Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 266 - The 12 Zodiacs

Chapter 266 - The 12 Zodiacs

Chapter 266 The 12 Zodiacs

Author: M_W Cancer 

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral josei

It was only in the next day that Leo and his army arrived nearby the Southern Fortress walls, specifically hundreds of meters or so separate them in between.

"Commander Leo, Queen Olivia has asked you to come with to the command tent." A soldier called out to Leo the moment he got out of his tent.

"Okay, tell them I'll be coming." Leo replied with a nod of his head before getting inside the tent once again to change his clothes.

The tent he was sleeping in right now was a lot bigger than anyone else. It wasn't because he's special since he's the Commander, but simply because Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, and Charlotte had chosen to sleep with him last night.

It was really a troublesome night because he was having a hard time sleeping with 4 beautiful women surrounding him in all directions. Fortunately, they were sleeping in different beds, though he was in the middle of all of those beds, being stared at by four of them while he was sleeping. It was really troublesome because even just trying to sleep was hard with 4 pairs of eyes staring at him.

Getting inside the tent, Leo was immediately greeted by the captivating sight of 4 beautiful women sleeping on their respective beds. Even while sleeping they were still as beautiful as the moon lighting up the night sky or the sun shining in the morning. Or even the most beautiful flower of the Celestial World failed in comparison to their beauty.

Cassandra was a mysterious beauty, Elizabeth was the domineering beauty, Angel was the cold beauty, and Charlotte was the free beauty. All of them are the beauty of their ways.

Although he has already come to accept his current situation and had even liked it, but he still can't deny the fact that it was very very very troublesome. In fact, he still asked himself just how in the Celestial World was his life turned like this? Ever since the beginning of his path as a Mage, his life has never felt peaceful anymore, even in his sleep is not peaceful, or maybe just this moment it can be considered as peaceful since all of the 4 women were like little kittens when sleeping.

Leo slowly grabbed his black clothes at the side before leaving the tent as soundless and careful as he possibly could.

"Pweh! "Leo can't help wiping the sweat off his forehead after successfully exiting the tent without waking anyone up. It wasn't really a problem if he wakes them up, the only thing is they would keep on tailing after him wherever he goes. Of course, he can't deny that it was good being tailed after by 4 beautiful women, but it was irritating and annoying at the same time as well due to the fact that almost everyone's eyes would look at him, even when he's eating or resting on a tree, the soldiers would still stare at his direction. And with over tens of thousands of soldiers, specifically more than 50,000 but less than 80,000, no matter where he hides, there would still be soldiers around staring at him with their full of jealousy and envy eyes.

Moments later, Leo finally arrived in the command tent.

At this moment, inside the command tent was Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, Madam Silva, and Elder rain. At the side was also two figures of people Leo was really familiar with, Gemini Dagger George and Claw of Cancer Charles.

George was a handsome 20 year's old man with two different colored eyes and hair, specifically blue and red, the same as his hair as well. His look was one of the reasons why he likes being the Gemini. At both sides of his waist was a twin dagger or what he prefers to call as Gemini Dagger.

On the other hand, Charles was the big brother type of guy, though also the most annoying and petty one. The same as him and George, Charles was also handsome, but his body was big and muscular, unlike him and George who's both are well in proportion. At both shoulders of Charles were two claws with a metallic luster, which is obviously his weapon of choice. This claw was called the Claw of Cancer.

"Yow, junior brother!" George greeted while motioning his hand to Leo to come and sit beside them.

"Took you so long to get here, were you perhaps having fun with those beautiful women? Hehehehe, you're so lucky, I and George still have none yet you already have 4 with you, no, I think it was six, right, George?" Charles looked at George.

"Nope, there's going to be a new addition soon from the Blue Fin Kingdom," George replied.

"Damn, I'm so jealoussssss! Why the heck does he have all of those beautiful women? Not to mention all of them were topping beauties too!" Charles exclaimed. "Though I heard that he needs Gretchen's escort to get to Heart city, HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Shhhh! Don't speak the Devil's name as she would definitely be summoned he... Why are you looking at me like that?" George asked curiously while looking at Leo and Charles who was now praying inwardly for his safety.

"Aw, aw, aw, aw, aw!" George's ear was suddenly pulled by someone, making him instantly turned to look behind him in anger, "Who dares to pull this great person-"

"What devil, ha?! Just because you were gone from my side for a few years you then have the guts to call your older sister like that?! Say, was it Charles that taught you to act like that?!" Gretchen turned to look at Charles with a sharp look at her eyes.

Hearing that, Charles immediately waved his hand, "No, no, no, senior sis, I would never teach George to treat such a mighty person like you with disrespect. In fact, I've told him to love you with all of his heart instead!"

"Oh, is that so... Sandra, what did you say you saw one night outside a tavern?" Gretchen called out to a thin female who was wearing glasses at her side. 

Pushing her glasses up on her nose, Sandra then coughed before she replied, "I saw Charles pulling George inside a brothel. The latter was saying, 'No, I can't betray my love for my older sister like this!' while the former said, 'What older sister? What you need is another woman, don't be such a sis-con and learn to flirt with other women!' but the latter was still hesitating as he said, 'Not like this, please, not like this!', hence the former seems to not have any choice left but to force the latter inside while saying, 'Who the heck cares about your older sister! If I were you, I would have shown to her who's the boss a long time ago!' and that is the end of their conversation as the both of them entered the brothel and spend the night inside one of their rooms. I didn't dare follow because such a place doesn't deserve my presence."

"Oh, show me who's the boss a long time ago?" Gretchen slowly approached Charles while cracking her knuckles.

"No, I swear I didn't say that!" Charles stood up as he then pointed at Sandra, "You, don't make up any stories to slander me! I demand justice to be served!"

Suddenly, a muscular man in his thirties walked inside the tent with a battle-axe hanging on his back.

"What justice are you even talking about? If you commit a mistake, then face it using your own strength!" Theo or otherwise more know as Taurus Theo said before standing beside Gretchen. "I was also with Sandra at that time, so I saw and heard everything you have said to George!"

"You both must be slandering me!" Charles exclaimed while pointing his finger at Theo this time. Though looking closely everyone can immediately see that he was taking an inconspicuous steps back. However, he then noticed that his body had hit a wall while his head was stuck in between two soft peaks.

"Hehehehe, I have never expected our great Leader would actually be pushed this way by just a subordinate of Lady Gretchen." A beautiful, voluptuous woman with blonde hair said while looking at Charles stock in between her big breast.

Right after, Charles was suddenly pulled by another beautiful voluptuous woman with orange hair before his face was soon after planted in between another two big soft peaks, "What are you doing twin sis, you know that Charles is mine right?"

"What yours? Give him to me!"

And with that, Charles became the rope of a game of pull the rope. The look on his face was obviously screaming out for help.

These two women were the other Leaders of Claw of Cancer group, specifically Capricorn Cassy and Scorpio Stacy. Both were twins and also known as Charles lovers, though Charles obviously doesn't like that. 

Suddenly, an old man wearing a butler's attire and an old nanny wearing a head maid's attire barge inside the tent while looking around to look for someone.

"Ah, Young Master George! I'm glad you are safe!!" The old man rushed to hug George. He then pushed him in front with both of his hand on George's shoulder as he said, "Tell me, did Charles try to corrupt your mind with his pervertness again?"

"Tch, you look like an older brother, but you're really a bad influence." The old nanny pointed at Charles.

These two were the leaders of the Gemini Dagger group, specifically Aquarius Amelia and Pisces Pardo. Both were the butler and head maid of George, which was specifically assigned by Gretchen so as not to let George grow into the likes of those Young Masters of Noble Households that likes to do nothing aside from playing and fooling around all day.

To be honest, the position of Aquarius and Pisces was supposedly going to Cassy and Stacy as both of them were twins hence they are perfect for the two water-related Zodiac signs. However, Gretchen was against it to the bone saying that the two would just corrupt her little brother's mind, hence she requested Queen Olivia to change their position, which then switched Zodiac signs for Cassy and Stacy to Amelia and Pardo.

At the side, Leo can't help but thought, "Hahayst... with the 10 Zodiacs of the 12 Zodiacs gathered here, this battle would definitely be turned into a mess."

"Leo, where are Libra and Virgo?" George suddenly asked. Amongst everyone here, it was only Libra and Virgo who were still missing.

"They went to the nearby Kingdoms to look for me..." Leo shook his head in helplessness.

"Oh, too bad, we would have been complete if only the two of them were here." Charles who finally escaped from Cassy and Stacy's hand added.

"Let's just get straight to the business.." Leo shrugged it off before walking towards Queen Olivia, Queen Maria, Madam Silva, and Elder Rain who were all looking at them.

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