiled before leading the way.

"Whatt?! Doesn't that meant she's even much more powerful than the Patriarch of the 5 Major Noble Households?" David asked in amazement.

And this as well was also another one. Their world-view is only limited in the territory of Silver Kingdom.

To be honest, this was also one of Leo's problems where he lacks a lot of knowledge about Magic related stuff due to his over-reliance on Mage Academies. But the moment his Master Olivia made him realized that they only taught general knowledge and not the specific ones, he soon after began doing self-learning.

It is really so unfortunate to say that although the Mage Academies of Silver Kingdom were viewed as great; they were actually not and would definitely not going to be great if they continue with the way they develop.

Just like what Second Prince Edson has said in the past; Silver Kingdom is extremely weak, that's why he would rather travel around the Celestial World instead of managing such a trash territory.

The answer to Claude's question was simple; no one can actually say for sure whether Charlotte was really much more powerful than the 5 Patriarch of the 5 Major Noble Households despite the difference of their cultivation since in a fight everything totally depends on how they use their Magic, how many tricks they have hidden in their sleeves, their combat capability, and many more.

At least, that is, if their cultivation is in the same level. If a Star level Mage fought against Galaxy level Mage, then the outcome is already expected, specifically the Star level Mage would be defeated without being able to retaliate. Unless of course if they are more than one Star level Mage against one Galaxy level Mage, just like the battle between Charlotte, Chief Lago, Sebastian, and Dan against Commander Decker.

Although cultivation is still indeed a factor that Mages should still consider, especially in a one-on-one fight, it's only considered as a minor problem. The major problem was; what kind of Magic spells are in that Mage's arsenal, what kind of Element are they good at, what are their weapons, and such kind of stuff. Simply put, their are a lot of variables to be considered in order to win a fight.

Moments later, Leo finally returned back to their camp. At this moment, the camp has actually turned into a small settlement rather than just a mere small camp.

"Who are they, Leo?" Gretchen asked.

"They are students of Mischievous Lion Academy." Leo replied before motioning Charlotte to put the Magical Beast nearby the campfire.

"Oh, so that part of the plan has finally started..." Gretchen said. She has also known about this plan since she was basically present when this was discussed. Though she didn't support it saying that Mage Academies is much more inferior compared to an organization, so what is the need of having one, right?

"Claude, David, Hannah, and Dandelion, this is Gretchen, a member of the 12 Zodiacs. As a student of the Mischievous Lion Academy, you should have at least already been made aware of the 12 Zodiacs' existence, right?" Leo introduced.

"They have mentioned it, but they didn't thoroughly explain it to us." Claude replied.

"Okay, then I'll explain it to all of you." Leo said, "To become official members of the Mischievous Lion organization, the first step is for one of the 12 Zodiacs to accept you as a part of their group, and then you will swear your loyalty to one of them in a form of Oath, and henceforth finally becoming members of the Mischievous Lion organization."

"However, because the Mischievous Lion Academy is finally established, then you can only apply to us 12 Zodiacs when you graduate. At least that's what I've understood when my Master Olivia was discussing about this plan. There might be some changes, so be sure to ask for more information when you return."

"This is the exact reason why I didn't support this plan. It sucks so much because I can't pull anyone I want to my group anymore the moment I found them, and instead they need to graduate in Mischievous Lion Academy first!" Gretchen said full of displeasure.

"But the quality of the people we can recruit improves, and you don't really need to invest that much to them anymore like in the past just to further develop their capabilities because all of it would be done in the Mischievous Lion Academy." Leo explained.

"Oh, then would they still be loyal to me or the Mischievous Lion Academy, or the Mischievous Lion organization?" Gretchen sneered.


"Exactly, we can't assure anymore whether they would be loyal to me or the organization, which really sucks because you, George, or Charles can control them aside from me."

"Aren't you also loyal to Mischievous Lion organization as well?"

"I am, but my men should only be loyal to me because them being loyal to the organization would definitely affect my work, causing me to lose potential customers, just because of what? You want a custom-made weapon for yourself or for your men? You want to prepare for war? Nothing's wrong with that, but can you at least choose weapons that I'm selling in my shop, not some custom-made ones? Obviously, you can't, because almost all of you would be trained in the way of an assassin, hence custom-made weapons are the most basic requirement!" Gretchen finally explained her reasoning.josei

"That is seriously your reason why you hate it?" Leo became speechless.

"No, the real reason is; in the past, you, George, and Charles would always consume hundreds of custom-made weapons because of your desire to keep on becoming much more powerful than the other. Imagine what would happen when the three of you finally reached adulthood? Would I be creating tens of thousands of custom made weapons for the three of you?" Gretchen rolled her eyes before walking away to talk with Margaret.

"I..." Leo can't help becoming dumbfounded. He can't argue with that, because that is indeed the fact. Such an example was how he just leave his daggers after using them.

All the three of them want to claim the seat of the President of Mischievous Lion organization, and because the three of them were all disciples of Master Olivia, they obviously can't kill one another. That's why, they can only keep on comparing their achievements, like for instance how many missions they have completed, how many men they have, how rich they became, and lastly, the only thing Leo could easily win and the most important of all, how powerful they were. Though that was the past, since right now George and Charles have already become a 8 Star Mage.

Because of those competitions, they always went to Gretchen to ask for custom-made weapons, and because she can't handle the workload alone, Leo, George, and Charles gave up Taurus and Sagittarius to her.

However, although Gretchen now has more helping hand in making custom-made weapons, especially since she was finally able to train a few blacksmiths to help her, it would obviously still not be enough to produce tens of thousands of custom made weapons just because of Leo, George, and Charles prideful character that doesn't want to lose to the other, right?

"Anyways, I don't agree with it!" Gretchen said before turning around, leaving Leo, who was left speechless with her reason.

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