Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 264 - Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance Versus Black Organization Versus Silver Royal Family Part 3

Chapter 264 - Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance Versus Black Organization Versus Silver Royal Family Part 3

Chapter 264 Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance versus Black organization versus Silver royal family part 3

Author: M_W Cancer 

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral 



It began with one cannon, which Ash and her army have thought was a mistake of their opponent's side, causing a friendly fire amongst their own soldiers.

Whooosh! Whooosh!

Booom! Booom!

But then it was soon followed after by two cannons blowing up their enemy's side.

Whoooosh! Whooosh! Whooosh!

Booom! Booom! Booom!

And with three more cannons, it immediately made Ash and her army cheered as it was now obvious for all of them to see that this is Leo's reinforcement.

Their opponent immediately turned to look at the incoming reinforcement, soon after causing their faces to turn ugly the moment they identify who they were.

"Blue Fin Kingdom!!"

Now, with their attention being divided into 2 different locations, the suppression of Ash���s army has finally decreased, allowing them to fight back and return fire.

"Magical Knights, quickly pick up the weapons and armors scattered on the ground to equip yourselves. We would be charging to our enemy once we see a chance!" Ash didn't waste such an opportunity to prepare all of her soldiers.




Quickly, the Magical Knights began picking up their armors and weapons. The Mages who were also proficient in melee combat also followed their pace as well.

Soon after, just exactly when the infantry troops were finished with their preparation, Ash soon after saw a chance for them to attack as she pointed her sword to order a charge, "Chargeee!!"


Hundreds of infantry troops charged soon after hearing Ash's order.

This time, there were only a few Magic spells, range weapons, and war weapons attack aimed towards them, hence they were able to continue with their charge. 

Seeing this, the opponents quickly split their armies into two groups. One group will clash with Ash's soldier, while the other group will handle the incoming reinforcement.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

"Die you dogs of Sword and Magic!!" A soldier roared out before cutting off the neck of his opponent.


"You think we would just easily go down, think twice because we are now bitting back!" Another soldier roared out swinging his sword to five unprotected Mages.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

While the infantry troops were clashing with the opponent's infantry troops, Dan suddenly flew up before casting his Flame Shots spell, causing hundreds of fireballs to appear around their surrounding. With a wave of his hand, all of those fireballs shoot down towards the enemy.

Whooosh! Whooosh! Whooosh! Whooosh! Whooosh!



"Save me!!"

Booom! Booom! Booom! Booom!

Countless cries of their enemy's soldier soon followed after along with the sound of explosions.

Sebastian, Sele, and old man Torre also didn't waste this chance to charge inside the enemy's formation, easily disrupting them. 

"Hahahah, die, die, die, die, dieee!!" Sebastian roared out while waving the Glorious Greatsword that was once owned by Commander Decker, easily taking away their enemy's lives.

"You die, you as well, and you two!" Sele was also waving her battle axe, though her attack was much weaker than Sebastian due to the fact that her weapon wasn't a Magic weapon.

Meanwhile, old man Torre was busy casting Defensive Magic spells so as to defend Sebastian and Sele from their opponent's attack. No matter how strong they were, but with them being in the middle of their opponent's formation, they still need to be careful.

"Found you!" Chief Lago who was looking for their enemy's Captain smiled before diving down to take that person's life.


Seemingly like cutting cabbages, that Captain was immediately killed. But, with their opponent's number, it was easy to guess that there would be more people to take over the position of the Captain, such as the Vice-captain, so Chief Lago began his killing spree.josei

On the other side of the battlefield, Queen Maria was leading her troops to assist Ash in the fight. As for how she was able to find out that Ash was Leo's man, it was simply because amongst the two groups only Ash's side has a beautiful White Fox race woman.

"Lend a hand to our allies, don't let any more of their soldiers die!" Queen Maria ordered.

"Yes, your Majesty!"

"Yes, your Majesty!"

"Yes, your Majesty!"

Countless soldiers from the Blue Fin Kingdom charged towards the enemy, seemingly like a giant wave threatening to wash away the sand on the ground.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

With the newly added reinforcement, the battle quickly turned into Ash and Queen Maria's favor.

Only after seeing this did Queen Maria walked towards Ash with Princess Elaine by her side.

"Where's Ethan?" Princess Elaine quickly asked.

"Inside, he's currently resting. He blocked a sudden attack for me. Fortunately, he was wearing his armor, hence it was only able to cause a small injury." Ash replied with a white lie. Obviously, she wouldn't just say that Ethan had nearly died in front of his wife, right? She wasn't so stupid as to bring up such a depressing topic to a reunion between a husband and a wife. Anyways, Ethan was pretty much healed up already, so it's much better to just keep quiet about what had happened.

"Oh, that stupid man had actually blocked an attack for a woman. Tch, I'll wait until he recovers, after then, I'll forcefully make him realized that he should never try to seduce another woman while I'm still by his side!!" Princess Elaine puffed up her cheeks while walking inside the tent.

What follows after was Ethan's painful scream and shout of 'save me, I'm dying!'.

Ash can't help feeling dumbfounded after watching that small episode. What waits until Ethan recovers? It was clear for everyone to see that Princess Elaine doesn't really care about that.

"Don't mind them, even I treat my husband like that, hahahaha!" Queen Maria quickly changed the topic, though it made Ash even more dumbfounded.

These two were definitely mother and daughter, just from the fact alone that they are dominating their husbands.

"Anyways, what's the current status of your army?" Queen Maria didn't bother beating around the bush as she quickly focused on the main situation.

Hearing that question, Ash also turned serious as she replied, "As of now, we only have less than 1,500 men remaining after the Sword and Magic's unexpected ambush."

"Oh, good, at least only a few hundred were lost." Queen Maria nodded while looking around the battlefield, "By the way, our enemy is actually not the Sword and Magic, but instead the Black organization."

"But they..." Ash's wanted to explain what they have just experienced but Queen Maria immediately cut her words off.

"They are unaware that they are being used by the Black organization. Right now, the real Sword and Magic has become our ally, and they are marching from the north to attack the Southern Fortress along with Leo, Queen Olivia, Madam Silva, and Elder Rain." Queen Maria explained.

Ash was smart enough to easily understand what Queen Maria meant to say, so she didn't continue asking more questions about it. But of course, she would never forget to ask the identity of her ally, right? After all, it's the most basic requirement in establishing trust in an alliance.

"If it's okay to ask, may I know who you are?" Ash asked.

"I'm the Queen of Blue Fin Kingdom, Queen Maria." Queen Maria introduced.

Hearing this, Ash quickly half-kneeled on the ground, "Your Majesty the Queen, I apologize for being presumptuous in front of you!"

"Get up, hahahaha!" Queen Maria laughed. "There is no need for any courtesy. We are close allies now, and since you're also considered as Leo's woman, you would one day become one of my daughter's sisters, hence you will be treating me as your mother-in-law in the near future."

"Huh?" Ash was immediately stunned after hearing this. Although she can somewhat accept the first three lines, the rest was something she felt she can't hardly accept.

"If it's okay to ask again, what do you mean about being my future mother-in-law? Is your daughter Leo's wife?" Ash asked.

"Just like what I've mentioned, drop the courtesy." Queen Maria shook her head, "As for what I meant, you will know about it after this war is over."

Ash's curiosity skyrocketed to the roof after hearing this. Since Queen Maria was not planning on telling her, she can only helplessly pounder about what Queen Maria meant about herself. No! Why does she even care about this, it's not like she's Leo's woman, right? Right? Right? No! She...

Ash's face suddenly turned burning hot while thinking about something in her mind.

"Hey, are you okay? Did the war cause you to have a fever or something? Your face is so red. Aystt... you're pretty weak to be a Commander, you should stick with my daughter's side once she arrives." Queen Maria chuckled.

Ash can't help but think, "Is faction already being formed in Leo's harem right now? Damn, what did I miss?! No, I shouldn't let any woman become Leo's main wife. What?!!! Why am I even thinking about this?! Ahhhh!!!"

"If you are really tired, you can rest, I'll handle this battle. It seems like it would be ending in us winning anyway, so there is pretty much nothing we should be worrying about." Queen Maria who misunderstood Ash motioned for her to go and have a rest.

"I..." Ash was now stuck in a dilemma. She was clearly fine, but her face was burning hot right now, which was actually implying that she's embarrassed. But, if she doesn't take a rest, Queen Maria would misunderstand her, or would she even need to as it was clear that she mistook her for being Leo's woman, which she was indeed, no she wasn't, yes she was! Ahhhh! Why was she even having a debate with her mind right now!!!

"Go, go, go, just take a rest!" Queen Maria motioned her hand to Ash to remind her before walking forward to take charge of the battle.

"This..." Ash couldn't even finish her line before she was left with no chance to explain. Since Queen Maria had already misunderstood about her relationship with Leo, then she might as well just let her be. It wasn't like she hates Leo or something or even the idea of being his woman....

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